*ABORTION* Wing Nuts Don’t Get To Rule MY MOJO Or MY WOMB

***SIGH***  Throwing the baby out with the bath water…  So now this smaller government means advocating that RAPE victims carry their babies regardless of them being violated against their will. 

Pray tell, how do these fools think they get to INFRINGE on my and other women’s reproductive rights?

Melissa Lacewell-Harris on the consequences of women voting for women who stand against their own best interest.  More women are entering the political arena, but their views are not representative of the majority of American women.  WHAT TO DO, WHAT TO DO…

Wonder what the other Republican women think about this trend in the teabagger candidates and their extreme, rigid, outrageous

Wonder what women in general think about the anti-abortion stance at all cost.  With one’s religious beliefs in play, where do you draw a line in the sand, and make choices that are right for your body, for your life? 

Words for the RE-thugs, GOP, teabagging nut jobs, or whatever y’all are calling yourselves:  Go on and populate America  with those white babies.

Just STAY OUT of my BEDROOM and my WOMB!

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3 Responses to *ABORTION* Wing Nuts Don’t Get To Rule MY MOJO Or MY WOMB

  1. Ametia says:

    Just have those white babies, that’s all this about.

  2. Pingback: Does “smaller” government mean forcing RAPE victims to carry their babies regardless of them being violated against their will « Coreys Views

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