Sunday Open Thread

Have a Blessed Sunday, Everyone.

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38 Responses to Sunday Open Thread

  1. Liza
    Liza says:

    Well, ask and you shall receive… The results of this should be interesting.

    The O'Malley, Sanders, & Clinton campaigns have reached out to the movement to engage in listening & conversation re: policy/platforms.— deray mckesson (@deray) August 10, 2015

  2. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Michael Hargrove @MichaelHargrov1
    What these campaigns don’t realize is that Black voters aren’t having their issues push to the back while they chase White Voters.

  3. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:


    I thought all he needed was a job…..

    isn’t that right, Bernie?


    Racist Lowe’s Customer Refuses To Allow Black Delivery Driver Into Her Home
    Aug 9, 2015

    Marcus Bradley, a Black delivery driver for Lowe’s Home Improvement store in Danville, Virginia, was told that he couldn’t make a delivery to a woman’s home because she requested that the delivery person not be Black, Fox1o reports.

    Bradley was already out on the delivery when he got the call from work telling him to turn around.

    “I asked him why I couldn’t do it and he said because you’re Black and they don’t want you at the house,” Bradley said.

    When Bradley returned to the store, he was replaced with a White driver.

    Bradley said that he was shocked and disappointment by the incident, but that he doesn’t plan on quitting his job.

    “I mean, I thought that Lowe’s would take up for me,” he said.

    “I mean, I gotta work…I’m going to keep going to work like I’ve always done. But I would think Lowe’s would take it into consideration to think about what they’re doing next time.”

    Fox10 reporters reached out to the woman who demanded a White driver and she doubles down on her racism.

    Reporter: “I just want to know your side of the story, whether it’s true or not?”

    Customer: “I got a right to have whatever I want and that’s it.”

    Reporter: “Do you feel bad about the delivery driver?”

    Customer: “No, I don’t feel bad about nothing.”

  4. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:
  5. “Sandra Bland’s death shows why our cash bail system is unconscionable

    By Cherise Fanno Burdeen


    Sandra Bland, Rexdale W. Henry, Tevin Garcia, Kindra Chapman. Four people in three weeks who died in jail, detained not because of risk, but because of money.

    Their deaths highlight an irrational and unconstitutional system of jailing based on wealth in America. For Garcia, the bail that would have saved his life was just $100. For Bland, the number was $5,000, or $500 to a local bondsman that would have kept the sum in exchange for fronting the full amount.

    Who doesn’t have a few hundred dollars to bond out? More than you think: Nearly half of Americans don’t have the savings to afford a $400 emergency of any kind.

    And yet, across the country, cash bail has become so ingrained in our national consciousness that hearing people couldn’t get out for want of a few hundred dollars ceases to shock or surprise us. It should.

    RELATED: The DOJ’s Ferguson report shows why our bail system is a disaster

    Jail is a destabilizing place, no matter how well designed or staffed. People held in jail before trial are far more likely to commit a crime in the future. They are likely to lose wages, jobs, and housing. The experience itself is dehumanizing, and can have long-term effects on people’s physical and mental health.

    With so much on the line, it is unconscionable that we would allow a person’s bank account balance to determine who is and is not detained. Adding insult to injury is the fact that, while people who can’t afford even modest bail languish behind bars, the rich and dangerous can simply buy their way out.

    “Cash bail has become so ingrained in our national consciousness that hearing people couldn’t get out for want of a few hundred dollars ceases to shock or surprise us. It should.”
    But this system isn’t confined to discrimination based on money: It’s no accident that the most high-profile jail deaths have been people of color. Black, Latino, and Native American defendants have long faced higher bail amounts than their white counterparts with similar charges, and overall are twice as likely to be stuck in jail because they can’t afford the cost of liberty.
    A full 60% of Americans in our nation’s jails have not yet been to trial, and studies suggest that as many as 9 in 10 of those people are there because they can’t afford bond.

    Jail has become a holding place, not for people who are dangerous, but for people who are poor, suffer from mental illness, or have committed minor offenses like smoking marijuana or failing to signal a lane change. This is a national crisis: jailing someone can no longer be taken lightly. Depriving someone of their liberty is a serious action with serious consequences for people’s lives, livelihoods, and overall wellbeing. We should only do it for the most dangerous so we can keep our victims, families and communities safe.

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      Schumer deserves to be taken to the woodshed, for his fuckery.

  6. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    5 Things That Will Happen Before Will and Jada Ever Divorce
    Awesomely Luvvie — August 3, 2015

    All day today, Will and Jada Smith‘s names has been trending on social media. What now? Well, we’re told that after 17 years of marriage, the two are splitting up. The story has been picked up in several “reputable” media outlets, even though they all seem to be playing a game of telephone about where they got the news. We’re living in absurd times when I can publish a lie and next thing you know, MAJOR publications are citing my lie as truth. BECAUSE EVERYTHING SUCKS AND JOURNALISM IS DEAD.

    Anyway, of course this rumor isn’t true. This Smith divorce thing is basically cyclical now. It must happen every 6 months, where we are all told that love is dead because Will and Jada are splitting. They then have to address it themselves, telling everyone to sit the hell down because they are still together. Will took to his Facebook page today to tell us we’re all dumb, basically. He is CORRECT.

    5 Things That Will Happen Before Will and Jada Ever Divorce

  7. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    this is true


    Fox News Had Its Own GOP Debate Agenda: Narrow Down The Field

    By ED KILGORE PublishedAUGUST 7, 2015, 12:41 AM EDT

    The Republican Party has famously missed most of the markers set out for it in the RNC’s so-called “autopsy report” in March of 2013. The party hasn’t gotten behind comprehensive immigration reform. It hasn’t modified its approach on issues of concern to minorities or millennials generally. The latest assault on Planned Parenthood is not exactly designed to help Republicans win over women. And the number of Obama initiatives GOPers are swearing to reverse hasn’t promoted a sunny, forward-looking perspective for the party, either.

    Here’s one thing Republicans promised themselves to do after the last cycle that’s actually been implemented: partner with conservative media so that the GOP candidates weren’t being subjected to hostile questioning from “outsiders.”

    So today we had the first official GOP presidential debate, and the seven-candidate “undercard” forum earlier in the day, both sponsored by Fox News. And they put their stamp on the events in a way that is almost certain to shape, if not winnow, the gigantic GOP field.

    At the 5:00 p.m. “Happy Hour” debate, virtually all of the questions were framed from the point of view of a conservative movement vetting the candidates, beginning with a battery about electability and exploring potential ideological heresies like Lindsey Graham’s openness to compromise with Democrats and Rick Santorum’s strange interest in wage levels for working-class people.

    The candidate Republicans in general most wanted to promote to a higher tier, Carly Fiorina, was universally proclaimed the winner of the early forum, partly because she was one of two candidates who drew a question that enabled her to take a shot at Donald Trump even as she pandered to his followers. No one asked her (not in the forum, or in the extensive pre- or post-forum discussion at Fox) about her uniquely disastrous business and political record. It helped that Santorum, Pataki and Gilmore were clearly living in the 1990s, while Rick Perry returned to his inarticulate and gaffe-ridden 2012 ways. Bobby Jindal hung on to his prospects of serving in somebody else’s cabinet. All in all, it’s exactly what Republicans wanted from this event.

  8. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    uh huh

    uh huh


    Sam Brownback’s brother accused of terrorizing rural neighbors

    Parker farmer plays with fire, leans on family ties to suffocate criticism

    Posted: August 8, 2015 – 10:32pm

    The Topeka Capital-Journal devoted months to reporting this story about allegations of misconduct related to a lengthy conflict involving one of Gov. Sam Brownback’s brothers in rural Linn County.

    The Capital-Journal reviewed court records, law enforcement reports and other documents. Dozens of people were interviewed. Close neighbors contend Jim Brownback trafficked in political and social influence of the Brownback family, specifically the governor, to elude accountability for potentially illegal conduct. Jim Brownback disputed that claim while Gov. Brownback declined comment.

    Prestige of the Brownback family or fear of retaliation by Jim Brownback dissuaded some people from participating in on-the-record interviews. Others openly discussed why the controversy shined a light on how integrity of the justice system could be compromised.

  9. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    From Al Giordano

    This campaign is not about you getting your “Bernie fan boy experience” uninterrupted at a campaign rally. And you don’t get to shout down protesters who want your candidate to lead more with their priorities. You don’t get to yell, as one Sanders supporter did in Seattle today, “Tase them!” You don’t get to say “Bernie marched with Martin Luther King” or “he has done more for your people than those hecklers ever did.”

    And you absolutely don’t get to do it when just months ago you cheered the LGBT heckler at Obama’s White House event, when you cheered every time the white ladies of Code Pink did it, when you whined and complained about Obama for six years not giving you your “hope and change” cookies as you define them.

    You know why you don’t get that cookie? Because nonwhite Americans saw your dreadful behavior toward Obama all these years. That’s a big reason why. Now you need their support, you gotta court it just like Obama once courted you.

    Instead too many of you are on Twitter right now whitesplaining and lecturing and talking down to black folks and people of all hues who happen to see this through the lens of the same team. Oh, yeah, that’s a real bright idea for winning this campaign. Let’s go on Twitter and troll the black people about how they don’t understand Bernie…

    …The reason your guy is having such a hard time is that many of you have alienated black, brown, yellow and red people all these years. Those of you who were in New York’s Occupy Wall Street ran the black and hispanic organizers out of there, calling them sell outs for the Democratic party, insisting that you could have “no leaders” to people who build leadership among young people, and through your overall desire to just be in a white college educated ghetto while you tell yourselves you’re “not racist.” So now Bernie is getting the payback for white progressive disrespect of people of color, including of Barack Obama.

    • Liza
      Liza says:

      The core issue seems to be that much of the Democratic base, and most especially black voters, are not pleased with who the Democratic presidential candidates are. And it ain’t a deep bench, folks, deliberately so because Hillary Clinton is the “presumed nominee.” The Democratic Party elite clearly wanted to gift this nomination to Hillary and provide a clear, unencumbered path for her straight to the nomination. That way, Hillary would have non-controversial primary season and could spend her time blathering in very high level, conceptual language about inequality or women’s rights or whatever.

      So, I give Bernie Sanders credit for stepping up and challenging Hillary as the done deal that the Democrats wanted to ram down our throats.

      I can only understand this singular focus on Bernie Sanders within the context of bad blood between white progressives and black folks. I totally get that because the absence of white progressive support for President Obama is beyond shameful. If nothing else, it certainly shows their political ineptitude because most politically savvy folks will advance whatever part of their agenda they can instead of crying over the part they aren’t getting.

      But I still see these interruptions as a losing strategy for #BlackLivesMatter. Without the support of black voters, there will not be a Democratic president. So, you don’t have to speak truth to power when you wield that much of your own power. But you do have to consolidate your gains and continue to build support because you are a grassroots movement. I honestly do not believe that this focus on Bernie Sanders or going to war with white progressives accomplishes that.

      The Democratic candidates have no choice but to address the crisis in policing and other issues related to the criminal justice system. They really don’t know how right now.

      In the interim, President Obama still has some time on the clock and the Department of Justice has got time to arrest, try and convict one of these killer cops. I vote for Dan Pantaleo because the whole murder is on video. He can’t be prosecuted? Please.

      • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
        Ametia says:

        I abolutely loathe the fact that Hillary Clitnon is being thrust upon us as the ultimate victor, which is why the focus keeps shifting to Bernie Sanders wherever he goes. They both are showing us who they are, and it’s not appealing at all.

        We need OPTIONS, real viable candidates options for the Dems and we just don’t have them. Everyone wants what they want. Any gains PBO has made to advance the Democratic Party, I have a sense, will be weakened by both Hillary and Sanders, simply because we are having this discussion about them this moment.

        I do not agree with interupting these candidates, BEFORE they even get on stage to speak.

        “The Democratic candidates have no choice but to address the crisis in policing and other issues related to the criminal justice system. They really don’t know how right now.”

        Well, they’d better learn and quickly. They know how, but they don’t want to upset those ‘hard working Americans. They can’t see how BLackLivesMatters is affecting their familes.

        I still think these interuptions are staged. if they aren’t then the BlackLivesMatter protesters really don’t know how right now to get their message out any other way

        PBO has been held to the highest of standards and scrutiny. Despite this, he has triumphed in many areas with policies that have affected the many in a positive way.Which is why it is almost impossible NOT to believe this is turning into a BLACK & WHITE issue.

        Neither Hillary or Bernie are going to get a free pass from me, just because they’re not Republican. I’m not falling for if you don;t vote for Hillary, then you get the GOP. Whomever the Dem presidential canidates are, they’d all better get BUSY for my vote.

        I’m also throwing my hat in the ring for Dan Pantaleo, ERIC Garnder’s murderer .

  10. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    About Ciara, Future and The Inconsistent Hoe Label
    Awesomely Luvvie — August 4, 2015

    It has been weeks since Future started his press tour that was supposed to be about his album but it turned into a junket about insulting his ex and one of the mothers (there’s like 4 or 5) of one of his children, Ciara. Long story short, he’s not pleased about her relationship with Russell Wilson and he’s using the guise of not wanting another man around his son so quick.

    All I know is that I hate when hoes throw stones from their glasshouses. Future got some nerve insinuating anything about Ciara with his Groupon Peen. His butthurt is showing and he should tuck it in.

    Now the internet has been talking nonstop about them, and a picture dropped yesterday of Baby Future (yes, that’s his name) hugging Russell at one of his practices. People are dragging Ci-Ci by her hair in these eStreets and I’m good and tired of it. So I went on a Twitter rant. I Storifyed it below. If you can’t view it below, check it out on Storify.

  11. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Jade Helms Deep @eclecticbrotha
    For years people have demanded blacks stop letting Democrats take our votes for granted. But its OK for blacks to rubber stamp an outsider?

  12. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Good Morning Everyone

  13. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:


    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      Carly Fiorina Ran HEWLETT PACKARD into the GROUND, speaking on economy, and now wants to President of the United States of America.


  14. Liza
    Liza says:

    VIDEO: A Year of Protests After Unarmed Black Teen #MichaelBrown Killed by #Ferguson Cop— Democracy Now! (@democracynow) August 9, 2015

  15. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    • Liza
      Liza says:

      Wow. Well, folks here may disagree with me but I am totally opposed to these interruptions, not just what happened last night in Seattle. And I think my least favorite interrupter is Medea Benjamin of Code Pink. What has she accomplished other than a brief news clips of being carried out of auditoriums?

      But I’ve been thinking about the interruption in Seattle. And I have to ask, why the interruption? All Democratic presidential candidates are aware that they cannot win the general election without the black vote. They know this. And #BlackLivesMatter wields enough influence with black voters as well as many other supporters to just simply ask to speak at rallies. I would be curious to know if they asked beforehand and were refused or if they just have decided that interruptions are more effective.

      I keep thinking that if they were part of the rally, perhaps a short speech followed by the 4.5 minutes of silence to honor the death of Michael Brown, they could have had a huge impact.

      Medea Benjamin interrupts because no one will ALLOW her to speak. She has no real power, all she can do is throw herself out there and start screeching. Then she gets carried away by a couple of burly guys and she’s done. I can’t think of any instance where any of these interruptions have actually been effective. All people remember is the interruption, not the issue.

      • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
        Ametia says:

        Personally, my spidey senses are telling me that these interuptions of Bernie Sanders are STAGED. Follow the trail of the interupter$. Will it lead to some connections of HILLARY CLINTON?

      • Liza
        Liza says:

        Whoa, a lot of folks are asking that very question this morning, Ametia.

        Honestly, I just don’t know. On the one hand, it seems to me that #BlackLivesMatter has worked so long and so hard to establish their presence and garner the level of political influence they now have. Why would they hop off the rail and dedicate themselves to “holding Bernie accountable” as though his presidential campaign is the single most important problem to be solved. It absolutely does not make sense. And BLM certainly knows how to continue to expand their influence in positive ways.

        I’m thinking maybe this really was a local thing because the Seattle PD is right up there with some of the worst. If that’s the case, then maybe it was not given the analysis that it needed.

        But if someone is out there doing this for Hillary, then I think I might become catatonic. I couldn’t bear it. If someone would use this for Hillary’s benefit, dear Lord, I just can’t.

  16. Charles Wade retweeted
    Aaron Banks ‏@AaronWBanks 12h12 hours ago St Louis, MO
    If ure not here at @TheReadyRoom for #FergusonRocks ure missing it @cbabibayoc is dopeness on canvas. #ABanks

  17. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    MHP had a sit down interview with AG Loretta Lynch this morning. SG2, can we get the video when available, please?

  18. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:

    Good morning! Happy Sunday!

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