Saturday Open Thread

Luther Vandross (April 20, 1951 – July 1, 2005) was an American R&B and soul singer-songwriter, and record producer. During his career, Vandross sold over twenty-five million albums[2] and won eight Grammy Awards[3] including Best Male R&B Vocal Performance four times. He won four Grammy Awards in 2004 including the Grammy Award for Song of the Year for the track “Dance with My Father”,[4] co-written with Richard Marx.

Born on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in New York City in the Smith Housing Project, Vandross began playing the piano at the age of three. He grew up in a musical family that moved to the Bronx when he was thirteen. His sister Patricia sang with vocal group The Crests, who had a number two hit in 1958 with “Sixteen Candles”, though she left the group before the recording.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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31 Responses to Saturday Open Thread

  1. Hello 3 Chics!

    Would you be so kind to take a few seconds of your time to nominate us for The Black Weblog Awards 2011? Click on the link here


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  2. rikyrah says:

    just finished watching School Daze…..still one of my favorite Spike Lee movies.

  3. Michelle Obama jumping in 2012 re-election fund-raising: Top May event package, $200,000

    WASHINGTON–President Obama has scooped up millions of dollars for his 2012 re-election campaign the past two weeks and First Lady Michelle jumps in when she headlines a fund-raising event aimed a female donors in May.

    Obama, Mrs. Obama and high profile members from the Obama administration and the Obama 2012 campaign team will be speaking at a fund-raiser here on May 18 and 19 jointly sponsored by the Democratic National Committee’s Women’s Leadership Forum and Obama for America.

    Mrs. Obama addressed the WLF last year. While Obama has been on the road to raise 2012 campaign cash–last week in Chicago, this week San Francisco and Los Angeles, next week New York–it’s not clear yet how much time Mrs. Obama is willing to devote to political fund-raising. Her decision is important–she is one of the biggest draws for Democrats. Mrs. Obama did no fund-raising trips in 2009 and in 2010 waited until October to help candidates raise cash for the November mid-term elections.

    At the May event, tickets range from a $250 contribution for seniors and youths to $200,000 raised by the top level bundlers–people who tap into their personal networks to raise money.

  4. rikyrah says:

    April 18, 2011
    Young, Angry, Beige
    Posted by Hendrik Hertzberg

    Amy Davidson just came into my office marvelling at today’s Ross Douthat column in the Times, in which he argues that taxing the well-off won’t just cause the economy to seize up; it could lead to “ugly political consequences as well.” How so?

    Historically, the most successful welfare states (think Scandinavia) have depended on ethnic solidarity to sustain their tax-and-transfer programs. But the working-age America of the future will be far more diverse than the retired cohort it’s laboring to support. Asking a population that’s increasingly brown and beige to accept punishing tax rates while white seniors receive roughly $3 in Medicare benefits for every dollar they paid in (the projected ratio in the 2030s) promises to polarize the country along racial as well as generational lines.

    A dystopian vision. Or is it utopian? We face a future, Ross warns, in which “brown and beige” people (including dark brown people? Ross is coy about that), as a group, have moved so far up the economic ladder that they’re more concerned with paying low marginal tax rates on the upper reaches of their income than with being able to depend on adequate health care when they get sick and reliable (if minimal) pensions when they get old. These taxophobic people of color will take out their Ayn Randian anger on the old, the sick, and the white. (Never mind that brown and beige seniors will be just as “entitled” as white ones to a ride on that three-bucks-for-a-dollar Medicare gravy train.)

    You have to hand it to Ross for deft rhetorical footwork, though. At first you think you know where he’s going: something about how (rich) white people feeling resentful about paying taxes for the benefit of (poor) nonwhite people threatens to create the sort of racially tinged conflicts that we must all be concerned about, etc. But no. Instead, he surprises you with a counter-conventional-wisdom 180: nonwhite job creators will be punished for their entrepreneurial energies by government favoritism for freeloading Caucasian Medicare queens.

    Read more

  5. President Obama’s Motorcade Arriving At Fundraiser In Brentwood
    Apr 22, 2011

  6. President Obama Motorcade in San Francisco 04/20/2011

  7. President Barack Obama salutes as he steps off Marine One helicopter before his departure from Los Angeles International airport in Los Angeles, Friday, April 22, 2011.

  8. U.S. President Barack Obama boards Air Force One at Los Angeles International Airport in Los Angeles, California, April 22, 2011.

  9. rikyrah says:

    Ross Douthat’s Brown-and-Beige Revenge Fantasy
    This week’s RightWatch takes aim at a New York Times columnist who imagines people of color cutting off benefits to elderly whites.

    By: Jack White | Posted: April 23, 2011 at 12:38 AM

    If there’s one thing you’ve got to give right-wingers credit for, it’s coming up with new ways to scare the pants off of white people. When it comes to playing the race card, their creativity is unsurpassed.

    A recent example of this unique talent could be found the other day on, of all unlikely places, the op-ed page of the New York Times. The stink bomb dropped there by columnist Ross Douthat suggests that the right wing has come up with yet another fresh — and seductively innovative — strategy to ally racial paranoia with its war on taxes.

    Born in 1979 and a graduate of Harvard, Douthat is too young and too smart to resort to the sort of nakedly racist sloganeering that Republicans have relied upon in the past to appeal to white folks’ resentments. There’s no ugly rhetoric like the Willie Horton TV spots that propelled George Bush into the White House or Ronald Reaganesque ranting about welfare queens. Instead, he wraps his devilishly devious message in cool, almost scholarly prose.

    He starts by trotting out familiar conservative arguments that heavier taxes could stifle entrepreneurial incentives and make it harder for young families to climb the socioeconomic ladder. And then, with no fanfare at all, he throws all logic aside to make an incendiary assertion about the “ugly political consequences” of Barack Obama’s proposals for reforming Medicare:

    “Historically, the most successful welfare states (think Scandinavia) have depended on ethnic solidarity to sustain their tax-and-transfer programs. But the working-age America of the future will be far more diverse than the retired cohort it’s laboring to support. Asking a population that’s increasingly brown and beige to accept punishing tax rates while white seniors receive roughly $3 in Medicare benefits for every dollar they paid in (the projected ratio in the 2030s) [pdf] promises to polarize the country along racial as well as generational lines.”

    Say what? Is Douthat really suggesting that if Obama’s ideas hold sway, blacks, Latinos and Asians would wage class warfare against elderly white people over Medicare? You betcha he is.,0

  10. rikyrah says:

    throw his fat ass in jail for contempt of court


    Gov. Chris Christie Considers Defying Court Order

    Last month, a New Jersey state judge struck down Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) $820 million cuts in education because they disproportionately affected low-income students in violation of the state constitution. That case is now pending before the New Jersey Supreme Court.

    In an interview with radio host Eric Scott today, Christie suggested that if the state’s highest court hands down a decision that he does not like, he may simply defy the court order:

    HOST: In all seriousness, governor, what if the ruling comes down, and [the state supreme courts says] you’ve gotta spend $1.7 billion, and you just say “no”?

    CHRISTIE: Well, that’s an option too.

    HOST: You’ve considered that? You’ve considered actually saying we’re not going to do it? . . .

    CHRISTIE: Well, listen, I’m not going to sit here and speculate. Um, have I thought about that? Of course I have. You asked me if I was coming up with a contingency plan. Yeah, there’s a whole bunch of options in the contingency plan and we’ll see what happens.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Another Walker pick causes stir
    Campaign worker named register of deeds over more-qualified candidates
    By Patrick Marley of the Journal Sentinel

    In picking a new register of deeds for Marinette County, Gov. Scott Walker picked a Republican campaign worker with no experience with land records and vital records.

    He passed over three candidates with detailed knowledge of how the office of the register of deeds works, including two deputies who have worked in the office for years.

    The appointment comes after the GOP governor faced criticism because the son of a campaign supporter landed a top job at the state Department of Commerce.

    Renee Miller started as Marinette County register of deeds on Wednesday, after being appointed to it earlier this month. Miller is a friend of Rep. John Nygren (R-Marinette), has worked on his campaigns for five years and is married to Nygren’s campaign treasurer, Paul Miller.

    The appointment has upset employees in the register of deeds office who applied for the job. One of the three employees in the office transferred to another county job, and another said she was considering doing the same, which would leave Miller without an experienced staff as she gets to know the office.

    Documents released under the state’s open records law show Walker was first advised to appoint Chief Deputy Register of Deeds Becky Chasensky to the job. But that plan changed after aides to Walker learned Chasensky filed for bankruptcy in 2009, Walker spokesman Cullen Werwie said.

    Walker then chose Miller, the No. 2 recommendation from his appointments director. Two other applicants had extensive work with land records.

    Before the appointment, a background check was performed on Chasensky, but not Miller or those who were appointed as registers of deeds in two other counties around the same time. Werwie said Wednesday the governor was changing his policy and would now perform background checks before making all appointments.

    “We are confident Renee Miller will honorably serve as the next Marinette County register of deeds,” said a statement from Werwie. “The process for this appointment was fair and resulted in choosing a qualified candidate. We constantly revise our appointment process to ensure qualified candidates are nominated.”

    Nygren was the only person to recommend Miller for the job. By contrast, Chasensky had 16 letters of recommendation, including ones from Rep. Jeff Mursau (R-Crivitz), the Marinette County Board chairman, and local bank, title and real estate officials.

    Also recommending her was Melanie Huempfner, the Republican register of deeds for 18 years who resigned midterm in January.

    “I was just totally shocked” at the appointment, Huempfner said. “I’m just so disappointed this happened. I’m disappointed in the party. I’m disappointed in the people involved.”

    Chasensky ran the office expertly when Huempfner was away, Huempfner said.

    Registers of deeds are elected, but the governor appoints someone to those offices to fill vacancies. To keep the job, Miller would have to win election in November 2012.

    The register of deeds is in charge of birth, death and marriage certificates, as well as land records that include esoteric legal descriptions of properties.

    Huempfner said she was concerned about putting the office in the hands of someone unfamiliar with such records.

    “The job is of course ruled by the statutes,” Huempfner said. “You just can’t walk into the office and start running it.”

    Ten people applied for the job. Besides Chasensky, two others have years of experience working with such records – Tammy Kasal, a deputy register of deeds in Marinette County, and Thomas Faller, a deputy register of deeds in nearby Menominee County, Mich.

    Miller has worked as a bank service manager and has been active with the Jaycees, serving as state president in 2010. She said she would be good as register of deeds because she is a quick learner and has management experience.

    “My plan is to go in and gather all the information I can and learn everything possible as quickly as possible,” she said.

    Nygren wrote to Walker aide Cindy Polzin in December saying he had no problem with Chasensky getting the job but added that he’d heard Chasensky “has some personal issues, and she has never been involved in the party.”

    Chasensky said she got involved with the Marinette County Republican Party in late 2010 and was elected secretary in January.

    Nygren said Walker’s office earlier had told him the job would go to Chasensky, and he was surprised when he found out Miller got it.

    “I think the worst thing is if Renee is being made out to get a job she doesn’t deserve,” he said. “It’s not her fault that there might have been other circumstances with one of the other candidates.”

    Records show Eric Esser, Walker’s director of appointments, recommended Chasensky for the job, with Miller as an alternate.

  12. rikyrah says:

    Re-rise of the Naderites: Glenn Greenwald’s third party dreamin’ **UPDATE: on Libertarianism

    At a talk given the day after the 2010 election — one that was a disaster for Democrats — “progressive” writer and civil liberties lawyer Glenn Greenwald gave a talk at the University of Wisconsin, and expressed the hope that Democrats might suffer the same fate in 2012.

    Greenwald’s speech mainly focused on civil liberties and terrorism policy “in the age of Obama.” But it was his approach to politics that got members of the Young Americans for Liberty — a Paulite Libertarian group that co-sponsored the event — excited:

    The speech was stellar with too many good points to touch on in a single blog post. I would like to point out that in the Q&A at 38:00 Greenwald specifically addresses a possible alliance between progressives and Ron Paul libertarians. He also mentions Gary Johnson as a unique candidate with possibly the best chance of bringing this coalition together in a 2012 run for president.

    In addition to praising Johnson, who announced for president this week, and promoting the idea of a Johnson- Russ Feingold ticket, as he did again recently in an interview with Out Magazine, Greenwald offered a few insights into his way of thinking:

    – He called President Obama a “political coward” whose entire history, as a student, a writer, an organizer and as a politician, is one of accommodation of entrenched power, to whom he never wants to be seen as a “threat” (27:58)

    – He said Democrats have stigmatized the idea of supporting third parties or not voting at all, “by what is perceived to have happened in 2000 when Ralph Nader supposedly siphoned off votes and helped elect George Bush,” (24:50)

    – He lavishly praised not just Wikileaks and Bradley Manning (who he called “probably the most heroic figure we’ve seen in at least a decade.” but also tea partyers who strike fear into the hearts of politicians by “acting very threateningly,” and “taking guns and machine guns” to their protests (49:10);

    – And he expressed support for the Citizens United ruling, dismissing the concerns over corporate “personhood” by saying that if the government can restrict corporate speech, it could strip corporations and “entities” like the ACLU of all of their constitutional rights, saying it’s better that the government not limit corporate speech, but rather that it create a generous public financing system that would match one campaigner’s $50 million in corporate cash with $50 million for his or her opponent from the federal government (32:33);

    But it was Greenwald’s notion of third party voting that offered the greatest window in what he’d like to see happen in American elections. In short, he’d like to see another Naderite revolution in 2012. Here’s a transcript with approximate time codes:

    23:54 – If all you ever do is complain about how horrible and abysmal the Democrats are, but at the end of the day, right before the election happens, you say, you know what, as much as I loathe you, and as disappointing as you’ve been, and as horrible as the things you have done, I’m going to give you my support because you’ve scared me that the other alternative is just a little bit worse … and therefore since I’ll never vote Republican, you have my unconditional undying support no matter how much how stmp on my values, no matter how horrible the things that you do … what you’re doing is youre guaranteeing that you’ll always be ignored.


    And that’s the position that so many liberals and progressives have been in. Which is, you know, really finding Democratic policies to be repellant and yet at the same time, at the end of the day saying, well you’ve convinced me that they’re just a tiny, little bit worse. And the only way to break that is to say well, even though I know that by abstaining or supporting a third party, I’m going to be sacrificing some of my short term political interests; I’m going to be causing a few more Republicans to be elected than otherwise might be elected; on balance, I’m willing to sacrifice my short term interests in order to do something to subvert the stranglehold that these two parties have on the political process because electing more Democrats, even though it’s a little less scary, accomplishes nothing good. And everyone’s going to have to decide for themselves when they get to that point, and I think and hope that that point is pretty close. And if Obama does move to the center as the consensus is telling him that he should and starts doing things like cutting Social Security, which they’re revving up to do if they can get consensus on, in a very short period of time, I think you’re gonna see lots and lots of progressives and Democrats – even people who hated the Naderites for abandoning the party, start to entertain those options, and a lot sooner rather than later. And I hope that’s the case.

    Of course, it’s not unusual for progressive libertarians to feel strongly that a third party movement is the answer to what they see as the sameness of the Democratic and Republican parties. But I think it’s hard to argue, in the wake of the 2010 election and the House Republicans’ all-out assault on women, unions, teachers, the poor, and now the elderly, that there’s no material difference between Democratic- and Republican-controlled government. And for non-elites in the Democratic party, those “short term interests” would be tough to sacrifice, whether its the ability to obtain unemployment insurance if they lose a job, the ability to organize and get decent wages and healthcare on the job, to retire with dignity rather than a voucher, and on and on. The stark right turn the country took when more Republicans were elected is a sobering reminder that most people can’t afford to strike a blow at the two-party system as a “short term sacrifice,” though people in Greenwald’s more privileged position can.

    I’d be interested to see if Greenwald would give this same speech today, and whether he would do it in Wisconsin, given what’s happening there.

    I wouldn’t doubt that he would.

    Even as the 2000 election drew down, progressive libertarians like Michael Moore and Bill Maher advocated voting for Nader instead of Al Gore, because “there wasn’t a dime’s worth of difference” between the major party candidates.

    We all see how well that worked out.

    In the end, it’s not about Greenwald’s individual views. He has a right to them, and a perfect right to advocate that Democrats/liberals pull away from the party and vote for whoever he thinks they should vote for.

    The question is, how broad the “Naderite” faction is today, and how could that impact the 2012 election, when what will be on the line is not just the House, which Democrats are currently in a position to retake, but also control of the Senate and the White House. Should Republicans, who will be of the same ideological stripe as those in the House, because of the primacy of the Koch/John Birch Society tea party wing, take over Congress and the White House, this will be a very different country a few years from now.

    And progressives need to ask whether it’s better to prioritize symbolic strikes against the two-party system over the basic interests of the people who form the base of their constituency: single women, young people and largely minorities, unlike the almost entirely white, privileged, progressive elite.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Donald Trump says Mitt Romney can’t win GOP nomination
    The State Column | Staff | Thursday, April 21, 2011

    New York Republican Donald Trump slammed former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney Thursday, saying the potential Republican presidential candidate can’t capture the Republican presidential nomination.

    “He doesn’t resonate, you know? Or he would have won last time,” Mr. Trump told the Daily Beast. “I watched [Romney] make a speech, and it was all these little trivial statements.

    Mr. Trump’s comment comes as a number of polls show him as a leading contender, while a poll out of Utah shows Mr. Romney leading Mr. Trump by double-digits. Mr. Trump seems to have support from Republican activists in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, according to an Associated Press article this week. Mr. Romney also fared well in the latest poll out of Iowa.

    The New York real estate mogul has slammed potential Republican presidential candidates in recent weeks, saying many of them do not appeal to Republican voters.

    Mr. Trump’s criticism of Mr. Romney is the latest spat between the two potential presidential candidates. Mr. Romney criticized Mr. Trump last week, saying the New York Republican should stop questioning the validity of President Obama’s birth certificate. : ‘The citizenship test has been passed. There are real reasons to get this guy out of office … but his citizenship isn’t the reason why,’ Mr. Romney said at the time.

    Read more:

  14. rikyrah says:

    Donald Trump tells supporters to “stay tuned”
    The State Column | Staff | Saturday, April 23, 2011

    New York Republican Donald Trump told views of CNN’s “In the Arena” to “stay tune” in regards to the unveiling of his financial records.

    “If I run for office, you are going to know exactly what I’m worth,” Mr. Trump said. “You’re going to know where the banks are, how much I have in the bank.”

    Mr. Trump, a potential Republican presidential candidate, made the comment just days after CNN’s Eliot Spitzer questioned whether Mr. Trump is worth the $2.7 billion Forbes magazine claims. Mr. Trump has made his financial success a key component of his pitch to potential supporters. The New York real estate tycoon slammed former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney earlier this week, saying his finances paled in comparison.

    “My net worth is many, many, many times” that of Mr. Romney, Mr. Trump said at the time. “I built a very big net worth and I’d like to put that ability … to work for this country.”

    With the latest polls showing increasing support for a Trump candidacy, a number of Republicans are quickly taking a second look at whether he can compete with other potential Republican presidential candidates. Mr. Trump has said in the past that he is willing to spend upwards of $600 million of his fortune in order to win the presidential election.

    Read more:

  15. rikyrah says:

    For many grads, the old college try’s not enough
    Rising number of ‘mal-employed’ settling for low-wage jobs

    Tiffany Groene is waiting tables.

    Erin Crites is making lattes and iced coffees.

    And Anna Holcombe is buying and selling gold.

    These three Chicago women share more than just scraping by with low-paying jobs: They all have master’s degrees and are unable to find work in their specialty areas.

    here’s even a name for their situation. They are referred to as mal-employed, a term coined in the ’70s for college graduates who could not find jobs that require a degree. Instead, they settle for low-skilled jobs.

    Even in rosier economic times, people with college degrees sometimes can’t find jobs in their fields. But their numbers and the trend show no sign of easing during the slow and bumpy recovery from the recession.

    Nationwide, about 1.94 million graduates under age 30 were mal-employed between September and January, according data compiled by Andrew Sum, director of the Center for Labor Market Studies at Northeastern University.

    Sum said mal-employment has significantly increased in the past decade, making it the biggest challenge facing college graduates today. In 2000, Sum said, about 75 percent of college graduates held a job that required a college degree. Today that’s closer to 60 percent.

    Though the economy is growing and new jobs are being created, Sum said, those graduating in June are not likely to see major improvements. About 1.7 million students are projected to graduate this spring with a bachelor’s degree and 687,000 with a master’s, according to the U.S. Department of Education.

    “We are doing a great disservice by not admitting how bad it is for young people (to get a job),” Sum said.

    And the longer college graduates go without working in their field, the harder it is to land interviews for jobs where they would use their degree.

    “It’s hard to convince people that what I am doing is relevant,” said Groene, 27, who has tended bar and waitressed during the two years she’s looked for a job related to her master’s degree in public administration.

    In that time, she’s had one offer in her field. It came in 2009 from Chicago Public Schools but disappeared before she could start, due to budget cuts. Desperate, she took a job as a bartender in Rogers Park. She said she quit six months later, upset by the sexual advances of bar patrons.

    With no income, she moved back to her father’s house in Rockford. At times, she found it difficult to leave her bedroom because she felt depressed.

    She said she wasn’t used to not succeeding. An avid soccer player, Groene was drafted to go to college and drafted again to become an assistant coach at Columbus State University in Georgia, where she earned her master’s degree.

    “You feel so down,” Groene said.

    With the support of her family, she ventured out again last month and took a job as a waitress in Lincoln Park. She said it’s the best job she’s had in two years. She also slowed down her job search and is back in school pursuing a master’s in education.

    “I can’t find anything anyway,” she said, adding that more schooling allows her to start from scratch.

    Experts say Groene’s situation is hardly unique. When everything else fails, graduates are more likely to go back for more education. Those with a bachelor’s sign up for a master’s, and so on. Some take a step back, either to look for new opportunities or retool their fields of interest.

    Bill White, for example, is pursuing a second bachelor’s degree. He looked for a job for about six months before graduating in December with a master’s in public relations and advertising. Unable to land one, the 28-year-old has shifted his focus to mechanical engineering.

    While college graduates are still more likely to land a job than those without a degree, the fact that so many are not finding a job in their fields has raised questions about the payoff of a college education.

    Since he got his bachelor’s degree last May, Kirk Devezin II has worked full-time a little more than six months and has freelanced. He has never made more than the $10.36 an hour he earned as a barista at Starbucks when he was a student at Eastern Connecticut State University.

    “I apply to jobs constantly, constantly, constantly,” he said.

    He has interviewed for positions related to his communications degree, but lately, all the interviews have been for barista and cook jobs, and one at a carwash. Sensing that employers in low-wage industries might think he is overqualified, he has left his college degree off the applications.

    “It just seems like it was just a big waste of time,” said Devezin, 24, who still lives in Connecticut. “And I’m $20,000 in debt.”

    The numbers show that he’s wrong — experts say earning a college degree is still the best way to avoid unemployment.

    “The value of the degree is still there, it is just not returning as much in investment as it would a few years ago,” said Carl Van Horn, director of the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers University.

    In fact, those who land a job in their field do well, but those who are mal-employed earn just slightly more than high school graduates, according to Sum’s research. For example, the mean wage for those mal-employed is $476 a week, while those with a job that requires a degree earn $761. By comparison, a high school graduate earns $433.

    Erin Crites, 27, makes $10.55 an hour as a barista at a coffee shop in downtown Chicago. She is struggling to pay her bills and has considered cutting her health insurance — a situation she was hoping to avoid by earning a master’s degree.,0,5382097,full.story

  16. rikyrah says:

    some shyt is just all kinds of wrong:


    Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to be Grand Marshal at Benton Harbor festival
    Tags: Benton Harbor, Recall Rick Snyder, Rick Snyder
    I’ll give Rick Snyder credit. The dude displays a whole lotta chutzpah. He’s going to be the Grand Marshal at the Benton Harbor Grand Floral Festival next month

    Gov. Rick Snyder plans to take part in the 2011 Grand Floral Parade on May 7 as its grand marshal.

    Blossomtime Executive Director Sabrina LaSota said the governor’s office has confirmed his plans to appear.

    The governor is always invited to be the parade’s grand marshal, though it has been years since a governor has taken part in Southwest Michigan’s annual salute to the fruit industry.

    Lt. Gov. Jim Cherry served as grand marshal in 2004, and Gov. John Engler was here in 1994, LaSota said.

    The parade begins at 1 p.m. that Saturday at Pearl and Main streets in St. Joseph, then goes along Main Street in Benton Harbor and ends at 6th and Main streets in Benton Harbor.

    Gee, I wonder if there will be a protest?

    I’m just sayin’…

  17. Ametia says:

  18. Ametia says:

  19. Ametia says:

  20. Koran-Burning Preacher Briefly Jailed

    DEARBORN, Mich. (Reuters) – A militant Christian preacher was jailed briefly Friday after a Michigan court ruled that a protest he planned outside a mosque was likely to provoke violence and ordered him to stay away.

    Terry Jones, whose burning of a Koran in March triggered deadly riots in Afghanistan, had planned a protest outside the largest mosque in the United States.

    Jones was sent to jail after he refused to pay a $1 bond ordered by Judge Mark Somers, who also ordered him to stay away for three years from the Islamic Center of America in Dearborn.

    Police said Jones and a supporter, Wayne Sapp, were later released from custody after the token $1 bond was paid.

  21. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everyone! :-))

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