Monday Open Thread

Kelly Price (born April 4, 1973, Queens, New York, United States) is an American R&B and soul singer, formerly on the Def Soul label.

Price was first discovered by Mariah Carey in February 1992 and subsequently introduced to Sony Columbia’s then CEO Tommy Mottola.[1] She made a name for herself as a backing and guest vocalist, appearing on a number of hit singles such as Mariah Carey‘s “Fantasy“, The Notorious B.I.G.‘s “Mo Money Mo Problems“, and Whitney Houston‘s “Heartbreak Hotel“. She has also sung background vocals for Faith Evans, Aretha Franklin, Brian McKnight and SWV and R. Kelly .

She issued her debut album, Soul of a Woman, in 1998 on Island Records, which contained the hit single “Friend of Mine”. A remix of the song, also included on the album, features R. Kelly and Ronald Isley. In the remix, Isley takes on the fictional role of the singer-protoganist’s Godfather (“Mr. Biggs”), taking her husband (R. Kelly) to task for cheating on her with her best friend. The “Friend of Mine” remix was a #1 hit on the U.S. R&B chart.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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25 Responses to Monday Open Thread

  1. Pingback: Tommy Mottola | US Word and News

  2. Ametia says:


    Poll: Obama approval 91% with blacks, 36% with whites* Lemme guess, because he’s black, right?

    Last I checked, there are more white folks living in the USA than blacks.

    Shouldn’t the question be: How many whites disapprove of Obama?

  3. Ametia says:

    THE MSM continues on the road to degradation and fuckery, and ABC’s Good Morning America complies….

    (FORMER)Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff was on “Good Morning America” earlier Monday to discuss what the travel alert to Europe really means.

    While he said that the travel alert is the “lowest level of warning that the State Department issues,” Americans abroad should be mindful of their surroundings.

    Who the fuck cares about what a former secretary of homeland security has to say. FORMER is the operative word here. Can you say, Janet Napolitano?

  4. Ametia says:

    Keep salivating Chris Matthews… Of course black folks are in the President’s corner. Oh wow! The polls show 91% Blacks support Barack Obama! Well duh. Don’t be so shocked. 90% of blacks voted for other Democratic POTUS too. Bill Clinton, perhaps?

    Gawd, you numbnuts are so predictable. Who the fuck do you think voted for the previous 44 white presidents? GTFOH

    • Ametia,

      Those no good mofos know that. I remember during the primaries Pat Buchanan was calling it racist voting when black were voting for PBO. You didn’t hear a damn word when blacks were voting for white candidates. So, are whites racists when they vote for white candidates? The MSM is the devil here. They’re no good mofos!

    • The Fed says:

      I LOVE IT!!!

  5. Ametia says:

    Please tell me why the village idiots are arguing about the numbers of the Beck & One Nation rallies. Why are the idiots are LYING and ignoring the One Nation rally held this past weekend?

    • The Fed says:

      And THAT is the question. They want to point out the most meaningless stuff. Remember the Million Man March… Was the news reporting on the message? NOPE… What about the peaceful gathering? NOPE… They were reporting on the numbers… “It wasn’t REALLY 1million…” REALLY?

      In MY opinion, what needs to be pointed out is the inclusive message of the One Nation Rally vs the exclusive message of Becks… But again, that’s just my opinion.

      • Hey, The Fed!

        Glad to see you drop in on 3 Chics! You all are doing some good things over at The Urban Politico. Keep it up!

        Congrats on the Black Weblog Awards! Big Up!

  6. Ametia says:

    Justice Stevens: An Open Mind On A Changed Court
    by Nina Totenberg
    October 4, 2010 The U.S. Supreme Court opens its new term Monday, with new Justice Elena Kagan sitting in the junior justice’s seat at the far end of the bench. For the first time in its history, a third of the nine-member court is female, and all of its justices are either Catholic or Jewish — no Protestants. Also, for the first time in 35 years, Justice John Paul Stevens is not there.

    The 90-year-old justice retired in June; this summer, he sat for an interview in his chambers. During a lengthy and wide-ranging conversation, Stevens said he regrets one vote: his 1976 vote to uphold the death penalty. He also said he remains undecided about whether it would be a good idea to allow TV cameras in the Supreme Court; gently chided the Senate for the way it conducts confirmation hearings; and said he has often changed his mind about issues after reading the briefs and hearing oral arguments.

    Podcast here:

  7. Ametia says:

    Photostream: A Look at September
    Posted by Kori Schulman on October 01, 2010 at 03:39 PM EDT
    Take a behind-the-scenes look at the month of September. See President Obama meet with his national security staff in the Situation Room, toss a ball for Bo in the Rose Garden and work on a speech in the Oval, plus many more.

  8. Ametia says:

    Interest-group spending for midterm up fivefold from 2006; many sources secret

    By T.W. Farnam and Dan Eggen
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Monday, October 4, 2010; 3:01 AM

    Interest groups are spending five times as much on the 2010 congressional elections as they did on the last midterms, and they are more secretive than ever about where that money is coming from.

    The $80 million spent so far by groups outside the Democratic and Republican parties dwarfs the $16 million spent at this point for the 2006 midterms. In that election, the vast majority of money – more than 90 percent – was disclosed along with donors’ identities. This year, that figure has fallen to less than half of the total, according to data analyzed by The Washington Post.

    The trends amount to a spending frenzy conducted largely in the shadows.

  9. Paladino Took Government Tax Break By Pledging To Deliver Jobs, But Instead Pocketed The Money

    An investigation by the New York Daily News finds that New York GOP gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, a multi-millionaire real estate developer, promised to revive the economy of Buffalo by creating new jobs, received $3 million in state tax breaks to do so, but then pocketed the tax refunds while delivering very few jobs:

    A Daily News probe found Paladino’s companies netted $3 million in tax breaks through a program called the Empire Zones – while producing a grand total of 25 new jobs.

    To justify tax breaks in one instance, he sold a dozen vacant lots he owned to himself and claimed hundreds of thousands of dollars in “real property investments.” Seven years later, these “investments” remain what they were – vacant lots.

    His Empire Zone investments consisted mostly of renovating his own buildings – $19 million worth. He completed no new construction and brought no new businesses in any of his Empire Zone projects.

    Instead, the Paladino companies such as the Ellicott Group mostly generate income through six big office buildings that collect millions of dollars in rent.

    Thieving sob!

  10. Rachel Maddow: Bill O’Reilly A ‘Race-Baiting F**k,’ CNN Wanted Olbermann: NYMag

    Rachel Maddow called Bill O’Reilly a “race-baiting f*ck,” CNN tried to hire Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews wanted Phil Donahue out of MSNBC.

    Those are but three of the juicy revelations in Gabriel Sherman’s must-read New York magazine cover story this week about CNN and MSNBC, appropriately titled, “Chasing Fox.”

    The cable news business is notoriously competitive, as Sherman captures in his feud-heavy, 6,000-word-plus article. Below, just a sampling of some of the feuds unveiled in the piece — read the full article at for more.

    Rachel Maddow vs. Bill O’Reilly
    After O’Reilly called Maddow an “NBC News loon,” Maddow said she wanted to respond by wearing a loon suit. “Sorry, you really hurt my feelings,” she said referencing O’Reilly. “I am a loon. I’m on the Canadian dollar bill. It’s awful…but you, however, are also a race-baiting fuck.”

    Dat you cussing, Rachel? LMAO

  11. Ametia says:

    Joe Scarborough is a rat bastard who has coons and white establishment on his show who are now blaming President Obama for the Wall Street bailout. This dude is not slick and certainly is not smart.

    Charles Blow & Jonathan Capehart are the new people, disguised as black voices. media is just disgusting, DISGUSTING!

  12. Top of the Morning, 3 Chics! Time to start your day! Have a great one!

    Happy Monday!

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