Video | President Obama Speaks at the National Action Network’s (NAN) 16th Annual Convention

obama drops mic



President Obama speaks at the National Action Network’s 16th Annual Convention.  Watch it live here at 4:10 p.m. EDT/3:10/CT.

We’ll post full video when available.

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40 Responses to Video | President Obama Speaks at the National Action Network’s (NAN) 16th Annual Convention

  1. Ametia says:

    PBO took NAN audience to CHURCH Friday. LOL


  2. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka

    President Obama snatched the @GOP’s wigs, exposed their voter suppression laws, showed how DOJ is fighting back, then dropped the mic. BOOM
    3:45 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  3. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka

    President Obama on the @GOP: “The real voter fraud is people who try to deny our rights by making bogus arguments for voter fraud.”
    3:26 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  4. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka

    Pres. Obama: “This recent effort to restrict the right to vote has not been led by both parties. It’s been led by the Republican party!”
    3:23 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  5. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka

    POTUS to @GOP: “If your strategy depends on fewer people showing up to vote, that’s not a sign of strength; that’s a sign of weakness!”
    3:23 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  6. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka

    Pres. Obama: “Americans did not sacrifice everything for the right to vote only to see it denied to their children and grandchildren!”
    3:18 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  7. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka

    Pres. Obama to the GOP on claims of voter fraud: “One recent study found only 10 cases of in person voter fraud in 12 years.”
    3:16 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  8. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka

    POTUS: “Opportunity means making the minimum wage something you can live on. It means equal pay for equal work. It means overtime pay.”
    3:10 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  9. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka

    Pres. Obama: “I am here as a second term president. I have more gray hair. I’ve got twice as many dogs. Crowd laughs.
    3:06 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  10. Ametia says:

    PBO: “Get those SOULS to the POLLS. If they don’t let you go on Sunday, GO ON TUESDAY!

  11. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka
    Pres. Obama to the @GOP: “I am against requiring IDs that millions of people just don’t have. That shouldn’t prevent your right to vote.”

    3:34 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  12. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka
    PBO on GOP demanding passports: “Just because you don’t have the money to travel abroad doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have the right to vote!”

    3:32 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  13. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka
    President Barack Obama: “Republicans are making it harder around the country for people to vote.”


    3:31 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  14. rikyrah says:


    zizi2 @zizii2
    PBO #Dropsmic #dropsmic #Dropsmic #dropsmic #Dropsmic #dropsmic #Dropsmic #dropsmic #Dropsmic #dropsmic #Dropsmic #dropsmic

    3:28 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  15. rikyrah says:

    zizi2 @zizii2
    PBO: “we have states who just out of political spite are leaving millions of people uninsured…they have no good reason for it”

    3:10 PM – 11 Apr 2014

  16. LOL! PBO just kicking a hole in the GOP!

  17. Y’all heard Potus? Lets get to work! Get to the polls and VOTE!

  18. vitaminlover says:

    Did President Obama just blow it up or what??

    • Ametia says:

      Ah shit, PBO: “I know where my birth certificate is, probably on a website somewhere.


  19. President Obama: The right to vote is cherished by every American.

  20. Potus trolling the birthers with jokes! LOL!

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