Open Thread | 2020 Is The Year

All hands on deck.
Politically, there can be only one objective:

Defeat every Republican running for office.


From President to dog catcher…If they are running in the Republican Party, they must be defeated.

No such thing as a Good Republican.
No such thing as a Moderate Republican.
No such thing as an Independent Republican.

They are all Dolt45, and he is them. None of them show any type of spine, so they must agree with all the corruption, criminality and cruelty of this Administration.

They ALL must be swept out of office to send the message that allying with a traitor who is nothing but a flunky of a hostile foreign power, betraying American interests in unacceptable.

They ALL gotta go.😠😠

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25 Responses to Open Thread | 2020 Is The Year

  1. Black voters have carried the Democratic Party and saved their a*ss from disaster but the Black female candidate & the Latino candidate has had to drop out of the race. What kind of nonsense is this? Where the hell are we, the Base of the Democratic party, represented?

  2. Ametia says:

    Happy New Year 3 CHICS!

  3. The U.S. MEDIA is RACIST AF! No way in hell would a Black mayor who won with 8515 votes in his political career be fluffed up by the media as he run for president. But Buttigieg is white tho! I make no bones about it. I’m mad as hell this morning. Julian Castro didn’t get the coverage he so deserved because RACISM!

    • Liza says:

      Well, we knew this was going to happen.

      I suppose there are a number of reasons why Julian Castro’s campaign didn’t catch on, certainly media coverage is an issue. But what I saw from the beginning is that he spoke out about police killings and brutality and the Democratic establishment does not believe that is the way to win.

  4. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😄😄😄

    • Liza says:

      Good morning, Rikyrah and Everyone,
      Love the post this AM, “From President to dog catcher…”
      Yes, Ma’am!

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