Saturday Open Thread

The Four Tops are an American vocal quartet, whose repertoire has included doo-wop, jazz, soul music, R&B, disco, adult contemporary, hard rock, and showtunes. Founded in Detroit, Michigan as The Four Aims, lead singer Levi Stubbs (born Levi Stubbles, a cousin of Jackie Wilson and brother of The Falcons‘ Joe Stubbs), and groupmates Abdul “Duke” Fakir, Renaldo “Obie” Benson and Lawrence Payton remained together for over four decades, having gone from 1953 until 1997 without a single change in personnel.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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96 Responses to Saturday Open Thread

  1. An Effing Mess: Republicans Grow Pessimistic About Defeating Obama

    Obama’s reelection bid is gaining momentum, and trapped in the debacle that is the Republican primary, GOP insiders are getting pessimistic about November.

    For months GOP insiders have been expecting an Obama win, but their despair has reached a new low as reported by John Heilemann in New York Magazine, “A loss is what the GOP’s political class now expects. “Six months before this thing got going, every Republican I know was saying, ‘We’re gonna win, we’re gonna beat Obama,’ ” says former Reagan strategist Ed Rollins. “Now even those who’ve endorsed Romney say, ‘My God, what a fucking mess.’ ”

    How badly has the Republican Party f**ked this up?

    Usually, a political party uses their nominating process to build good will and positive momentum for their future standard bearer. However, the exact opposite is happening to the Republican Party in 2012. The latest Democracy Corps poll showed that the instead of helping douse the fire caused by the unpopular actions of the GOP controlled House, the Republican presidential candidates, especially Mitt Romney, have made things worse by spending tens of millions of dollars on negative advertising, and are pushing their party towards collapse.

  2. rikyrah says:

    Conservatives and democracy: a tenuous relationship

    How many of our Christians have what I call the goo-goo syndrome? Good government.

    They want everybody to vote!

    I don’t want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority of people, they never have been from the beginning of our country and they are not now.

    As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as voting populace goes down.

    —Paul Weyrich

    I like to call this statement by Paul Weyrich the Rosetta Stone of the modern conservative movement’s attitude towards democracy. In a few words it encapsulates its world view: democracy is fine, as long as the right people vote, and the wrong people are either discouraged from voting or prohibited from doing so.

    This strategy was borne out in 2010: it was a normal, mid-term election, in which 50 million fewer people voted than in 2008. The Obama voters, for a myriad of reasons, stayed home, and the people who vote every time, at every election—overwhelmingly white, middle-aged to elderly, and conservative or conservative-leaning—came out and handed the House back to the GOP. The elections of 2008 were a horror for conservatives, as new voters flocked to the polls. The wrong kind of voters. The 2010 contest was more to their liking, where those new voters fraudulently registered by ACORN and protected by Black Panthers thugs were discouraged to come out, and they had the arena mostly to themselves.

    And, of course, after the 2010 elections ceded control of governors’ mansions and statehouses to the most right-wing crop of Republicans ever to take power, laws started getting passed that made it more difficult for natural Democratic constituencies to register to vote. I’m not of the opinion that these new laws make it impossible to vote; it will require much more work to get Democratic voters registered and to the polls. But there is no denying that these laws are aimed at core Democratic groups, and will affect them disproportionately when compared to GOP voters. They’re not the poll taxes or literacy tests of old—thanks to the work done in the 60’s—but the message is clear: if you’re not the “right” sort of voter, we’ll make it more difficult for you to engage, so just stay home and let your betters handle things.

    Thus, the conservative view of a broad, participatory republic is gimlet-eyed at best, a sharp, skeptical position towards the salutary benefits of a general franchise. But, is the GOP any better with its own, internal democracy?

    It’s no secret that things aren’t going well for the putative front-runner, Mitt Romney. He’s found it impossible to put away the nomination, because the heart of the matter is that no one likes him and no one trusts him. He has more money than any of the other candidates, but money can’t buy enthusiasm. Money won’t drive the hard-core voters of GOP primaries to vote for you. Money will give you an edge, but it won’t close the deal. The fact that he’s behind in one of his “home” states of Michigan is indicative of the loathing with which he’s viewed by a significant portion—indeed, by the majority, as he hasn’t broken past 50% in any contest this winter. The Koch Bros. and Karl Rove can funnel as much money as they want in 3rd party advertising towards the Romney campaign; if that money doesn’t translate into votes and delegates, it will be one of the most colossal wastes of spending in American political history.

    So, Mitt has problems. But the issue runs deeper. President Obama’s numbers—almost as if on cue—are starting to rise and strengthen. He demolishes every GOP candidate in a one-to-one match-up. Even the “most electable” Romney is losing traction at an alarming rate, if the Rasmussen tracking poll is to be believed. Thus, the GOP is facing a double quandry: no one will have enough delegates going into the convention to win the nomination outright, and all the existing candidates fare so badly against Obama that the party is looking at a defeat of near-historic proportions.

    Now we hear rumors, with all these problems, of a “brokered” convention, of a “savior” parachuting in at the last moment and pipping the nomination. Karl Rove, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, tried to throw cold water on any talk of such a scenario. But Mr. Rove doesn’t have the influence he once had. (This is partly due to his former boss, who didn’t groom anyone to carry the GOP mantle once his time in office was done, leading to the rise of the Tea Party and the general confusion that rules the GOP now.) Polling shows that Republican voters are unhappy with the candidates on offer. They know they’re damaged goods, and that they spell a great disaster for Republican electoral prospects across the board in November.

  3. Surprise, Surprise: Dead People Weren’t Voting in South Carolina, Investigation Finds | AlterNet

    Despite allegations that more than 950 ballots were cast in South Carolina elections bearing deceased voters’ names, an investigation by the State Election Commission found no evidence of any voter fraud.

  4. rikyrah says:

    Is this why Mitt Romney’s stadium is empty?
    Posted by Ezra Klein at 03:47 PM ET, 02/24/2012

    The Internet is having fun with photographs of Mitt Romney giving his big speech on the economy to an empty arena today. But put that aside. The real news is in the speech itself, which is the clearest articulation of Romney’s fiscal plan that he’s yet offered. When Romney said he “wasn’t concerned about the very poor,” he wasn’t kidding. He’s using the policies they depend on most as a piggy bank for tax cuts.

    The outline of Romney’s tax reform plan is the same as what you heard on Wednesday. And Romney backed his advisers up, promising that his plan “will not add to the deficit.” Or he appeared to. But the way it won’t add to the deficit, he said, was through “stronger economic growth, spending cuts, and base broadening will offset the reductions.” Raise your hand if you see what Romney did there.

    Earlier in the week, Romney’s advisers said the plan was meant to be “revenue neutral.” That’s a technical term. It means that his tax plan raises the same amount of revenue as the current system. But that’s not what Romney is saying here. He’s saying that when you take his tax plan, add in his campaign’s assumptions about the extra growth it will generate in the economy, and then add in the spending cuts he’s proposing, his agenda does not add to the deficit.

    For those keeping score at home, that suggests that independent analyses will find that the tax plan is revenue negative. Big time.

    So let’s turn now to Romney’s spending cuts. Here he is on Social Security and Medicare:

  5. Obama Stimulus Created As Many As 2 Million Jobs Recently, Report Says

    The $800 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that President Obama signed into law within weeks of taking office in 2009 has been criticized by some as wasteful government spending and by others as too little to be effective.

    When it comes to keeping and creating employment, however, the package does appear to have done the job. A government report released this week suggests that the stimulus plan was responsible for the creation of 300,000 to 2 million additional jobs during the three months that ended December.

    Further, projections show that as many as 1.5 million more people will have jobs during the first three months of 2012 because of the plan, according to analysis by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (via the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities).

    In addition to saving and creating jobs, the Recovery Act has increased the number of hours Americans worked. Without the stimulus, many full-time workers would have been reduced to part-time and there would have been less overtime work available.

  6. Mitt Romney’s Ford Field Fumble

  7. HP commenter–Rick Santorum:

    higher education = secular indoctrination

    pregnancy from rape = a gift from god

    raising federal taxes = national financial ruin

    What a craZy sob! Just fking craZY.

  8. Santorum: Obama “A Snob” For Wanting Everyone To Go To College

    • Rick Santorum–Flashback 2006

      • 2006:Rick Santorum has supported legislative solutions that provides loans, grants, and tax incentives to make higher education more accessible and affordable.

        Rick Santorum supports increased funding for Pell Grants, and since 2001 funding for Pell Grant programs has increased by 47 percent. Pennsylvania students have benefitted tremendously from Pell Grants; providing a college education for our state’s youth who otherwise might not be able to afford one.

        Rick Santorum 2012:

        Obama “A Snob” For Wanting Everyone To Go To College

      • Translation:

        Obama is an uppity nigger trying to make colleges affordable so other uppity niggers and brown people can go to college and therefore encouraging them to think they TOO might become President of the United States! That SNOB!

    • Ametia says:

      No Child Left Behind Act

      Rick Santorum supported the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, which has been the most historic legislative initiative enhancing education opportunities to pass Congress in decades. This legislation sets important standards for our schools, our teachers and our children. By setting high accountability standards, NCLB encourages teachers and schools to excel while also providing the tools to improve performance if changes are needed. Further, NCLB gives teachers and school administrators’ flexibility by decreasing bureaucratic red tape that hinders access to grant programs, which allows states and localities to redirect resources directly to the classroom.Commitment to Higher Education.

    • Ametia says:

      CHECK MARK!!!

  9. Kurt Andersen ‏ @KBAndersen:

    Black delegates to the 1964 Republican national convention: 1.6%.
    Black delegates to the 2008 Republican national convention: 1.5%.

  10. KGNSMITH ‏ @KGN_13

    Scott Walker’s Koch Connection Goes Bad | The Nation“#GOPLOSERS

    • Ametia says:

      Kansas may raise taxes on the poor to fund cuts for the rich

      It looked good on paper. A bill sponsored by Kansas Republican Governor Sam Brownback would spur economic growth by cutting income taxes on residents and doing away with them entirely for most small business while reducing or eliminating a variety of tax credits.

      But it turns out that in the version of the bill approved by a House committee this week, half a million of the state’s poorest residents who earn less than $25,000 will wind up paying an average of $72 more per year, while the 21,000 Kansans who make over $250.000 will get an average tax cut of $1500.

      A source in the state legislature told the Associated Press that the legislation will also reduce state revenues by more than $850 million oer the next five years.

      Kansas Democrats are predictably outraged. “It’s been Robin Hood in reverse,” Senate Minority Leader Anthony Hensley complained last month. “What we are doing is stealing from the poor to give to the rich.”

      It could be worse. the plan originally proposed by Governor Brownback would have given the wealthiest Kansans a $5200 tax cut, while forcing the lowest-income residents to pay $156 more.

      “Our goal is for our economy to look more like Texas, and a lot less like California,” Brownback explained.

  11. Michael Markman ‏ @Mickeleh:

    Rick Santorum has the Dutch people angry at us. Not the Iranians, not the North Koreans, but the actual Dutch.

  12. Ametia says:

    Is this why Mitt Romney’s stadium is empty?
    Posted by Ezra Kleinat 03:47 PM ET, 02/24/2012

    The Internet is having fun with photographs of Mitt Romney giving his big speech on the economy to an empty arena today. But put that aside. The real news is in the speech itself, which is the clearest articulation of Romney’s fiscal plan that he’s yet offered. When Romney said he “wasn’t concerned about the very poor,” he wasn’t kidding. He’s using the policies they depend on most as a piggy bank for tax cuts.


    So let’s turn now to Romney’s spending cuts. Here he is on Social Security and Medicare:

    A few commonsense reforms will ensure we make good on our promises to today’s seniors while saving Social Security and Medicare for future generations. Tax hikes are off the table, and there will be no change for those at or near retirement. But younger generations will enter a system strengthened for the 21st century.

    When it comes to Social Security, we will slowly raise the retirement age. We will slow the growth in benefits for higher-income retirees.

    When it comes to Medicare, tomorrow’s seniors will have a choice among insurance providers, including traditional Medicare. As with Medicare Part D today, the private sector will compete to offer insurance coverage at the lowest possible price. Seniors will then receive government support to ensure they can afford that coverage. And with Medicare, like with Social Security, lower-income seniors will receive the most generous benefits.

    Starting in 2022, new retirees will participate in this new system. We will gradually increase the Medicare eligibility age by one month each year. In the long run, the eligibility ages for both programs will be indexed to longevity so that they increase only as fast as life expectancy.

    Romney is very clear: Nothing is going to change for anyone anytime soon. Romney is less clear about what will change in the future: His Medicare plan still omits any information on how fast his vouchers will grow, which means we can’t say how much money his plan will save, or what it will mean for tomorrow’s seniors. But put that aside for a minute. We have enough detail to say that Romney’s cuts in the next 10 years have to come from outside Social Security and Medicare. Here’s Romney again:

  13. Ametia says:

    Some MONK…

  14. Afghanistan NATO Staff Recalled Following Attack At Interior Ministry

    KABUL, Afghanistan — A gunman killed two American military advisers inside a heavily guarded government building in the heart of Kabul Saturday as protests over the burning of the Muslim holy book at a U.S. base raged across the country for a fifth day.

    • Whoever burned the Korans didn’t give a shit about American troops. When will they learn they’re aren’t in America & won’t be given a pass? When will they learn there are consequences for their actions? Now innocent blood has been shed in the streets because of some ignoramus fools. Contain your hate, mofos!

  15. rikyrah says:

    Fri Feb 24, 2012 at 12:31 PM PST.

    Mitt Romney promises anti-union construction business lobby he’ll make their dreams come true
    by Laura Clawson

    Mitt Romney once again laid into unions on Thursday as he accepted the endorsement of the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), a staunchly anti-union industry group:

    Thursday’s crowd was particularly receptive as Mr. Romney said he would pursue right-to-work laws and forbid unions from collecting dues that could be used for political purposes.
    “If I become president of the United States, I will curb the practice we have in this country of giving union bosses an unfair advantage in contracting,” Mr. Romney said. “One of the first things that I will do – actually on Day One- is I will end the government’s favoritism towards unions in contracting on federal projects.” The audience responded with a standing ovation.

    Romney was referring there to Project Labor Agreements, agreements that set uniform standards for all workers, union and non-union and from different trades, on a large construction project. They promote efficiency on projects involving multiple contractors and avert strikes and other labor disputes; additionally, they can contain provisions calling for jobs to be filled by local workers or, as in a recent Los Angeles PLA, people from economically disadvantaged communities.
    The Associated Builders and Contractors really hates PLAs, even though PLAs include non-union workers, as part of a more general hatred of unions and workplace safety regulations and prevailing wage laws and really anything else that protects workers. But it’s important to understand that the ABC is not the voice of the construction industry. Though the organization tries to present itself that way, a forthcoming (not yet available online) independent report by Thomas Kriger, a professor at the National Labor College, finds that if the ABC’s claim to represent “23,000 merit shop construction and construction related firms” is true, it represents just 0.03 percent of the nearly 800,000 construction firms in the country. There is not a single state in which more than 6 percent of licensed or registered contractors are ABC members.

    Not only that, the ABC does not appear to define “construction related firms” in the way that most of us would: Its members include 59 banks Freddie’s Bar-B-Que of Sapulpa, Oklahoma, the Land and Sea Restaurant of Corpus Christi, Texas, and the Rose of Sharon European Florist of Jacksonville, Florida. In fact, there are only six states in which 75 percent or more of ABC members are actually contractors.

    The Associated Builders and Contractors is a totally appropriate Mitt Romney endorser, in other words, since like him, it’s not quite what it wants you to think it is. It portrays itself as speaking for a higher proportion of contractors than it does, portrays itself as speaking for contractors specifically when in fact many of its members are restaurants and banks, and uses that false image to promote a comprehensive anti-worker agenda. And in his speech to them, Romney basically promised to enact that entire agenda if he’s elected.


  16. Pakistan begins demolishing bin Laden compound

    Updated at 1:26 p.m. ET: ABBOTTABAD, Pakistan — Crews on Saturday began demolishing the compound where al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden was killed by U.S. forces in May, eliminating a concrete reminder of the painful and embarrassing chapter in the country’s history.

    Two residents told The Associated Press the government brought in three mechanized backhoes Saturday afternoon and began destroying the tall outer walls of the three-story compound after sunset. They set up floodlights so they could work after dark.

    The residents spoke on condition of anonymity because they were afraid of being harassed by government authorities.

  17. rikyrah says:

    .Fri Feb 24, 2012 at 10:31 AM PST.

    7 Days in January (A Photo Diary)
    by Al Rodgers

    fabulous POTUS photo diary

  18. Ametia says:


  19. Ametia says:

    Seriously, I want someone, anyone to please tell me who is the SCARIEST humans in this country right now?

    • Ametia says:


      • Ametia says:

        No go, BucKLANNAN, just admit it’s all $$, about power and control for the1% white male.

      • Flashback: In 2006, Rick Santorum Wanted To Send All Pennsylvanians To College | TPM2012

      • Ametia says:

        Ooops! You turd….See lil Rickie, in your case; education was a waste.


        Rick Santorum believes that a quality education is the key to any child’s success, and he supports equipping youth, parents, teachers, and schools with the tools to make that success achievable. Rick believes that these tools should be flexible because every school district across Pennsylvania has different needs, and no bureaucracy in Washington can fully understand the priorities of an elementary school in DuBois or a high school in Quakertown.

        No Child Left Behind Act

        Rick Santorum supported the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, which has been the most historic legislative initiative enhancing education opportunities to pass Congress in decades. This legislation sets important standards for our schools, our teachers and our children. By setting high accountability standards, NCLB encourages teachers and schools to excel while also providing the tools to improve performance if changes are needed. Further, NCLB gives teachers and school administrators’ flexibility by decreasing bureaucratic red tape that hinders access to grant programs, which allows states and localities to redirect resources directly to the classroom.
        Commitment to Higher Education.

        In addition to Rick’s support of ensuring that primary and secondary schools in Pennsylvania are equipped for success, he is equally committed to ensuring the every Pennsylvanian has access to higher education. Rick Santorum has supported legislative solutions that provide loans, grants, and tax incentives to make higher education more accessible and affordable.

        Rick Santorum supports increased funding for Pell Grants, and since 2001 funding for the Pell Grant program has increased by 47 percent. Pennsylvania students have benefited tremendously from Pell Grants; providing a college education for our state’s youth who otherwise might not be able to afford one.

        In addition, Rick has worked to strengthen the many higher education institutions across Pennsylvania from community colleges to four-year universities. Through grants and policy initiatives, Rick Santorum is proud to further the priorities of Pennsylvania’s colleges and universities. Further, he has sought to address the technology gap that exists at many Minority Serving Institutions by establishing a new grant program providing up to $250 million to help Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) bridge the digital divide.


        Rick Santorum has worked closely with HBCUs throughout his tenure in the United States Senate, including Cheyney University and Lincoln University. He has chaired the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Congressional Forum on Capitol Hill, which helps HBCUs gain information about opportunities available from the federal government regarding research, and academic and faculty development needs.


  20. Ametia says:

    Exclusive: RFK’s Son Arrested in Westchester Hospital Maternity Unit Clash, Police Say
    Douglas Kennedy tried to take his newborn baby from the hospital while nurses tried to stop him, police said.

    The son of Robert F. Kennedy has been charged with harassment and endangering the welfare of a child for allegedly clashing with two nurses who tried to stop him from taking his 2-day-old baby boy from a Westchester maternity unit, NBC New York has learned.

    According to a Mount Kisco, N.Y. police report obtained by NBC New York, Douglas Kennedy, 44, took his baby from the newborn unit of Northern Westchester Hospital on Jan. 7, against the instructions of hospital staff who told him the infant needed to stay there.

    Kennedy was quietly arraigned on misdemeanor charges Thursday night.

  21. Ametia says:

    Nelson Mandela in hospital but ‘not in danger’
    Former South Africa President Nelson Mandela has undergone a “diagnostic procedure” in hospital, but his life is not in danger, officials say.

    Mr Mandela was treated for a long-standing abdominal complaint and is expected to be released from hospital by Monday, a government statement said.

    The anti-apartheid icon, 93, is comfortable and “fully conscious”, the statement said.

    His health has declined in recent years and he rarely appears in public.

    As the country’s first black president after a history of white minority rule, the BBC’s Andrew Harding in Johannesburg says Mr Mandela occupies a special place in the hearts of South Africans.

    The statement from President Jacob Zuma’s office said: “The doctors are satisfied with his [Mr Mandela’s] condition, which they say is consistent with his age

  22. Elon James White: “America was built on a lot of crap.”

  23. Ametia says:

    Prayers to Nelson Mandela. He’s been hospitalized for abdominal pain.

  24. By the Numbers: 55

    Thanks to fuel economy standards established by the Obama Administration, cars and trucks on the road in 2025 will average 55 miles per gallon of gas. These tougher fuel standards will reduce our oil consumption by more than 2 million barrels a day, but we have to do more.

    In his State of the Union, President Obama introduced an all-of-the-above strategy that develops every available source of American-made energy. This includes everything from tapping our vast natural gas reserves, to doubling down on clean energy resources like wind and solar power, to developing new technologies that help us use less energy altogether. The President’s strategy will help us depend less on imported oil that’s subject to annual price spikes and create job jobs for American workers.

    And, as the President explained at the University of Miami on Thursday, we need the right incentives in place to help put this strategy in place. Instead of $4 billion in yearly taxpayer-funded subsidies to the oil industry—which is reaping record profits—we should renew tax credits that encourage new investments in clean energy.

  25. [wpvideo 1WwuS8J6]

  26. [wpvideo yIaVupvr]

  27. Ametia says:


  28. Ametia says:

    MHP is covering the movie “The Help.’ She hs on a domestic worker. This show is a must see. Can’t wait for the video clip!

  29. Ametia says:

    Classic Soul; love The Four Tops. Thanks SG2.

  30. rikyrah says:

    Two tv sets and two Cadillac cars
    by DougJarvus Green-Ellis

    Despite all the computation, Mitt says a lot of dumb stuff (h/t lamh):

    For his embarrassing partial quote of the day, Mitt Romney ended a speech in Detroit with an apparent attempt to reach out to the car-making community there, saying, “I actually love this state. This feels good being back in Michigan … I like the fact that most of the cars I see are Detroit-made automobiles. I drove a Mustang and a Chevy pickup truck. Ann drives a couple of Cadillacs, actually.”

    Reporters have immediately jumped on the latter half of the comment as another example of Romney appearing “tone deaf” when making oblique references to his wealth among voters. (Think “I like being able to fire people” or “corporations are people, my friend.”) “Politically, I don’t there’s anything wrong with mentioning your wife drives a Cadillac. But it’s a little riskier if you mention she drives ‘a couple,’” writes The Hill’s Christian Heinze. “For the love of Pete,” tweets Politico’s Ben White. “… It would be better for that campaign if he didn’t speak.” “PROBLEM” adds Politico’s Dylan Byers. But let’s all take a step back. It could have been worse! Something like, “Ann used to drive two Cadillacs but that was years before we hired her a private driver.” Still, expect to hear the political hay over this little flap for at least a news cycle or ten.

    Can you imagine how fucked Obama would have been if he’d said Michelle drove a couple of Cadillacs?

    • Ametia says:

      This: “Can you imagine how fucked Obama would have been if he’d said Michelle drove a couple of Cadillacs?”

      YES! Those nigga’s using tax payers money to buy GANGSTA CADDIES. Can’t you just see the image of the dice hanging from the rear view mirror? Michelle wearing a MINK coat, and Barack wearing shades with a bg honking GOLD CHAIN around his neck.

  31. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone!!

    and, I, too, love the OLD SCHOOL!!

  32. dannie22 says:

    good morning!

  33. I love old school, Jueseppi! It’s real music.

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