Saturday Open Thread | Cultural Music and Dance

Tahitian dance is exuberant and vibrant, and has a long history of cultural significance. These  dances are associated with certain events and occasions, and there are multiple  dance styles. Tahitian dance has had a difficult history, but despite setbacks  to this artistic expression, it remains a popular and recognizable aspect of  Tahitian cultural tradition.

In the early age of Tahitian dancing, performances were symbolic and significant, not just an art form. Native people of Tahiti had different dances for different occasions. For example, there was a dance that was performed to greet guests at an official ceremony. Other dances were designated for prayer and worship ceremonies dedicated to ancient gods. Some dances were more personal, and people danced to challenge an adversary to combat or to seduce and entice a potential mate. Tahitian myths and legends were acted out through traditional dance.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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82 Responses to Saturday Open Thread | Cultural Music and Dance

  1. President Obama stands with @VP Biden in the Green Room before speaking on the economy

  2. Ametia says:


  3. I made homemade chicken noodle soup with a hen. Yummy!

  4. Ametia says:

    Here ya go, SG2!

  5. rikyrah says:

    Just some happy reminders from this election:

    1. The President won DESPITE WALL STREET.

    they gave their money to Willard, and the President doesn’t owe them SHYT.

    2. The Senatorial candidate that Wall Street hated with the heat of 10,000 suns, because she has their number and won’t tapdance for them…


    3. They spent 40 million dollars AGAINST Sherrod Brown…

    AND, HE WON!!

    4. The Democrats have supermajorities in both houses in California.

    There are a lot of happy results from Tuesday’s election, but just wanted to scream out these.

  6. Ametia says:

    Oh my Texas A& M beating Alabama. ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!

  7. rikyrah says:

    E-Mails From Biographer to a Third Party Led to Petraeus


    The person who complained about harassing messages from Ms. Broadwell, according to the official, was not a family member or a government official. One Congressional official who was briefed on the matter on Friday said senior intelligence officials had explained that the F.B.I. investigation “started with two women.”

    “It didn’t start with Petraeus, but in the course of the investigation they stumbled across him,” said the Congressional official, who said the intelligence officials had provided no other information about the two women or the focus of the inquiry. “We were stunned.”

    • rikyrah says:

      One Congressional official who was briefed on the matter on Friday said senior intelligence officials had explained that the F.B.I. investigation “started with two women.”

      anytime something starts with TWO WOMEN, and they don’t point out that either one is MRS PETRAEUS…..

      it’s nothing but a mess..


      KARMA = lying back on her ottoman, drinking a martini, going…


      • Ametia says:

        LMBAO Good riddance to rubbish, I say. Engel was on Mddow last night and said, Petraeus was not well-liked at the CIA. Someone OUTTED him. glad he’s gone.

  8. rikyrah says:


    this week’s series has been terrific. thanks so much for it.

    good music and great dancing.

    flamenco was my favorite.

  9. Ametia says:


  10. Ametia says:


    4, 236, 032,000 VOTES!

  11. Melissa Harris-Perry’s Open Letter To Ohio Sec. Jon Husted: Courts Not Fooled By Your ‘Shenanigans’

    On her show Saturday, Melissa Harris-Perry addressed an open letter to Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted over his efforts to reduce the number of days — and then hours — that Ohioans could vote.

    “Dear Secretary Husted,” she began. “It’s me, Melissa. Can I call you Jon? How you feeling today? Still a little sore, I’d imagine. Getting beaten so forcefully with all that backlash had to sting a bit. Probably going to leave a mark. After all, you spent the better part of this year throwing the full force of your power as secretary of state into restricting the right of some Ohioans to vote.”

    Harris-Perry offered her viewers a rundown of Husted’s efforts to alter voter access in his state, then noted how they were consistently called out and defeated:

    Last Friday, you issued a directive in opposition to Ohio election statutes to put the burden on voters for mistakes written on provisional ballot forms, all but ensuring that some of them would get thrown out. Once again, the courts will not be fooled by your shenanigans. And in a hearing disputing your directive on Wednesday, a federal judge said that, quote, “It was filed on a Friday night at 7:00 p.m. The first thought that came to mind was ‘Democracy dies in the dark.’ So when you do things like that, that seeks to avoid transparency, it appears then, that gives me great pause, but even greater concern.” The voters response to your tactics? Not only did African-American voters not get suppressed, we turned out in historic numbers. In Ohio, African-Americans comprised 15% of the electorate. That is up 11% in 2008 and nearly 200,000 more votes. Latino voters also turned out in larger numbers and made an even stronger showing for president obama than in 2008. And that’s all despite the long lines that wrapped around blocks and hours-long waits in frigid temperatures to vote.

    Because you see, Jon, those voters that you tried to suppress have a long memory. They remember when people like them faced literacy tests, and poll taxes, and arrests, and beatings, and lynching, and burnings, and shootings all in a right to vote so they would not be deterred by a lack of patience and uncomfortable climate and they would certainly not be deterred by you. And Jon, there is something else you should know about the memory of those voters. In 2014, when you’re up for re-election, they’re also going to remember what you tried to do.

  12. Ametia says:

    The Fiscal Cliff Opener
    Published: November 9, 2012

    On Tuesday, voters re-elected a president who promised to fight for higher taxes on the wealthy, for more public investment and for careful cuts in spending. Three days later, President Obama challenged Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts for the middle class, right now, and said he would not accept a deal that does not require the wealthy to pay a bigger share.

    The House speaker, John Boehner, recycled positions that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan already offered, and voters rejected. He suggested that Congress just put off dealing with the fiscal cliff, allow all the Bush tax cuts to remain in place, and then negotiate tax reforms to lower rates even further while closing unspecified loopholes.

    These were the opening hands in negotiations that start next week: Mr. Boehner’s weak hand and Mr. Obama’s strong one.

    Both sides have acknowledged the need to avoid the fiscal cliff — the tax increases and spending cuts that will take effect starting in January if Congress does not act and that will total nearly $700 billion next year alone. In a news conference on Friday morning, Mr. Boehner offered conciliatory words that made it sound as though his caucus was at last open to the obvious answers it has blocked for four years. But behind the words, his party’s immediate goal was, as always, to extend the Bush-era tax cuts for the rich.

  13. Dionne: Obama’s victory should settle a bitter argument

    President Obama’s re-election was at once a deeply personal triumph and a victory for the younger, highly diverse and broadly progressive America that rallied to him. It was a result that ought to settle the bitter argument that ground the nation’s government to a near-standstill.

    The president spent much of the year fighting the effects of a stubbornly sluggish economic recovery and facing implacable opposition among Republicans in Congress who made defeating him a high priority. He fought back by undermining Mitt Romney’s major asset as a private-equity specialist and by enlisting Bill Clinton as his chief explainer.

    And he mobilized a mighty army of African-American and Hispanic voters. They were all the more determined to exercise their voting rights after Republicans sought in state after state to make it harder for them to cast ballots. Latino voters turned out overwhelmingly for the president, guaranteeing that immigration reform will be on the next Congress’ agenda.



  14. The Last Word – Rewriting the Romney cheerleaders

    • Peggy Noonan Predicts Romney Victory

      Amid the entire obsession with polls, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has made a stealthy rise to the top and she predicts he will be victorious, says Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan.

      “I think he’s stealing in ‘like a thief with good tools,’ in [author] Walker Percy’s old words,” she writes. “While everyone is looking at the polls and the storm, Romney’s slipping into the presidency. He’s quietly rising, and he’s been rising for a while.”

      It’s hard to make heads or tails out of the poll data, Noonan says. But as John Dickerson of CBS News pointed out last month it appears that voters are “quietly cooking something up, something we don’t know about,” she writes. “I think they are, and I think it’s this: a Romney win.”

      • SG2 is having soo much fun…

        Morris says Romney will capture 325 electoral votes while Obama will get 213

        “Here Comes The LandSlide” – Dick Morris Predicts Huge Romney Victory!

      • Laughing smiley

        Obama Election Night – The Moment NBC Calls it for POTUS

        President Obama 332– Mitt Romney 206

      • President Obama 2012 Election Victory Speech

      • Ametia says:

        I love it! Keep it coming, SG2. We’re not going to forget how our president got re-elected. He trounced ROMNEY & the Dems took control of major house and senate seats.

        Although the media is trying to sweep it under the rug and put the next shiny object out with Petraeus. We won’t forget.

      • majiir says:

        Dems were “quietly cooking something up,” alright–a huge loss for Romney and a kick to the face of faux pundits like Noonan, Krauthammer, Rove, Morris, and the rest of the RW liars. I am so glad that Romney was totally humiliated on Tuesday. It was past the time for that smug b*stard to be relegated to the dustbin of history. B*stard thought he would be elected POTUS without being properly vetted. Nope. There was no way I was voting for his behind. If he had been allowed to win without releasing more tax returns and without explaining the specifics of any of his plans, it would have set a precedent for future GOP presidential candidates. In 2008, when Palin was allowed to avoid talking to the press, it became something that all the other GOPers adopted, even Romney/Ryan because we, and mainly the MSM, allowed them to get away with it.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Michelle’s To-Do List
    Nov 11, 2012 10:00 PM EST

    Can the first lady finally win over Washington?

    From one of those “anonymous sources” they always quote – in this case a “wife of a senior Democratic lawmaker” who has felt “ignored” by Mrs Obama; She hopes that in a second term Mrs Obama:

    “—Makes nice. Among the Washington establishment, hope
    springs eternal that Mrs. Obama will do her part to revive comity and bipartisanship by reaching out to other members of the political class. “They are desperate for her to treat them as human beings,” laments the spouse of one senior Democratic lawmaker. Declaring Mrs. Obama “the most hands-off first lady in terms of mingling with people in Washington,” this person urges her to “spend time with congressional spouses from both houses and both parties—and pretend she cares—”

    • rikyrah says:

      the Obamas have 2 children to raise.

      they don’t have time to socialize with the jackals.

      I love that the First Couple doesn’t waste their time with these folks.

      They are mad that FLOTUS has opened up the White House to ‘ the people’.

      They get mad everytime they see the pics of Washington, DC school children at the WH.

      Or, the ‘ common man’ at the WH.

      doesn’t the FLOTUS know that THEY should be at the WH?

      I love that the First Couple have brought Black Professional Sensibilities to the WH.

      You know what I mean..

      You have work…and you have a personal life…and you don’t mix the two.

      Being First Lady is her JOB….

      She does what she has to for HER JOB…

      and socializes elsewhere.

    • Ametia says:

      What Rik said. Thes whiney, priviledged, entitled fools are exactly what’s wrong with Washington. BYE GIRLS!

    • majiir says:

      Why would the FL and POTUS want to hang out with these vipers? Whatever they said would be blown all out of proportion and “leaked” to RW sources to undermine them. PBO has always made it clear that he didn’t go to DC to socialize but to serve the people.

  16. Ben Jealous:When someone stands in line for eight hours and misses an entire day of work, that is a poll tax.”

    • Ametia says:

      Which is equal to 5 days-40 hour work week of POLL TAX. It shouldn’t take more than an hour to cast a vote in America. Just despicable. The system is way past broken and needs a complete overall.

  17. Forget Nate Silver: Meet The Guy Who Called 2012 In 2002

    Calling all 50 states the day before the election as Nate Silver did is one thing — predicting President Obama’s winning majority 10 years in advance is hard to top.

    But that’s what Ruy Teixeira did. Since 2002, when Democrats were at a low point and sinking lower, Teixeira has consistently argued that long-term demographic trends pointed to brighter days ahead for the party. He and John Judis published a book that year, “The Emerging Democratic Majority,” that envisioned a governing majority in the next decade consisting of three rapidly growing voting blocs — women, minorities, and professionals.

    Along with young voters, these three groups are credited with powering Obama’s 2008 and 2012 victories. Latinos were critical in contests across the country on Tuesday, especially in Western states like New Mexico (no longer even a swing state), Nevada, and Colorado. African American turnout helped put Obama over the top in states like Ohio. Huge advantages with women helped secure states like Iowa (28% gender gap). And a growing professional class in Virginia and North Carolina — solid red states when Teixeira published his book — put the former in Obama’s camp for a second straight election and kept the latter competitive until the end.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Friday, November 9, 2012

    Get Filibuster Reform Right

    It’s looking more and more as if something will happen on filibuster reform. Greg has a total of 50 Members of the new Senate on record as supporting at least some kind of reform. That includes the Majority Leader, which makes some action at least somewhat likely.

    The key to filibuster reform, however, is getting it right. And that’s not easy.

    There’s a lot of bunk on filibusters, including in proposals from Senators, who should know better. For examples, there’s been a flap for some time about trying to prevent “secret” holds. The problem is that making holds public wasn’t likely to, and didn’t, change anything. Much of the discussion seemed totally oblivious to why holds exist in the first place, and why a majority party might find it a useful part of Senate procedures. That’s not to say that one can’t oppose holds, but only to say that it’s worth understanding this stuff before, not after, you propose specific reforms.

  19. rikyrah says:

    Messina: Obama Won On The Small Stuff

    Romney aide admits: “We thought the game would be one thing, and it ended up being another.”
    Barack Obama’s campaign manager, Jim Messina, said Friday that the president’s reelection was won “on the micro stuff.”

    “Politics too much is about analogies and not about whether or not things work,” Messina told BuzzFeed. “You have to test every single thing, to challenge every assumption, and to make sure that everything we do is provable.”

    “That’s why I love numbers,” Messina said. “Because you know good or bad whether what you’re doing is working.”

    Messina spoke to BuzzFeed Friday after sharing a panel stage with Romney aide Brian Jones at a conference for the International Association of Political Consultants at the Hilton New York. There, Messina and Jones evoked a contrast between one campaign that had the advantage on macro-messaging, and another that invested millions in analytics and metrics.

    “We had to win this on the micro stuff,” Messina said.

    Jones, by contrast, said the Romney campaign had been characterized by a basic mistake about the electorate itself.

    “Neil Newhouse, our pollster, had always said, ‘Guys, if we can win independents in Ohio, we can win this race.’ But we won independents by seven, and we lost,” Jones said. “We thought the game would be one thing, and it ended up being another.”

    Obama for America made what Messina called an “unparalleled” $100 million investment in technology. The reelect, said Messina, would be different than 2008 — at time when the iPhone was in its first iteration, when Facebook was one-tenth of its current size, and when the Obama campaign sent just one tweet on all of Election Day (“We thought it was a stupid technology that would never go anywhere,” said Messina).

    For Messina — metrics-obsessed — the campaign that voters once thought of as defined by ideals and hope and change, became all about the data.

    “We were going to demand data on everything, we were going to measure everything,” he said during the panel. “We were going to put an analytics team inside of us to study us the entire time to make sure we were being smart about things.”

    Every night, Obama’s analytics team would run the campaign 66,000 times on a computer simulation. “And every morning we would come in and spend our money based on those simulations,” said Messina.

    Their models ultimately predicted Florida results within 0.2%, and 0.4% in Ohio. The only state they got wrong, noted Messina, was Colorado, “where we got one more point than we thought we would.”

    The Obama campaign was able to do that, he said, because they turned away from mainstream polling from shops like Gallup, which he called “wrong the entire election,” in their prediction that fewer minorities and fewer young people would turn out to vote.

    “We spent a whole bunch of time figuring out that American polling is broken,” said Messina. “We never did a national poll. We only did local and state polls.”

  20. Arrogant Demon‏@ArrogantDemon

    So Ole Miss riots the reelction of Pres. Obama on the 50th anniv. of them rioting intergration of James Merideth, great timing, assholes

  21. rikyrah says:

    Posted at 01:46 PM ET, 11/09/2012

    ‘White guys’ voted for Obama, too

    By Jonathan Capehart

    Democrats are crowing rather loudly about how Latinos, African Americans, women and young people came out to vote in numbers that helped keep President Obama in the White House. As well they should. The demographics of this nation are changing and Democrats are benefiting from it. But a friend of mine e-mailed this morning with a legitimate worry.

    “I really worry about not recognizing the ‘white guys’ who did vote for Obama and made a difference in the election,” the self-described middle-age, upper-income, highly curious and vocal African American woman from Colorado wrote. “I know tons of them of all ages, income levels, political persuasions and sexual orientations. Just think it is short-sighted if we don’t acknowledge [them], starting with the campaign team.

    “Overall the messages seem to be Latinos, Blacks and women voted for the President. A great message for the other side, but an inaccurate message for the President,” she continued in a subsequent e-mail. “He pulled from all kinds of Americans, rich, poor, middle class, all Americans. Like the President, who is half white and half Black, which also seems to go unrecognized, his campaign reflected his DNA and his lifetime experience.”

    Mitt Romney was the preferred candidate of white men. He won their vote over Obama by a 25-point margin.Still, there were plenty of white men who voted for the president. In fact, plenty of white people in general voted for Obama. According to a nifty chart from The Post’s polling unit, the president’s white support (39 percent) was the same as it was for Bill Clinton when he was elected in 1992.

    • Ametia says:

      Yes; we know Jonathan. White folks still make up a majority in this country,. It wanning, but it’s still a reality. And they hold major power in our financial institutions, educational systems, etc. It’s perfectly fine to acknowledge that WHITE MEN VOTED FOR POTUS.

  22. rikyrah says:

    The American Electorate Has Changed, and There’s No Turning Back

    This election will likely be remembered as a milestone in which the United States suddenly realized that, socially and demographically, it was a very different place.

    By Ronald Brownstein

    Updated: November 8, 2012 | 6:31 p.m.

    Loudly, unmistakably, and irreversibly, the Next America announced its electoral arrival this week—years ahead of schedule.

    This election will likely be remembered not only as a political but also a cultural and a social milestone in which the United States suddenly (and for many people, shockingly) realized it was a very different place than it once was.

    From every direction, social and demographic change was the big story of the results. The key to President Obama’s solid Electoral College victory was his advantage among the growing population of nonwhite voters. That allowed Obama to win comfortably despite a historic rush toward Mitt Romney among white voters, especially older ones. Romney, in fact, ran about as well as any Republican challenger ever has among white voters, and he still captured only 206 Electoral College votes, pending the final count in Florida.

    Down another track, the massive millennial generation continued to enlarge its influence on American politics. Millennials ticked up from 18 percent of the electorate in 2008 to 19 percent this year and once again provided Obama an overwhelming (if slightly reduced from four years ago) three-fifths of their votes. The results marked a milestone, as well, in American attitudes toward gays and lesbians: Tuesday saw the first election ever of an openly gay senator (Democrat Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin) and the first time voters have approved a ballot initiative authorizing gay marriage. That happened not in one state but in three.

    Obama’s continuing strength among minorities and young people allowed him to withstand erosion in the third pillar of the “coalition of the ascendant” that lifted him in 2008: college-educated whites. Compared with 2008, Obama lost ground not only among college-educated white men but also college-educated white women—although he still ran much better with the latter than with any other segment of the white electorate.

    The coalition of minorities, young people, and just enough college-educated whites powered Obama’s success in many states, especially Sun Belt states such as Florida
    and Virginia, where he faced resounding rejection by working-class whites. But in the critical Midwest battlegrounds of Iowa, Ohio, and Wisconsin—where there are not enough of those “ascendant” voters to win—Obama repelled Romney’s challenge with a message of economic populism that attracted enough of the working-class whites who anchored the party’s coalition from the New Deal through the Great Society. In that way, Obama married just enough of the new and old Democratic coalitions to win.

    Each of the key groups in Obama’s coalition of the ascendant is growing in society—which means that they will provide an even greater advantage to Democrats over time unless Republicans start winning more of them. “When you have a younger generation with a different set of ideas, and a changing demographic in the country, there’s going to be a tipping point; and during that tipping point, the two sides are roughly at parity,” says Morley Winograd, a senior fellow at the Democratic advocacy group NDN and coauthor with Michael Hais of two books on the millennial generation. “But at some point, that parity goes away and the direction becomes very clear.… We think this coalition is not only ascendant but will be dominant.”

    • Loudly, unmistakably, and irreversibly, the Next America announced its electoral arrival this week—years ahead of schedule.

      This election will likely be remembered not only as a political but also a cultural and a social milestone in which the United States suddenly (and for many people, shockingly) realized it was a very different place than it once was.

  23. How they voted: A closer look at the Reuters/Ipsos exit poll


    Voters who switched from Republican John McCain in 2008 to Obama in 2012 said their choice was based on which candidate “cares about people like me.” That suggests the Obama campaign may have been successful in painting Romney, a wealthy businessman, as out of touch with average voters, particularly after his leaked remarks about the “47 percent” he said he would not “worry about.”

    – Nearly half of voters who switched from a 2008 McCain vote to Obama, or a 2008 Obama vote to Romney, made their decision after October’s presidential debates.

    Asian-American voters broke for Obama by roughly a 2-1 margin. About a quarter of them were first-time voters.

  24. rikyrah says:

    Memo from the Road
    Posted by Al Giordano – November 8, 2012 at 9:35 am

    By Al Giordano

    Fifteen years ago I began answering the same question a lot. “Why did you leave the United States?”

    “I didn’t leave the United States,” I’d reply. “The United States left me.”

    Since Tuesday night I’ve been pinching myself. Has all this really happened? Community organizing – a forgotten, scorned art by the time I left – is practiced by hundreds of thousands now in the US. Majorities of blacks, Latinos (dios mío, even Cubans!), Asians, gays, lesbians, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, youths, and evolved whites worked together in the trenches – in various states you legalized same sex marriage and marijuana, and you ended California’s “three strikes and you’re out” law – and you reelected the only president in US history to pull troops out of a war it started and who made health care a right.

    You did it at an hour of great crisis and hardship for my hometown and the entire mid-Atlantic, and you still got the job done. And you lit up the Empire State building blue so that even those still without power could see the news.

    By now I’m probably too spoiled by my life as it is to ever go back there permanently. But I feel more of a bond to my native land today than I’ve felt since we took different paths so many years ago. And your path has brought you more than a little bit back toward me. Welcome back, America. And keep comin’ a little bit closer, one step at a time.

  25. rikyrah says:

    The Community Organizer

    by BooMan
    Fri Nov 9th, 2012 at 11:14:39 PM EST

    Sixteen years before he became the president, Barack Obama worked for Project Vote as a community organizer. I kind of understand that because I was a community organizer for Project Vote in 2004. Why have I always seen Obama as a true progressive? This is why:

    I know what Obama saw and learned. I know why he organized an army of community organizers. I know that his greatest legacy to the country is going to be the organizers he trained. Maybe I had a privileged position. I did the same job he did. I learned the same lessons. What I knew for certain was that he could be trusted precisely because he had experiences that taught him about the underclass and what it would take to lift them up. He has provided subsidies for health care and has gone after the credit card companies, the payday lenders, and the check cashing joints with real aggression.

    He has done what I knew he would.

  26. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone at 3CHICS!!!

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