Wednesday Open Thread | When has BLACK protest EVER been deemed ‘appropriate’?

I’d say…in America?


While Dolt45 was racebaiting in his hatred spewed against those athletes that took the knee to protest about police brutality against Black Americans…

Jelani Cobb Wrote the following piece:

From Louis Armstrong to the N.F.L.: Ungrateful as the New Uppity
By Jelani Cobb
September 24, 2017


Sixty years ago, Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, became a flash point in the nascent civil-rights movement when Governor Orval Faubus refused to abide by the Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education. Faubus famously deployed the state’s National Guard to prevent nine African-American students from attending classes at the high school. In the midst of the crisis, a high-school journalist interviewing Louis Armstrong about an upcoming tour asked the musician about his thoughts on the situation, prompting Armstrong to refer to the Arkansas governor as several varieties of “motherfucker.” (In the interest of finding a printable quote, his label for Faubus was changed to “ignorant plowboy.”) Armstrong, who was scheduled to perform in the Soviet Union as a cultural ambassador on behalf of the State Department, cancelled the tour—a display of dissent that earned him the scorn and contempt of legions of whites, shocked by the trumpeter’s apparent lack of patriotism. As the historian Penny Von Eschen notes in “Satchmo Blows Up the World,” a history of the American usage of black culture as a tool of the Cold War, students at the University of Arkansas accused Armstrong of “creating an issue where there was none,” and joined the procession of groups cancelling Armstrong’s scheduled concerts.

The free-range lunacy of Donald Trump’s speech on Friday night in Alabama, where he referred to Colin Kaepernick—and other N.F.L. players who silently protest police brutality—as a “son of a bitch,” and of the subsequent Twitter tantrums in which the President, like a truculent six-year-old, disinvited the Golden State Warriors from a White House visit, illustrates that the passage of six decades has not dimmed this dynamic confronted by Armstrong, or by any prominent black person tasked with the entertainment of millions of white ones. There again is the presence of outrage for events that should shock the conscience, and the reality of people who sincerely believe, or who have at least convincingly lied to themselves, that dissenters are creating an issue where there is none. Kaepernick began his silent, kneeling protest at the beginning of last season, not as an assault against the United States military or the flag but as a dissent against a system that has, with a great degree of consistency, failed to hold accountable police who kill unarmed citizens. Since he did this, forty-one unarmed individuals have been fatally shot by police in the United States, twelve of them African-American, according to a database maintained by the Washington Post. The city of St. Louis recently witnessed days of protests after the acquittal of Jason Stockley, the former officer who, while still working for the city’s police force, fatally shot Anthony Smith, a twenty-four-year-old* African-American motorist who had led officers on a chase. Stockley emerged from his vehicle, having declared that he would “kill the motherfucker,” then proceeded to fire five rounds into the car. Later, a firearm was found on the seat of Smith’s car, but the weapon bore only Stockley’s DNA. The issue is not imaginary.

Yet the belief endures, from Armstrong’s time and before, that visible, affluent African-American entertainers are obliged to adopt a pose of ceaseless gratitude—appreciation for the waiver that spared them the low status of so many others of their kind. Stevie Wonder began a performance in Central Park last night by taking a knee, prompting Congressman Joe Walsh to tweet that Wonder was “another ungrateful black multi-millionaire.” Ungrateful is the new uppity. Trump’s supporters, by a twenty-four-point margin, agree with the idea that most Americans have not got as much as they deserve—though they overwhelmingly withhold the right to that sentiment from African-Americans. Thus, the wonder is not the unhinged behavior of this weekend but rather that it took Trump so long to exploit a target as rich in potential racial resentment as wealthy black athletes who have the temerity to believe in the First Amendment.

It’s impossible not to be struck by Trump’s selective patriotism. It drives him to curse at black football players but leaves him struggling to create false equivalence between Nazis and anti-Fascists in Charlottesville. It inspires a barely containable contempt for Muslims and immigrants but leaves him mute in the face of Russian election intervention. He cannot tolerate the dissent against literal flag-waving but screams indignation at the thought of removing monuments to the Confederacy, which attempted to revoke the authority symbolized by that same flag. He is the vector of the racial id of the class of Americans who sent death threats to Louis Armstrong, the people who necessitated the presence of a newly federalized National Guard to defend black students seeking to integrate a public school. He contains multitudes—all of them dangerously ignorant.

It has been convenient and politically profitable for Trump to paint the black athletes’ protests as an inane attack upon the symbols of the United States, but he is deeply implicated, and is increasingly aggravating the actual cause of this discord. It was Trump who urged police officers in Brentwood, New York, to treat the suspects in their charge with casual brutality. Trump’s Department of Justice has overseen the dismantling of the community-policing initiative, which was meant to encourage greater rapport between law enforcement and the neighborhoods they patrol. It is the President’s D.O.J. that has displayed disdain for the federal consent decrees that had been used to reform dysfunctional police departments.

And though he’s usually putting out videos filled with humor,

Kevonstage also slays it when he’s ‘keeping it real’.

Love the stats he drops in this video:

From Trevor Noah:

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71 Responses to Wednesday Open Thread | When has BLACK protest EVER been deemed ‘appropriate’?

  1. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    RIP, Hugh Hefner

  2. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:
  3. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

  4. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:

    Ro-Tel and Velveeta. Mmmmmm the bestest dip.

  5. Liza
    Liza says:

    DT tweets on Trumpcare today. I need an interpreter. If they can’t have the vote by Friday and will afterwards need 60 votes, how would three more votes plus one “yes” in the hospital get them 60 votes? I know I shouldn’t be wasting time trying to figure this out, but…???

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 12h12 hours ago

    We will have the votes for Healthcare but not for the reconciliation deadline of Friday, after which we need 60. Get rid of Filibuster Rule!

    Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 12h12 hours ago

    With one Yes vote in hospital & very positive signs from Alaska and two others (McCain is out), we have the HCare Vote, but not for Friday!

  6. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:
  7. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:
  8. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:

    Nick Cannon – Stand For What

  9. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    WATCH: Sen. Hassan reads letter from former Puerto Rico gov: “Unless we see a dramatic increase in assistance… many thousands could die.”
    — NBC News (@NBCNews) September 27, 2017

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      Shameful, criminal, a national disgrace!

      But kneeling, flags, song, and respect THO!

    • SEND.ALL.THE.AID.NOW! The situation is desperate…so many without food and water!

  10. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    How Did McConnell Become the Whipping Boy?
    by Martin Longman
    September 27, 2017

    Everyone is talking about the horrible day Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had yesterday. He had to announce that he was giving up on executing an Obamacare repeal through budget reconciliation; he learned that one of his allies, Sen. Bob Corker of Tennessee, won’t be seeking reelection; and he watched the candidate he supported in the Alabama special election lose very badly. It’s all bad news for him and it’s hard to decide which piece is the most threatening to his political career.


    I actually think it’s the dynamic that unfolded in the Alabama race that should worry McConnell the most. To fully understand this, it’s probably helpful to read Jordan Gehrke’s Medium article today. He works for a political consulting firm that was initially hired by Rep. Mo Brooks and subsequently by Roy Moore. What he discovered during his research for both candidates is that their most effective message was their opposition to McConnell’s leadership. Here’s just a small sample of Gehrke’s piece:

    Despite what Mitch McConnell and Senate Leadership Fund will tell you, this was nothing less than a stunning loss for Mitch McConnell tonight. He and his team at Senate Leadership Fund invested millions on a deep Red seat that Republicans were never in danger of losing, simply so that Mitch McConnell would have another loyal vote in his pocket. They threatened people, they wasted money, and they misled President Trump into thinking this race was close.

    Finally, more stunning than McConnell’s loss is the way that he lost. Roy Moore did not win despite McConnell’s opposition, he won because of McConnell’s opposition. Going all the way back to the Primary, both Roy Moore and Mo Brooks promised that if elected, they would not support McConnell for Leader under any circumstances. They won because of open defiance to the Majority Leader. This is simply unprecedented.

  11. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Roy Moore’s theocratic contribution to Republican politics
    09/27/17 12:55 PM
    By Steve Benen

    When Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) was first elected in 2006, it was a breakthrough moment for domestic political diversity: the Minnesota Democrat was the first Muslim American to ever be elected to Congress. Alabama’s Roy Moore had a rather unique reaction to the news.

    At the time, Moore was a contributor to a fringe right-wing conspiracy-theory website, having been removed from the state bench for an ethics violation. After learning of Ellison’s victory, Moore argued that the Minnesotan shouldn’t be allowed to serve on Capitol Hill – not because there was a problem with the election, but because Ellison is a member of a religious minority that Moore doesn’t like.

    In Moore’s vision of the United States, the law extends special protections and benefits to Christians, while everyone else, in a rather literal sense, is a second-class citizen. The U.S. Constitution may prohibit religious tests for public office, and may separate church from state, but as far as Moore is concerned, that same Constitution was created to “foster Christianity.”

    I’ve been writing about Moore’s antics off and on for about 20 years now, and what I think people fail to appreciate is the extent to which he represents something unique in our politics. We’ve grown quite accustomed over the years to assorted cranks and con-men, radicals and rabble-rousers, but what sets Moore apart is the fact that he doesn’t, strictly speaking, believe in a democratic system of government.

    The Alabama Republican, who may soon become the newest member of the United State Senate, is probably best described as a theocrat. New York’s Jon Chait summarized this well:

    News accounts have delicately phrased the matter by calling Moore a “firebrand.” In reality, he is an insurrectionist. Moore considers a certain brand of theological Christianity to be the sole legitimate legal authority of the United States. He has used his public office to openly defy the country’s actual legal authority. A functioning conservative party would consider respect for law and order a threshold question. Instead, Republicans have dismissed it as a mere inconvenience.

  12. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Elizabeth Warren Is Getting Hillary-ed
    Rebecca Traister

    The playbook that the right is running against Warren — seeding early criticism designed to weaken her from the left — is pretty ballsy, given that Warren has been a standard-bearer, the crusading, righteous politician who by many measures activated the American left in the years before Bernie Sanders mounted his presidential campaign. Warren is the candidate who many cited in 2016 as the anti-Clinton: the outspoken, uncompromisingly progressive woman they would have supported unreservedly had she only run. Yet now, as many hope and speculate that she might run in 2020, the right is investing in a story line about Warren that is practically indistinguishable from the one they peddled for years about Clinton. And even in these early days, some of that narrative is finding its way into mainstream coverage of Warren, and in lefty reactions to it.


    Mercer’s contribution to Massachusetts First is the biggest he’s made to any candidate or political entity in 2017, according to Politico, citing Federal Election Commission Records. And despite the fact that Warren is unlikely to face a perilous challenge in her bid for reelection in Massachusetts in 2018, radio ads funded by Mercer have been running all summer, painting the senator and former faculty member at Harvard Law as a “hypocrite professor” who was “raking in hundreds of thousands each year” while her students were “taking on massive debt to listen to Warren lecture them.”

  13. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Paul Ryan rankles some of his members with tax-reform pitch
    09/27/17 10:40 AM
    By Steve Benen

    After months of closed-door talks, Republicans are reportedly going to unveil some of the details of their tax-reform package today, and in the wake of the health care fight, GOP leaders are feeling understandably anxious. If this initiative comes up short, too, Republicans are going to have a tough time justifying the scope of their failure.

    With that in mind, the Huffington Post reported last night that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) not only hosted a meeting with his Republican conference yesterday; he also invited a special guest: Corry Bliss, executive director of the American Action Network, a dark-money group allied with the House GOP leadership.

    As the story goes, Republican lawmakers were shown a series of commercials AAN has put together on tax reform, which may air in members’ districts to pressure them to toe the party line. As one member told the Huffington Post, “Like a teacher showing the kids a paddle on the first day of class, the blatant implication was that those who misbehaved would be spanked.”

    Another described the presentation as “kind of creepy,” which, I suspect, was part of the point.

    But I was also glad to see some GOP members question what the American Action Network was doing at their conference meeting in the first place. From the article:

    “Since when do you let some outside PAC come in and talk?” the member asked.

    “This is nuts. Like, really?” the Republican continued. “That’s what it’s come to? You’ve let the head of an outside PAC come in and talk to the Republican conference? I don’t know. I think it’s goofy.”

  14. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:

    There is no end to this madness…..

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      UH UH UH … As his evil twin sister, I’m sure.

  15. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    SHORT: Black folks should be grateful when they have $$$$ & a pot to piss in?

    Trevor NAILED IT.
    Kevin;SPOT ON.

  16. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:
    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      How about Mayor Rahm speak out against the orange POS #45’s Dereliction of Duty and criminal neglect of our US CITIZENS IN PUERTO RICO, HMM?

  17. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:
    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      Go LEGEND! ‘Underground’ Nailed that NAKED TRUTH about slave REVOLTS.

      So of course RIGHTWING-LEANING Sinclair’s not going to air it.

      • SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
        SouthernGirl2 says:

        Yes he did.

  18. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    NOW: 101st Airborne is deploying Team Medevac to Puerto Rico – 8 medevac helicopters + support personnel

    — David Begnaud (@DavidBegnaud) September 27, 2017

  19. Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
    Ametia says:

    Happy HUMP day, Everyone!

  20. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Puerto Rico’s Governor just told me that officials can’t find/ reach many of the drivers that are needed to distribute food, fuel and water
    — David Begnaud (@DavidBegnaud) September 27, 2017

  21. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Bernie is not even a Democrat, so why is he ripping our party apart?

    At some point very soon, supporters of Bernie Sanders have a decision to make. Do they want four more years of Republican majorities, or do they want to be part of implementing policies aimed at helping the poor and working poor? In this political climate, it’s a binary choice. Either supporters of Sanders help to elect Democrats who can beat Donald Trump or they contribute to his re-election. Period.

    All the talk about a living wage, single-payer health care, and social justice means nothing if Republicans are re-elected in 2018 and 2020. All the talk about building an economy that works for all Americans means nothing if “Bernie bros” attack every Democrat who isn’t Sanders. He isn’t even a registered Democrat. I would love to hear Sanders’s opinion on how the Democratic Party can rebound and rebuild, but it has to be preceded by him actually joining the party, not merely using it as a vessel for his run for president. Democrats are your allies, not your punching bag or your Uber.

    It’s time for the fantasy to end. Sanders wouldn’t have beaten Trump. He couldn’t even beat Hillary Clinton. Pretending otherwise is completely illogical and only serves to reopen old wounds that ensure more Republican victories. If supporters of Sanders want an ally on health care, they certainly won’t find it in Republicans. It hurts the very people that both Democrats and Sanders supporters are attempting to help his supporters denigrate up and coming Democrats as “corporatists” who are “owned by Wall Street.”

  22. SouthernGirl2 – A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
    SouthernGirl2 says:
  23. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    From @bruce_arthur: Raptors players answer the absurd “these athletes are rich why are they complaining” argument:
    — Daniel Dale (@ddale8) September 27, 2017

  24. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Don’t let people who don’t know you define you. Do the work – let them judge that. -Michelle Obama. #inbound2017
    — Makayla Hallford (@MakaylaPlus2) September 27, 2017

  25. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    * Shot:

    Taking a Knee Did Not Stop a Shooting in Chicago or Raise Anyone Out of Poverty

    — Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) September 26, 2017


    Neither did a walk across the Selma bridge or a march on Washington. And condescending white people were lecturing efficacy back then, too.

    — David Simon (@AoDespair) September 26, 2017

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      SIMON for the WIN!

  26. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    One reason it’s important for Dems to compete seriously in AL-SEN is to draw out the national GOP into vocally backing this clown.
    — Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) September 27, 2017

  27. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    I stood up to the KKK, I will stand up for Alabama. I will not embarrass you.
    It begins right now.
    — Doug Jones (@GDouglasJones) September 27, 2017

  28. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    JUST IN: Trump admin refuses to lift shipping restrictions to help get supplies to Puerto Rico
    — The Hill (@thehill) September 26, 2017

  29. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    As the president said, you can’t drive to Puerto Rico in a truck. What the Jones Act does:
    — Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) September 26, 2017

    “If the Jones Act did not exist, then neither would the public debt of Puerto Rico.”
    — Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) September 26, 2017

  30. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Trump administration denies Puerto Rico’s request to waive the Jones Act, which it did for Harvey and Irma.
    — Matt Pearce (@mattdpearce) September 26, 2017

  31. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Columbia Journalism Review says journalists should be labeling President Trump’s rhetoric “racist” (
    — Brian Stelter (@brianstelter) September 26, 2017

  32. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    And nobody from Facebook or the Sanders campaign asked why ads were still being bought for Bernie by Russians after Hillary clinched it?
    — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) September 27, 2017

  33. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    A white man fired for refusing to obey the Constitution is “a really great guy” but a black NFL player who kneels is a “son of a bitch.”
    — Keith Boykin (@keithboykin) September 27, 2017

  34. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Mad!! 7:30 am and 20,000 people are already in their seats waiting to hear Michelle Obama who comes on at 9 #INBOUND2017
    — Joe Fitzgerald (@joewaterford) September 27, 2017

  35. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    🔥When meeting with Russian spies to discuss attacking Hillary Clinton and getting rid of Magnitsky act, Trump was assured of Russian money.🔥
    — Eric Garland (@ericgarland) September 27, 2017

  36. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Democrats flip two seats in state special elections
    BY REBECCA SAVRANSKY – 09/27/17 07:21 AM EDT

    Democrats on Tuesday flipped two seats in special state elections in Florida and New Hampshire.

    In Florida, Democrats Annette Taddeo won a Miami-area state Senate seat, The Daily Beast reported.

    The Miami Herald noted that the race was heavily contested due to its importance to both parties, adding that the Republican who previously occupied the seat faced controversy after reportedly making racist comments and resigning.

    She won in a district that 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton took in the presidential race, 58 to 40 percent.
    In New Hampshire, Democrat Kari Lerner won a special state House election in a district President Trump won by a significant margin.

    Lerner beat her opponent, Republican former state Rep. James Headd, by 39 votes, according to WMUR.

    She garnered 50.6 percent support, while her opponent received 48.4 percent.

  37. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Trump inauguration donor gets personal attention
    Sam Stein, politics editor for The Daily Beast, talks with Rachel Maddow about a newly discovered example of apparent special access to White House officials given to a donor to Donald Trump’s inauguration fund.

  38. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    San Juan mayor: ‘This is a big S.O.S. for anybody out there’
    Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz of Puerto Rico’s capital city, San Juan, talks with Rachel Maddow about the desperate situation in her city and in Puerto Rico broadly, and expresses her frustration with an administration that is slow to deploy eager helpers.

  39. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Schiff: A lot more work to do on Russian use of social media
    Congressman Adam Schiff, ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, talks with Rachel Maddow about how the investigation into Russia’s use of social media to interfere in the American democratic process is advancing.

  40. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Trump staff, lawyers in tow, to face Mueller in Russia scandal
    Rachel Maddow reports on expectations that special counsel Robert Mueller will interview White House staff this week in the Trump Russia scandal, and notes how crowded the timeline since 2016 has become with known events.

  41. Liza
    Liza says:

    What I think I’m seeing is that evidence of Trump’s incompetence is growing by the hour. Maybe it’s because mainstream media started reporting the humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico. But, at this point, “unfit to lead” does not begin to describe him.

    We have no leadership. I can’t predict where this goes, how this ends, but there is no leadership.

  42. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    What Trump Does and Doesn’t Know About Puerto Rico
    by Nancy LeTourneau September 27, 2017

    When the devastation in Puerto Rico started to unfold, Donald Trump was silent about it all—too caught up in his racist rants about professional athletes. When he finally tweeted about it, here’s what he said:


    That produced a lot of head-scratching. Why was the president talking about the island’s debt at a time like this?

    Call me naive, but I think it was because he thought it made him look smart. If you want to appear that way, it helps to talk about something you know about. As we learned during the presidential campaign, if there is one thing Trump knows a lot about, it is debt and bankruptcy. He even went so far as to call himself the “king of debt.”

    There is also the fact that what Trump knows about Puerto Rico is that they are the largest municipality to ever file for bankruptcy—because he was involved. To get the picture, take a look at what Daniel Wagner wrote about that a year ago.

    Donald Trump claimed he had a plan to save a failing Puerto Rican golf resort: He would streamline its budget and attract new members. Those promises, repeated for years, helped the club sell a raft of government-backed bonds that it had very little chance of repaying.

    Trump collected hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees from the resort, but he never did oversee the golf course’s daily operations. He didn’t attract more than a handful of new members or reduce its multi-million dollar annual losses. Its costly, self-dealing contracts remained in place. In late 2011, six months after selling the bonds, the club defaulted, leaving Puerto Rican taxpayers — already suffering through a major economic crisis — on the hook for as much as $32.7 million, according to an analysis by Securities Litigation and Consulting Group.


    When Trump heard that something was happening in Puerto Rico, I can imagine that this is the story that came to mind. He thought he knew something about this U.S. territory and decided to show off by tweeting about it. The trouble is, all he knew was how he had managed to rip off a golf course—contributing to the trail of debt that resulted in bankruptcy.

    This president is incapable of empathizing with the suffering currently being experienced by the people of Puerto Rico. What he demonstrated with those tweets is that his first impulse is to go with what he knows…investors, debt and bankruptcy.

  43. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Alabama Republicans ignore Trump’s advice in key Senate primary
    09/27/17 08:00 AM
    By Steve Benen
    Donald Trump went all out for appointed Sen. Luther Strange (R) in his Alabama primary. The president endorsed him, tweeted about him, promoted his Fox News appearances, dispatched Vice President Mike Pence to campaign for him, and even headlined a local rally for him.

    But Alabama Republicans ignored Trump’s advice. Roy Moore easily defeated Strange in their primary runoff yesterday, and soon after, some presidential tweets suddenly disappeared.

    After enthusiastically endorsing an Alabama senator’s campaign for re-election, President Trump distanced himself on Tuesday night from the candidate’s loss in the most Trumpian way possible: He deleted his supportive tweets.

    Hours after Senator Luther Strange, a Republican from Alabama, lost in Tuesday’s primary runoff, Mr. Trump excised at least three favorable Twitter posts, including one sent Tuesday morning. In that tweet, posted as the polls in Alabama opened, the president boasted that Mr. Strange “has been shooting up in the Alabama polls since my endorsement.”

  44. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Tom Price’s travel combined personal and professional interests
    09/27/17 08:40 AM
    By Steve Benen

    In 1991, George H. W. Bush’s chief of staff, John Sununu, was forced to resign in the wake of a specific kind of scandal: on multiple occasions, Sununu used government resources for his personal travel. The then-president first rebuked his top aide before eventually accepting his resignation.

    When the story about HHS Secretary Tom Price’s private-jet travel first broke, it appeared that this was a different kind of controversy because the Republican cabinet secretary’s trips were strictly professional in nature. Politico moved the ball forward yesterday with a report that suggests Price actually mixed personal and professional interests while taking advantage of taxpayer-funded travel.

    Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price took a government-funded private jet in August to get to St. Simons Island, an exclusive Georgia resort where he and his wife own land, a day and a half before he addressed a group of local doctors at a medical conference that he and his wife have long attended.

    The St. Simons Island trip was one of two taxpayer-funded flights on private jets in which Price traveled to places where he owns property, and paired official visits with meetings with longtime colleagues and family members. On June 6, HHS chartered a jet to fly Price to Nashville, Tennessee, where he owns a condominium and where his son resides. Price toured a medicine dispensary and spoke to a local health summit organized by a longtime friend. He also had lunch with his son, an HHS official confirmed.

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:


  45. TheWarner says:

    We are completely on the same page. I just posted a couple of these videos a few days ago myself. KevOnStage and Trevor Noah each made excellent points.

  46. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:!

    Fall is back 🍃🍂🍁😄😄

    • TheWarner says:

      Powers was fantastic. I was hoping someone on the panel would ask Cuccinelli and Martin about the civil rights polls and a large majority of white America voted that sit-ins and protests would “hurt the negro”, and that the majority of white Americans voted that they felt it was “too soon” for negroes to want equal rights.

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      I want that HOODED SWEATSHIRT

    • Ametia – EARTH – I am a Spiritual traveler, a devoted wife, mother, sister, lover of dream study, reading, theater, music, dance, and thought-provoking discussions on love, life, humor and service.
      Ametia says:

      SPOT ON


  47. rikyrah
    rikyrah says:

    Good Morning,Everyone 😐😐😐

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