Saturday Open Thread | Bob Corker Rips Trump for pressuring DOJ

Washington (CNN) Republican Sen. Bob Corker continued his criticism of President Donald Trump on Friday, saying Trump is pressuring the Justice Department to “pursue cases against his adversaries and calling for punishment before trials take place.”

“Like me, most Americans hope that our justice system is independent and free of political interference,” Corker said in a statement Friday afternoon. “President Trump’s pressuring of the Justice Department and FBI to pursue cases against his adversaries and calling for punishment before trials take place are totally inappropriate and not only undermine our justice system but erode the American people’s confidence in our institutions.”
It is the third time in recent weeks Corker has been highly critical of the President. The Tennessee Republican announced in September that he’s not running for re-election.

Trump has repeatedly in the past 24 hours criticized the Justice Department, including in a radio interview where the President described himself as “unhappy” with the department. On Friday morning, Trump told reporters that Justice should be investigating Democrats.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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62 Responses to Saturday Open Thread | Bob Corker Rips Trump for pressuring DOJ

  1. rikyrah says:

    This Morehouse College Student Made A Music Video About Biology And We Can’t Stop Watching

    Lauren Porter Nov, 03, 2017

    Just when we think we’ve seen it all, Black people do something else that makes us feel magical in our melanin.

    This time, it comes courtesy of Julien Turner, a Morehouse College student who made an extra credit assignment video for his non-major biology 101 class.

  2. rikyrah says:

    Bots stoke racial strife in Virginia governor’s race

    Twitter bots are swarming into the Virginia governor’s race and promoting chatter about a racially charged Democratic ad days before Election Day, according to a report commissioned by allies of Democratic Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam’s campaign.

    The activity centers on an ad from Latino Victory Fund, depicting a child’s nightmare in which a supporter of Republican Ed Gillespie chases immigrant children in a pickup truck bearing a Confederate flag. Gillespie’s campaign reacted furiously to the ad, which barely ran on TV but got major attention online, and has made backlash to the Democratic ad a major part of its closing message.

    That backlash erupted quickly, and Latino Victory Fund later retracted the ad. But the reaction has been amplified on Twitter by automated accounts. Out of the 15 accounts tweeting most frequently about the Latino Victory Fund ad, 13 belong to fully or partially automated bots, according to an analysis from Discourse Intelligence. (The other two accounts are Republican political operatives.)

  3. rikyrah says:

    And yet….FEMA can’t find these people to give them anything other than those garbage carepackages.

  4. rikyrah says:

    It was a Black Engineer who first discovered the Russian Twitter accounts. He warned Twitter. Was Ignored. Then fired.

    The #TechHearings Thoughts from my time in Product Safety at Twitter
    Nov 1

    I created the Product Safety and Security Team at Twitter. At different points in time I was responsible for the engineering of tools to mitigate Abuse, Compromised Accounts and the Login Infrastructure up to and including 2 Factor Authentication and Password Reset. I saw first hand the beginnings of the types of actions that are now being discussed in the US Senate at the #TechHearings.

    The tepid response by senior management to the millions of accounts created by bad actors and how they were using the platform discovered in our research, is one of the reasons these hearings are happening today. It was the growth at all cost mentality that blinded many at Twitter to how the platform was being weaponized by the alt-right and as we are finding out, by Russia as well. This growth at all cost was a source of frustration for many of us working in Product Safety.
    It is a fact that foreign governments used social media to influence the moods, emotions and decision making of millions of Americans. It is also a fact that the growth and profit at all cost mentality that was driving Twitter in 2015 and Facebook in 2013 left the door open for this manipulation. A door they refused to acknowledge much less close.

    Tech companies have been hiding behind the saying “we are just a platform” to brush off any responsibility. And yet many of those same people will decry how Fox News is nothing but propaganda. The fact is, Twitter and Facebook reach more people on a daily basis than Fox News, CNN, MSNBC and the NYT combined. Yet they have shirked this responsibility and in effect have been the most effective way to disseminate propaganda in the 21st century.

  5. rikyrah says:

    I didn’t even recognize Aunt Vi.

    She is looking FABULOUS!!

    ‘Queen Sugar’ Star Tina Lifford Is Slaying & Radiant In These Stunning New Photos

  6. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    “Roman J. Israel, Esq. Trailer – Starring Denzel Washington – At Cinemas 2018”

  7. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    “How the African American History Museum Is Curating “Black Lives Matter”
    Photographs, posters and other artifacts documenting the protests find a home at the new Smithsonian museum”×600/filters:no_upscale()/
    “In a photograph by Devin Allen, a young girl holds a sign at a protest in Baltimore. (National Museum of African American History and Culture, Created by Devin Allen)”

  8. GrannyStandingforTruth. says:

    Remember on Nov 2, 2017, “I said that I kept sensing something about real estate and land scams.” It’s possible that money laundering is also involved in it?

    Today, I read this—>

    Whatever it is, it’ll come to the light soon. I believe more indictments will be added to the others. My hope is that Ryan and McConnell are included in them. Please Lord!

    For now, the people need to stand united about protecting Mueller. Brazile and Warren B.S. hasn’t helped. I feel like slapping both of them upside down backwards. One is grandstanding because of presidential aspirations, the other one might be desperate for money. The MSM is once again stuck on stupid giving Donna and Elizabeth B.S. too much air time like they gave Trump.

    Sometimes I wonder if the MSM gets the fact that their livelihood and trust is being threatenen and at stake? Trump is out to destroy and eliminate them. What they need to stay focused on is Trump and Russia along with Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. People are dying in Puerto Rico daily without basic Maslow physiological needs human need to survive. We don’t really know how people in the Virgin Islands are doing since a miniscule to nothing is reported about them.

    That’s all I’ll say for now. I got to go to the grocery store while I have a ride. It’s hard when you don’t have a car anymore. I desperately need another car. Anyway, keep in me in prayer.

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      “What they need to stay focused on is Trump and Russia along with Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. People are dying in Puerto Rico daily without basic Maslow physiological needs need to survive. ”

      Yes, Granny, absolutely!

  9. Donna Brazile is unchained…. she’s telling all.

    #DonnaBrazile seriously considered replacing Hillary with Joe Biden after fainting spell.

  10. Ametia says:

    “GET OUT” HBO tonight @ 7 pm CT.

  11. Ametia says:

    Go away Chris Matthews, we don’t need another book on the Kennedys, and how they united the Blacks & Whites.

  12. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    “In an Era of Strife, Museums Collect History as It Happens”
    By Graham Bowley

    “Though curators have long secured select artifacts whose significance was immediately apparent, museum experts say the scope of what the African American museum and others now call “rapid response collecting” has grown significantly in recent years.

    “The museum’s collection includes dozens of items gathered during the protests — a rake used in the cleanup, a placard that demanded “Justice for Freddie Gray” — some obtained on the spot, others days later after curators had combed social media, television and newspapers to find people who were there and ask what they might donate.

    “ ‘We are in times that require us to acknowledge that history is happening before our eyes,’ Mr. Bryant said.”

    If you click on the above article link, you will see photos of items that the museum has acquire.

  13. Ametia says:

    #45 in Hawaii greeted by “Welcome to Kenya” protest signs.

      • nedhamson says:

        Especially like the we shall overcomb sign. #45 adds another subject he is clueless about – justice and the 1st-10th Amendments. Would be happier if Corker voted with his thoughts and started by opposing the rich tax reform.

      • Ametia says:

        On point, Ned.

        Folks like Jeff Flake & company retiring now, because a lot of that nonsense the GOP have been peddling, they don’t ascribe to it.

        But they’re just as dangerous though, because they go along to get along for their own political gains.

        $45 has flipped the switch on them all. He’s doing and saying it all in broad day light. They’ve been exposed.

  14. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, 3 CHICS Family!

  15. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    “American charged with subversion in Zimbabwe goes to court”

    “HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — An American woman charged with subversion in Zimbabwe for allegedly insulting the president on Twitter as a “sick man” made her first court appearance on Saturday as her lawyers disputed the charges that carry up to 20 years in prison.

    “A lawyer for 25-year-old Martha O’Donovan, Rose Hanzi, told the court that the subversion charge was illegal because police did not inform O’Donovan of it when she was taken from her home in the capital, Harare, on Friday morning.”

  16. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning,Everyone 😄😄😄

  17. vitaminlover says:

    He is trying to jump on the justice department so that when he goes on trial he won’t have a case. This man/boy is beyond stupid!

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