Saturday Open Thread | Dirty Dancing Soundtrack

Dirty dancing3As Johnny teaches Baby to dance, tempers flare and a romance begins to develop. Their performance at the Sheldrake goes reasonably well, though Baby is too nervous to accomplish the dance’s climactic lift.

When they return to Kellerman’s, they learn that Penny’s backstreet abortion was botched, leaving her in agonizing pain. Baby brings her father to help, but he misinterprets Johnny’s answer to a question he asked while treating Penny, and thus believes it is Johnny who impregnated her. For that reason, after Jake treats Penny, he forbids Baby to have anything to do with Johnny or his friends. Jake is furious at Baby for lying to him and betraying his trust. Baby, however, defies him and sneaks out to visit Johnny in his room later that same night, where they dance intimately and have sex.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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40 Responses to Saturday Open Thread | Dirty Dancing Soundtrack

  1. Ametia says:

    Watching The Thorn Birds with friends!

  2. rikyrah says:

    Booksellers write new chapter in Wyoming

    Longtime partners leave city life behind to set up shop in an enormous barn, now home to 70,000 used and antiquarian texts. And sheep. Lots of sheep.

    By John M. Glionna
    November 25, 2013, 6:00 a.m.

    SWEETWATER STATION, Wyo. — In the fading afternoon light, the barnyard is turning raucous: the chickens are clucking, peacocks are pacing and sheep are bawling, making the llama a bit nervous. The donkey just works his gums as though chawing on a plug of tobacco.

    Polly Hinds and Lynda German stand beaming amid the chaos, their old blue tractor in the background, framed by an endless expanse of prairie sky. For the two literary outliers, it is the end of another precious day on their unlikely experiment in the middle of Wyoming’s nowhere.

    Their hands filthy from chores, the two veteran booksellers carry armloads of hard-bound volumes, careful not to dirty the historical tomes and two Zane Grey works of fiction, “The Last Ranger” and “Last of the Great Scouts.” The words scrawled in red on a storage shed explain the contrast: “BOOKS FOR SALE.”

    Thirteen years ago, the pair fled Denver following a bizarre altercation with police, looking for a quieter life. They found it here on a deserted ranch 40 miles from the nearest store, where the only violence comes from two marauding moose that sometimes break their windows in search of food.

    Since then, they’ve perfected the art of doing what they want, where they want to do it — running a thriving scholarly oasis with a touch of oddball rural charm. Their eccentric Mad Dog and the Pilgrim bookstore offers 70,000 used and antiquarian texts — more books than the average Barnes and Noble — from a lonely wind-swept crossroads with a population between three and five, depending on the season.

    On Highway 287, a weathered sign advertises “Old Books. Fresh Eggs. For Sale.” At age 66, German is the Mad Dog, a self-professed curmudgeon. Hinds, 58, who dates her ancestry back to the Mayflower and has a penchant for pistols, is the Pilgrim.

    Inside their two-story, climate-controlled book barn, volumes costing between $10 and $4,000 draw orders from the U.S. and Europe, including, they say, Buckingham Palace. A fourth of their $1,500 monthly profit comes from online sales. Buyers wander a store crammed with farm shears, pith helmets, fertility statues and a stuffed Syrian lion, taxidermied in 1900. The couple are also trying to find room for an 1850s child’s coffin.

    Their menagerie includes 62 chickens, 41 sheep, three peacocks and six guinea fowl. There’s the donkey named Rucio, after Sancho Panza’s furry sidekick, and the feisty llama Jose Habanero, who takes his sheep-guardian’s duties seriously.

    Fugitive sheep often wander the bookstore, particularly the old ewe Mona Moon. The littlest lambs are often dressed in diapers, prompting baffled book browsers to ask: “Are they, um, like, allowed in here?”

    That’s when Hinds says: “Allowed in here? Heck, they own the place!”,0,4938241.story#ixzz2mBVPAb1S

  3. rikyrah says:

    Michael Jordan Expecting Baby With New Wife —

    – –Seven months after getting hitched, Michael Jordan and Yvette Prieto are expecting their first baby together, Jordan’s rep tells Us.
    Prieto, 34, a model, has been with the basketball great for more than
    five years. Jordan, 50, already has three kids ranging in age from 19 to 24 from his first marriage

  4. Ametia says:

    SG2, I’ve had the time of my life with the “Dirty Dancing soundtrack. Thanks so much!

  5. Ametia says:

    howdy Everyone. Been sort of out of the loop. How’d the Barbara Walters/POTUS-FLOTUS interview go?

  6. rikyrah says:

    Right on the Money


    This guy is right on the money! Like yesterday’s “President of Peace”, today’s “The Conservative Movement’s Death Wish” at The People’s View just nails it. Listen:

    At this point, it’s as if conservatives can’t help themselves. The fact that Obama has run rings around them in spite of their vigorous efforts has led to a psychotic break. Republicans fight Democrats with vile assertions. Republicans knife each other in purity contests. A strong, intelligent, black Democratic president who knows exactly what they’re up to, and times his attacks for maximum effect, has put them flat on their backs. They’re used to Democrats and liberals who are defensive. They’re used to the triangulations of a Bill Clinton. Barack Obama’s strength has sent them into a fugue state from which, as yet, they haven’t been able to awaken.

    The public doesn’t see it this way, at least not yet. (False) equivalence rules the day with the MSM. Will the picture come clear by next November? Maybe yes; maybe no. I’m really not sure. But by 2016, it will be crystal clear, and the Republican wipeout will be epic. I hate to think that we may need to wait until 2017 to pass Immigration Reform; but that is entirely possible.

    Spandan at The People’s View gets who Obama is. Not many on the Liberal side fully do. They think he’s a pure triangulator, like Clinton. He’s not. When he includes, even absorbs the GOP position, as he has on deficit reduction, this is not a cave. It’s a patient, long game strategy, where (like aikido) you absorb all your opponents energy, until they have nothing left, and the field is yours. Look how completely Obama has won the field on budget battles. He can’t get his way (needs a Dem House); but now the GOP is defanged, without their normal battle cry.

    The GOP remains completely unable to see this man. And because they can’t, they will lose. Possibly in 2014. Certainly in 2016.

  7. rikyrah says:


    Cayman Islands and Costa Rica agree to share bank account details with US
    The alleged tax havens have signed agreements with the United States to tell the IRS about funds held offshore by Americans

  8. rikyrah says:

    Colbert King: Obamacare — A Question Of Morality

    …. the Affordable Care Act is viewed more kindly by the congregation at First Baptist Church, located a few miles from the shadow of the Capitol, than by those within the governmental structure.

    …. The Rev. Frank D. Tucker, who has been First Baptist’s pastor for nearly 38 years, used Sunday morning’s service to address Obamacare in terms its critics do not.

    He announced that First Baptist, working with the city’s health-care exchange, DC Health Link, would host a health insurance enrollment fair on Saturday. He issued an emotional call to his congregation, young and old, to enroll in the program, resorting to language associated with the battle to win the right to vote.

    Tucker noted the decades of unsuccessful efforts by several presidents to extend medical care to all Americans, including those living in dire circumstances beyond their control. Not sugar-coating the problems that President Obama has encountered in bringing about health-care reform, Tucker hammered at the obligation of the uninsured to enroll in the insurance program that Obama and other health-reform advocates have worked so hard to create. The Obama administration and its congressional supporters, Tucker observed, have been opposed every step of the way, taking a beating from people in Congress and around the country. Don’t let their sacrifices be in vain by sitting on your hands, he contended. Get enrolled, he declared.

    And Tucker wasn’t even Sunday morning’s featured speaker. That honor fell to William P. DeVeaux, the presiding bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church’s second district, which covers the nation’s capital. DeVeaux’s presence, however, made Tucker’s appeal more compelling because DeVeaux’s message drew heavily on the scriptural command to serve others. It reinforced Tucker’s appeal to give all Americans the health security they deserve.

    Tucker, DeVeaux and other members of the cloth are those whom the opponents of health-care reform are up against.

    Gaining access to no-cost preventive services to stay healthy, which Obamacare provides, is not a sign of indifference. Neither is giving senior citizens discounts on their prescription drugs, or allowing young adults to get health insurance on their parents’ plan, or ending insurance company abuses. Those steps represent the caring actions of government.

  9. rikyrah says:

    Here’s How The Virginia Recount Will Work
    Daniel Strauss – November 27, 2013, 3:47 PM EST7591

    A recount of the razor thin attorney general race in Virginia is officially on.

    Virginia State Sen. Mark Obenshain’s (R) campaign formally filed for a recount Wednesday. The move, long expected, came just two days after the Virginia State Board of Elections certified Obenshain’s opponent, state Sen. Mark Herring (D), as the winner of the race by a tiny 165-vote margin. Because Herring’s margin of victory is within 1 percent of the more than 2 million votes tallied in the race, either Obenshain or Herring could have requested a recount.

    So here’s what happens now.

    A three-judge panel is formed for overseeing the election process. The panel, made up of the chief judge of the Richmond Circuit Court, Bradley B. Cavedo, and two other judges appointed by the Supreme Court of Virginia will oversee the recount. Most of the rules for the recount are already established but the panel will handle setting some of the procedures for the recount as well as any complaints either the Obenshain campaign or Herring campaign has about how the recount is going. The panel will hold hearings roughly a week after the Obenshain campaign’s recount petition has been filed to establish the specific dates and procedures for the recount.

    The Obenshain campaign said in a conference call with reporters Wednesday morning that it expected the recount to happen sometime in mid-December and that it would likely take a day, possibly two, for all the ballots to be recounted.

    This recount will be different from previous Virginia recounts in that all ballots counted through optical scan will be rescanned again. That’s in contrast to the 2005 attorney general recount between Bob McDonnell (R) and Creigh Deeds (D). State law during that recount said that the three-judge panel had to re-tabulate scanned ballots by hand. In 2008, Deeds sponsored legislation changing the law so all scanned ballots went through optical scan machines again instead of a hand recount. All other types of ballots cast in the race, including provisional and absentee, will be hand counted again.

    The State Board of Elections has also issued directions to vote counters for so-called “undervote” ballots (ballots that aren’t completely filled out) and “overvote” ballots (ballots where the voter filled in bubbles for both candidates but also indicated a preference for one). Those ballots will be also be recounted by hand.

    During the original tallying Republicans criticized how votes were counted in Fairfax County, the state’s most populous and which Herring won. Voters there were given extra time to appear at voting locations and argue the validity of provisional ballots cast. Republican attorneys argued that the extra time violated the equal protection rights of provisional voters. That argument seemed like something Obenshain’s campaign would bring up later to try and stop those ballots from being counted in a recount but on Wednesday lawyers for the Republican state senator said there are no current plans to fight recounting the Fairfax votes.

    The chances that Obenshain could flip the race in his favor aren’t great.

  10. rikyrah says:

    Published on Nov 30, 2013

    President Obama and daughters Malia and Sasha dropped in Saturday at Washington’s Politics and Prose bookstore. The Saturday after Thanksgiving has become known as “Small Business Saturday,” designed to drive customers to mom and pop shops. (Nov. 30)

  11. rikyrah says:

    November 27, 2013 11:19 AM
    Thanks to Obamacare, One Million People Now Have Health Insurance
    By James Wimberley

    There’s one group of Americans who have a special reason to celebrate Thanksgiving: the million who now have medical insurance for the first time, thanks to Barack Obama and the Affordable Care Act.

    I’ll justify the number after the jump. For now: welcome to civilization.

    I know, I know: ACA doesn’t create a fully universal system, it’s complicated and kludgy compared to single payer, the federal website was launched as leaky as a sieve and is being repaired as it goes, it’s uncertain whether ACA will rein in healthcare costs, there are over 30 million more uninsured to go, yadda yadda. We’ll be talking about these problems many times. For now, Americans should celebrate a milestone.

  12. rikyrah says:

    NYPD Commissioner Raymond Kelly’s ex-aide was forced out of job for defending African-American coworker: lawsuit

    Katherine Lemire claims Michael Stapleton Associates retaliated against her after she went to bat for Chanissa Green. MSA Vice President of Operations Joe Atherall allegedly warned the human resources assistant to not wear her hair in braids, telling her it looked ‘ghetto.’
    By Daniel Beekman / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

    A former federal prosecutor who served as Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly’s NYPD special counsel says she was forced out of her job by a leading security company because she stood up for an African-American colleague against racial discrimination.

    Katherine Lemire clocked Michael Stapleton Associates with a lawsuit Tuesday, claiming company brass drove her to resign.

    Lemire, who was president of MSA Investigations until she quit last
    month, says she went to bat for Chanissa Green after MSA Vice President of Operations Joe Atherall warned the human resources assistant to not wear her hair in braids.

    “When someone like me … sees someone with a style like that, we think ghetto – not professional,” Green reported that Atherall said, according to Lemire’s Manhattan federal court lawsuit. “I’ll tell you what’s beautiful: my daughter, with blond hair and blue eyes.”

    Lemire says MSA honchos, including company chairman George Harvey, “whitewashed” a discrimination probe and terminated another employee over his handling of the investigation.

  13. rikyrah says:

    when the HELL did it get to the point where a store can refuse CASH??!?!?!


    Black Customers Say Buy Buy Baby Refused Their Money
    By Ann Givens and Pei-Sze Cheng

    Two cousins who say their cash was refused when they tried to pay for more than $1,000 in baby gear at a Long Island Buy Buy Baby believe they were turned away because they are black. Pei-Ze Cheng reports.

    Two cousins who say their cash was refused when they tried to pay for more than $1,000 in baby gear at a Long Island Buy Buy Baby believe they were turned away because they are black.

    Damon and David Harvey say they were only trying to make a splash at a family baby shower when they brought three big-ticket items to the register at the superstore in Garden City.

    But their festive mood quickly faded when the store clerk brought
    their $1,173 in cash back to a supervisor, who then told them that their cash was no good.

    The cousins say they now believe they were discriminated against because of their race – a charge the store vigorously denies.

  14. rikyrah says:

    College application process intimidating to some

    WASHINGTON (AP) – Sometimes, all it takes is a $7 burrito gift card to get high school seniors to submit their college applications early.

    “You always have some students who say, ‘I don’t want to go to college,’ but they don’t realize whatever it is in life, they need to go to college for it,” said adviser Martin Copeland at Theodore Roosevelt High School in the District of Columbia. “They
    don’t realize it until May. For those students, these incentives work.”

    President Barack Obama’s goal is that by 2020, America will again have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world. To reach it, more low-income and first-generation students must earn a degree.

    The first hurdle is getting these students to apply.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Here’s an instance of the CRIME of..

    Standing and waiting for a bus WHILE BLACK


    Coach Defends Students Arrested at Bus Stop

    Buses weren’t running on Wednesday, so the coach at Edison Tech, a city high school, arranged for a school bus to pick up his boys at a central meeting spot on Main Street in Rochester to take them to a scrimmage with another school. While the boys were standing around waiting, this is what the cops said they did:

    The police report says the students were obstructing “pedestrian traffic while standing on a public sidewalk…preventing free passage of citizens walking by and attempting to enter and exit a store…Your complainant gave several lawful clear and concise orders for the group to disperse and leave the area without compliance.”

    Three of the boys were arrested, the coach was threatened with arrest, and the coach was told by one of the police officers that the cop wished he had a big enough vehicle to arrest the whole team. The parents of the boys who were arrested had to post $200 bail to get them out in time for Thanksgiving.

  16. Yahtc says:

    “One Love / People Get Ready”

    One Love! One Heart!
    Let’s get together and feel all right.
    Hear the children cryin’ (One Love!);
    Hear the children cryin’ (One Heart!),
    Sayin’: give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;
    Sayin’: let’s get together and feel all right. Wo wo-wo wo-wo!

    Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One Love!);
    There is one question I’d really love to ask (One Heart!):
    Is there a place for the hopeless sinner,
    Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs?

    One Love! What about the one heart? One Heart!
    What about – ? Let’s get together and feel all right
    As it was in the beginning (One Love!);
    So shall it be in the end (One Heart!),
    All right!
    Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;
    Let’s get together and feel all right.
    One more thing!

    Let’s get together to fight this Holy Armagiddyon (One Love!),
    So when the Man comes there will be no, no doom (One Song!).
    Have pity on those whose chances grows t’inner;
    There ain’t no hiding place from the Father of Creation.

    Sayin’: One Love! What about the One Heart? (One Heart!)
    What about the – ? Let’s get together and feel all right.
    I’m pleadin’ to mankind! (One Love!);
    Oh, Lord! (One Heart) Wo-ooh!

    Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;
    Let’s get together and feel all right.
    Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right;
    Let’s get together and feel all right.

  17. Yahtc says:

    Good Morning to all of you!

    I am going to be decorating our Christmas tree today.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

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