Serendipty SOUL | Friday Open Thread | Women’s Week!

Happy FRY-day, Everyone! 3 Chics hopes you enjoyed our selected featured tunes with “WOMAN” in the title. To cap off our week, today’s feature is “NATURAL WOMAN.”

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99 Responses to Serendipty SOUL | Friday Open Thread | Women’s Week!

  1. US President Barack Obama disembarks from Air Force One at the Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland on January 27, 2012 upon returing from a three-days five states tour.

  2. Nasty Racist Prick!

    Sergeant Pat Shearer of the Peoria, Arizona, police department is shown in this handout photo released to Reuters January 27, 2012. The U.S. Secret Service is investigating the origins of a photo posted on Shearer’s Facebook page that shows a group of armed youths posing in the desert with what appears to be a bullet-ridden image of President Barack Obama on a T-shirt.

  3. zizi2 @zizii2

    Wow Lays Potato chip has capitalized on #PBO’s popularizing Rev. Al Green’s song “Let’s Stay Together” for a new ad campaign. Interesting

  4. rikyrah says:

    Texas Dems, minority groups near huge win with redistricting settlement
    By Cameron Joseph – 01/27/12 05:52 PM ET

    The Texas state attorneys defending the state’s GOP-drawn redistricting plans from court challenges have reached out to settle litigation, according to sources in the state. The settlement would give minority groups and Democrats what they’ve been demanding from the start: more heavily minority, Democratic-leaning House seats.

    The result would likely mean at least four more Texas Democrats in Congress as of next year, a good start on the 25 or so seats Democrats need to win to retake control of the House.

    “They’re backed up against the wall and have to come to some agreement and it’ll be awfully favorable on our end,” said one of the plaintiffs in the case.

    Another plaintiff agreed. “It’s clear they know they’re in a vulnerable position and that’s why they want to settle,” he said.

    Any settlement would need to get the multiple minority group plaintiffs on board, and would create more majority-Hispanic and majority-African American congressional districts. Two of the plaintiffs predicted that an agreement will be reached early next week.

    If the state of Texas and the plaintiffs in the case reach an agreement it would solve a drawn out process with two separate lower court battles and a Supreme Court opinion already on the books.

    Texas is gaining four seats in Congress and will have 36 total House seats next election. Most of the state’s population growth has come from African Americans and Hispanics, but the Republican state legislators who drew the maps gave the groups few new opportunities in the state.

    Any agreement would lead to a minimum of 13 Democratic-leaning seats, and possibly a fourteenth seat depending on how the districts in Fort Worth are drawn.

  5. rikyrah says:

    For Republicans it’s a perfect mess in Florida


    The Archie Bunker wing of the Republican Party, whose mental cheese slid off its cracker when a guy with the middle name Hussein advanced to the presidency, doesn’t just want to see the GOP win back the White House. They want to see Barack Obama punished — humiliated, even. And so they’ve spent the last year fishing for a candidate who’ll get onstage during a debate and call Obama a Kenyan Socialist to his face.

    When Donald Trump didn’t work out, despite his best efforts to cast Barack Obama as an affirmative-action hire of questionable birth, and Herman Cain fell through because there was just too much swirling around in his head, they got stuck with Newt.

    Newt Gingrich has a few things going for him. His grandiosity (and many wives) recalls a certain Florida-ensconced talk show host who claims to possess talent “on loan by God.” Newt is so contemptuous of the politics of political correctness and of the base’s opponents, he’s comfortable calling poor and “urban” folks lazy and would gladly self-deport to the NAACP to tell them in person to get off welfare. I have never heard him utter the words “president” and “Obama” consecutively. Surely, if he were the nominee, Newt would deliver the catharsis of calling Obama the “food stamp president” in person. He might even call him “Barack,” in the same tone of voice that he delivered his tour-de-force “Juan” put down at debate moderator Juan Williams.

    Of course, most Republican politicos believe that Newt is also unelectable.

    Read more here:

  6. [wpvideo X8IgRZX3]

  7. rikyrah says:

    Posted at 03:36 PM ET, 01/27/2012
    Romney’s negative ratings soaring among independents
    By Greg Sargent

    One key metric for determining whether the attacks on Mitt Romney and the bruising GOP primary are damaging him for the general election is this: How is he faring among independent voters, a key swing constituency, now that they’re getting to know him better?

    I’ve got a new partisan breakdown of some numbers from the new NBC/WSJ poll, and here’s the verdict: Romney’s unfavorability rating among independents has spiked 20 points in the last two months.

    The poll found that among overall Americans, Romney is rated very or somewhat positively by 31 percent, while he’s rated very or somewhat negatively by 36 percent.

    The office of pollster Peter Hart, who helped do the survey, sends over the numbers among independents. While Romney’s positive numbers among them have been roughly stable, at just over 20 percent, here is the change among independents in the past few months:

    In November, Romney was rated somewhat or very negatively by 22 percent of independents.

    In December, Romney was rated somewhat or very negatively by 29 percent of independents.

    And in the new poll, Romney was rated somewhat or very negatively by 42 percent of independents — 20 points higher than two months ago.

    Also: In November, Romney was beating Obama 47-34 among those voters. Now the numbers are upside down: Obama is beating Romney 44-36.

    (A recent Post/ABC News poll also found Romney’s negative rating among independent had jumped to 51 percent.)

    Pollster Peter Hart, a Democrat, tells me Romney’s multiple gaffes and revelations about his taxes and Bain background have led independents to start making a choice between Romney and Obama, rather than merely looking at Romney as a generic opponent of the President.

    “Romney’s lack of connection with average people and Obama’s improving numbers on the economy account for the turnaround with independents,” Hart said.

    “It’s not as though they have said Bain has disqualified him or that he can’t be trusted because of his taxes — but this has created a gulf between him and the average voter,” Hart said. “Bain and the taxes just reinforce the sense that this person is in a different world. If you’re an independent voter not driven by partisanship, you read all the other tea leaves to decide who is going to fight your fight.”

  8. rikyrah says:

    New charges in John Doe investigation allege pattern of illegal fundraising among Walker aides

    Charges filed Thursday in the ongoing John Doe investigation into former and current aides of Gov. Scott Walker allege a pattern of illegal fundraising and what appears to be a systemic avoidance of campaign laws by Walker’s inner circle.

    Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm charged Kelly Rindfleisch, 43, with four felony counts of misconduct in public office and Darlene Wink, 61, with two misdemeanor counts of political solicitation by a public employee. Both worked for Walker during his time as Milwaukee County executive, and both are accused of fundraising activities while at their taxpayer-funded jobs.

    Also in the complaints made public Thursday were accusations leveled toward Walker’s close associates, including the use of personal laptop computers and an unofficial “secret email system” to solicit money for the campaigns of Walker and Brett Davis, who was running for lieutenant governor. Investigators say they kept the system hidden from all but a close group of Walker’s insiders.

    But perhaps most notable in the complaints is an email from Walker to a longtime top aide discussing the resignation of Wink, who left her county job after admitting to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that she frequently posted political comments online during working hours.

    “We cannot afford another story like this one,” Walker wrote about the Wink story. “No one can give them any reason to do another story. That means no laptops, no websites, no time away during the work day, etc.”

    Walker was not available Thursday for interviews to clarify what he meant in the email.

    The governor was scheduled to appear at an event in Wausau, but his office canceled the speech about an hour before it was scheduled to take place. A press release cited weather.

    Read more:

  9. rikyrah says:

    found this over at The Obama Diary:

    January 27, 2012 at 4:15 pm

    I just read this comment on pmcarpenter’s blog from today:

    I spent some considerable time yesterday waiting in a restaurant on Merriman Rd for a delayed flight due to arrive in Detroit. On the way to that restaurant, a Big Boy, I was forced to pass my unusual turn around because it had a large tent over it with many gabardined men and numerous police officers and cars around the area. Ah thinks I, a crime scene. When I got to the restaurant and ordered I asked about what had happened I was told that nothing had happened but that President Obama was staying next door at the Sheraton. Cool thinks I. Now this is a mundane enough story but what was truly interesting I thought was what happened when the President’s motorcade actually arrived a few moments later. I had a view of the whole room and every single employee of that restaurant and all but three of the patrons were at the windows waving to a man who could not possibly see them through the dark and rain. Who did not? Two elderly plump white gentleman and one presumptive wife. All three looked quite put out and the husband and wife demanded their check. They left immediately. The excitement in that room was palpable and it crossed lines of sex and race and age. It was something to see.

    Posted by: Peter G | January 27, 2012 at 11:11 AM

  10. rikyrah says:

    House panel advances bill on voters without ID

    A bill to require voters without identification to cast provisional ballots is headed to the House floor.

    On a 15-6 vote, the House Committee on Privileges and Election advanced House Bill 9, sponsored by Del. Mark L. Cole, R-Spotsylvania, the committee’s chairman.

    The legislation would alter existing law, which allows anyone who claims to be a registered voter to cast a regular ballot, even without proper identification.

    Democrats opposed the change, claiming it would suppress the vote of the elderly, the young, the poor and minorities.

    “There’s no way humanly possible that I can support this bill,” said Del. Algie T. Howell Jr., D-Norfolk.

    “I don’t know why we have this bill in front of us if we don’t have documented cases of voter fraud,” added Del. Kenneth C. Alexander, D-Norfolk.

    Republicans argued that the bill is a common-sense measure to correct a flaw in existing law.

  11. rikyrah says:

    January 27, 2012
    Sarah Palin, badmouthing the GOP, again

    Poor Newt, says Sarah, “the establishment” and “the liberal media” and “certainly … the progressives and the Democrats don’t like” him.

    A 3:1 dislike from the center-left. So whose dislike does Sarah cite as representative of all that liberally lopsided and very unpleasant unfairness? Why, former Reagan speechwriter and WSJ columnist Peggy Noonan, of course, who once paused from her Lady Astor routine just long enough to label Mr. Gingrich an “angry little attack muffin.”

    In Sarah’s characteristically stirring tone, and delivered, naturally, with her usual poetic mellifluousness, as well as with keen attention to precision in language, she added:

    I’ll articulate that it is hypocritical of the media to subscribe to one candidate and not another, that kind of angry attack muffin verbiage, to one and not the other.

    In case you missed it, that would be, to one and not the other. And we assume she meant “ascribe”? Other than that, that, there, is what she articulated, all right.

    Prior to singling out Noonan as a typical voice of our liberally twisted, Gingrich-disliking media society, Sarah had also selected one of this nation’s favorite Saul Alinsky-like pols, Chris Christie, to criticize for having criticized Newt. It seems the former had got his “panties in a wad.”

    With all the actual liberals and real Democrats and orthodox progressives out there — all of them eagerly awaiting another Palin bombardment — couldn’t Sarah, maybe, pick on one of them?

    Or could it be that Sarah wishes to concentrate her fire on the GOP establishment only, because she envisions herself, someday soon, as a Tea Party, third-party reigning queen?

  12. rikyrah says:

    January 26, 2012
    “It would be a disaster” — a necessary one

    An anonymous “conservative media figure” summarizes the GOP’s panic:

    It could happen, and it would be a disaster. All of us who were around and saw how he operated as speaker — there’s no one who’s not appalled by the prospect of what could happen…. He could win the presidency if there’s a way to win with 45 percent — a second recession or a third-party candidate. The immediate worry is him winning the nomination and losing the election, tanking candidates down-ballot.

    The nonsense of Gingrich’s winning the White House is immeasurable, while the prospect of his losing and felling down-ballot candidates is incontrovertible — and yet this near catastrophic option would be the healthiest for the GOP.

    If Republicans nominate Romney, as is likely, the far right, subsequent to Romney’s annihilation in the general election, will instantly begin agitating for a “true conservative” to run in 2016. And that means another batch of Cains, Bachmanns, Perrys, Palins, and so on. Their party will suffer through another dreadful four years of moving farther and farther right, while the electorate moves farther and farther away from what should be an authentically conservative party — which a healthy, two-party American democracy requires.

    If, however, the party nominates Gingrich, the right, post-2012, will be deprived of its now-incessant complaint that the party too often nominates a losing “moderate.” It’s true that Gingrich has flipped or wobbled on several issues of key interest to the far right, but no one among the pseudo- or ultra-conservative ranks will be able to convincingly deny that the party’s 2012 candidate was himself, in the personage of Newt Gingrich, in so many primal ways, an ultraconservative. And with Gingrich’s resounding defeat, that brand of ultraconservatism will have proven itself to be altogether electorally unviable.

    The result: a GOP campaign of ideological cleansing, a heaving of Tea-Party misfits, a distancing by what remains of the establishment from far-right media jackals. The predicament will present itself as a rather simple matter of political survival. Either the party divests itself of its extremism, or there will be no Republican Party of national scope.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Outsmarting the Republicans

    by BooMan
    Fri Jan 27th, 2012 at 02:40:56 PM EST

    It’s interesting to watch the Republicans squirm as they are faced with the stiff defense-spending cuts mandated under the 2011 debt limit law if the Super Committee failed (as it did) to do its job. I’m not happy with Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin after he included dreadful detainee language in the Defense Appropriations Bill. But I like what he’s doing here:

    “The purpose of the sequester is to force us to act to avoid the sequester,” Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) told reporters at a Christian Science Monitor roundtable. “It’s like a nuclear weapon — it’s totally useless; it can’t be used except to accomplish some other goal than its use. It’s used to deter.”

    …“The sequester…is used to force us to deal with the deficit. And it will. I predict it’s going to succeed,” Levin said. “But it will only succeed if it’s kept intact. That sword of Damocles can not be splintered. It’s got to be kept intact if it’s going to have its effect of basically forcing the Republicans, who have taken an ideologically rigid step against any new revenues, to relent and reflect what public opinion clearly is — that there is room for additional revenues, particularly in closing the loopholes [and] in restoring that higher rate for upper bracket Americans.”

    “The dam has got to be broken on revenues and what will break it, I believe, is sequestration,” Levin said. “And it can’t be divided and splintered up. It’s got to be kept intact. And that’s what I believe will move the rigid ideologues to deal finally with revenue.”

    In other words, “give up on the Grover Norquist bullshit or the Pentagon gets it.”

  14. rikyrah says:

    Romney Becomes Even More un-Safe and un-Electable
    Posted on 01/27/2012 at 2:00 pm by JM Ashby

    Earlier this week polls showed that Mitt Romney’s favorability had dropped 35 percent among independents since the beginning of the month and his overall disapproval rating had nearly doubled among self-identified Republicans.

    A new Quinnipiac poll released today show Mitt Romney’s favorability has dropped by another 9 percent since then.

    But Romney is still struggling among the state’s more conservative voters. He trails Gingrich, 41 percent to 20 percent, among those likely primary voters who support the tea party. Among those who do not support the tea party, Romney romps, 47 percent to 24 percent.

    Romney also holds a massive lead over Gingrich among those voters who say they are not evangelical or born-again Christians, 49 percent to 27 percent. But Gingrich leads among evangelicals, 39 percent to 29 percent.

    In the waning days of the campaign in Florida, both candidates’ negatives are rising, the poll shows. The percentage of likely voters who have an unfavorable opinion of Romney has risen 9 points since earlier this week, and the percentage who view Gingrich unfavorably is up 12 points. Now, just half of likely voters have a favorable impression of Gingrich, compared to 61 percent who view Romney favorably — an double-digit decrease for both candidates over the previous poll.

    Different polling organizations have different numbers, but they all reflect a trend of Mitt Romney become a weaker and weaker candidate as the Republican primary drags on.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Romney’s Weak Spot

    It’s his taxes:

    Just over half of Americans doubt that he pays his fair share in taxes. After hearing about his actual income and tax rate, these people are less likely to think he “cares about people like me”—an attribute on which Romney is disadvantaged relative to Obama and which is a perennial predictor of how people vote. Information about his wealth also leads a larger fraction of Americans to believe he cares about the wealthy, and this belief in turn also reinforces the sense that he does not care about “people like me.” The more Romney’s wealth and taxes are discussed, the more he may seem like someone who cannot relate to ordinary voters. This may explain why, during a time in which his wealth and taxes were in the news, negative views of Romney jumped 20 points among whites with incomes below $50,000.

    And that’s a key demographic for past GOP victories, If Obama can increase support among those voters, things look much bleaker for Romney/Gingrich/Whoever.

  16. rikyrah says:

    january 27, 2012 2:46 PM
    Buffet Rule Vote?

    By Ed Kilgore

    At WaPo’s Plum Line, Greg Sargent is reporting that Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse is mustering support among his Democratic colleagues for a direct vote on the “Buffet Rule,” the idea that millionaires should not be paying lower tax rates than their employees. Here’s how Greg describes it:

    The bill would ensure that taxpayers who make over $1 million would pay at least a 30 percent tax rate on all their income, Whitehouse aides say. It would do this by requiring millionaires to calculate their overall effective tax rate under the regular system — by taking into account all their sources of income and the various rates they are taxed at.

    Those taxpayers whose effective rate is under 30 pecent would be required to pay taxes on all their income at the 30 percent rate. (Charitable contributions that are deductible under the current system would be exempt from income calculations.)

    The idea is to offer this pointed and very popular measure as part of a series of Senate votes designed to implement major presidential initiatives from the SOTU address. But it would be a separate vote. It would also presumably require a great deal of sustained publicity to make it clear a filibuster is a vote against the substance of the measure.

    If they hurry, Senate Democrats could perhaps get this vote scheduled for the day the Beltway Pundits crown Mitt Romney, who would be a direct party of interest in this initiative, the putative GOP nominee.

  17. rikyrah says:

    The Media Whitewashes Jan Brewer’s Racist Disrespect Of President Obama

    Every family has dirty little secrets that are never discussed in polite company whether it’s a drug-addicted nephew, promiscuous sister-in-law, or alcoholic uncle who cannot hold a steady job. America has a dirty little secret that existed at the country’s founding and persists in 2012, and although it is exposed from time to time, Americans like to keep quiet about it out of shame and embarrassment. Our dirty little secret has been whispered about for the past four years and was exposed in a widely circulated photograph on Wednesday.

    The photograph of Arizona governor Jan Brewer shaking her finger at President Obama is about more than accusing the “Obama administration of turning a blind eye to illegal immigration because migrants will help Mr. Obama register more Democratic votes.” Brewer’s actions were more than disrespect for the leader of the most powerful nation on Earth, they were outward expressions of white supremacy befitting a pre-Civil War plantation owner scolding an errant slave who forgot to empty the master’s chamber pot.

    It is no secret that Brewer harbors racist views toward Americans whose skin color is anything but lily white. She promoted and proudly signed the racial profiling law that requires law enforcement to detain and question Arizona residents who appear to be illegal (not white). The not-white is equal to not-American meme began with the birther movement and continues in not-so-coded racist campaigns of the four remaining Republican presidential hopefuls. Brewer shaking her finger at the president characterizes white supremacists’ contention that African Americans are inferior, not like us, and certainly not real Americans. Why else would a pathetic buffoon like Brewer feel comfortable scolding the President of the United States in public and full view of photographer’s lenses? Because she feels superior to a Black man even though his office, intellect and integrity dwarfs her racist and witless mind.

    The Republican presidential hopefuls’ racism shows no sign of abating and their racially charged rhetoric is finally bringing America’s dirty little secret to the public’s attention. Each candidate has, in their own calculated manner, tied President Obama to their faulty characterization that African Americans are lazy and not really Americans. Willard “Mitt” Romney’s campaign catch-phrase, ”Keep America American” was lifted from KKK literature and implies that getting rid of Obama will keep America American as if the President is a foreign interloper. Romney’s cult believed Blacks were cursed until 1978 and they changed their doctrine after it became politically incorrect to portray African Americans as inferior.

    Newt Gingrich called President Obama the “food stamp president” and he is running an overtly racist campaign to appeal to white supremacists that permeate the South, and as the nation is discovering, the entire country. Gingrich went so far as recommending that to teach lazy minority children the value of the white work ethic, they should clean their white classmate’s toilets. Gingrich was not only referring to African Americans because he said that Spanish is a ghetto language imputing laziness to Spanish speaking Americans. Alan Grayson, a former Democratic congressman from Florida, called Gingrich’s racist pandering the most “overtly racist campaign I’ve seen in the country since George Wallace.” It is no coincidence that Gingrich ramped up his racist rhetoric in South Carolina where the Confederate flag still flies over the capital; his ploy propelled him to victory and front-runner status in the race for the Republican nomination. Gingrich is aware that racism sells in America.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Thursday, January 26, 2012
    Last Call
    Posted by Zandar
    Reiuters conveniently gives the Republican party a way out of having to consider Sen. Marco Rubio for the Veepstakes later this year by noting of all things that like thousands of Floridians who are his constituents, Rubio is way, way underwater on his ritzy Miami mortgage.

    In some ways, the story of Rubio’s finances is similar to those of hundreds of thousands of his constituents in a state where more than 40 percent of homeowners are “underwater,” owing more on their homes than the homes are worth.

    It is a crisis driven by falling property values and ill-advised home equity loans that drove up homeowners’ debts.

    Rubio owes far more on his $384,000 Miami home than it is worth, and at times has had difficulty paying his mortgage.

    He bought the home in 2005 for $550,000 with a $495,000 mortgage. He soon had it appraised for $735,000 and took out a home equity line of credit for $135,000.

    In 2008, despite earning a declared $400,000 – including his $300,000 salary from the Miami law firm Broad and Cassel – Rubio failed to pay down the principal on his home for several months, according to Florida campaign finance disclosures.

    During the same period he did not make payments on a $100,000-plus student loan from his days at the University of Miami, the disclosures said.

    Rubio’s spending habits also have gotten attention in Florida.

    Before joining the Senate last year, he was caught up in an Internal Revenue Service investigation of the Florida Republican Party’s use of party-issued credit cards. He frequently had used his party credit card for personal use, and later reimbursed the card company for about $16,000.

    Rubio’s handling of his personal finances contrasts sharply with the image of him on his Senate website, which highlights Rubio’s efforts to prevent Washington from “piling up debt.”

    “We need a government that stops spending more money than it takes in,” the website says.

    Rubio’s financial issues have led Florida Democrats to cast him as a hypocrite.

  19. rikyrah says:

    January 27, 2012 1:45 PM
    Newt Doubles Down

    By Ed Kilgore

    After last night’s debate, there was a brief discussion in my Twitter peer group as to whether Newt would respond to his drubbing by going after Mitt with a big clawhammer or by returning to his long-forgotten “positive” posture as part of a strategic retreat towards non-candidacy and book/video sales.

    I think we know the answer now, via ABC’s Jonathan Karl:

    Newt Gingrich is responding to last night’s debate with a brutal new ad accusing Romney of trying to mislead, deceive, and distort his way to the White House.

    Here’s the money line: ”What kind of man would mislead, distort and deceive just to win an election? This man would: Mitt Romney.”

    The ad essentially accuses Romney of lying at least twice in the debate last night: 1) about his blind trust and, 2) about his vote for Paul Tsongas in 1992.

    Makes sense. Gingrich made his rapid and amazing ascent in the polls after New Hampshire by attacking debate moderators and panelists and the Godless Liberal Media they represented, and by attacking Romney in ads. Now that he’s been skunked in both Florida debates, he’s playing the only hand he has left, until Sheldon Adelson’s dough runs out

  20. rikyrah says:

    Ohio’s GOP Secretary Of State Calls For Gov. Kasich’s Anti-Voter Law To Be Repealed

    By Ian Millhiser on Jan 26, 2012 at 9:50 am

    Earlier this year, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) signed a radical elections law that shortens the state’s early voting period, bans in-person early voting on Sundays, and prohibits boards of election from mailing absentee ballot requests to voters. If this law had been in effect in 2008, over 200,000 voters in Columbus, Ohio alone would not have been able to cast their ballot in the way that they did.

    Kasich’s plan to make it harder to vote is now facing a surprising dissenter, however, his fellow Republican and Ohio’s secretary of state:

    Ohio’s top election official says state lawmakers should repeal and replace a controversial new elections law rather than allowing voters to weigh in on it in November.

    Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted told a gathering of election officials Wednesday that he believes Ohio should start over on the process after the 2012 presidential election. He made the call despite the legislation containing many of his own ideas.

    The new election law shortened Ohio’s early voting period, among other changes to the state’s election procedures.

    If the state legislature doesn’t follow Husted’s advice, it is fairly likely that the people of Ohio will. Kasich’s anti-voter law is currently suspended after hundreds of thousands of Ohio voters signed petitions seeking to have the law overturned by referendum. The law will go before the voters this November, where it could face the same fate as Kasich’s anti-union law that was defeated in a similar referendum last year.

  21. rikyrah says:

    get a load of this bullshyt:

    Time to put another Bush in the White House

    By Artur Davis

    In the early months of the election year, a polarizing president with a lackluster approval rating bided his time as the opposition party unraveled. Its nominating fight dissolved into chaos as the establishment front-runner collapsed, and an insurgent with a talent for galvanizing his party’s base surged, despite persistent fears about his electoral appeal beyond the party’s hardcore. A protracted primary fight ensued, with the insurgent and the party’s resistant establishment eviscerating each other for months; by the time it ran its course, a president who seemed imminently beatable was ahead by double digits. The story ends with that same president winning by an historic margin over a party that rejected its recent past in favor of a dangerously uncertain future.

    This is a recounting of the 1972 election season. If it has the feel of a premonition, it’s because Republicans look dangerously on the verge of repeating the demolition derby that so weakened Democrats that year. Mitt Romney may be a better-constructed front-runner than Ed Muskie, but he is still a flawed contender whose candidacy seems at odds with his party’s mood and whose own half-answers have made his wealth seem shadowy and amoral. Newt Gingrich may be a far better-known quantity than the hapless George McGovern, but he still seems, like McGovern, more suited to the task of revolution than political persuasion. Republicans are, and should be, very worried.

    Enter the last dream date that Republicans may have at their disposal. His name is Jeb Bush, and this time, there is a feasibility around the idea that seemed unthinkable months ago.

    To be sure, the Jeb scenario will need more instability in order to flourish. The likeliest path involves Gingrich’s momentum carrying him through Florida; the February races in Arizona and Michigan dividing between Romney and Gingrich; Romney rebounding in March in moderate-leaning midwestern states such as Illinois and Wisconsin; Gingrich winning easily in the Deep South on Super Tuesday and Texas in early April, with Romney proving equally strong in New York and the rest of the Atlantic coastline, while states like Ohio and Indiana fail to resolve the split.

    Imagine that California’s ultimate showdown leaves Gingrich with the slightest of edges, but with Romney remaining viable and in possession of a broader geographic base, far more internal support from GOP leadership, and a substantial chunk of delegates. To stop Gingrich, Romney might have no practical choice but to offer to throw his support to Bush, whose popularity would also implode Gingrich’s slim plurality.

    Not one bit of it is implausible. Arguably, a deadlock is an entirely realistic outcome in a race where Romney’s institutional edges are considerable, but his vulnerabilities and Gingrich’s raw campaign skills are more than enough to offset that advantage. It is also all too likely that the result of a protracted bout would be two candidates so bruised that neither remains competitive with Obama. If so, there will be a sense of panic, and it is not hard to conceive that Romney could come under intense pressure to sacrifice himself to avert a November catastrophe.;stories

  22. rikyrah says:

    Romney’s Not-So-Blind Fannie-Freddie Investments

    A reader writes:

    Following the GOP debates, one salient fact jumps out at me: Mitt Romney lies frequently, easily, and shamelessly. This isn’t Reagan’s evasions or Clinton’s careful parsing or Bush’s leaving the lies to his underlings; this is bold-faced making up outrageous crap about his opponents and saying it loudly and directly and repeatedly. Why the hell isn’t this the big story the media talks about? Surely the fact that Mitt Romney is a lying sack of shit is more important than Newt’s affairs or Ron Paul’s old pamphlets.

    Money quote from the September 2011 Boston Globe article cited in the above video:

    On his financial disclosure statement filed last month, Romney reported owning between $250,001 and $500,000 in a mutual fund that invests in debt notes of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, among other government entities. Over the previous year, he had reported earning between $15,001 and $50,000 in interest from those investments.

    And unlike most of Romney’s financial holdings, which are held in a blind trust that is overseen by a trustee and not known to Romney, this particular investment was among those that would have been known to Romney.

  23. BREAKING: New Polling Shows Voters Want a Democratic Congress

  24. Think Progress:

    Undocumented students confront Rubio at Hispanic conference

  25. NBC Politics:

    Biden predicts second Obama term, Dem majority in House

  26. President Obama: “We righted the ship. We did not tip into deep depression, the auto industry was saved,” said the pres to House Dems.

  27. President Barack Obama greets people following his remarks at Buckley Air Force Base in Denver, Colo., Jan. 26, 2012. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

  28. rikyrah says:


    Elie – January 27, 2012 | 12:54 pm · Link


    How they treat him is the only way they have of making themselves stand out from him.. albeit at a cost. If they did not do that, if they treated Obama with the normal respect any President should be accorded, it would highlight how little substance there is in their grievances. By acting angry and offended, they try to convince passive viewers of these exchanges that something negative is going on—that Obama must be doing something to illicit that kind of response.

    They are empty and vacuous. They know it. He knows it. I think that a growing percent of the population are also starting to know it… its some sort of emotional fakery to lead to assumptions about Obama that are negative since the actual things that he does would not lead to that conclusion…

    Yes, he knows it and of course he uses it to set them up. I bet he has some laughs (bitter) with his staff about it.

  29. rikyrah says:

    January 27, 2012 8:00 AM Newt Loses It

    By Ed Kilgore
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    Last night’s presidential candidate debate in Jacksonville, cosponsored by CNN and the Hispanic Leadership Network, was Newt Gingrich’s best and perhaps last chance to get his mojo back against a confluence of negative pressures—from sustained attacks to his left and right by GOP opinion-leaders to a cascade of Romney-sponsored attack ads—that were undermining his support in Florida.

    By virtually everyone’s account, he just plain blew it.

    Earlier in the day, shortly after his old rival Bob Dole went completely medieval on him, Gingrich had delivered a podium-pounding speech in Florida that accused Romney of conspiring with Establishment figures to take him out as a threat to their power. He must have burned himself out, because that fiery Newt Gingrich was not apparent during the debate. He sounded bad, he looked bad, and generally came across like a weasel who had finally been cornered by Animal Control.

    For very, very long minutes, Romney beat him up on the immigration issue, managing simultaenously to appeal to nativists and to suck up to Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who had already done him the enormous favor of criticizing Gingrich’s ads accusing Mitt of being “anti-immigrant.”

    Here’s how Ron Brownstein put it:

    By luck of the draw, the debate’s first two questions allowed Romney to conspicuously position himself to Gingrich’s right-and in so doing may have sealed Romney’s advantage in the state. Gingrich’s resurgence in South Carolina was fueled by the Republican coalition’s most populist and conservative elements. But in the debate’s first half-hour, it was Romney who identified both with conservative and populist causes through an extended discussion about illegal immigration and then housing (which again allowed him to criticize Gingrich for his work for Freddie Mac). That placed Romney on a high ground from which Gingrich never dislodged him; in fact, Gingrich seemed to lose heart for the fight as the evening progressed, leaving Santorum to deliver the most effective conservative case against Romney.

    If losing virtually every direct exchange with Romney was the bad news for Newt, the worse news is that the debate may have added a few points, and some hope, to Rick Santorum’s campaign. At this point, nearly every vote Santorum wins in Florida diminishes Gingrich’s chances. And those chances were already beginning to fade, as all of the most recent Florida polls have shown Romney retaking the lead.

    At this point, Gingrich needs to work some magic with the $6 million Florida ad campaign the Adelson family bought for him, and hope for big errors by Romney. The road gets a lot easier for Mitt, and harder for Newt, after Tuesday. Not for the first time in his long, strange career, Gingrich was at his worst when he looked to have done his best. A third resurrection of his campaign in this cycle is not impossible, but if it happens yet again, I’d recommend we all start looking for signs of the End Times.

  30. rikyrah says:

    It’s difficult to judge, but I feel Obama made her do it

    by Kay

    Obama forces yet another conservative politician to behave like an out of control lunatic, because he is a ruthless dictator:

    Democrats see the chance that President Obama’s heated exchange with Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona on the airport tarmac in Phoenix could help him with the Hispanic voters he came West to court this week.

    The run-in, captured in a photograph of the governor wagging a finger at the president as they discussed her book, “Scorpions for Breakfast,” lit up Hispanic radio stations and blogs all over the state. While it is difficult to judge whether the moment will have any lasting impact, Hispanic leaders said that what is being dubbed by some as the “dustup in the desert” could play in the president’s favor given the unfavorable view many Hispanics have of the governor for her advocacy of tough immigration measures.

    “For that incident alone,” Robert Meza, a Democratic state senator from Phoenix, said Thursday, “85 percent more Latin people will gravitate toward the president.”

    I believe Meza is being sarcastic there, so don’t jump all over him. He doesn’t have any idea whether this will matter in the election but he had to say something.

    Obama is still not apologizing for forcing Governor Brewer to make a fool out of herself:

    In an interview with ABC News that was broadcast Thursday, Mr. Obama said the conflict was being blown out of proportion.
    “I’m usually accused of not being intense enough, right?” he said, laughing. “Too relaxed.”

  31. rikyrah says:

    January 27, 2012 10:02 AM
    Tying Federal Aid To Colleges To “Value”

    By Ed Kilgore

    As I post this, President Obama is making a speech in Michigan unveiling a new “college affordability” initiative. In a preview for the New York Times, Tamar Lewin notes that the plan will include both carrots and sticks: a new competitive grant program modeled on “Race to the Top” that will reward states making efforts to hold down college costs, but also conditions on existing federal aid to college tied to assessments of the educational value of an institution’s offerings.

    In the current budgetary climate, and given Republican control of the House, the carrot side of this equation is not likely to go very far. But it’s the stick the President is proposing to wield that’s new and interesting. As Amy Laitinen of Education Sector notes, the administration appears determined to go beyond past proposals to tie federal aid to mechanical measurements of college costs to focus on the relative bargain offered to students and their families—and more indirectly, to the federal and state governments that subsidize higher education.

    Regular readers of the Washington Monthly know that this publication has devoted a lot of time and energy to encouraging better understanding of the overall value—to students and to the community and the country—of a college education, not just generally but with respect to specific institutions. So we will be watching the president’s speech and the subsequent debate with great interest.

  32. AlterNet @AlterNet:

    Devastating Newt video accuses Romney of Medicare fraud. Just in time for Florida (read ‘senior citizen’) primary.

  33. rikyrah says:

    Republican candidates pander on immigration

    In Print: Friday, January 27, 2012
    Sen. Marco Rubio would have more credibility calling out Newt Gingrich for an “inflammatory” immigration ad against Mitt Romney if all three of them weren’t so wrong on immigration issues. Rubio and the two leading Republican presidential contenders embrace unenlightened positions on immigration, and they cling to outdated, isolationist policy toward Cuba as Florida and Tampa Bay benefit from the Obama administration’s reforms. The candidates pandered on immigration again Thursday night in a debate in Jacksonville, five days before Tuesday’s primary election.

    Rubio has criticized a Gingrich ad describing Romney as “the most anti-immigrant candidate” in the field, a description the former House speaker defended Thursday night. Romney called that attack “repulsive.” Meanwhile, Rubio is nurturing his status as the party’s next great hope. In fact, the nation’s Hispanics are much more diverse and not in step with the anti-immigration rhetoric.

    Where is Rubio’s concern for immigrant sensitivities when Gingrich and Romney call for English to be government’s official language, or Gingrich suggests outsourcing to MasterCard or Visa the nation’s guest worker program? Romney and Rubio go even further than Gingrich in rejecting a pathway for illegal immigrants to become citizens and remain in the United States. And good luck with what Romney calls “self-deportation.”

    The candidates also talked tough this week on Cuba, with Gingrich refusing to rule out covert action against the Castro regime. Romney marginally softened his opposition to the DREAM Act, which would provide a course to citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants who graduate from college or enlist in the military. Rubio does not support the DREAM Act; Romney and Gingrich would limit eligibility to those who join the armed forces. That’s progress, but not nearly enough.

    This pandering does nothing to resolve how to get Florida’s crops picked without using illegal immigrants, how to help undocumented students in the state’s public schools become successful or how to cultivate relations with Cuba in ways that would encourage democracy there and position Florida to benefit from trade and tourism. The Republicans are particularly mistaken in their hard line on Cuba, which poses no security threat.

  34. rikyrah says:

    Young Black Professionals Are Standing Behind the President

    At a large gathering to watch the president’s State of the Union address, African-American entrepreneurs say the chief executive deserves another term.
    By Danielle Wright

    For months, reports have emerged suggesting that President Obama is losing Black support. Tuesday night, however, as hundreds of young, African-American professionals gathered in Manhattan to watch President Obama’s 2012 State of the Union address, a number of them spoke enthusiastically about the president.

    “We love him,” Brian Benjamin, founder of Young Professionals United 4 Change, the sponsoring organization of the event, tells “One of the things we saw in the State of the Union is the president talk about this whole idea of fairness across the board — with American businesses, the education system and in foreign policy. As the beneficiaries of the civil rights generation, we get what he’s saying.”

    Although the few past years have been financially tough, many of those in attendance, like accountant Calcie Cooper, real estate broker Thomas Lopez-Pierre and graphic designer Carla Brown, say they are willing to give the president more time to get his job done.

    “I give him my support because he walked into a very tough situation,” says Brown. “He walked into the economy when it bottomed out. To come in and make any sort of change is better than President Bush who walked into an economy that was great and tanked it.”

    There were some critics on hand, such as Elkhair Balla, co-founder of b condoms, which calls itself “the only minority-owned socially responsible condom company in the world.”

    “I have had my differences with the president,” Balla says. Despite his frustration, he says that he continues to support Obama and that his speech served as a reminder that there is still an opportunity for change. “I appreciate that he talked about the idea of funding young entrepreneurs to help them create jobs for the economy. I felt that he was talking directly to me,” says Balla. “I think four more years is what we will need for him to push his policies and agenda.”

  35. Officials review possible threat to Obama :

  36. Faces from the First Lady’s Guest Box: Mike Krieger

  37. Miami Woman Speaks Out About Corporate Raider Mitt Romney

  38. Interracial Poster Sparks Controversy In South Africa

    Although it’s been almost two decades since apartheid ended, South Africans still feel the pangs of racial tension, and a poster depicting an interracial couple proves just how deep the issue goes.

    The political ad created by the student wing of the Democratic Alliance party, shows a white man and a black woman embracing with the tagline “In OUR future, you wouldn’t look twice.” While the students might be right about the future, in the present the poster has incited a heated debate among the local media and politicians, the Washington Post reports.

    While some have supported the ad for its progressive message of tolerance, others were outraged. For example, one commenter left a positive message under a photo of the poster on the group’s Facebook page:

    Love the DA! This campaign image is exactly what South Africa needs, now all the irrelevant racist “boers” can F off to their tiny irrelevant parties and the rest of us can stand together as one post-apartheid nation where race, religion or sexual preference doesn’t mean anything, we’re all human! Go DA! You have my vote. :-)

  39. Ametia says:

    ‘Cause that’s how we roll, BEE-OTCHES!

  40. Ametia says:

    Hat tip DU ***HOLLERING***

  41. Ametia says:

    Friday, January 27, 2012
    Clarence Thomas honored at Holy Cross
    By Jacqueline Reis TELEGRAM & GAZETTE STAFF


    WORCESTER — Decades before Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was part of the highest court in the country, he was a seminary dropout from Savannah, Ga., with few options.

    “In the summer of 1968, I had no place to go and no idea what I was going to do,” Justice Thomas told students at the College of the Holy Cross yesterday. After the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. in April of that year, Justice Thomas quit the seminary and abandoned his Catholic faith. His grandfather kicked him out when he returned home. “I was 19. My only hope was Holy Cross College, a place I’d never seen and had barely heard of,” Justice Thomas said.

  42. Ametia says:

    POTUS speaking in Michigan live now.

  43. Ametia says:

    Greed is good? The GOP seems to be okay with that.
    By Eugene Robinson, Published: January 26

    If you heard a loud “gulp” Tuesday night after President Obama’s State of the Union address, it probably came from Republican political strategists as they realized their party’s odds of capturing the White House this fall are getting longer. Obama may be no Ronald Reagan, but he’s no Jimmy Carter, either.

    The obligatory list of accomplishments and initiatives was embellished with bits and pieces of what will likely be Obama’s standard campaign speech. At the heart of his argument for a second term is his assertion that the American dream of upward mobility has been hijacked — that the rich and the powerful have rigged our economic and political systems to favor their interests over those of the average citizen.

  44. Ametia says:

    Twitter may censor tweets in individual countries

    SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – Twitter has refined its technology so it can censor messages on a country-by-country basis.

    The additional flexibility announced Thursday is likely to raise fears that Twitter’s commitment to free speech may be weakening as the short-messaging company expands into new countries in an attempt to broaden its audience and make more money.

    But Twitter sees the censorship tool as a way to ensure individual messages, or “tweets,” remain available to as many people as possible while it navigates a gauntlet of different laws around the world.

    Before, when Twitter erased a tweet it disappeared throughout the world. Now, a tweet containing content breaking a law in one country can be taken down there and still be seen elsewhere.

    Twitter will post a censorship notice whenever a tweet is removed. That’s similar to what Internet search leader Google Inc. has been doing for years when a law in a country where its service operates requires a search result to be removed

  45. Give it up, Politifact! Your credibility is gone. You are done!

    [wpvideo PxrYv2ea]

  46. Newt thought he could bully Wolf Blitzer like he did Juan Williams & John King. Shiiiiiiiiid, Wolf wasn’t having it.

    Wolf Blitzer On Newt Gingrich Debate Tension: I Didn’t Back Down

    Following the CNN Republican primary debate on Thursday night, moderator Wolf Blitzer discussed how he stood his ground when challenged by GOP candidate Newt Gingrich.

    Gingrich had a fiery response in store for Blitzer after the moderator asked the candidate if he was “satisfied…with the level of transparency as far as [Mitt Romney’s] personal finances?” Blitzer was referring to Romney’s recent release of his tax records.

    Gingrich called Blitzer’s question “nonsense,” which caused the audience to erupt with applause. He then proposed that the four of the candidates “agree for the rest of the evening to only talk about issues that relate to governing America.”

    Blitzer fired back at Gingrich. He continued to press the candidate on answering the question until he responded. “If you make a serious accusation against Governor Romney like that, you need to explain that,” Blitzer told Gingrich.

    [wpvideo bc0NK6hZ]

  47. Mitt vs. The Truth

  48. President Obama, Lawyer No Show – May Face Sanctions

    Neither President Barack ObamaBarack Obama nor his lawyer Michael Jablonski appeared at an administrative hearing in Atlanta, Georgia this morning to “show cause” why the president’s name should be removed from the Democratic Primary ballot in Georgia’s Super Tuesday Primary on March 6, 2012.

    The President was issued a subpoena to appear and to bring certain certified documents with him by attorneys representing eight plaintiffs. The plaintiffs hope that these documents would prove their contention that President Obama is not a natural born citizen and thus illegible to serve as the nation’s Commander-in-Chief.

    Late yesterday, Mr. Jablonski notified Brian Kemp, Georgia’s Secretary of State, that he was suspending his representation as counsel to the President in this matter and would not be in attendance at this morning’s 9 a. m. hearing.

    Moreover, Mr. Jablonski asked Secretary of State Kemp to halt the administrative proceedings and certify the Democratic Primary ballot as presented to him by the Democratic Party of Georgia.

    Mr. Kemp informed Mr. Jablonski that if he did not attend the hearing he would do so at his and his client’s peril.

    • Good Comments from tabitha32 & CHBrown1966:

      The rationale that both parents of a presidential candidate must be citizens of the United States would eliminate two of the GOP’s shiny stars, Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida and Gov. Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. Both of these gentlemen were born to immigrants who were not citizens at the time of their birth. The President had one parent who was a U.S. citizen. Sen. Rubio and Gov. Jindal have none! Guess that takes Rubio out of the running for VP this year. And I wonder, what exactly was the status of George Romney. He was born in Mexico to parents who were born in Mexico. Romney’s great-grandfather was a U.S. citizen who turned outlaw and fled to Mexico. For how many generations can you sustain citizenship when you flee the country to avoid prosecution. Was George Romney an illegal alien? Is Mitt actually Mexican? Inquiring minds want to know.


      I didn’t question the citizenship of John McCain. Old news! I did question the citizenship of George Romney. He was born in Mexico to parents who were born in Mexico. His grandfather was a U.S. citizen, but he was also an outlaw who fled the country to avoid prosecution. Can an ex patriot outlaw confer citizenship on his progeny? If so, for how many generations? Was George Romney brought to the United States as an illegal alien — the original beneficiary of the “Dream Act”? George Romney was never naturalized. So, is Mitt Romney also ineligible to be president?

      • CHBrown1966

        Please. Everything that is taking place; all of the disrespect, the forcing of the President to show his birth certificate, the lawsuit of the Tea Party trying to MAKE him prove he’s a citizen, the finger pointing of the country, ghetto, low class Governor Brewer in the face of the President are all BECAUSE He is black. Where in the history of our nation has a President been forced to show a birth certificate? Where in the history of our nation has a President been shown so much disrespect? Our President captured the nation’s most notorious terrorist of all time, when Bush went and captured a weak man hiding in a spider hole found not to have nuclear weapons. Our President just rescued two hostages from Iran with the commanding of the Navy Seals just a couple of days ago. Our President put an end to a senseless war and brought the soldiers home as he promised. Our President has a spotless reputation. His daughters are not alcoholics as were Bush’s daughters. He’s not getting sexual favors under the desk in the WH like Clinton did. He has a spotless reputation. They can’t find any dirt on him, so they simply make stuff up that they cannot prove. The burden of proof is not on the President to prove that he is a natural born citizen in the Tea Party’s frivolous lawsuit. It is their burden to prove that he is not since they are the ones who filed suit. He already showed his birth certificate. What else do they want him so show, the crack of his behind? That’s what I would be showing. No, he didn’t show up for the Tea Party’s ridiculous lawsuit in Atlanta this morning. I wouldn’t have either. For what? Maybe I would have sent them a picture of my behind saying “kiss this.” That’s all that would have showed up. If they cannot prove what they are saying, they need to either PUT UP or SHUT UP. Either they can prove it or they can’t. It’s that simple. It’s not complicated. When the hostages in Iran were being rescued a few days ago, I bet they were not asking the President to show them his birth certificate to see if he was a true natural born citizen before they would allow him to rescue them. They wouldn’t have cared if he was Freddie Krueger coming to rescue them. They were just glad to be alive. People are so petty, childish, and immature. They can’t see the forest for the trees. Determining his citizenship is a process that any future President has to go through before he can even be on the ballot to run as President. Any fool knows that. He has already proven his citizenship time and time again, yet people choose to focus on anything that they can make up just to try to create a negative controversy when there is none. Why? Because he’s BLACK. Not just because he is black, but because he is black, intelligent, and competent, and won’t bend over and kiss the Republican’s behind and call them “Massa.” Anyone with eyes can see that the Republicans are more interested in seeing our first black President fail than in trying to improve the condition of our nation. They would sacrifice this entire nation if they had to just to see the President fail. The Republicans are happy as two peas in a pot because this economy is the way it is. They are also doing everything in their power to keep it that way so that they can have something to try to blame the President for. Never in the history of our nation has a President received such little to no cooperation in Congress. They are jealous of him because he is smarter than they will ever be and his intelligence is shining a light for the world to see just how ignorant and incompetent the Republicans are. Anyone who can’t see this is blinder than a bat out of Hell!

      • Good Stuff!

        ALL OF THIS

      • Ametia says:


      • rikyrah says:

        these are great replies

  49. Newt Gingrich’s campaign admits he lied during debate about ABC News interview with his ex-wife

    During the CNN debate last week, Newt Gingrich delivered one of his now-commonplace media scoldings. You know the ones: The media is evil, I am great, and how dare you in the media be so evil as to not recognize that I am great. And so on.

    This particular Newtburst was directed towards CNN’s John King, who had the audacity to bring up ABC News’ interview with Gingrich ex-wife number two, Marianne Gingrich, which aired the same night. (Imagine that, a debate moderator asking about breaking news relating to one of the candidates. What a monster.)

    One of Newt’s claims at the time was that he had offered ABC News “character witnesses” in the form of “personal friend[s] I have who knew us in that period” to rebut his ex-wife’s claims, but ABC News was just too darn evil to take him up on it. Turns out, not so much:

    John King: Tonight, after persistent questioning by our staff, the Gingrich campaign concedes now Speaker Gingrich was wrong both in his debate answer and in our interview yesterday. Gingrich spokesman R.C. Hammond says the only people the campaign offered to ABC were his two daughters from his first marriage.
    What’s this? Newt Gingrich was lying about having witnesses that would defend him (other than his daughters, who I pray to God were not at the time in a position to know about Newt’s sexual trysts and their parent’s conversations about them)? He was completely making stuff up, during a nationally televised debate, in an attempt to attack ABC and CNN as the villains of the story?

    Wow. I’m beginning to think this Newt Gingrich guy has some serious ethical issues. I hope a moderator asks him about this during the next debate.


  50. gentlewomanm says:

    Love this song, and love hearing several versions of it. Thanks!

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