And The SUNSHINE AWARD Goes To… 3 CHICS Politico! :-)

Thanks to silentlyheardonce & Jueseppi, from the ObamaCrat, 3 Chics has been annointed the Sunshine Award.  Yeah!!! 

So now we got to honor the rules for accepting this award.  They are:

  • Display the Sunshine Award log –  Check!
  • Answer 10 questions about yourself- Check!
  • List 10-12 “fabulous” bloggers- Check!

Favorite color:  Ametia = Blue    SG2= Purple

Favorite animal:  Ametia=  Cat     SG2 = Cat

Favorite number:  Ametia= 9        SG2= 17

Favorite non-alcoholic drink:  Ametia= H2o        SG2= Dr. Pepper

Prefer Facebook or Twitter?  Ametia= neither      SG2= both

My passion: Ametia= Right now, it’s my Grandson Nyles.      SG2=   Social and Civil Justice.

Prefer getting or giving presents:  Ametia= both        SG2= both

Favorite pattern:   Ametia= Stars      SG2=  Rainbow      

Favorite day of the week:   Ametia:  Everyday!     SG2=  Friday   

Now on to the list of bloggers:

Ametia’s picks for today!

The Political Carnival

The Uban Politco

Mirror on America

Angry Black Lady


SG2’s  Picks

Skeptical Brotha

Skeptical is my Twitter friend. He tweets good stuff on the tweeterz.

Field Negro

I love Field Negro and loves how he drops the knowledge everyday. I met him a few years ago on a wingnut blog. He came to my defense and laid the smackdown and I’ve been in love with him since that day. He is good people!

A World of Reggae

I love reading Rasta Teacher and I love music.  Music soothes the soul, & uplifts my spirit.

Obama 2K12 Supporters

James Hall & Vicki Simmons’ group are good folks working hard to help re-elect President Obama. Please go and show your support.

Rikyrah’s picks
Uppity Negro is a smart Brotha, an actual theologan, who keeps it real, while parsing out some blunt truth.

I love P6 for a lot of reasons, beginning with the mission of his blog:
Don’t lie on Black folks Don’t lie about Black folks Don’t lie to Black folks
The conversations inside the posts can run deep and long.

Black n Bougie
Some of the most honest writing about Black people and relationships to be found on the net. Plus, the writer is funny in addition to being smart.

I like smartypants, because she always tries to go beneath the headlines. She’s always looking for the deeper meaning.

Thanks for taking the time to check out these blogs when you can.  Drop in and give them some love.

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6 Responses to And The SUNSHINE AWARD Goes To… 3 CHICS Politico! :-)

  1. SouthernGirl2,

    Thanks 4 the shout out.

  2. 3Chics,

    Please check out our lists of blogs named. Show these hard-working folks some love.

  3. Thank you so much, silentlyheardonce & Jueseppi of The ObamaCrat! 3Chics is so grateful for your act of kindness towards us. You are the bestest! Bless you!

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