The Versatile Blogger Award Goes to… 3 Chics Politico & …


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Here’s 3 Chics’ list of  Versatile Bloggers:

1. Mirror on America

Rikyrah  also blogs for 3 ChicsPolitico & JackandJillPolitico

She’s the hardest working woman in the blogosphere!

2. The ObamaCrat

Our new favorite blogger.  Jueseppi-Why?  Because he loves & respects WOMEN!  And he writes well… When I grow up, I want to write like YOU, Jueseppi.  Love, Ametia

3. Field Negro

Field, there’s no one out there who can bring the funny & truth Philly style like you. We totally dig your House & Field Negro awards.

4. The Urban Politico

The Janitor, Shady Grady, The Fed, GrandCentral, & The StoryTeller, bring intelligent, thought-provoking dialogue with an urban flavor.  Love their book and music features.

5. Synchronicity

Ametia here, and I am partial to this blog because it’s my Son-in-law’s.  He’s funny, smart, and I get updates on my new grandson Nyles Roman Mobey!  He posts great music vids, and he writes for the Washington Wizards.

6. The Intersection of Madness & Reality

RIPPA;  you’re off the chain, mad good and always in the market for TRUTH-TELLING, readers be damned!  I love Eddie’s SEX BLOG too!

7. GrannyStandingforTruth

Ok, don’t ever try to pull a fast one on Granny.  She’ll crack your brain wide open and fill it with massive chunks of old-fashioned, common sense,  DOWN HOME TRUTH. Loves us some Granny!

8. Smartypants

As her name implies, so  shall  she be SMART!  Smart, cogent, thorough analysis of the sublime to the mundane.  A true Pragmatist

9. We Are Respectable Negroes

What can we say?  3 Chics respects these NEGROES.  Chauncey and nem bring facts, fun, and historical references with classic videos excerpts to make their case.  I never leave their blog without feeling more enlighten.

10. Wrightandleftreport

The right , left, black, white, Matthew’s no-nonsense approach to his subject matter is a breath of fresh air.  Just the facts, MAN! 

11.Carry Me Home

Where you be, Mr. Carey?  He’s so out-of-the-BOX, sometimes his writings leave me wishing it where Christmas morning. I have endless gifts to unwrap, and I never want to stop unwrapping them to see what jumps out at me!

12. Lisa Unmasked

Don’t EVER stop WRITING, Sista, LisaMB.  Love reading your unmasking journey.

13. Brown Sugar & Cinnamon

An everything nice!  Love reading the works on this blog.  short, sweet, and ALWAYS  on POINT.

14. Angry Black Lady


15.The People’s View

Deaniac and Crew deliver the in-depth analysis and shines a light on  absolute fuckery of the Right and whiny progressives.  PRAGMATIC PERSONIFIED.

PLEASE, show these hard-working, dedicated bloggers some love.  And do come back and join 3 Chics when you can.  We love serving our blogging community.


Ametia, SG2, & Rikyrah

P.S.  ***EXTRA ***  3 Chics would be remiss, if we didn’t pay HOMAGE to our Senior blogging peers  Margaret & Helen.  These Grand Dames are anything but old, and they don’t TAKE any crap!  They can write, read bedtime stories to their grandchildren, and run you down with their scooters, if you fuck with them. 

Margaret to Helen:  “WE AIN’T OLD, TIL WE COLD.”

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29 Responses to The Versatile Blogger Award Goes to… 3 Chics Politico & …

  1. RiPPa says:

    Thanks for the continued love and support y’all!

  2. CareyCarey says:

    Well Well Well… who dat woke me from my slumber?! I mean, I’ve been doing my black man Rip Van Winkle and 3 Chics done called my name.

    Yes sir, I stopped by my blog to see why folks were hitting my Whitney Houston post. Well, y’all know that answer. Anyway, I also noticed a few visitors coming by via my sister’s (3Chics) spot. I said to myself, “Them women must be over there dropping salt on me” :-). So here I be.

    But nope, y’all missed me, so that made me smile. See, I’ve been off doing a play. Yep, I’m making some folks laugh and carrying the torch. I am producing and acting in a play centered on one of the first black actors to appear on a national television network (CBS), In fact, it was a sitcom which featured the first black cast.

    Anyway, thanks for thinking about a brotha and y’all be good.

    Btw, I miss y’all too!

    • Ametia says:

      *Carey! Sooooo good to see ya, my brotha. CONGRATULATIONS! Ok, so don’t make us havta, sit you down, tie you up, and torture you for the deets. * ** *Spill please. We want to follow your success. 3 Chics knows you’e ROCKIN’ IT!*

      • CareyCarey says:

        OTay, it’s nothing big (well, big is relative to… you know). I am just giving back and spreading a good word. However, there is a television program in the works (been approached by one) if I care to work that hard. Hey, I am retired and just the sound of the word “WORK” on someone elses clock… makes my back ache. This however has been a 4 month labor of love.

        Here you go:

      • Ametia says:

        HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO! This is FAN-TABU-LOUS, Carey. Our family used to watch Amos & Andy, back in the day. So great to see you’re paying homage to your uncle in this play. I’ll pass along the link to my Iowan PEEPS in the Quad Cities. MAD PROPS!

      • Hey Carey Carey!

        3Chics’ been missing you. Good to see you drop by. Big up on your new adventure. It’s absolutely wonderful. 3Chics wishes you the best!

    • CareyCarey says:

      Thanks Southern girl,

      John Deere’s Headquarters are in Moline Ill (part of the Quad Cities) and there’s a military base that separates the cities (much like St Paul & Minniapolis Minn) them folks blew up the reservation lines. Many of them are away from there home cities and thus are hungry for entertainment, black entertainment of any kind. I am sure y’all know the Quad Cities is a predominately “white” area, so when “Kingfish” hit the radio and newspapers, momma and grandmomma and granddaddy too, came a runnin’. And check this, the free dinner IS TO DIE FOR!… Baked and Fried Chicken, Honey Glazed Spiril Ham, Chitlins, Beef Brisket, Pot Roast, Cornbread dressing, Macaroni & Cheese, Yams, Scallop Potatoes, Greens, Corn, Green Beans, Dinner Rolls, Cakes & Pies.

      Yes sir, I’m gonna fatten them up and then hit them with the message. Listen, y’all have read some of my stuff, but many of them have no idea what they are in for. It’s Black History Month so I gotta tell the whole truth. Yep, Kingifsh is the calling card but the truth don’t change. His grandfather (Tim Moore’s grandfather) was a slave who fought for the Union Army during the Civi War, so the story starts right there… he was stationed on that same military base ( Arsenal Island)…nearly 150 years ago. My wife and my father are buried on that same island. It was a confederate prison camp. Yes sir, on the wings of laughter I’m gonna hit’em with the real thang.

      Thanks again for the love


      • Ametia says:

        Carey Carey, Dang it I was in Moline last August for a spiritual seminar. The seminar was held at the IWireless Center right across from the John Deere Headquarters. Got a select group of good friends in Iowa City who would drive out to see your performance too.

        Kill them with kindness and laughter; that’s how you get their hearts open so the truth you drop can get in.

        Don’t break a leg; break open some consciousness!

      • Carey Carey,

        Wow! Mad props!

        Go get’em! Do your thing! You’re very good & 3Chics knows you will do well. We’re standing in your corner to support you. Big Up!

        The meal is mouth- watering. Now I’m hungry…

      • Ametia says:

        LOL why did Carey drop that menu on us, SG2? Now weez salivatin’ all over de place!

      • Ametia says:

        Sweet mother of Mary! LMBAO Carey, I hope you were wearing a gown lying of that table. Sheesh! Please; I was raised on good down home Southern cookin’ Iowa City’s a college town for the most part. Hubby and I spend a lot of time visiting friends there.

      • CareyCarey says:

        Ametia, I am laughing with you because I was ass-butt-naked… with a gown on of course.

        But I did get the woman a couple of seats. And then it happened! The old crusty woman came over, layed on top of me and gave me this big ass hug. Now look, I like hugs like the next man, but not while I am naked, hooked up for a stress test *LOL*. Seriously, you would have thought the woman just won the Lotto.

        So now I am thinking I must be dying and she was simply trying to make me feel good. I mean, she was the tech, and she was oohing and looking all serious before the phone call. Heck, on the other hand, this might have been her way to hug a naked black man **BIG SMILE**. Who knows, she might find a way to hug every man who lays on her table. Damn, I’ve been used. Oh well, I’ll see if she shows up or if she was just running game.

        But you better believe I’m gonna get her back when she’s in MY house. Listen, she said her mother might be intimatated by all the black folks who might be around because she’s from Nebraska. I didn’t know what to say behind that statement so I just said “is that right?”. So, when and if they show up, I gonna run over and kiss her momma and wink at the nurse and tell her to meet me after the show. Yeah, that should shake up er’body. But on the real, I’ve never dated a white chick and I am too old to change my spots.

      • Ametia says:

        *HOLLERING* OMG; the looks on “momma’s” face; what I wouldn’t pay to see that! Wouldn’t it be just absolutely something if she rolled up in the joint in blackface? Have mercy….since she doesn’t know how mama would be around all de colored folks! SMGDH

    • CareyCarey says:

      Settle down ladies… y’all know you’re counting calories :-). Besides, what y’all know about GOOD EATIN’?

      Ametia, I know exactly the area you’re talking about. The IWireless Center used to be called the The Mark of the Quad Cities. The Building you’re referring to (across the street) is actually the John Deere Pavillion. Their Headquaters is on a spacious 50 plus acre piece of land near I-5 (John Deere Road). I thought about using the IWireless Center but it was waaaaaay out of my budget.

      Speaking of people in Iowa City, check this. I was in Iowa City (2 weeks ago) at the University Hospital. So I’m laying on a table when a nurse type came in and said “hello movie star”. I laughed and said knock it off. Then she asked if she was too late to get a seat. I told her I had nothing to do with reservations but she could try to get in. Well, she left me laying on the table while she went to the phone and called in. When the reservationist told her it was filled up on the night she wanted, the nurse told the woman I was laying in her room so she should get the hookup.

      Oh lord, she actually held the phone in my direction and told me to tell the receptionist to open 3 seats for her, her mother and her sister. And check this… these are white folks. In fact, many of those calling in are not people of color. One man ( a white fella) said, Tim Moore used to give him a nickel on his way to school.

      Anyway, if y’all are in the area, I do have few tickets in my back pocket for a few good friends.

      • CareyCarey says:

        Well my good man, there’s no place like home but I hear you. In my case I’ve been around the world and in every major city in the USA. In those travels, in that journey, I’ve been up (negro rich) and I’ve been down (even did a little time locked behind bars), so I know what’s important in life.

        In the case of going crazy or running away from an area that really innot suited for the average black person (I’ll tell anyone who will listen not to stay here too long) it depends on what fires up a person’s “pleasure zone”. As a family man, a person cannot beat the school systems. On the entertainment tip, a black person will starve to death. Heck, I am a movie freak, and many of the indie black films never grace this area. One time I drove out to Teleuride Colorado to attend their annual movie festival (it’s one of the major film festival in the USA).

        Anyway, I am an old school kind of guy so I’ve seen and done practically everything I’ve desired, much of which I should have never touched :-). But man, if you’re in CR, you’re out on an island, so I truely understand your misery :-(. But tell me, how did you and/or your family end up in Iowa? Dis here ain’t no place for the weak of heart or one who has not seen the world.

        Btw, I do not live in Iowa City.

  3. GrannyStandingforTruth says:

    Congratulations Ametia, SouthernGirl, and Rikryah! I can’t think of any other young ladies that are more deserving than you three. Whenever, I drop by over here, I alway feel at home because I’m enjoying y’all company, and can kick off my shoes and relax. Plus, I know that I’m gonna learn and have fun while doing it. Keep on speaking the truth and nothing but the truth! But most of stay the beautiful young ladies that you are inside out. Let your light keep on shining bright! I love ya!

    • Ametia says:

      Thank you Granny. Our home is your home. We’re in this together. You keep Speaking TRUTH to POWER & Love you right back!

    • Granny, you are loved here. Mi Casa Su Casa! I love reading your wisdom since I first met you a few years ago on New Hounds. You’re a very good writer. Please keep dropping the knowledge on 3Chics. And whenever you feel up to it, say a prayer in the President’s Prayer Circle Thread. Lets keep our President & his family covered in prayer. I love it when you pray! My soul is blessed too!

  4. Ametia says:

    LOL You started it, Jueseppi. It’s a wonderful way to support the great works we ALL do. A whole lot of energy =LOVE goes into these blogs.

    Thanks so much for your contrbutions. Let’s keep supporting each other. There’s a lot of knowledge, fun, laughter, and work to do. Our media has gne AWOL!

  5. rikyrah says:

    you named some wonderful folks.

    I’d like to add Chipsticks from The Obama Diary, -THE goto place if you want information about POTUS, FLOTUS and the First Family.

    I also love Steve Benen, formerly of WASHINGTON MONTHLY, now at The Maddow Blog. He pretty much tells it like it is, and gives great info.

    Though he doesn’t blog much anymore, I just want to put out positive vibes for Skeptical Brotha – his Harold Ford pieces STILL are works of art.

  6. Our new favorite blogger. Jueseppi-Why? Because he loves respects WOMEN! And he writes well… When I grow up, I want to write like YOU, Jueseppi.

    Hey, I wanna be like Jueseppi! I saw him first! :)

    I love all these beautiful people. They are jewels! And Rikyrah is the hardest working blogger in the blogosphere. How does she do it? Big Up, Rikyrah!

    I love Granny! I met her years ago on New Hounds. 3Chics love it when she stops by and drop the wisdom and knowledge. She is a jewel. She among others reached out to me with so much love during the terrible crisis in my life. I will never forget that.

    Deaniac and the People’s View rock!

    Rippa…love the brother. I love his writings and he cracks me up too with the funny!

    The Urban Politico…So glad to have met such wonderful people. Love Shady’s music pics. I love music. My fantasy is playing guitar. Maybe one day…

    Field Negro…loves Field. I met him years ago on Wiz Bang. He came to my rescue when wingnuts were beating up on me. I appreciate that back up. One day I might get out to Philly and see him. Darn, I want to try a Philly Cheese Steak so bad. Everyone says it’s so delicious.

    All of these nominees are worthy bloggers. They’re smart, excellent writers. I love how they drop the knowledge. Love them all!

  7. Lisa MB says:


    Congrats on your well-deserved recognition! Keep dishin’ your special brand of magic.

    Appreciate the shout-out and continued encouragement and support. Sisterhood is alive and well in the blogosphere. :)

    Love you!!!

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