Video | Carl Bernstein & Dr. Zbigniew Brzenzinski On Chuck Hagel

Carl Bernstein NAILS Benjamin Netanyahu on his policies on Israel. “I can say it, because I’m Jewish.”

This right here:

PBO Nominates+Hagel+Defense+8HXO75PoGc5l

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11 Responses to Video | Carl Bernstein & Dr. Zbigniew Brzenzinski On Chuck Hagel

  1. Ametia says:

    This, here’s a lil something for Lindsey and Co.


  2. jamalA says:

    Well D*MN, thank you Carl B for finally ending the public MSM ” dancing around Bibi Netanyahu waving the f*ck U finger in our and the POTUS’s face…. While nobody publicly in the MSM or Sen Chuck Schumer told him he was out of his f*uck’in mind. So, yeah Sen Graham for once you finally said something true ” it’s in your face, game over!”

    • Ametia says:

      Hi jamalA. Bernstein’s Jewish nose smelled the elephant dung and declared’IT STINKS!

    • Thank you, Jamal!

    • And the MSM ain’t worth a damn!

      • Ametia says:

        Dan Senor got his ass whipped this morning. Mika needs to take note of her dad’s game. Dr. B. got game for days. Old rehased Bushites need to GTFOH

      • jamalA says:

        No, you guys are really good… Folks who follow this blog know the truth of Netanyahu pissing all over Palestine being blasted at home for his recklessness, his “Willy Coyote, bomb chart ” at the UN , attempting to hijack our election but, I’ve been thinking/saying that I always thought Obama’s game with te military was never to prove he had big shoulders but to gain control of it…. Sleazy a** Dan Senor and bomb everybody McCain know it.

        DR B been spanking that a** consistently for awhile, if only Mika had more of his game.

      • Ametia says:

        I shudder to think, but am so grateful that Romney’s pasty ass is not in the Oval Office leather. He has Dan Senor as ONE of his foreign policy advisors. We’d be at war with Iran by now. We’ve literally DODGED 2 bullets in the past 4 years. 1. MCCAIN 2. ROMNEY

  3. Chuck Hagel Already Knows How To Be Defense Secretary

    Chuck Hagel

    Chuck Hagel knows what the basic job of soldiering really is and, therefore, he knows what the basic job of being Secretary Of Defense is. It’s to fight for people.

  4. Ametia says:

    See how this works, Dan SENOR? The Bush era is over, go home, dude!

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