Jenny Sanford Blames Media For Newt Gingrich & South Carolina Electorate’s RACISM

Here’s the exchange:

CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Why do you think people like Newt Gingrich bring up issues like food stamps in these discussions? I haven’t heard that phrase in years and all of a sudden it’s all over the place with Newt talking about President Obama being the best food stamp president in history and how people are going to, let’s take a look at this tape from a Newt Gingrich event yesterday, and I want to get your thoughts on whether race is a factor the way Gingrich is talking in South Carolina. Let’s listen.


UNKNOWN SPEAKER: I would like to thank you, Mr. Speaker, for putting Mr. Juan Williams in his place the other night. [Applause] His supposed question was totally ludicrous and we support you.

NEWT GINGRICH: Thank you very much.


MATTHEWS: Why do you think, Mrs. Sanford, that the voters of South Carolina, at least those there that were cheering this comment by this woman, this regular woman that Juan Williams of Fox News should be put in his place?

JENNY SANFORD, FORMER FIRST LADY SOUTH CAROLINA: You know, I think that politicians can be known to pander to certain audiences or segments on certain issues. But so can pundits. And I think that the press likes to make issues sometimes about things where there are no issues. I mean, I for one live on the coast. My congressman is an African-American named Tim Scott, a Republican of whom I’m very proud, and my governor is an Indian-American woman named Nikki Haley of whom I’m also very proud. So those for both people that were elected by the electorate here in South Carolina. So the notion that we have a racial electorate here in South Carolina is absurd and nonsense and frankly just, you know, stirred up by people in the press. And I think that that’s, you know, I think that people in general are sick of politics as usual and part of that is they are sick of the press stirring thing ups with an angle. And you know what, I think that woman is right. People should be cheering.

MATTHEWS: Who in the press do you know has ever brought up the issue of food stamps, ever brought up the issue of how as Rick Perry said the other day in that debate on Monday that South Carolina is at war with the federal government as is Texas, bringing up these old states’ rights issues. The press doesn’t bring them up, the candidates do.

SANFORD: Oh, I think the press brings up all sorts of things. I mean, I think that this race in particular is one as I said that’s long on rhetoric and short on substance, long on the sensational if you will. So, you know, we have 24/7 news these days where we have just a proliferation of channels each one seeking to find things that they can sensationalize. So, if you look hard enough at all these candidates, you can find all sorts of things to sensationalize.


Yes, Jenny Sanford, some of your best political buddies are Indian-American, and African-American.  REALLY?  She really doesn’t have a clue, or she’s traveling down that river in Egypt called DENIAL.  White Privilege at work here.

LET’S BE CLEAR HERE, FOLKS. “PUTTING JUAN IN HIS PLACE”  = “UPPITY NIGGA”  See, anybody but Juan Williams dare confront Newt Gingrich about his racist DOG whistling. 

Black folks are ALL to aware of what being put in our place means, especially during JIM CROW and pre CIVIL RIGHTS and VOTING RIGHTS ACTS were inacted.

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 So Jenny Sanford, you might have a hand full of negro acquaintances in high places, but Newt, you, or any other white folk aren’t going to get away with ignoring the racist attacks on blacks and other Peoples of color, and blame it on the media.  OWN YOUR SHIT!!!



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13 Responses to Jenny Sanford Blames Media For Newt Gingrich & South Carolina Electorate’s RACISM

  1. rikyrah says:

    this BITTER BECKY needs to go somewhere and sit down

  2. Ametia says:

    MEMO TO RACIST AMERICA: PBO was “put in his place” in 2009, THE OVAL OFFICE, BITCHES!!!

  3. Ametia says:

    Hey Jenny, here’s your media in action.

    Media Bias Sunday! And by “media bias” I mean Republican.
    Posted on Saturday, January 21, 2012, 9:53 am by GottaLaff

    Hey kids! Tomorrow is Media Bias Sunday! Let’s take a sneak preview of what’s coming up on the Big Sunday Talker Line-Up, per the L.A. Times, okay? Okay.

    This is not a complete list; Paddy provides that to you tomorrow. I’m not including the panels, only the guests. Besides, the panels usually include mostly Republicans, and if there are “Democrats,” they’re about as liberal as, well, Harold Ford:


  4. Chris Matthews: Let Me Finish

    [wpvideo t9XmTAor]

  5. Jenny,

    The news media didn’t say..

    Santorum:“I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.”

    Gingrich:President Obama as a “food stamp president” and claimed that African Americans are content to collect welfare benefits rather than pursue employment.

    Unknown Questioner: Putting Juan Williams in his place.

    You are a lying liar, Jenny Sanford! Stop the bullshit! You are dishonest! Stop blaming the media for these candidates blatant open racism. This is no dog whistle here…It’s a siren. The hoods are off. These candidates are shameless and so are you.

  6. Go get her, Ametia!

    So Jenny Sanford, you might have a hand full of negro acquaintances in high places, but Newt, you, or any other white folk aren’t going to get away with ignoring the racist attacks on blacks and other Peoples of color, and blame it on the media. OWN YOUR SHIT!!!

    OWN IT, Jenny Sanford!

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