Serendipity SOUL |Monday Open Thread | Dionne Warwick Week

Happy Monday, Everyone. This week 3 Chics is featuring the music stylings of Ms. Dionne Warwick. Teaming up with the late, great Burt Bacharach who was instrumental in helping launch Ms. Warwicks’s singing and performance career.


Marie Dionne Warrick (born December 12, 1940) is an American singer, actress and TV show host, who became a United Nations Global Ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization, and a United States Ambassador of Health.

Having been in a partnership with songwriters Burt Bacharach and Hal David, Warwick ranks among the 40 biggest hit makers of the entire rock era (1955–2012), based on the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles Charts. Dionne Warwick is second only to Aretha Franklin as the most-charted female vocalist of all time with 56 of Dionne’s singles making the Billboard Hot 100 between 1962 and 1998.

Warwick was born in East Orange, New Jersey, to Mancel Warrick (1911–1977), who began his career as a Pullman porter and subsequently became a chef, a gospel record promoter for Chess Records and later a Certified Public Accountant; and Lee Drinkard Warwick (1920–2005), manager of The Drinkard Singers (see below). Warwick had a sister Delia “Dee Dee” and a brother, Mancel Jr., who was killed in an accident in 1968 at the age of 21.[citation needed] She has African American, Native American, Brazilian and Dutch ancestry.[1]

Dionne came from a family of singers. Dionne’s mother, aunts and uncles were members of the Drinkard Singers, a renowned family gospel group and RCA recording artists that frequently performed throughout the New York metropolitan area. The Drinkard family originated from Blakley, Georgia and migrated to Newark, New Jersey in 1923. The family was composed of Nitcholas “Nitch” Drinkard, and Delia Drinkard, Warwick’s grandparents, and their children: William, Lee (Warwick’s mother), Marie “Rebbie” (Warwick’s namesake), Hansom, Anne, Larry, Nicky, and Emily “Cissy” (who is the mother of Warwick’s cousin, Whitney Houston). Dionne’s paternal grandfather, Elzae Warrick was the preacher at St. Luke’s AME, the church attended by the Drinkard family. Lee Drinkard and the preacher’s son, Mancel, were later married and Dionne became the Drinkard family’s first grandchild on December 12, 1940.

December 8, 2013, Dionne was honored with an all star tribute and received the “Soul Train Living Legend Award.”

ABSOLUTELY the best rendition of ALFIE

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71 Responses to Serendipity SOUL |Monday Open Thread | Dionne Warwick Week

  1. Liza
    Liza says:

    The Smartest Nerd in the Room
    Why Melissa Harris-Perry is America’s foremost public intellectual, and what she means
    Ta-Nehisi Coates
    Jan 6 2014, 3:18 PM ET

  2. rikyrah says:

    She’s doubling down.

    Amy Chua, the self-proclaimed “Tiger Mom” who, in 2011, published a book arguing that Chinese women are superior mothers — thus their offspring superior children — has even more to say.

    In “The Triple Package,” Chua and her husband, co-author Jed Rubenfeld, gather some specious stats and anecdotal evidence to argue that some groups are just superior to others and everyone else is contributing to the downfall of America.

    Unsurprisingly, the Chinese Chua and the Jewish Rubenfeld belong to two of the eight groups they deem exceptional. In no seeming order of importance, they are:

    Cuban exiles

  3. rikyrah says:

    Michelle Obama crashes at Oprah’s Hawaii pad
    By Emily Goodin

    SUVs, Secret Service agents and Oprah!

    Michelle Obama’s extended Hawaii vacation plans have leaked thanks to security sightings reported by locals near Oprah Winfrey’s tropical vacation home.

    The Maui News reports residents said saw police cars and black SUVs near Winfrey’s home in Kula on the island of Maui. The talk show host owns several hundred acres on the island.

    Other residents told local news outlets that security personnel asked them to leave the area and that paparazzi have been spotted.

    President Obama left Hawaii, where the first family spent the holidays, on Saturday with daughters Sasha and Malia. The White House said the first lady would remain behind to spend time with friends ahead of her upcoming birthday.

    She turns 50 on Jan. 17. Also on this girls’ getaway: CBS’ Gayle King, White House adviser/Obama friend Valerie Jarrett and Sharon Malone, the wife of Attorney General Eric Holder

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      Well, I guess Oprah & FLOTUS are gal pals LOL

  4. rikyrah says:

    Two Unaccountable Guys, All The Power
    By Charles P. Pierce at 12:15PM

    Some days, you read something and you think to yourself, you know, there’s the Pacific Ocean right over there, I could start walking and keep going because what in the name of god is the point any more?

    The resources and the breadth of the organization make it singular in American politics: an operation conducted outside the campaign finance system, employing an array of groups aimed at stopping what its financiers view as government overreach. Members of the coalition target different constituencies but together have mounted attacks on the new health-care law, federal spending and environmental regulations. Key players in the Koch-backed network have already begun engaging in the 2014 midterm elections, hiring new staff members to expand operations and strafing House and Senate Democrats with hard-hitting ads over their support for the Affordable Care Act.

    This is two guys — TWO FREAKING GUYS! — and they have more power within the American political system than a million earnest volunteers knocking on doors. They have more influence than millions of people writing letters to the editors, protesting outside school boards, or organizing online. This is two guys — TWO FREAKING GUYS! — whose politics were formed on what was still considered the Republican fringe in the 1950s and 1960s, and they have more power within the American political system than what’s left of the entire infrastructure of organized labor.

    Two freaking guys.


    Two freaking unaccountable guys.

  5. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:
    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      April Ryan: “your beard has a hashtag.” A bunch of idgits.

  6. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    FYI: POTUS SOTU Address is Tuesday, January 28th.

    3 Chics will be live-blogging the telecast.

  7. rikyrah says:

    Koch-backed political coalition, designed to shield donors, raised $400 million in 2012
    By Matea Gold, Published: January 5

    The political network spearheaded by conservative billionaires Charles and David Koch has expanded into a far-reaching operation of unrivaled complexity, built around a maze of groups that cloaks its donors, according to an analysis of new tax returns and other documents.

    The filings show that the network of politically active nonprofit groups backed by the Kochs and fellow donors in the 2012 elections financially outpaced other independent groups on the right and, on its own, matched the long-established national coalition of labor unions that serves as one of the biggest sources of support for Democrats.

    The resources and the breadth of the organization make it singular in American politics: an operation conducted outside the campaign finance system, employing an array of groups aimed at stopping what its financiers view as government overreach. Members of the coalition target different constituencies but together have mounted attacks on the new health-care law, federal spending and environmental regulations.

    Key players in the Koch-backed network have already begun engaging in the 2014 midterm elections, hiring new staff members to expand operations and strafing House and Senate Democrats with hard-hitting ads over their support for the Affordable Care Act.

    Its funders remain largely unknown; the coalition was carefully constructed with extensive legal barriers to shield its donors.

  8. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    Meet Sasheer Zamata, The First Black Female Saturday Night Live Cast Member In Five Years –

    After some questionable comments by Kenan Thompson, some criticism from the public, and a showcase for black female comediennes that was at one point looked at as a publicity stunt, Saturday Night Live has finally added their first black comedienne to the show since Maya Rudolph left as a cast member in 2007. Her name is Sasheer Zamata, and according to Deadline, she will make her debut on the show on January 18, the same episode that will be hosted by Drake, who will also be the musical guest. Our fingers are crossed that the two will be featured in a skit together. –

    See more at:

  9. rikyrah says:

    High court halts Utah marriages
    01/06/14 11:50 AM
    facebook twitter 1 save share group 33
    By Steve Benen
    A federal court ruling rejected Utah’s ban on same-sex marriages on Dec. 20, and ever since, couples throughout the state have been permitted to get legally married, regardless of sexual orientation. When state officials sought an emergency stay from the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals, Utah lost there, too.

    But state officials had far more success at the U.S. Supreme Court, which made a surprise announcement this morning.

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday put same-sex marriages in Utah on hold, granting the state’s request for a stay while it appeals a ruling that laws banning such marriages are unconstitutional.

    The court said the stay would be in place until the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver makes a decision on Utah’s appeal.

    The state’s stay application was filed with Justice Sonia Sotomayor, who referred it to the whole court, according to the order issued Monday. Sotomayor is assigned to the 10th Circuit Court, which rejected Utah’s request for a stay three times.

    Note, the high court did not rule on the merits of the case itself, at least not yet. Today’s announcement means Utah’s discriminatory law can remain in place while the appeals process continues.

  10. rikyrah says:

    The politics of paranoia
    01/06/14 10:50 AM—Updated 01/06/14 02:28 PM
    By Steve Benen
    It may be an obscure federal program, but the demise of the National Blueways System speaks to a larger pattern (thanks to my colleague Tricia McKinney for the heads-up).

    A U.S. Interior Department program intended to recognize conservation efforts along the nation’s waterways was dissolved on Friday amid opposition from landowners and politicians who feared it would lead to increased regulations and possible land seizures.

    The National Blueways System was created in May 2012 under President Barack Obama’s America’s Great Outdoors Initiative. The program was voluntary, didn’t include any new regulations, and a designation – bestowed on only two rivers, one of which was dropped last year because of local opposition – brought no additional funding.

    The whole point of the program – really, the only point – was to recognize conservation efforts. The White River, for example, received the designation after the Missouri Department of Conservation and the Nature Conservancy recommended it for the honor. The Interior Department agreed, which again meant no new spending and no new regulations.

  11. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    LOL @ Jay “My wife said she likes it.”

  12. rikyrah says:

    Wonderful comment at POU by Rhoda:


    Belatedly, Happy New Year POU!

    First up, GOV had a great rant on MHP and I cannot believe she cried. It worked to a point; but she’s not Hillary. This does not in any way help her move forward. She’s not white. She’s got to remember that; first thing I learned. You may think you’re in with them; but you’re not white and when the whistle blows and it goes down people jump to their corners and you’re not in theirs. JMHO, she got way to comfortable at MSNBC and I hope she notices her Rachel did NOTHING for her. Then again, Rachel said boo when the ish went down with Keith Olbermann and HE BROUGHT HER IN AND GAVE HER A PLATFORM! That should have said something to her right there; some folks you got to always watch. MSNBC seems to be a pit of vipers.

    SECOND: Have you all seen Rasmussen? That GOP shill has POTUS at 48% today. Now GALLUP that had egg on it’s face in 2012 and had to announce a major rehaul of it’s polling methodology that it has yet to prove works: it has POTUS at 40% apparently. Who do you believe? I read FirstRead and they are HYPING January as a do or die for Obama; last chance to recover. As I understand it; the man is here for another four years. He’s made his bones. He GOT A SECOND TERM. He is here. If Republicans have a great 2014; well he’s there to veto EVERY DAMN THING and prepare a narrative for democrats in 2016. If Democrats keep the senate or regain the house: HIS AGENDA IS THE ONE THAT IS GOING TO BE PASSED and he’ll have another historic term if the first terms is anything to go by: then he got (in TWO YEARS) a health care over haul, consumer protection bureu, financial reform, oh, and he pulled us out of Bush’s depression.

    Barack Hussein Obama: Great president or GREATEST president ever?

    And the fact of that question is what’s driving the MSM out of their damn minds; they can throw shade, ignore the facts, lie to the public, push Republican meme’s: but they can’t change what is and Barack Obama is the President and he’s had the most productive presidency since Johnson or Roosevelt. Those are the men he’s in competition with and should be compared too: and he had MORE opposition and obfuscation and sheer racial hatred than either ever had to deal with. And history will see and know and JUDGE based on that fact. He was the first black President and he took the backlash being the first creates and paved the path for the next black president, latino president, asian president, woman president, and gay president.

    Finally: can you belive this weather? I need a ticket some place warm, lol. Hopefullly I’ll organize a trip for this March; I’m thinking Jamaica!

    Have a great day, sorry this got so long.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Looking Like a Sure Loser Liz Cheney Cuts and Runs On Her Hopeless Senate Campaign
    By: Justin Baragona

    Liz Cheney, recently a Fox News contributor and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, decided to dropout of the US Senate race in Wyoming on Monday. Cheney, who moved to Wyoming about a year ago after having spent years residing in Virginia, was attempting to dethrone incumbent Senator Mike Enzi in the Republican primary. Cheney made a short statement explaining her reasoning:

    “Serious health issues have recently arisen in our family, and under the circumstances, I have decided to discontinue my campaign. My children and their futures were the motivation for our campaign and their health and well-being will always be my overriding priority.”

    This is a tried and true strategy that losing candidates always go to in order to back away somewhat gracefully. Maybe Cheney is dealing with some actual health issues, but the real reason she is dropping out is because there was no way in hell she was going to win. She had already taken a lot of heat from Republicans for her attempt to take out a reliably conservative voice in the party in Enzi. While there has not been much polling in Wyoming regarding the upcoming primary, common opinion in the state was that she had almost no chance of beating Enzi.

  14. rikyrah says:

    Conservatives Claim Rachel Maddow Not Sarah Palin Got Martin Bashir Fired From MSNBC
    By: Jason Easley
    Monday, January, 6th, 2014, 3:48 pm

    There is new conservative conspiracy floating around that claims Rachel Maddow is really running MSNBC, and that Maddow got Martin Bashir fired.


    Maddow responded with a strong denial of the claims in the story, “This is categorically false. I have never had any role in any management decision at MSNBC. Any source who says otherwise is wrong.”

    The NRO piece was based the premise that Maddow is the secret powerful ideologue who is really running the show at MSNBC. The story made a lot of claims that were not backed up with named sources, and was generally consumed by baseless speculation. The point of the article was to blame Maddow for all of MSNBC’s recent problems. Much of the article quoted unnamed sources, but the most unbelievable claim was that Maddow let Martin Bashir get fired/resigned from MSNBC.

    The underlying point appeared to be that Sarah Palin didn’t get Bashir fired. Rachel Maddow did. Sarah Palin had nothing to do with Bashir’s departure. According to NRO, Maddow deserves the blame. If Bashir had been in Maddow’s inner circle, he would not have lost his job. In this tall tale, Sarah Palin was an innocent victim of Rachel Maddow’s quest to transform America with an ideological wonk army.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Family Values Republican Congressman Hid His Out-of-Wedlock Child and First Family
    By: Sarah Jones
    Monday, January, 6th, 2014, 2:09 pm

    First wife (and by many accounts, the woman behind the man) Marion Young got a $2,000-a-month lifetime alimony in exchange for her silence, so that Bill Young could play Family Values Patriarch for his Party.

    Republican Congressman Bill Young was much revered in Republican circles. When he died, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and others waxed poetic about legendary “family man” Bill Young.

    The Republican Congressman was awarded the Family and Freedom Award from the Christian Voice, a conservative Christian right political advocacy group and the biggest religious lobby. Indeed, the Christian Voice used to be housed at the Heritage Foundation back in the 70s and 80s

    No one mentioned that Young received this award just a year after he left his first wife and family, amid a scandalous but unreported affair that included the birth of a child. Out-of-wedlock.

    No one talked about the fact that Bill Young abandoned the three children, seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren from his first marriage to Marian Ford Young. No one even mentioned their names at his funeral on October 18, until one person took a brazen stand.

    How did such a public figure stand for family values while he had an entire family he kept in the shadows and a very un-family values start to his second marriage?

  16. rikyrah says:

    A Year in Review: The Top 10 Most Racist/Privileged Things White Feminists Did in 2013

    In honor of the #stopblamingwhitewomenweneedunity hashtag (started via this Huffington Post article penned by the delightfully clueless Adele Wilde-Blavatsky) I’ve decided to put together a top ten honoring the many interesting methods white feminists employed this year to promote unity between themselves and feminists of color.

    From refusing to defend feminists of color against attacks from the patriarchy (or from other white feminists for that matter), to deriding feminists of color for not being feminist enough, to blaming feminists of color’s oppressions on their own cultures (instead of, you know, patriarchy) white feminists sure have a funny way of expressing their desire for unity with feminists of color.

  17. rikyrah says:

    Man gets eight months in prison for slapping toddler on plane
    By David Beasley, Reuters

    ATLANTA — A former aerospace executive who slapped a crying toddler on an airplane and used a racial slur against the child, who is black, received an eight-month prison sentence on Monday for an incident his attorney blamed on his alcoholism.

    Joe Rickey Hundley, who apologized in court to the child’s mother, was accused of striking the 19-month-old boy in the face on board a Delta Air Lines flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta last February.

    Hundley pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge in October. Prosecutors had sought a six-month prison sentence, but the federal judge opted for a stiffer punishment.

    “I’m very sorry,” Hundley told the child’s mother during the court hearing in Atlanta. “I made the most terrible day in my life much worse for myself and others.”

    Hundley’s attorney has said her client had flown to Atlanta to remove his dying son from life support after an insulin overdose and was emotionally distraught. She also blamed his alcoholism for his behavior on the flight.

  18. rikyrah says:

    GOP’s ulterior motive on unemployment: Economic sabotage?
    There’s more to Republican opposition to extending unemployment benefits than conservative principles
    Brian Beutler

    Congress returns from the holidays in earnest today, more than a week after allowing emergency unemployment compensation to lapse for millions of jobless Americans, which raises the critical question of what lies behind the GOP’s reluctance to do the obviously correct thing.

    Senate Democrats hope just a handful of Republicans will break away from the opposition later today, to pass legislation that would renew the lapsed benefits, and pressure John Boehner to follow suit, but they’re having a hard time finding the votes.

    What gives?

    It’s tempting to attribute the GOP’s skittishness to the right’s broader aversion to subsidizing poor people, but I don’t think that’s what’s going on here. At least not entirely.

    Congress has never cut off these benefits when unemployment has been as high as it is right now, and the long-term unemployed and the chronically poor aren’t equivalent populations. So there’s got to be more going on than just conservative indifference.

    Some Republicans would claim the deficit is too high to renew benefits, but we know that’s not true because the deficit is shrinking fast, and there are myriad, painless ways to defray the cost (which, for a year-long extension, runs north of $20 billion) over a decade. The Senate bill, authored by Jack Reed, D-R.I., and Dean Heller, R-Nev., would last for only three months.

    Other Republicans argue incorrectly that the benefits create a significant work disincentive, and claim to believe that allowing them to lapse will stimulate the labor market — even though the problem isn’t complacency but rather that there are three unemployed workers for every job opening in the country right now.

  19. rikyrah says:

    This is what I mean when I say that working class White folks clinging to that Whiteness.

    I’ll say it again….they wanna cling to that Whiteness..



    The Return of the Welfare Queen
    Republicans are launching a class war with racial undertones—and hurting the poor whites they’ll need to win in 2014.
    By Beth Reinhard
    December 12, 2013

    The welfare queen, she has risen.

    Spawned by Ronald Reagan to turn blue-collar whites against the Democratic Party, then buried by Bill Clinton with a law “ending welfare as we know it,” she’s been excavated under the first African-American president as Republicans inveigh against the costs of health insurance and food stamps for the poor.

    Twenty-five Republican-led states have—astoundingly—rebuffed billions of federal dollars under Barack Obama’s signature health care law to offer Medicaid insurance to more poor people. To justify this unprecedented rejection of federal relief, these governors and state lawmakers say they just do not believe Washington will keep its promise to pick up the tab. Republicans in Congress are egging them on, denouncing Obamacare’s disastrous launch as proof of the arrogance and folly of big government.

    But all of this opposition carries an unmistakable undertone of class warfare, a theme easy to exploit in states such as Kentucky, packed with low-income white voters who have a strong distaste for the federal government. To hear the rhetoric coming from Capitol Hill and the campaign trail, Medicaid and food-stamp recipients are a bunch of shiftless freeloaders living high on king crab legs and free health care, all on the backs of hardworking Americans.

    Medicaid expansion is “the principal reason your kids’ college tuition is going up,” Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky charged at a press conference here.

    New Medicaid recipients “have no personal responsibility for their health,” said state Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa, a Republican running for the U.S. Senate, in a memo from the state capital.

    And in Louisiana, Senate candidate and Republican Rep. Bill Cassidy hypothesized about a single woman forced to pay high premiums under Obamacare who thinks her neighbor could make more money. “But he would rather work fewer hours or work for cash or, perhaps, live out of wedlock so that he and his girlfriend both qualify for the taxpayer-provided free insurance,” Cassidy wrote in a newspaper column.

    The tirades don’t stop at Medicaid.

  20. rikyrah says:

    GOP Pollster Frank Luntz Became ‘Depressed’ After 2012 Election
    by Andrew Kirell | 12:16 pm, January 6th, 2014

    According to a new profile piece in The Atlantic, GOP pollster and frequent Fox News contributor Frank Luntz sunk into a depression following the 2012 election in which President Obama won re-election over Republican candidate Mitt Romney.

    Luntz described himself as “less healthy now than [he has] ever been in [his] life,” sleeping two or three hours at a time and fretting over the future of his career in political consulting. The Atlantic‘s Molly Ball wrote:

    The crisis began, he says, after last year’s presidential election, when Luntz became profoundly depressed. For more than a month, he tried to stay occupied, but nothing could keep his attention. Finally, six weeks after the election, during a meeting of his consulting company in Las Vegas, he fell apart. Leaving his employees behind, he flew back to his mansion in Los Angeles, where he stayed for three weeks, barely going outside or talking to anyone.

    “I just gave up,” the pollster said. After the election, he seemingly realized Americans want to “impose their opinions rather than express them,” and that a divided country will find it harder to warmly receive his conservative sales pitches.

    • rikyrah says:

      Brilliant comment about Lunz on another blog:


      Greetings POU. Sepia, thanks for giving me life with this right chea.

      This quote is my jam: “I’m not good enough,” he said. “And I hate that. I have come to the extent of my capabilities. And this is not false modesty. I think I’m pretty good. But not good enough.”

      I love that quote. He should a grammy for that quote, it’s so beautiful. Somebody should put a beat to it so I can dance all day to it. The brilliant strategy of President Barack Hussein Obama has broken would-be strategist Luntz all the way down. He never was as smart as everybody said he was, but he looked like a whale in that shallow-ass Repub puddle. Then he tried to out-smart a real brain and got served.

      Sing it Frank; and, by the way, your tears taste like banana Laffy Taffy.

  21. rikyrah says:

    Patrick ‏@QuadCityPat12m
    Why Jay Carney’s Beard Has Failed Progressives- Daily Kos #JayCarneysBeard

    BJW2 ‏@Freefree0Bobbie12m
    Is #JayCarneysBeard Obama’s Katrina?

    Patrick ‏@QuadCityPat11m
    Jay Carney’s Beard and Creeping Socialism- NEWSMAX #JayCarneysBeard

    Rita A ‏@ritaag17m
    #JayCarneysBeard Will the WH let the WHPC have access to Jay Carney’s beard – Chuck Todd

    Gus ‏@Gus_80229m
    Jay Carney’s Beard is Just a Distraction — Peggy Noonan

    Patrick ‏@QuadCityPat30m
    Jay Carney’s Beard Collecting Reporter’s Metadata- The Guardian #JayCarneysBeard

    BJW2 ‏@Freefree0Bobbie54s
    And who else wears a beard? Answer: Fidel Castro. All Commies sports beards. — Glenn Beck #JayCarneysBeard

  22. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:

    Illinois Governor Quinn Has Declared A State Of Disaster For Illinois

    BREAKING – Illinois Governor Pat Quinn has declared a state of disaster for the state following the sever snowstorm and extreme cold. Governor Quinn today implemented the State’s Continuity of Operations/Continuity of Government Plans (COOP/COG).

    According to The Bulge, the plans will ensure continued delivery of critical state response services during the severe winter weather conditions while ensuring the safety of the state’s workforce.

    “As we continue to monitor weather conditions and work nonstop to respond to this winter storm, we will ensure that critical state services continue,” said Governor Quinn in a statement “To protect the safety of our employees and the people they serve, I am directing state employees whose duties are not critical to state services to stay home and off the roads on Monday.”

  23. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    Hateful, jealous, folks here:

    Mark KnollerVerified account‏@markknoller
    Carney says Obamas pay for First Lady’s personal expenses for extended stay in Hawaii, but she’ll travel via Govt aircraft.

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      This bish right here:

      Greta Van Susteren@gretawire

      Carney confirms: taxpayers paying for Pres Obama’s “birthday gift” of staying in Hawaii and sending govt aircraft to pick her up later

    • SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
      SouthernGirl2 says:

      Fuck Mark Knoller! He’s a GOP water carrying sob.

  24. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

  25. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    Has MSNBC heightened script scrutiny following Bashir screwup?

    The other element of Johnson’s story is that Rachel Maddow, the brainiac prime-time star of MSNBC who writes a monthly column for The Post, is driving the network’s editorial and personnel decisions. To back up that claim, Johnson cites recent events at MSNBC along with “sources.” Which is to say, the contention isn’t terribly convincing. And MSNBC is contesting it as well: “The NRO story is absurd and full of inaccuracies from beginning to end. To start, Rachel has absolutely no role in network management decisions. Writing her show every night is more than enough work. She gladly leaves talent management to her bosses. We’re disappointed that the National Review would run a story with more anonymous, uninformed sources than you’d ever find on the gossip pages.”

    Maddow has issued her own statement: “This is categorically false. I have never had any role in any management decision at MSNBC. Any source who says otherwise is wrong.”


  26. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    50 & fabulous, that’s our FLOTUS!

    Who really cares what the other first ladies did on the b-days.

    And Major G. had to get that dig in about FLOTUS’ past trips and how costly. I loathe these folks.

  27. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:

    Jay’s Prayer
    Lord Jesus I Love You
    Lord Jesus I worship You
    Can I have a Spiderman Toy
    Lord Jesus I Love my Mama
    Lord Jesus can my Mama give me something to drink I’m thirsty
    And Lord Jesus I love my Mama


    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      Can Jay get any more precious and handsome? May God grant him all that is in his prayer. Just to cute!

      • SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
        SouthernGirl2 says:


        My little Jay!

      • Liza
        Liza says:

        Liza’s Prayer
        Lord Jesus I Love You
        Lord Jesus I worship You
        Can I have a Toyota Prius?

        Jay is beyond adorable. He must be a lot of fun.

      • SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
        SouthernGirl2 says:

        @ Liza


        SG2’s Prayer
        Lord Jesus I Love You
        Lord Jesus I worship You
        Can I have a Black Yukon Denali?


      • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
        Ametia says:

        Dear God,

        Please send us 75 degree weather to melt all the snow.

        Thank you!

      • Yahtc says:

        Jay is so precious and so is his prayer!

    • rikyrah says:

      Handsome and prayerful.
      Jay’s being raised RIGHT!!

      • SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
        SouthernGirl2 says:

        Jonne’ says thank you, Rikyrah and Yahtc! And that she is trying her best to raise him right.

  28. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:

    I was listening to Tom Joyner Morning Show and Tom Joyner said it’s soooo cold, lawyers have their hands in their OWN pocket. **dead** Hilarious! Tom Joyner and crew are too craZy! Silly goose!

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      LOL It’s colder than a witches tit in a brass bra!

      • rikyrah says:

        My father used to say

        It’s colder than a mother-in-law’s kiss


      • Tyren M. says:

        Took today off. Boss ain’t going for tomorrow off. Back into the world I go.

      • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
        Ametia says:

        @ Tyren. LOL Yes; one day is one too many for the man. It is COLDER than a well digger’s arse though.

  29. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:


    Angela Merkel fractures pelvis in ski fall
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel has fractured a bone in her pelvis in a cross-country skiing accident in Switzerland, her spokesman says.

    She will have to remain lying down as much as possible in the next three weeks and several visits will be cancelled, Steffen Seibert said.

    She also suffered heavy bruising in the accident, in the alpine Engadine region of eastern Switzerland.

    Ms Merkel was not skiing fast at the time, the spokesman added.

    He called the injury “severe bruising linked with a partial fracture on the left, rear part of the pelvis”.

    Immediately after the accident, during the Christmas holiday in December, Ms Merkel was not aware that part of her pelvis had been fractured, the spokesman said. It was a visit to her doctor on Friday that revealed the exact injury.

    He did not give details about how it happened. She was skiing near the resort of St Moritz.

  30. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    ICYMI: President Obama Nominated the Very First Native American Woman For Federal Judge

    Diane J. Humetewa, a member of the Hopi tribe and former U.S. attorney in Arizona, has been nominated to serve on the U.S. District Court for the district of Arizona as a federal judge. If confirmed, she would be the first active member of a Native American reservation, and first Native American woman to serve as a federal judge. Not only would this bring more diversity to the federal bench, but Arizona’s prominent Native community will finally be represented in a state that is infamous for ignoring Native issues.

    This is a big deal because she is a Native woman from the same Arizona that has become a police state through its insistence on criminalizing communities of color, deportations, and via renegade leaders like Sheriff Arpaio. Arizona is swiftly becoming a state known for its extreme racial profiling regarding folks who look “brown.”

    Read more:

  31. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    GMA’s Robin Roberts Debuts Photo With Girlfriend, Announces: ‘Never Been Happier or Healthier’

  32. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    Supreme Court stays gay marriage in Utah

    Supreme Court puts gay marriage on hold in Utah pending appeal.

    Read more at:

  33. rikyrah says:

    We get to go home!!!

    Woo hoo!!

    And a co-worker of mine drove and says he’ll drop me off back home!!

    Double woo-hoo!!!

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      HOT DANG! Stay warm and cozy, Rikyrah. :-)))

    • SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
      SouthernGirl2 says:

      Whoo Hoo! No work! No work! Yay!

  34. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    Jahi McMath’s body released from hospital
    By Hailey Branson-Potts
    January 5, 2014, 10:09 p.m.

    The body of a 13-year-old girl declared brain dead after sleep apnea surgery was released from an Oakland hospital Sunday evening, hospital officials said.

    Jahi McMath’s body was released by Children’s Hospital & Research Center Oakland to the Alameda County coroner, according to a statement from David Durand, the hospital’s chief of pediatrics.

    The coroner, Durand said, released Jahi’s body to her mother, Nailah Winkfield, “as per court order, for a destination unknown.”

    PHOTOS: The Jahi McMath case

    “Our hearts go out to the family as they grieve for this sad situation and we wish them closure and peace,” Durand said.

    Christopher Dolan, attorney for Jahi McMath’s family, in an interview with the Associated Press, wouldn’t specify where the girl was taken but said “they are going to care for her, respect her and love her. And they’re going to call her Jahi, not `the body.”’,0,6253257.story#ixzz2pd7H22OH

  35. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    Downton was such a DOWNER last night. Two hours of pure dribble.

    • rikyrah says:

      So many people I wanted to slap

      • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
        Ametia says:

        LOL Let me count the ways…. Carson, Mary, My Lord, My Lady, Thomas Barrow, Mrs Patmore, Mr. Moseley, Just a pack of whiney, sniffling brooding….HOT MESS@

  36. Yahtc says:

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Ametia, thank you SO much for bring Dionne Warwick to us this week.

    Noting from your article that

    Dionne came from a family of singers. Dionne’s mother, aunts and uncles were members of the Drinkard Singers, a renowned family gospel group and RCA recording artists that frequently performed throughout the New York metropolitan area. The Drinkard family originated from Blakley, Georgia and migrated to Newark, New Jersey in 1923. The family was composed of Nitcholas “Nitch” Drinkard, and Delia Drinkard, Warwick’s grandparents, and their children: William, Lee (Warwick’s mother), Marie “Rebbie” (Warwick’s namesake), Hansom, Anne, Larry, Nicky, and Emily “Cissy” (who is the mother of Warwick’s cousin, Whitney Houston). Dionne’s paternal grandfather, Elzae Warrick was the preacher at St. Luke’s AME, the church attended by the Drinkard family. Lee Drinkard and the preacher’s son, Mancel, were later married and Dionne became the Drinkard family’s first grandchild on December 12, 1940.

    I thought I would post this:

    Uploaded on Mar 18, 2008 by Rowoches
    Very unique Gospel group from Newark, NJ! A few well-known names in music, such as Cissy Houston (Whitney Houston’s mother) and Dionne Warwick (Whitney Houston’s cousin) were once affiliated with this group.This is one of my favorite songs from the Drinkard Singers, titled “When I Get To Heaven.”

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      YVW and thank you, Yahtc.

  37. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

    It’s friggin’ FREEZING HERE!!!

    • Yahtc says:

      Be careful and stay warm, rikyrah!

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      Buuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We have a 2 hour delay for work this morning.

      • rikyrah says:

        My train was 40 minutes late getting into downtown – we had to stop twice.
        I got to work this morning nearly an hour later than I usually do, and NOBODY is here.
        I mean NOBODY.

      • rikyrah says:

        I sat in my car at -15 degrees temperature, for 20 minutes, before I even dared to turn on the heat.

      • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
        Ametia says:

        Damn, ain’t NOBODY got TIME for this cold.

    • SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
      SouthernGirl2 says:

      I feel you, baby! Y’all KNOW how much I hate cold. Been thinking about you guys and wondering how can y’all take this cold ass ISH! It was 18 here this morning and that wind was cutting deep. Lord Have Mercy!

      • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
        Ametia says:

        I feel you too, SG2.18 degrees is cold. When we get 18 here; it’s like springtime compared. Everyone’s screaming how grateful they are when the temps are in the teens. Every degree above zero is truly a miracle these past 2 weeks.

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