Wednesday Open Thread | Obama Vetoes Keystone XL Bill

Keystone Pipeline veto photoPresident Barack Obama on Tuesday, as promised, swiftly vetoed a Republican bill approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline, leaving the long-debated project in limbo for another indefinite period.

The U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, after receiving Obama’s veto message, immediately countered by announcing the Republican-led chamber would attempt to override it by March 3.

That is unlikely. Despite their majority, Republicans are four votes short of being able to overturn Obama’s veto.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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43 Responses to Wednesday Open Thread | Obama Vetoes Keystone XL Bill

  1. check your emails ladies.

  2. Ametia says:

    OH DEAR GOD….What in the living fuck was she thinking?

  3. rikyrah says:

    Does anyone else watch Fresh Off The Boat?

    I love it…it cracks me up.

  4. [aol-on id=518664941]

  5. rikyrah says:

    GOP governor relieved to have embraced ‘Obamacare’
    02/25/15 10:01 AM
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    By Steve Benen
    There’s no shortage of high-profile Republicans gearing up for the 2016 presidential race, but there’s one name that probably should be in the mix, but isn’t.

    Imagine a popular Republican governor, easily elected twice in a battleground state President Obama won twice. Imagine he’s Hispanic, young, won re-election last year by a ridiculous 46 points, and has seen his state’s unemployment rate drop quickly in recent years.

    I’m referring to Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval (R), who seems like an almost-perfect presidential candidate for his party, but who hasn’t even considered testing the White House waters.

    To understand why, consider Sandoval’s perspective on the pending Supreme Court case that may gut the Affordable Care Act.
    “I made a decision early on that we would be a state-based exchange because I felt it was in Nevadans’ best interest to run their own,” Sandoval said, even boasting that twice as many Nevadans enrolled this year over the first round. “I’m just pleased,” he added, “that we don’t have the anxiety of the outcome King v. Burwell.”
    At first blush, this may not seem striking at all – a governor embraced a sensible policy that helped his constituents have access to basic medical care. It’s the sort of thing most Americans might expect every well-intentioned governor to do as a matter of course.

  6. rikyrah says:

    Dear Patricia Arquette: Blacks and gays owe white women nothing
    by Blue Telusma | February 23, 2015 at 10:35 AM

    I knew the Oscars were going to be extra white this year, so there’s a part of me that suspected it would be a bad idea to watch. But as an avid movie buff and independent filmmaker myself, skipping the Academy Awards would have felt like being asked to skip my prom.

    I couldn’t keep away.

    For the most part, the show was what you’d expect. The usual suspects presenting awards while covered in bronzer. Meryl Streep rolled through like a boss to wave and listen to her name get mentioned in every other category. A few obligatory shots of Sidney Poitier and Harry Belefonte flashed on the screen to remind us that black people do win awards — every 50 years or so. And Neal Patrick Harris did his best to make us laugh through the boredom.

    The usual.

    So when Patricia Arquette won the best supporting actress category for her work in Boyhood, having seen the movie and being a fan of her work, I was pleased and even clapped a little as she walked towards the stage.

  7. rikyrah says:

    February 25, 2015
    Reformers shock Dem Machine in Chicago Election
    By Mark Wachtler

    February 25, 2015. Chicago (ONN) For the first time since Chicago switched to nonpartisan elections 16 years ago, the Democratic Machine’s incumbent Mayor didn’t win outright with more than 50 percent of the vote and must endure a head-to-head run-off in April. That result, an obvious disappointment for Mayor Rahm Emanuel, trickled down throughout the rest of Chicago’s 50 Wards. After yesterday’s election, reformers picked up two more City Council seats and two dozen run-offs will surely add more.

    Establishment in shock

    There was good news after yesterday’s municipal elections for Chicago reformers, progressives, independents, opposition parties and everyone else who opposes the Chicago Democratic Machine. Currently, the Machine rules the City Council with 44 rubber stamp votes versus 6 reform Aldermen. Already however, reform candidates have won 8 seats outright. And with 19 April run-offs pitting Machine candidates versus reform candidates, that number is sure to grow.

    Topping the ballot and leading the parade of disappointed Machine incumbents was the Mayor himself, Rahm Emanuel. Four years ago, the Mayor easily won outright with over 50 percent of the vote. This time, he only received 45% and will face the union-backed second place finisher Jesus ‘Chuy’ Garcia who received 34%. Three other candidates split the remaining vote. His opponents call him ‘Mayor 1%’. And having ten-times more money than all his challengers combined, the results are a shock to the Mayor and the Machine, not to mention the city’s political experts, nearly all of whom predicted an outright Emanuel victory, after nearly universally endorsing him.

    City Council power shift

    With 44 rubber-stamp Aldermen in the City Council and only 6 reformers, it was going to take an act of God to deliver City Hall back to the people of Chicago. But after the results of yesterday’s election, the reformers will see their coalition grow and maybe even double or triple in size. Looking at some of the raw numbers out of Chicago’s 50 Ward races, 28 incumbents were re-elected. But some of those were reformers.

  8. Ametia says:



  9. rikyrah says:

    JANUARY 29, 2015
    The Barriers to Black-Brown Unity
    Can Chicago’s black and brown communities come together to elect a new mayor?

    Of the many challenges Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia faces in his bid to unseat Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel this February, the most formidable for the lone Latino in the race is attracting the support of the city’s black electorate.

    This would seem an unlikely obstacle in a predominately minority city like Chicago, where the political benefits of an African-American and Latino coalition are a no-brainer. After all, in 1983 black and brown unity helped elect Harold Washington, one of America’s most admired black mayors. Garcia can bask in that noble history; he played a role in mobilizing Latinos for Washington. But in the 32 years since Washington’s election, relations between the city’s two largest minority groups have soured.

    The first rifts appeared soon after Washington’s death in 1987. When the black base split over which alderman should succeed Washington, Latino supporters were set adrift, and the remnants of the city’s infamous Democratic Machine exploited that uncertainty. After Richard M. Daley defeated Washington’s placeholder successor, Eugene Sawyer, the Daley administration kept the black-brown coalition off balance by pitting the gains of one group against the other—replacing black officials with Latinos, for instance—in order to forestall the unity necessary for any serious Daley challenger.

    That is not to say that there aren’t organic differences between the two groups. As a long-time observer of these black-brown coalition attempts, I’ve seen a number of factors hamper them. Most glaring are the language differences and distinct historical experiences. The legacy of conquest and colonialism in Latin America is considerably different than that of U.S. slavery and Jim Crow, and there are too few attempts to familiarize each group with the other’s history. Latinos are also more culturally diverse than black Americans. And some African Americans resent Latinos for enjoying the gains of the Civil Rights Act without having invested as much effort in the movement.

    In the face of all this, few political campaigns in the United States (except for high-stakes presidential races) have successfully brought the two groups together. Yet forging those electoral links is the most logical strategy to challenge the white-dominated political hegemony, and it’s essential for the four candidates seeking to oust Emanuel— especially Garcia, who has the strongest chance. Blacks and Latinos comprise about 60 percent of the city’s population, and unless they unite against Emanuel, most pundits predict his re-election.

    Today, the biggest barrier to a black-brown coalition is the specter of undocumented immigrants taking jobs from African Americans. While institutional black leadership remains aligned with Latino immigrant advocacy groups, protests from grassroots African-American organizations are getting louder. Voice of the Ex-Offender (VOTE), an activist group calling for community development in poor black neighborhoods, stridently opposes any black-brown alliance. VOTE argues not only that Latinos take jobs from low-income African Americans, but that they skim off lucrative city contracts at blacks’ expense. (The first claim is discredited by the relatively low black jobless rates in cities with large immigrant populations; the second is better explained as a strenuous effort to give Latinos access to city contracts from which they were once excluded.)

    Robert Starks, director of the Harold Washington Institute for Research and Policy Studies at Northeastern Illinois University, thinks the jobs competition between African Americans and Latino immigrants is exaggerated, and that black-brown unity is necessary to “fight for equity in a system with a vested interest in white supremacy.” He says that many black activists have expressed support for Garcia. “I worked with Chuy during Harold’s campaign and he has remained steadfast and strong,” says Starks, who adds that more black leaders might have come out in support of Garcia were there not four black candidates in the running initially.

  10. rikyrah says:

    In Mayoral Runoff, Rahm Emanuel’s Corrupt Governance Has Finally Caught Up With Him
    It’s become increasingly clear to Chicagoans that Rahm Emanuel is out for himself and his rich friends, not for us.

    On Tuesday, Chicagoans voted themselves a reprieve. With 45.4 percent of the vote, Mayor Rahm Emanuel ended the first round of his first reelection bid almost five points below what he needed to avoid a runoff election in April—and three points below his performance in the last major pre-election poll. “Mayor 1%” will face second-place finisher Jesus “Chuy” García,” the soft-spoken, compassionate Cook County board member who proclaimed himself with a Chicagoan lilt the “neighborhood guy”—who over-performed the poll.

    Perhaps what turned some voters against Rahm at the last minute—or motivated them to go to the polls in the first place on a cold Chicago day that started out in the single digits—was an Election Day expose that appeared in the British paper the Guardian by investigate reporter Spencer Ackerman. “The Disappeared” revealed the existence of Homan Square, a forlorn “black site” that the Chicago Police operate on the West Side.

    There, Chicagoans learned—many for the first time—arrestees are locked up for days at a time without access to lawyers. One victim was 15 years old; he was released without being charged with anything. Another, a 44-year-old named John Hubbard, never left—he died in custody. One of the “NATO 3” defendants, later acquitted on most charges of alleged terror plans during a 2012 Chicago protest, was shackled to a bench there for 17 hours.

    It “struck legal experts as a throwback to the worst excesses of Chicago police abuse, with a post-9/11 feel to it,” the Guardian reported. And for a candidate, Rahm Emanuel, who ran on a message he was turning the page on the old, malodorous “Chicago way,” the piece contributed to a narrative that proved devastating.

    Indeed, the mayor faced a drumbeat of outstanding journalistic exposes all throughout the campaign. The Chicago Sun-Times reported on Deborah Quazzo, an Emanuel school board appointee who runs an investment fund for companies that privatize school functions. They discovered that five companies in which she had an ownership stake have more than tripled their business with the Chicago Public Schools since she joined the board, many of them for contracts drawn up in the suspicious amount of $24,999—one dollar below the amount that required central office approval. (Chicago is the only municipality in Illinois whose school board is appointed by a mayor. But activists succeeded—in an arduous accomplishment against the obstruction attempts of Emanuel backers on the city council—to get an advisory referendum on the ballot in a majority of the city’s wards calling for an elected representative school board. Approximately 90 percent of the voters who could vote for the measure did.)

    The Chicago Tribune reported that of Emanuel’s top 106 contributors, 60 of them received favors from the city. Another in-depth investigation discovered that City Hall had lied repeatedly about a signature initiative of the Emanuel years, automated cameras that issue tickets for the running of red lights. The administration insisted the cameras led to a 47 percent decline in “T-bone” crashes, when the true number was 15 percent—and they also caused a corresponding 22 percent increase in rear-end collisions. That reinforced suspicions that the cameras weren’t installed for the safety of “the children,” as Emanuel sanctimoniously insists, but are a revenue grab, a regressive tax that falls disproportionately on the poor.

    The International Business Tribune discovered that Emanuel was evading his own, much-trumpeted executive order banning campaign contributions from city contractors by shoveling $38 million in city resources to his donors via “direct voucher payments,” a sketchy loophole that lets businesses get city money without bids or contracts—without, in fact, any way of documenting what the money is used for.

    And a join investigation between public radio station WBEZ and the magazine Catalyst Chicago demonstrated that the Chicago Public Schools CEO Emanuel hired, Barbara Byrd-Bennett, was able to juke the statistics on high school graduation rates—which supposedly went from 70 to 85 percent over the lat decade—by contracting with for-profit online education companies that demanded very little work from students, while still allowing them to receive diplomas from the last school they attended.

  11. CNN showing previews of their “Finding Jesus”. Will someone tell them Jesus is not white?

    Matthew 2:13 An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother & flee to Egypt.

  12. rikyrah says:

    she is the National Security Adviser. She is not ‘an aide’.


    Phil Mattingly ✔ @Phil_MattinglyFollow

    “I think it’s destructive of the fabric of the relationship” Susan Rice on Netanyahu’s visit

    6:00 AM – 25 Feb 2015

  13. rikyrah says:

    TUE FEB 24, 2015 AT 11:47 PM PST
    Reconsidering Rahm

    Why Reconsider Rahm?

    Because Rahm is on the wrong side of history. When in Washington serving as our very own President Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm fought against the Affordable Care Act and he fought against pushing immigration reform. These two signature issues, which will be the heart of the President’s domestic policy legacy, would have been shelved if the President had listened to Rahm. Why? Because Rahm runs Republican lite and cut his political teeth fund raising from the wealthy elite. And he certainly knows how to raise money – $15 million of it. With $10 for his opponents’ every $1 and the power of incumbency and the support of Obama, Rahm could not get to 50 percent plus 1. Maybe as was shown in NYC and Massachusetts and California, there is a change a coming which I was blind to but which many of my fellow Chicagoans sensed, worked for, acted on and voted for.

    What are Rahm’s accomplishments as Mayor? He made tough decisions on the schools. And I bought that. But the numbers don’t add up. The savings from the closing schools are ephemeral (only two of the closed schools have been sold and for less than the cost of an average home in Lincoln Park) and the beneficiaries appear to be charter schools (including one named for our new plutocrat governor Bruce Rauner) which have sucked up disproportionate resources from our school budgets to assure their success, to pay dividends to investors and profit making managers and to fund elaborate advertising campaigns to polish their images and justify their existences. The icing on the cake are new online schools – a much touted one named for Magic Johnson opened last week – whose aim apparently is to increase the “graduation rate” by serving as diploma mills. But getting back to those closed schools. Yup populations have moved and there are fewer kids in many of those neighborhoods. But when that school is the only institution left standing in a neighborhood, the true costs of closing that school to children and neighborhoods never made it on the balance sheets used by the Chicago School Board in making those tough decisions.

    To be fair this realization came to me over time, not because of the school strike where the leaders of the Chicago Teacher’s Union in their incoherence, personal attacks on the Mayor, and seeming wish for harm to come to children to make their points, made the Mayor and school board seem sympathetic and reasonable.

    Yes Rahm attracted business to Chicago. Yup he played the game other craven state and local leaders play – hemorrhage the tax base to attract a pitiful number of employees while saddling residents and the businesses that created the city and create most of our jobs with higher taxes to pay for these tax incentives. Are we forced to play this game in Chicago? Seems so by the looks of other cities but it has to stop because it is a race to the bottom that is founded on the idea that our corporate citizens are blessings that need to be cosseted and stroked and which owe nothing in giving back to the communities that provide them employees, customers, infrastructure and their sources of investment.

    A case in point is Rahm’s use of city moneys to subsidize a new basketball stadium for DePaul University and additional infrastructure and hotels for our convention complex. Those couple hundred million dollars mean less money for streets (and for two years in a row Chicago must be the pothole capital of the world), for services, for education. And then we have our new “public service LED billboards” that are polluting our major highways – sure the revenue they bring in (wink wink most of the content on these signs are not public service announcements) helps to defray the city budget, but like the famous parking deal that preceded them (and preceded Rahm to be fair), those signs are raining money on the investors who backed JC Decaux and Interstate.

    In short, Rahm in his economic policies is leaving millions and millions of dollars on the table for the grifters that claim to be the job creators in America but who are taking more than their fair share of government revenues in exchange for not much.

    I would add to facilitating corporate buccaneering, Rahm’s support for the two University of Chicago proposals to house President Obama’s Presidential Library. Each one of these proposals call for reducing Chicago’s urban park lands. Instead of repurposing the hundreds of blocks of abandoned factories and lots we have to site the Library (hell what about just repurposing the massive abandoned old central post office which dominates the West Loop and whose current owner is in defaulted), the Mayor was willing to give away unique green patrimony in Jackson and Washington Parks to attract the library and presumably defray the costs of the Library for one of America’s wealthiest universities. Shame on the President’s people but shame on Rahm.

    Then there is that little controversy over George Lucas’ vanity museum to be sited on lakefront public lands between Soldier Field and the venerable steel and glass McCormick Place convention center. Maybe we need the buzz and maybe the museum is a good idea. I cannot help but think that a large chunk of Rahm’s reelection hoard came from Hollywood to help further the poaching of public lands for a monument to one of Hollywood’s leading citizens. I know Star Wars and a museum of story telling will bring in the tourists, but what about the former US Steel site on south end of the city?

    And then there is competency in governing – you know Chicago as the “city that works.” Well the Lakefront is littered with unfinished repairs and building projects that never get done. And Chicago’s own version of NYC’s highline – the 606 – which was to open last fall remains unfinished with no completion date evident by the level of work done so far.

    But what really got my goat tonight? Rahm’s efforts to displace members of the City Council who disagree with him. If Rahm believes in his policies, believes in himself, then he should be man enough to walk into a City Council that is not a rubber stamp. Instead Rahm’s campaign and allies filled our mail boxes with sleazy flyers attacking sitting alderman who work hard but who remain independent. While I am the first to agree that an indictment should not be the only way to leave the City Council, the aldermen Rahm targeted appear to have been all solid public servants. But they were not yes men. Why have a City Council if it is to perform the functions of a politburo?

    And then there is the question of Rahm’s relationship with our new governor Bruce Rauner. They are friends. Rahm’s lukewarm support for Governor Quinn did not cause Quinn’s defeat (there is enough blame to go around on that score between the Quinn’s fecklessness, the dysfunctional nature of Democratic power in Springfield and the DNC’s uninspiring midterm strategy) but it certainly did not help Quinn. More to the point, Rahm, as indicated above, is way too accommodating and understanding of the problems and concerns of the “job creators” represented by Rauner himself, let alone by his friends. After all, in his less than two year stint as an “investment banker” between serving the Clintons and running for Congress, Rahm accumulated an 8 figure fortune greasing government approvals so utilities and banks could merge and make more money and have fewer obligations to the public weal. It is not clear that Rahm will be much of a leader in the fight we must and will have to prevent, defeat, and rollback Rauner’s announced depredations.

    Finally, we in Chicago have been fortunate recently not to be embarrassed or to have many of our citizens suffer from outright police murder (the cops beating the barmaid on live TV was a while ago) as compared to other cities. We do have work to do to progress from the torture inflicted by police officers long ago like John Burge but in general we appear to have well trained and well led police officers. Oh! Wait a minute. The Guardian reported this week that Chicago has an in-city rendition site where police hold and interrogate people without having to arrest them or allow them to exercise those silly constitutional rights such as Habeas Corpus and the right to engage legal counsel. That was this week! And who were sent to the rendition site on Homan Avenue – kids and protestors. Not a suspected Islamic, ISIS, shoe bomb wearing terrorist among them. And even so, there is rule of law, a concept that makes our society a light upon the world. Rahm, what have you got to say for yourself?

  14. rikyrah says:

    Lifelong Chicagoan (outside of the times I left the city for college and graduate schools)
    Rahm’s arrogance knew no bounds.

    It wasn’t just the closing of 55 schools in BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS..

    it was turning around and giving the money – that they said wasn’t there to help improve the public schools..

    to Charter School scams.

    It was not being able to find TIFF monies for the Black and Brown neighborhoods …

    but, the ability to find $125 million dollars for a stadium for DEPAUL who hasn’t had a winning team since I was a child.

    It was closing 55 schools in Black neighborhoods..

    but finding 20 million dollars for an expansion annex for a public school in the richest part of town….

    it was his fundamental disrespect of Black people….

    it was the scam of the redlight cameras that he expanded…

    I could be with you here for hours discussing my rage everytime I drive by the one closest to my house and how utterly ridiculous they are.

    And, don’t get me started on Chicago Snow Etiquette. I have never seen the streets of Chicago look this bad after a snow…

    and, I’m not just talking about the South Side….

    I’m talking about DOWNTOWN CHICAGO looking pitiful after a snowstorm.

    then, I could begin with you on the scam of the new paying system with the Chicago Transit Authority, when nothing was wrong with the old way we paid on the CTA, except for nobody was making money off of it.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Hillary Clinton Sketches Campaign Messages in Silicon Valley
    FEB. 24, 2015

    SANTA CLARA, Calif. — After weeks of relative quiet as she assembles a presidential campaign, Hillary Rodham Clinton on Tuesday provided the most detailed preview yet of the sort of economic and bipartisan message that her candidacy could be expected to deliver.

    “We have to restore economic growth with rising wages for the vast majority of Americans, and we have to restore trust and cooperation within our political system,” Mrs. Clinton said here, laying out what she called the central challenges that a 2016 candidate would need to address.

    “Wages no longer rise with productivity, while C.E.O. pay keeps going up,” she said. “We have to figure out how to make this new economy work for everyone.”

    In a speech and question-and-answer session with the journalist Kara Swisher at the Watermark Silicon Valley Conference for Women, Mrs. Clinton stopped short of announcing a run, but told about 5,000 female technology professionals that the private sector had to do more to help lift the middle class.

    “In many ways our economy seems to be still operating like it’s 1955,” she said. She called for a variety of policies like equal pay for women, paid leave, a higher minimum wage, and incentives for corporations to provide better wages and benefits to workers.

    It was no accident that Mrs. Clinton chose to kick off a month packed with pre-campaign speeches in Silicon Valley, where she could hone her message about breaking the glass ceiling with professional women after she networked with some of the wealthy technology executives whose industry helped buoy President Obama’s 2008 campaign.

    But Mrs. Clinton must walk a tightrope when wooing the tech sector, lest she seem too friendly with the wealthiest 1 percent and out of touch with middle- and working-class voters in the rest of the country. The estimated $300,000 she was being paid for her participation in Tuesday’s conference, which sold individual tickets for $245, had already drawn criticism from Republicans who say Mrs. Clinton is too wealthy to relate to everyday Americans.

  16. rikyrah says:

    Netanyahu declines U.S. Democrats’ invitation for meeting during visit

    Invitation to meet with Democratic senators ‘at this time could compound the misperception of partisanship regarding my upcoming visit,’ writes Netanyahu.
    The Associated Press | Feb. 25, 2015 | 3:04 AM

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declined on Tuesday an invitation to meet with U.S. Senate Democrats during his trip to Washington next week.

    “Though I greatly appreciate your kind invitation to meet with Democratic Senators, I believe that doing so at this time could compound the misperception of partisanship regarding my upcoming visit,” Netanyahu wrote in a letter to Senators Richard Durbin and Dianne Feinstein obtained by Reuters.

    Durbin and Feinstein had invited Netanyahu to a closed-door meeting with Democratic senators in a letter on Monday, amid tensions over his plans to address the U.S. Congress on Iran’s nuclear program

  17. rikyrah says:

    GOP Needs Record Minority Support to Win in 2016
    February 25, 2015

    GOP pollster Whit Ayres told the Huffington Post that Republicans “will have to attract a record percentage of minorities to win the presidency in 2016.”

    Said Ayres: “That’s the stunning part for me in running these numbers — to realize that the last Republican to win a presidential election, who reached out very aggressively to minorities, and did better than any Republican nominee before or since among minorities, still didn’t achieve enough of both of those groups in order to put together a winning percentage for 2016.”

    • majiir says:

      A bridge too far for the GoP/TP anytime in the near future, imo. As my dearly departed parents used to say, “They tore their butts with many minority groups a loooong time ago.” While they were disrespecting us, they were grinning because they thought it was fun to do it, but now they’re finally realizing that they need our votes. Hell will freeze over before I cast a vote in support of any GOPTP politician.

  18. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everyone.

    The turncoat Dems are showing their asses.

  19. rikyrah says:

    More about the Chicago election…

    Not only has Rahm been forced into a runoff….

    But 40% of the Alderman have been forced into a runoff….

    The undecideds pretty much all went to Chuy.

    In 37 out of the 50 wards, there was a non-binding referendum question about whether Chicago should have an ELECTED School Board. The lowest…I say the LOWEST percentage YES was 83%

    That was the lowest.

  20. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning Everyone.
    Go my Chicago folks. We have an election in April!!!!

  21. Write these names down–>Joe Manchin @clairecmc Heidi Heitkamp & Bob Casey. They’re useless for the Democratic Party. Utterly useless!

  22. These damn turncoat Democrats in name only.

    Some Dems prepared to override Obama’s veto

    Some Senate Democrats are already saying they will vote to override President Obama’s veto of legislation authorizing the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

    Sens. Joe Manchin (W.Va.), Claire McCaskill (Mo.), Heidi Heitkamp (N.D.) and Bob Casey (Pa.) will vote to override Obama’s veto, according to aides, and it’s possible that several other Democrats will follow suit.

    Don Stewart, spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), said the “Senate will soon vote on an override” of the veto, with the action coming “not later than March the 3rd.”

    The vote is certain to fail unless Republicans and Democrats who support the pipeline are able to recruit four more senators to their cause. Sixty-three senators voted for the Keystone bill, including nine Democrats, but 67 votes are needed to overrule a presidential veto.

    Still, every Democratic vote to override the veto would be a rebuke of Obama, who needs to avoid major rifts with his party as he enters the final stretch of his presidency.

    While Manchin said he plans to back the override, he isn’t expecting the effort to be successful.

  23. rmwjc says:

    Unfortunately he didn’t put a stop to it entirely. Hopefully that will be his next move … and soon! The project doesn’t need to be in limbo, it needs to be in the trash can.

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