Videos | Women Will Decide The 2012 Presidential Election

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7 Responses to Videos | Women Will Decide The 2012 Presidential Election

  1. rikyrah says:

    this is absolutely rocking!!!

    thank you so much.

  2. Marla Miller says:

    watching it as i post on FB-AMAZING! I’ve got tears-thanks again-this is a fabulous stream of videos!!!! makes me proud to be a woman—-GO OBAMA/BIDEN!!

  3. Marla Miller says:

    thank you again ladies and sharing!

  4. coach4divas says:

    This from the author & activist, Eve Ensler, summed it up perfectly for me:


    “After witnessing the Republican party’s siege on women’s rights and bodies, after Romney choosing as his running mate Paul Ryan who tried to write “forcible rape” into federal law, after Romney standing by Richard Mourdock who believes in “God-intended rape,” the mindset of the current Republican party and its leader has been revealed. A party that is blatantly contemptuous of women, their rights, their access to healthcare, to fair pay, to freedom. This mindset is both psychotic and terrifyingly ignorant of the core issue impacting women — violence, which impacts one out of three women during their lifetime. It would be simply suicidal for any woman to vote for Romney. Voting for him is actively voting to erase yourself, your body, your rights, not to mention those of your daughters’.” – Eve Ensler

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