Sunday Open Thread

Pastor John P Kee (born John Prince Kee on June 4, 1962) is an American gospel singer and pastor.

John P. Kee was born the 15th out of 16 children in Durham, North Carolina. At an early age he began to develop his musical talent both instrumentally and vocally. He attended the North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston-Salem and at 14, he and his brothers Wayne and Al moved to California where he began attending the Yuba College Conservatory School of Music in Marysville, CA. During this time, he began playing with various groups such as Cameo and Donald Byrd and the Blackbyrds. After having a hard time adjusting in California, he left and moved to Charlotte, North Carolina only to find himself living in a part of the city known for its violence and drug activities. After watching one of his friends being murdered in a drug deal gone bad, he rededicated his life back to God during a visitation to a revival meeting.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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19 Responses to Sunday Open Thread

  1. Are whites racially oppressed?

    (CNN) — They marched on Washington to reclaim civil rights.

    They complained of voter intimidation at the polls.

    They called for ethnic studies programs to promote racial pride.

    They are, some say, the new face of racial oppression in this nation — and their faces are white.

    “We went from being a privileged group to all of a sudden becoming whites, the new victims,” says Charles Gallagher, a sociologist at La Salle University in Pennsylvania who researches white racial attitudes and was baffled to find that whites see themselves as a minority.

    “You have this perception out there that whites are no longer in control or the majority. Whites are the new minority group.”

    Call it racial jujitsu: A growing number of white Americans are acting like a racially oppressed majority. They are adopting the language and protest tactics of an embattled minority group, scholars and commentators say.

    I’m trying to hold my tongue, y’all. I really am. Pray for me!

    • Ametia says:

      Of course they didn’t start feeling oppressed until, say, oh around January 20, 2009.

      This is all about KARMA. If white folks are feeling oppressed, well, let’s just say they have been in some shape or form an oppressor.

    • Ametia says:

      From Ripp

      White Ain’t Right…Or Is It?
      Saturday, March 5, 2011
      By: Johnathan Fields

      Isn’t it funny how a group that has essentially taken the rhetoric of the Black Panther Party is now totally blinded by the fact their white privilege is operating as they re-color history again?

      Are white’s racially oppressed? Is that really a question? Do you have any understanding of what oppression is? Oppression is a state of feeling powerless. I’m confused how anyone benefitting from white privilege, in a white supremacist society, can feel powerless?

      CNN’s article highlights the fears of the Tea Party members, as well as “a large percentage” of whites, that they are becoming the newest racial minority. First, how do you become the “new” racial minority when you are the original racial establishment that set the standard for racial oppression in this country? Secondly, isn’t racism and ignorance rooted in fear? So basically, at the root of all your worries they’re operating from a place of fear. This type of thinking is the same logic for anti-miscegenation laws-white people will become the minority.

      The sad reality is that we have the white right arguing how they are the minority as they benefit from all the privileges their white skins affords like walking down the street without being questioned, driving without being stopped, not going through rigorous series of application processes for jobs, scholarships, education, etc. and being able to visit Arizona. Then on the white left you have people arguing race doesn’t matter any more, let’s just stop talking about it. So white ain’t right, it’s everywhere.

      White supremacy is rooted in our (in)justice system, our schools, media, relationships. Hell, it’s the foundation of our country. Oppression is all about power. I’m really disturbed at how the racial group with all the power wants to cry about how they’re losing some.

      In Rock My Soul: Black People and Self-Esteem, Black feminist scholar bell hooks’ chapter “Refusing To Be a Victim” discusses why people use victimization as a tactic. She argues how playing the victim makes us “far more likely to receive attention and handouts.” In her book Killing Rage: Ending Racism, she has a chapter with the same title: “Refusing To Be a Victim: Accountability and Responsibility”. She talks about how some white women played the victim in feminist labor movements, gaining acceptance into the workplace before both Black men and women. Some of this acceptance was also at the hands of exploiting Black folks.

      • Good Post!

      • Ametia says:

        THIS: “So you see, white people playing the victim is not a new trope in American society. We do this every time we get scared we’re going to lose a little bit of our privilege.

        Any time we see a few people of color beginning to garner white supremacist notions of success, we start to worry. After all, fear is what consumes this country. ”

  2. Ametia says:

  3. Ametia says:

  4. Ametia says:

    • Ametia says:

      Can you say Palin VP debate with Biden & Ifiill? This nut would only answer the questions she wanted to answer, which she didn’t answer, but stuck with the hidden Obama $1oo billion in HCR extras! PATHETIC!

  5. Texas Secession Rally Staged By Nationalist Group

    The Texas Nationalist Movement marked Texas Independence Day with a rally on Saturday at the Capitol urging Texans to save the state by seceding from the United States.

    Ignormus ass clowns!

  6. Ametia says:

    Women Fight to Maintain Their Role in the Building of a New Egypt
    Published: March 5, 2011

    CAIRO — When the prime minister of Egypt stepped down on Thursday, Shereen Diaa, 32, was cooking lunch for her two young sons in a suburb on Cairo’s outskirts. A veiled woman who molds her life around her children, Ms. Diaa had promised herself she would stop attending political protests and focus on her boys, ages 6 and 8. But when she saw on Facebook that the new prime minister himself would address the protesters the next day, in an unprecedented act, she could not resist.

    I will leave you only two hours,” she said she told the children, dropping them off with her mother and then heading downtown to Tahrir Square.

    In the raucous crowd, she stepped on a water jug to catch a glimpse of the prime minister, Essam Sharaf, who had stood with the demonstrators before Hosni Mubarak was ousted as president. “I see him! I am really happy!” she exclaimed, beaming, one voice among thousands. “Raise your head high, you are Egyptian!” they chanted.

    Egypt’s popular revolution was the work of men and women, bringing together housewives and fruit sellers, businesswomen and students. At its height, roughly one quarter of the million protesters who poured into the square each day were women. Veiled and unveiled women shouted, fought and slept in the streets alongside men, upending traditional expectations of their behavior.

  7. Ametia says:

    Phil Collins Quitting Music Due to Health Problems
    Saturday March 05, 2011 03:25 PM EST

    His back hurts from a dislocated vertebra. He’s lost some of his hearing. Nerve damage makes it hard for him to hold his drumsticks.

    The decades of rock and roll have taken their toll on Phil Collins – both from the wear-and-tear on his body and the pain from the constant barbs from critics.

    After seven Grammys, 13 hit singles and an Oscar for a song from Disney’s Tarzan, he’s decided to call it quits from the music industry.

    “I don’t really belong to that world and I don’t think anyone’s going to miss me,” Collins, 60, tells FHM, according to Time magazine. I’m much happier just to write myself out of the script entirely.”

    Collins, who lives in Switzerland, adds: “I’m sorry that it was all so successful. I honestly didn’t mean it to happen like that. It’s hardly surprising that people grew to hate me.”

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  8. Ametia says:

    The Sunday Take
    Obama’s 2012 reelection team gets moving
    By Dan Balz
    Sunday, March 6, 2011

    As Republicans dither, debating who is and who isn’t in the 2012 race for the White House, President Obama and his team are moving swiftly to dive into the business of winning reelection.

    No office space has yet been rented. No committee has been formed. No official announcement date has been locked down. But by sometime next month, the president’s team is likely to be a functioning, legal entity with a plan.

    That should send a message to potential Republican candidates, who have spent the winter trying to convince themselves that they can wait and wait and perhaps wait some more before they get moving. Obama’s team believes otherwise. They know what time and effort are required to build a robust organization capable of winning a general election – and how important the work done this year will be.

    The president has already made the pivot. After the midterm shellacking, he has repositioned himself, moving to the center when needed (the tax deal with the Republicans late last year) while keeping a close eye on his restive liberal base (winning the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” and announcing that his Justice Department would no longer defend the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act).

  9. Ametia says:

    Harriet Tubman vs. John Hanson: Statuary Hall smackdown
    By J. Freedom du Lac
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Sunday, March 6, 2011; 12:47 AM

    Harriet Tubman has history on her side. But does she have the votes?

    The famous abolitionist is locked in a historical steel-cage match with the increasingly forgotten patriot John Hanson – one that’s playing out not far from John Hanson Highway in Annapolis, where Maryland lawmakers, historians and activists have been debating whether to refresh the state’s history by dumping Hanson in favor of Tubman.

    At stake: one of 100 marble pedestals in the exclusive if not always accessible National Statuary Hall Collection at the U.S. Capitol.

    For the past 108 years, Hanson, a leading advocate of American independence, has been honored at the Capitol with a larger-than-life statue that the public almost never sees. Wearing a tricorn hat, waistcoat, breeches and other colonial-era clothes, the old Southern Marylander’s 7-foot, 3-inch bronze likeness peers down at lawmakers and legislative aides rushing through a restricted-access corridor outside the Senate chamber.

    Hanson was a member of the Continental Congress and in 1781 was elected as “President of the United States in Congress Assembled.” But as time marches on, he slips deeper into the margins of history, his legacy imperiled even in his home state.

    “I don’t even know who he is,” Leslie Rowland admitted from College Park, where she teaches mid-19th-century American history at the University of Maryland.

    Now Hanson could be in jeopardy of fading even further into obscurity, with Maryland lawmakers considering a proposal to replace the former slave owner with a hero of the Underground Railroad.

  10. dannie22 says:

    Good morning all!!

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