The “Baltimore Massacre”: Replay-President Obama Addresses the GOP Caucus

From  3 Chics’ Opulent:

“OMG…rikyrah..wasn’t that Baltimore massacre awesome…he didn’t have a teleprompter then!! He just batted away their stupid ideas like they were flies and he was a fly teleprompter!! Discussion one on one is one thing.  A speech is another.”

Here’s a refresher for all those folks who don’t know or can’t remember how the president does business with the GOP.  So Daniel Cirruci,  here’s what STYLE & SUBSTANCE looks and sounds like, because you can have the whole package.

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5 Responses to The “Baltimore Massacre”: Replay-President Obama Addresses the GOP Caucus

  1. rikyrah says:

    He bitchslapped them up and down the aisles with every question.

    teleprompter my Black behind.

  2. Ametia says:

    That caucus was held in January. It’s crystal clear that the GOP had no intentions of working together with this administration.

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