3 Chics’ Friday Blogger Round-Up: Mitt Romney’s “INELEGANT” Fantasy Land


Mitt Romney thinks that more than half of all Americans, including senior citizens,  don’t “care for their lives.” Obama for America has released a video that gives voice to some of the “victims” Romney scorned: http://bit.ly/OJjeay

  • Why Romney’s comments underscore the notion that he lives in “fantasyland”: http://wapo.st/SIDSTE

In a flailing attempt to deflect attention from its candidate’s “inelegant” comments, the Romney campaign has been attacking the President for saying at the Univision forum yesterday, “You can’t change Washington from the inside.”

President Obama has consistently said that he believes change comes to Washington from the people. Obama for America has released a video that asks, “Do you want a President who thinks change comes from you? Or one who has totally written you off?” http://bit.ly/R3YXek

  •  Eclectablog: “The man who pits Americans against each other in a class war … is now going to get Republicans and Democrats to work together, like the lion laying down with the lamb.”  http://bit.ly/S9tAeI
  •  Hope and Change “WE are the change we have been waiting for; that the election was not about him, it is about US.” http://bit.ly/P66w1y
  • Cognitive Dissidence:So, who do you want running government? The people or one guy who has already written you off?” http://bit.ly/SIEcli

HHS has released a new report that finds that thanks to the Affordable Care Act, Americans with Medicare will save $5,000 through 2022http://1.usa.gov/Qq5aS3

The GOP continues to rip President Obama’s remarks about redistribution out of context.

  • Check out how Romney would sound if we were taken so blatantly out of context:  http://bit.ly/Qq5eBn
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2 Responses to 3 Chics’ Friday Blogger Round-Up: Mitt Romney’s “INELEGANT” Fantasy Land

  1. vitaminlover says:

    Willard is a major narcicist.

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