Happy Birthday, First Lady Michelle Obama

Today is the last time we get to wish Michelle Obama Happy Birthday as First Lady. She has de-aged during her time in the White House.




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23 Responses to Happy Birthday, First Lady Michelle Obama

  1. eliihass says:

    Trying to write my birthday greeting this year for our spectacular First Lady…and as usual, I’m having a tough time …I’ve started and stopped and started again…And even took to posting random pictures of her instead…

    There’s just so much I’d love to say…but as I write in these last days of their time in the White House, I don’t want my fury to cloud what should be a decidedly uplifting celebration of her …A celebration so deserved that if it were in my power, I’d give her the world…have everyone at her beck and call – and have her do with the world and the beck and call folks, whatever the heck her beautiful big brain and heart desired…

    The truth is that for what it’s worth, and contrary to the endless condescending scoldings she’s been subjected to…from the ‘she ought to be grateful’ brigade…the so-called ‘awesome’ ‘perks’ of office were in the end really a nothing-burgers… and cannot even begin to make up for all the crap she was put through…this was no picnic for her…That she has stoically come out on the other side still standing with her head held high…should not get folks confused about what she just survived…and for the most part, all without any real defense of her or rallying on her behalf…

    This is a real testament to her…to her mettle…

    But the scars are there …at once hidden and evident…

    Go back and look from the beginning…look at photographs and videos…

    I observe her intently, and sometimes my heart breaks for her…I know she’s quick to say, don’t even feel bad or worry about me, I’m good…but as my wise mother often says, she’s a black woman navigating a hostile world …she keeps it all on the inside because it’s the safest place to hide…hurts, fears, slights and all…

    But she stands tall still…not cowering, not playing footsie with, or being mealy-mouthed about stuff..

    Which is why they resent and hate her …they fear her…because they can’t break her…or cajole or force her into submission…

    That’s why they outsizedly, obsessively and aggressively attack, slander and dehumanize her…endlessly troll her and every last tidbit, news/stories about her…negatively dissecting her, her body, her being, her marriage, her daughters, everything she holds sacred and dear..and every single word she utters…furiously attacking and denigrating her and maliciously murkying up and shooting down even the slightest positive comment or compliment offered her by others…doing their darnedest not just to curtail her and her influence…or make sure she’s irreversibly persona non grata …but to completely destroy and permanently erase her..

    They see her as a great threat …one of their biggest…

    She was never converted…she was never awed by, or in awe of them…and even though she understood the immense benefits she could personally and professionally reap if she turned herself over…became sufficiently ‘whitewashed’…showed a deference to their ‘superiority’ and turned herself over to be exploited to gloss over things…she still declined and very consciously held on to her authentic self – even from a young age….There’s a reason they obsess over the class thesis she wrote as a 19 year old at Princeton…there’s a reason they often invoke that – even as they are unwilling to show theirs and hope we judge instead the works of their 60 year old selves against the undergrad work of a 19 year old…but they hold that against her most of all…because they realize that at so young an age…an age and time at college when so many of us were just looking to get it over with…or selfishly advance ourselves…a time I can’t even remember what my undergrad thesis was about… Her thesis written as a 19 year old, is the clearest testament not only of her unabashed blackness…but her clarity of purpose…the acute awareness and impulses that drove a young fearless girl with a deep sense of pride in, and responsibility to community …to simply give back, to level the playing field for others who couldn’t advocate for themselves …her clear identity….and even at such a young age, where her heart lies, and what her priorities were – and for all intents and purposes, still are….And those who obsess over something she wrote when she was 19 – and just still a kid born to blue collar parents, one disabled..making the move from Chicago to Ivy League schools…and knowing what we still see even to this day in our supposed ‘post-racial’ world that is anything but,…knowing what she dealt with and what surging that entailed – and elicited from 1980’s predominantly white classmates and professors alike…

    It’s clear that she isn’t simply yet another desperate black person to be brainwashed, held hostage, cultivated or exploited…they understand well that this is not a shallow, mealy-mouthed, needy human-being desperate for approval, or validation …that this was one of the clear-eyed few who did not succumb…who didn’t trade her authentic being for access or applause or pats on the back – or looking to be rewarded with elevation by the supremacists, in exchange for ceding her integrity and her voice…

    She is her own person…and there’s a reason even some high-profile black celebrities who were around long before she came on the public scene…folks who were more ‘popular’ and ‘visible’ before she showed up…are now ‘recalibrating’ even as they secretly envy and resent her….mimicking and borrowing in more ways than one, from this authentic woman and historic FLOTUS who always knew who she was…and who unlike some, still won’t sell her soul, play footsie or try to ingratiate herself with white supremacists in exchange for cush gigs, ‘positive’ coverage, ‘relevance’ or ‘staying in the game’…

    Hence the furious cries of the ‘alt-right’ that she’s ‘arrogant’ and isn’t ‘grateful’…LOL…they’re pissed that she’s not responding ‘appropriately’ …in that way they’d prefer…to their fury and publicly and loudly played-out tantrums… their continued dehumanization and hatred of her is at once punishment and psychological warfare…attempts at inducing her surrender, trying to break her…but instead, she’s more resolved than ever …she completely ignores them….And she still refuses to be held hostage or controlled in the way they easily seem to have been able to do with some other folks…And they in turn, hate her more…

    How else does one explain the heightened attacks on, smears, nonstop denigration and dehumanization of the supremely glorious unelected black wife of the historic President – even until the last day of their White House residency…and by the looks of it, even beyond…And even though she’s already been clear that she has no desire to run for office…What gives…?

    She’s always been aware…she’s always been woke…she’s always understood…And unlike some, even at that very young and impressionable age at Princeton…even against the backdrop of her own humble upbringing and background, …even in the midst of her growing years…teenage years and growing pains…she already embodied a sense of self and community, a clarity and wisdom …she already embodied and still retains an impressive and unshakeable core…She was not easily seduced, distracted, swayed or impressed by wealth or power …or indoctrinated to bow or cower or grovel to white supremacy …and the various black folks – hostile and resentful uncle Toms whose colonized minds sold out for approval and reward…who hide their awe of her and her integrity and courage behind their disdain ..

    She won’t play footsie…and doesn’t conveniently straddle – and especially not for validation …Unlike even some very prominent black women operating in our consciousness today, she remains completely and authentically herself…and not superficially or conveniently ‘black’ when it serves her purposes…

    Her blackness is not forced …or outwardly pandering to others …or reinforced by wearing knots in her hair or donning a dashiki…or conveniently invoking or exploiting the Civil Rights movement for her own selfish personal or professional advancement…

    She just is authentically herself…she retains her core…and always, always deals on her own terms – even within the extraordinary parameters and constraints of operating in the ultra-sensitive and historically unprecedented space of ‘unelected black wife’ of the leader of the Free World and historic President of a country that still thinks her a 2nd class citizen…She retains her authentic self even as she deftly navigates the land-mine-ridden ravines …particularly treacherous for an unabashadly black woman that refuses to be co-opted…and still careful not to distract from her elected husband’s presidency and legacy …or to be blamed for doing anything to in any way undermine any of it…

    They fear and are outraged and insulted by her fearlessness…her principled defiance…her integrity…her enigmatic and dignified embodiment and mirror of America’s greatness and America’s sins…the absence of reverence of, and her refusal to kowtow to their perceived supremacy…

    And even as supportive and protective wife…and even in her formal role as First Lady, there’s a clear and unapologetic limit to her tolerance for bullshit… and there’s only so much she’ll allow her invaluable voice and priceless imprimatur to be lent to …and she won’t loan her voice to assuage or absolve racists…and their racism…or the bullshit that now suddenly conveniently passes as ‘patriotic unity’…

    And where many high-profile folks – including the black ones among them – are eager to please to profit….and looking to quickly normalize the bullshit …including trying to find ways to rope in the historic FLOTUS and POTUS as cover …so that those folks can be free to once again socialize with those who propagate the worst evil, she’s clear to reiterate where she stands…clear to not allow anyone re-phrase her words or thoughts ..

    She will forever be her own person…she will do everything in her power to always operate with integrity…even if some folks don’t understand —including those who completely deny her a share in the glory of her husband’s presidency and legacy, but are quick to include her equally in the attacks and blame-sharing…

    Few of us could have survived this…I know I couldn’t…they would either have killed me, or I would have lost my mind and killed somebody…or 2…or 3…

    On this still her birthday on my coast, I want to wish our historic and spectacular First Lady…my hero, a woman I respect, admire and adore with everything last bit of my soul…

    I want to wish our indefatigable First Lady…our forever jewel of inestimable value, the first of many, many happiest and most fulfilling of birthdays…

    May God continue to bless, protect, guide, guard and defend her, her husband and daughters now and always…

  2. vitaminlover says:

    happy, happy birthday, First Lady Michelle Obama. You have NOT aged and are as beautiful as ever and have many more with hubby!

  3. eliihass says:

    This photograph was taken by an independent photographer – it was taken at the arrival ceremony for then British Prime Minister David Cameron…somehow, Pete Souza missed this intimate shot of the First Couple …as he always seems to, but fortunately, this photographer Douglas Adams Jr. did not…

    Mr Adams shot some of the other photographs I’ve posted on this thread…and those he didn’t take, were all taken by other folks not affiliated with the White House..


  4. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Happy Birthday First Lady Michelle Obama.

    Thank you for all you have done for us and for being an inspiration for us!

    Love you! God Bless You!

  5. Ametia says:


    I and my daughters and sisters thank you for being you.

    WE LOVE YOU, First Lady, Michelle LaVaughn Robinson-OBAMA!

  6. Thank you for this lovely tribute which I wil
    Share widely. Thank you for letting me know this. Did not realize this fact and I want to feel It and share it all Day long. Y’all are the best!

  7. And she looks just as graceful and gorgeous as she did as when she entered the White House. Simply beautiful. Happy BDAY FLOTUS!

  8. Liza says:

    Happy 53rd to our First Lady and many, many more to come.

  9. rikyrah says:

    Happy Birthday, FLOTUS.

    Love you to pieces.

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