Monday Open Thread | Holiday Music

christmas candles 78Sleigh Ride” is a popular light orchestral piece composed by Leroy Anderson. The composer had the original idea for the piece during a heat wave in July 1946; he finished the work in February 1948. Lyrics, about a person who would like to ride in a sleigh on a winter’s day with another person, were written by Mitchell Parish in 1950. The orchestral version was first recorded in 1949 by Arthur Fiedler and The Boston Pops Orchestra. The song was a hit record on RCA Victor Red Seal 49-0515 (45 rpm) / 10-1484 (78 rpm), and has become the equivalent of a signature song for the orchestra. The 45 rpm version was originally issued on red vinyl. This original mono version has never been available on CD, although the later 1959 re-recording is available in stereo. The orchestra has also recorded the song with John Williams, their conductor from 1979 to 1995, and Keith Lockhart, their current conductor.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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89 Responses to Monday Open Thread | Holiday Music

  1. Ametia says:

    Trumps language is insultig, offensive AND RACIST

    • eliihass says:

      Trump is no more offensive today than he was 3 years ago when he was on his birther ride, and many of the same folks now mad at him were cheering him on, praising him as a good guy, and telling the rest of us to lighten up.

      Their selective outrage these days is not only disingenuous, agenda-driven and manipulative, it insults our intelligence.

      I find myself unable to muster any more outrage at Trump on cue – as desired by those who in reality believe and support what he says, but are pushing for one of the other equally racist candidates in the queue and think they can unseat Trump with their faux-shock and outrage at his flippant racism.

      The whole trick thing has worn so thin – as has most of the waggery that’s the hallmark of our politics today.

    • Ametia says:

      Hi ellihaas! Yes; and I’m still of the mind that The Clintons are 100% behind Trump’s shenaigans.

      • eliihass says:

        There’s a reason I laugh out loud every time I hear Hillary fake-admonishing Trump these days Ametia..

        She and Bill were all gush-praising him for his friendship, kindness and generosity to them not long ago – and even 3 years ago in the thick of Trump’s birther media circus, Bill had no qualms defending Trump and regaling us with stories of their enjoyable golf outings together – and how he’s been such a great friend to him and Hillary..

    • It pains me to see the US media be complicit in pushing Trump’s offensive racist behavior by airing his vile hate. It’s so disturbing.

      • eliihass says:

        What U.S media SG..? You mean the same media that has mainstreamed right-wing hate outlets like Breitbart, The Daily Caller etc. and have them on as ‘journalists’ on so-called credible high-end networks and formerly high-profile news shows to opine..?

        Trump doesn’t even come close to the sort of hate long peddled by some of the same media personalities and outlets that we want regulating him…Heck, he speaks their language, they only feign outrage because some of them have placed their bets on other equally offensive, but overshadowed racists running for president…

  2. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    “Supreme Court revisits Texas affirmative action in new case”

  3. Michael Oppenheimer, attorney for Ronald Johnson kicked a mud-hole in #AnitaAlvarez behind. Trying to sell us some bs story.

  4. rikyrah says:

    Amazon Prime Customers:

    The Year Without A Santa Claus is on Prime Video!

    • Liza says:

      I don’t think that the DOJ has any choice at this point, they HAVE to investigate the whole Chicago PD. And there will be a scathing report, then what?

      • eliihass says:

        “..And there will be a scathing report, then what?..” Exactly.

        The DOJ has got to redeem itself at some point…get its act together. The precious lives of black children and adults alike depend on it. The sooner the better. A functioning, effective, unafraid DOJ tackling head-on the matter of corrupt and murderous police on a rampage against black lives, is long overdue. Enough of the madness and turning a blind eye – and the mealy-mouthed response to glaring injustices.

        Anita Alvarez is the poster child for all that stinks about our justice system at local and State levels – and even at the DOJ. When corrupt police departments are given a pass every time because they are considered ‘partners’ by the attorneys charged with oversight – and curbing their excesses …And when the attorneys are just plain corrupt and pathetically evil as is the case with Ms Alvarez..

      • Liza says:

        Hey, Ellihass. Missed your insightful comments. Yeah, without the Feds on board there will be no “criminal justice reform.” How is it even possible?

  5. rikyrah says:

    Brown University Professor Denounces ‘McCarthy’ Witch Hunts
    As Brown University publishes a proposal for a ‘pathway to diversity’ and its protesting students ‘focus on being alive,’ a professor denounces the protest culture engulfing the institution.
    It would be difficult to accuse Brown University of ignoring or dismissing the value of diversity on campus.

    Brown’s president, Christina H. Paxson, recently oversaw the publication of a nearly 20-page draft proposal, titled Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion Plan: An Action Plan for Brown University, allocating more than $100 million to implement a “concrete set of actions to… confront the issues of racism, power, privilege, inequity and injustice.”

    The specific recommendations of the plan, which was published on Nov. 19, include doubling the number of faculty and graduate students from “historically underrepresented groups” (which effectively means ethnic, racial, and sexual minorities) by the 2024-2025 academic year and establishing “professional development workshops on race, sexual orientation and gender identity.”

  6. Ametia says:


  7. rikyrah says:

    Is More Required?

    PublishedDECEMBER 7, 2015, 1:09 AM EST

    I wanted to share with you TPM Reader BF’s take on my weekend post (“The Condundrum”) and the President’s speech. I want to do so not only because I think he makes good points that are worth considering but also because he captures a viewpoint I have heard from a number of people in recent days. In so many words, they agree with President Obama on the policy merits. But they do not believe his rhetoric and his policies are connecting with the public in a visceral way or reassuring them that he takes the threat seriously, appreciates their fears or has a plan on a scale to address the threat.

    I’d like to propose that there is another conundrum to consider. That is, in short, whether it may make sense to “over-react” in order to prevent something even worse down the line.
    The president’s speech was just what I expected. Serious, reasonable, thoughtful. But will it do anything to cut into support for someone like Trump? Will it actually reassure anyone who is genuinely frightened of Muslims becoming radicalized and launching attacks in their backyard? I don’t think so. Obama’s speech, as sound as it was on policy grounds, won’t do any of the things he hopes in terms of convincing the skeptical public that he is doing enough or all that is possible.

    So this gets me to the conundrum. Is it really responsible to be so responsible that it does nothing to check demagogic and Islamophobic responses?
    It is one thing to note that the biggest threat posed by ISIS is that we’ll react stupidly and play into their strategy. It is another to take steps that might actually prevent us from reacting stupidly. I would propose that at this point, it may be necessary to act a little stupid to prevent, hopefully, a worse response down the line.

    I don’t really know that this possible, but I do think that the public now wants something more than a call for calm and some weak sauce gun control measures, and if Obama isn’t willing to give it to them, the risk is that they will vote for someone like Trump or Cruz who will.

    What might a response that reassures the public look like? I don’t know. A six month moratorium on Syrian refugees, maybe. Perhaps, an increase in surveillance of Muslims in the U.S. through some sort of increased community engagement program. A new public initiative to combat “Islamist Terror” — yes, using that language, despite its costs, to signal commitment.

    None of these make a lot of sense as policy. But I worry that if Obama doesn’t do something like this, then when the next attack occurs (not if, but when), the political consequences and ultimate response might be a lot worse.

    Truman had to oversell the communist menace in order to head off truly reactionary responses. This led to all sort of pathologies in Cold War strategy. And yet, if you look at the strategic debates from the late 1940s and early 1950s, it is clear that our response could have been much more extreme and dangerous — preventive nuclear war wasn’t off the table until the mid-1950s, for instance. Now part of that was also to rouse the quasi-isolationists into action, but part of it was to vent at least some of the steam, lest the pressure built uncontrollably.

      • Ametia says:

        Hillary: “As dark as it has been, we don’t want the light to go out completely, because bad things can happen in the dark”

        DAMN, JUST DAMN.

      • Ametia says:

        Check out frame 40:00 minute mark where she flubs the Nuclear-military option QUESTION.

      • rikyrah says:

        I read about the ‘gaffe’, Ametia.

      • eliihass says:

        Which is why she had to make a quick trip to the White House today to steal more of the President’s ideas to pass off as hers…

        She’s run out of rehearsed lines and stolen ideas – and unbeknownst to Podesta, Jennifer Palmieri and the rest of them, you use up stolen and gleaned information quickly on the campaign trail, and you better be able to replenish, and come up with new material and ideas of your own fast or else…especially as the world situation keeps constantly changing…

        So she returns to visit with the President to tap his brain, and run back to the campaign trail pretending the ideas she’s gleaned during lunch with him are hers – and that she’s got a plan – when she doesn’t really..

    • Ametia says:

      Hi rik, would you post to PBO Oval Office address thread too. Thanks!

  8. rikyrah says:

    George Lucas and Mellody Hobson last night at Kennedy Center Honors

    george lucas and mellody hobsonFLOTUS in Qatar-11

    • Ametia says:

      Lovely & I just adore Melody’s gown!

      Who is doing pushup while FLOTUS is watching?

      • eliihass says:

        Conan O’Brien…He traveled with FLOTUS on her trip to Qatar to entertain out troops with his band with some other musicians and entertainers…

        I’ve got to share some incredible stuff I found on that Middle East trip FLOTUS made, the second half to Jordan was cancelled of course because of weird weather in Jordan… But some really interesting stuff happened…

    • Ametia says:

      And Grandma, Robinson, ALSO TOO!

      Let’s get the fuck outta DODGE, FAM., so done with this CRACKA-AZZ-CRACKA PLACE!

    • eliihass says:

      Nope! That’s exactly what the racists want – to frustrate them terribly and to run them out of town…

      A better response is to stay put and enjoy every last perk of this office – They’ve more than earned it – and so much more…

  9. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Good Morning, Ametia and Everyone :)

  10. Ametia says:

    Here we go folks!


    Why can’t Freddie Gray’s MURDERERS on trial get an ALL BLACK JURY?


  11. Ametia says:

    Hillary Clinton: How I’d Rein In Wall Street

    SEVEN years ago, the financial crisis sent our economy into a tailspin. Over five million people lost their homes. Nearly nine million lost their jobs. Nearly $13 trillion in household wealth was wiped out.

    Under President Obama, our economy has come a long way back. Our businesses have created more than 13 million jobs. People’s savings are being restored. And we have tough new rules on the books, including the Dodd-Frank Act, that protect consumers and curb recklessness on Wall Street.

    But not everyone sees that as a good thing. Republicans, both in Congress and on the campaign trail, are dead-set on rolling back critical financial protections.

    Right now, Republicans in Congress are working to attach damaging deregulation riders to the must-pass spending bill. They’re attempting to defund the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They want to roll back common-sense efforts to prevent conflicts of interest by financial managers. And they’re trying to undo constraints on risk at some of the largest and most complex financial institutions.

  12. Ametia says:


  13. Ametia says:

    Supreme Court won’t review laws banning so-called assault weapons

    The Supreme Court Monday declined to review the ability of cities and states to prohibit semiautomatic “assault” weapons that can carry more than 10 rounds of ammunition and have been used in some of the nation’s most deadly recent mass shootings.

    Read more »

    • Ametia says:

      TRUTH! The Sunday talk shows and the Monday morning shows are continuing to distort, lie, deceive, by bringing on the circus of GOP candidates to beat the WAR

      Meanwhile, NRA-CONGRESS?

  14. rikyrah says:

    h/t POU.

    Read the twitter timeline of an actual foreign correspondent.

  15. rikyrah says:

    For my Chicago folks who also happen to be Downton Abbey Fans:

    Dressing Downtown-Changing Fashion for Changing Times

    Driehaus Museum

    Beginning February 9, 2016

  16. rikyrah says:

    Look at the plans, people.


    The Isis papers: leaked documents show how Isis is building its state

    Blueprint lays bare new contours of Islamic state, complete with civil service, regional government and Soviet levels of economic control

    A leaked internal Islamic State manual shows how the terrorist group has set about building a state in Iraq and Syria complete with government departments, a treasury and an economic programme for self-sufficiency, the Guardian can reveal.

    The 24-page document, obtained by the Guardian, sets out a blueprint for establishing foreign relations, a fully fledged propaganda operation, and centralised control over oil, gas and the other vital parts of the economy.Analysis The Isis papers: behind ‘death cult’ image lies a methodical bureaucracy

    The manual, written last year and entitled Principles in the administration of the Islamic State, lays bare Isis’s state-building aspirations and the ways in which it has managed to set itself apart as the richest and most destabilising jihadi group of the past 50 years.

  17. rikyrah says:

    So glad this man is President.


    Obama is right: ISIS really does want US boots on the ground. Here’s how we know.

    Updated by German Lopez on December 6, 2015, 9:55 p.m. ET

    In a Sunday televised address on the San Bernardino shooting and terrorism, President Barack Obama restated his opposition to deploying ground troops in Syria and Iraq to fight ISIS. “That’s what groups like ISIL want. They know they can’t defeat us on the battlefield,” he argued. “ISIL fighters were part of the insurgency that we faced in Iraq, but they also know that if we occupy foreign lands, they can maintain insurgencies for years, killing thousands of our troops and draining our resources, and using our presence to draw new recruits.”

    This point can seem a little counter-intuitive for those not closely watching the Syrian civil war and terrorism abroad. Luckily, Rukmini Callimachi, who has done extensive on-the-ground reporting on Syria for the New York Times, followed up the speech with a great explanation of why Obama — and many counterterrorism experts — believe that a ground war could do more harm than good:

  18. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

  19. Ametia says:

    Just so we’re clear, the GOP want to protect our homeland and keep Americans safe.


    YES, I can see how the GOP & CONGRESS want to protect our homeland.

  20. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everyone.

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