Tuesday Open Thread | Oldies |Chicago

CHICAGO- bandChicago is an American rock band formed in 1967 in Chicago, Illinois. The self-described “rock and roll band with horns” began as a politically charged, sometimes experimental, rock band and later moved to a predominantly softer sound, generating several hit ballads. The group had a steady stream of hits throughout the 1970s and 1980s. Second only to The Beach Boys in Billboard singles and albums chart success among American bands, Chicago is one of the longest-running and most successful rock groups in history.

According to Billboard, Chicago was the leading US singles charting group during the 1970s. They have sold over 38 million units in the US, with 22 gold, 18 platinum, and 8 multi-platinum albums. Over the course of their career they have had five number-one albums and 21 top-ten singles.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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70 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread | Oldies |Chicago

  1. rikyrah says:

    On the day tours re-opened at the White House, the President & the First Lady greeted the first visitors.

  2. rikyrah says:

    Smarty Pants @Smartypants60

    Let this one sink in for a moment…Cooch beat TMac by 16 points with white women.

    10:48 PM – 5 Nov 2013

  3. rikyrah says:

    Allan Brauer @allanbrauer

    Texans, if you want Wendy Davis to win, you need to concentrate on connecting with women of color. It’s your only path to victory.

    10:46 PM – 5 Nov 2013

  4. rikyrah says:

    Michael Hargrove @MichaelHargrov1

    So can we officially put to rest the notice that African-Americans only turnout in large numbers for African-American candidates.

    9:07 PM – 5 Nov 2013

  5. rikyrah says:

    Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka

    Democratic party should be grateful for Black voters. If it were up to whites, they’d be screwed (h/t @Smartypants60)

    10:22 PM – 5 Nov 2013

  6. rikyrah says:

    V. Hussein Savage @Kennymack1971

    So Black voters, particularly Black women came through in VA…Dems remember that when the MSM starts advising you to “distance” from PBO.

    10:26 PM – 5 Nov 2013

  7. rikyrah says:

    zizi2 @zizii2

    Demographic breakdown of #VAGov race shows AA men & women carried McAuliffe. White women voted 56% Cooch & 38% TM

    10:05 PM – 5 Nov 2013

  8. rikyrah says:

    SheriffFruitfly @sherifffruitfly

    everyone who says “women won it for McAuliffe” is lying. BLACK women did it. white women voted for cuccinelli.

    10:35 PM – 5 Nov 2013

  9. rikyrah says:


    They say about 54% of white women voted for Cuccinelli.

    You will find:

    Married & Conservative white women voted for Cuccinelli.

    The female McAuliffe voters are:

    Single white women
    Younger white women
    All non-white women

    Single, younger & non-white women would be the ones adversely affected by Cuccinelli & Co. with the banning of birth control, restrictions on abortion, transvaginal probes & lack of health care

  10. rikyrah says:

    Exit polls show VA race is not about Obama but about the shutdown, women, abortion, and the changing electorate. Bad news for GOP.

    VA is 20% black. 90, 95% black support put McAuliffe over the top; had PBO come against him McAuliffe couldn’t have swung that.

  11. rikyrah says:

    DeBlasio’s giving this speech from Brooklyn….not Manhattan..yeah..

  12. rikyrah says:

    h/t Town; she’s on point:

    FYI, it wasn’t white women who defeated Cuccinelli in Virginia. It was black men and women. #VAGov http://www.nytimes.com/project… …

  13. rikyrah says:

    Think about the size of McAuliffe’s win if they hadn’t of purged all those Democratic voters last week

  14. rikyrah says:

    De Blasio Is Elected New York City Mayor, Exit Polls Show
    Published: November 5, 2013 85 Comments

    Bill de Blasio, who transformed himself from a little-known occupant of an obscure office into the fiery voice of New York’s disillusionment with a new gilded age, was elected the city’s 109th mayor on Tuesday, according to exit polls.

    His overwhelming victory, stretching from the working-class precincts of central Brooklyn to the suburban streets of northwest Queens, amounted to a forceful rejection of the hard-nosed, business-minded style of governance that reigned at City Hall for the past two decades and a sharp leftward turn for the nation’s largest metropolis.

    Mr. de Blasio, a Democrat who is the city’s public advocate, defeated his Republican opponent, Joseph J. Lhota, a former chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, by a wide margin.

    Exit polls conducted by Edison Research suggested that the sweep of his victory cut across all of New York’s traditional divides. He won support from voters regardless of race, gender, age, education, religion or income, according to the exit poll.

    The lopsided outcome represented the triumph of a populist message over a formidable résumé in a campaign that became a referendum on an entire era, starting with Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani and ending with the incumbent mayor, Michael R. Bloomberg.


  15. rikyrah says:

    Kevin Landrigan @Klandrigan

    NH Dems bag another special election, this one a big prize knocking off ex-House Maj. Leader Peter Silva with Latha Mangipudi. #nhpolitics

    7:38 PM – 5 Nov 2013

  16. rikyrah says:

    John Nichols @NicholsUprising

    Marty Walsh, a former union leader who was attacked for being too pro-union, is elected mayor of Boston. @thenation @WeGotEd @edshow

    8:51 PM – 5 Nov 2013

  17. rikyrah says:



  18. rikyrah says:

    There are 400,000 working poor in Virginia who now can see the bridge to healthcare access with this election.

  19. rikyrah says:

    Maybe it’s a blessing in disguise’
    11/05/13 10:00 AM
    By Steve Benen

    We talked last week about Dianne Barrette, a 56-year-old resident of Winter Haven, Fla., who’s made a flurry of television appearances after Blue Cross/Blue Shield informed her that her old plan is being replaced with a new one, and her new coverage will be more expensive. Her situation quickly made her a media darling, appearing on multiple national programs on multiple national networks.

    Barrette joked at one point, “You guys are going to be sick of my face.”

    Upon further inspection, the story of this “Obamacare victim” was far different from what those initial interviews suggested. Barrette had an awful insurance plan that left her one serious ailment away from bankruptcy. The Affordable Care Act offered an upgrade at a discount – she’s eligible for a subsidy under the law.

    Jonathan Cohn did some additional research, discovered that Barrette could sign up for a vastly better plan than she has now, and it’d cost her between $50 to $150 more per month, depending on how much coverage she was prepared to buy. Cohn asked Barrette directly if this would appeal to her, given her personal circumstances.


  20. rikyrah says:

    What The Media Won’t Talk About: 17 Million Uninsured are Eligible for ACA Tax Credits
    By: Sarah Jones more from Sarah Jones
    Tuesday, November, 5th, 2013, 12:46 pm

    Thanks to ObamaCare, an estimated 17 million Americans who are now uninsured or who buy their own insurance will be eligible for tax credits in 2014.

    The Kaiser Foundation does actual healthcare policy, and they have a new report out today in which you will find more information than you will get all day from any mainstream media outlet.

    “We estimate that about 17 million people who are now uninsured or who buy insurance on their own (“nongroup purchasers”) will be eligible for premium tax credits in 2014.”


  21. rikyrah says:

    As His Plagiarism Scandal Explodes a Desperate Rand Paul Blames The Help
    By: Jason Easley more from Jason Easley
    Tuesday, November, 5th, 2013, 3:01 pm

    Sen. Rand Paul is running of out of excuses. More instances of his plagiarism are being discovered everyday, so the Kentucky senator is now blaming the help.

    In a statement today, Paul senior adviser Doug Stafford said, “In the thousands of speeches and op-eds Sen. Paul has produced, he has always presented his own ideas, opinions and conclusions. Sen. Paul also relies on a large number of staff and advisers to provide supporting facts and anecdotes — some of which were not clearly sourced or vetted properly. There have also been occasions where quotations or typesetting indentations have been left out through errors in our approval process, From here forward, quoting, footnoting and citing will be more complete…Adherence to a new approval process implemented by Sen. Paul will ensure proper citation and accountability in all collaborative works going forward.”

    After dismissing the people who have reported on his plagiarism as haters, and then saying that if it was legal he would challenge those reporting the facts to a duel, Paul is now trying to blame the help.


  22. rikyrah says:

    ‘You Would’ve Been My Boys’: Eric Holder Highlights Reentry Program for Ex-Offenders

    Holder tells the ex-offenders how impressed he is with the program, calling it “heartwarming” to see how hard they are working to reintegrate themselves into the community. Holder, who grew up in the East Elmhurst neighborhood of Queens, in New York, says he’s “not fundamentally different” from the ex-offenders in the room with him.

    “Guys like you would’ve been my boys,” Holder tells them, saying they remind him of “good guys” he grew up with. Life isn’t always fair, he tells them, but the key is to never give up. “If you look at my four and a half years as attorney general, you can see that there are detours,” he jokes.

    He also implores them to set a good example for the kids in their lives, saying they have much more influence than he does. “They learn more from you than me,” he says. “They just see me with a suit and tie, on TV every once in a while, getting hammered in a congressional hearing or whatever.”


  23. rikyrah says:

    History To Remake Iconic ‘Roots’ Miniseries
    By NELLIE ANDREEVA | Tuesday November 5, 2013 @ 11:02am PST

    EXCLUSIVE: History is taking on one of most celebrated TV programs of all time, blockbuster 1977 miniseries Roots. The cable network is planning a new eight-hour Roots miniseries after acquiring rights to the 12-hour original from Mark Wolper, son of Roots executive producer, the late David L. Wolper, and to the book the mini was based on, Roots: The Saga Of An American Family, from the estate of author Alex Haley. Mark Wolper is on board as executive producer. The network is about to start discussions with writers for the project, which will draw both on the book and the original mini from a contemporary perspective. “We would like to revive that cultural icon for a new audience,” said History EVP and GM Dirk Hoogstra


  24. rikyrah says:

    Simo Hayha ‏@StickmanMike 48s
    💀💀💀💀 RT @kchamomile: #DonLemonOn 12 Years a Slave: be grateful it wasn’t 13.

    John Horse ‏@Kaibutsu 41s
    #DonLemonOn slavery: Think of all the innovative ways Blacks learned to cook pork!

  25. rikyrah says:

    update on a previous posted story.

    I’m telling you…this is movie material right here. A ‘routine’ check is the thread that when pulled, brings you to a stolen fortune worth over ONE BILLION?
    there’s a movie here.


    1,400 Nazi-Looted Artworks Found In One German Apartment
    By DAVID McHUGH 11/05/13 06:46 AM ET EST

    A hoard of more than 1,400 artworks found by tax investigators in a German apartment includes a previously unknown piece by Marc Chagall and works by some of the masters of the 20th century, authorities said Tuesday. Some of the works are believed to have been missing since they were seized by the Nazis.

    Investigators searched the apartment in an upscale Munich district in February 2012, as part of a tax investigation that started with a routine check on a Zurich-Munich train in late 2010.

    Authorities said they found 121 framed and 1,285 unframed works — including by 20th-century masters such as Pablo Picasso, Max Liebermann and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and earlier works by artists including Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Gustave Courbet, Auguste Renoir and Canaletto. The oldest work dates back to the 16th century.

    Prosecutor Reinhard Nemetz told reporters in the Bavarian city of Augsburg that investigators have turned up “concrete evidence” that at least some of the works were seized by the Nazis from their owners or classed by them as “degenerate art” and seized from German museums in 1937 or shortly after.

    “Degenerate art” was largely modern or abstract works by artists that the regime of Adolf Hitler believed to be a corruption influence on the German people. Their “deviant” characteristics were often attributed to Jewish corruption.

    Officials are investigating whether the suspect in the case was in wrongful possession of the paintings. They wouldn’t identify him and said they don’t know where he is.

    The paintings were found in one room at the apartment, where they were “professionally stored and in a very good condition,” said Siegfried Kloeble, the head of the customs investigations office in Munich. He said it took a specialist company three days to remove the paintings from the apartment; officials refused to specify where they are being kept.


    • Liza says:

      It is going to be really interesting to find out more about the suspect and how that person came into possession of more than 1,400 pieces of valuable artwork looted by Nazis. I guess he was between a rock and a hard place, not wanting to draw attention to himself so he stored the art and tried to keep it safe. He certainly couldn’t sell it. He may have made arrangements for it to be discovered after his death, but I guess we’ll see.

  26. Eric Holder: We might still charge George Zimmerman


    U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said George Zimmerman of Florida may have been acquitted of murder charges in the shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, but in the eyes of the federal government, he’s still living in a shadow of suspicion.

    Mr. Holder said he’s still not sure if the federal government will pursue civil rights charges against Mr. Zimmerman, Breitbart.com reported.

    The shooting occurred in February 2012. And Mr. Zimmerman was found not guilty on all second-degree murder charges, with the jury determining that the shooting was defensive.

    But to Mr. Holder, Mr. Zimmerman is far from cleared of any wrongdoing.

    “I’m not sure exactly how much longer that will take, but we will get to a point where we are able to make a determination” about a civil rights lawsuit, he said, Breitbart.com reported.

    The White House has watched the case closely. President Obama even weighed in at one point, suggesting during one speech that Mr. Zimmerman was guilty of racial profiling and during another public statement that his own son, if he had one, would look like Trayvon.

    • Liza says:

      I’m just in no position to have a prediction on this, but I have to believe that DOJ won’t file charges unless they are very, very confident of winning at trial. Their investigation certainly is broader and deeper than Florida’s investigation and I’m sure they know a whole lot more than the State of Florida ever did about Zimmerman’s lifestyle and shenanigans and before he murdered Trayvon Martin. I’ve always thought that if DOJ is going to charge Zimmerman, timing matters and they will put it off as long as they can. But it’s good to hear that Eric Holder stated publicly that Zimmerman is far from cleared.

  27. rikyrah says:


    #DonLemonOn voting: would you rather have 3/5ths of a say or none at all?

    #DonLemonOn Civil Rights.. Be happy that these white people even let you all have rights..

    #DonLemonOn Arts programs being defunded. “Yall still twerking right?, good enough”

    • rikyrah says:

      ‏@PhalindaJaxn 2m
      #DonLemonOn being a black in America: “I’m dark white.”

    • rikyrah says:

      Jody ‏@FishHawkRdJody31m
      #DonLemonOn stop & frisk: I loved it, felt like a massage

      @DeePhunk: #DonLemonOn Racial Profiling: would you rather they embrass you IN the store instead of waiting until you’re outside?

      Bourgie Banton ‏@bad_mouth26m
      #DonLemonOn black unemployment: “First Hired, First Fired is perfect balance. I like balance.”

      word34 ‏@word_3427m
      #DonLemonOn The back of the bus is just fine, who wants to see where you can go when you can watch where you’ve been

      @WilliamIgbokwe: #DonLemonOn the Tuskegee Experiment: “Black men who complain about free healthcare.

      • rikyrah says:

        Don Lemon’s ‘Stop & Frisk’ Talk Spawns a Mocking Hashtag
        TV NEWS | By Tim Molloy on November 5, 2013 @ 9:28 am

        “Would you rather be politically correct or safe and alive?” Lemon asked on CNN

        CNN’s Don Lemon has become the target of a mocking hashtag after what some people took as a defense of New York City’s “stop and frisk” policy.

        In a radio commentary for BlackAmericaWeb, Lemon asked of “stop and frisk”: “Would you rather be politically correct or safe and alive?”

        That’s the section of the portion of the commentary online critics are mocking with the Twitter hashtag #DonLemonOn, which imagines him tolerating various forms of racism.

        “#DonLemonOn MLK’s assassination,” tweeted @DCPlod. “Would you rather he’d lived long enough to see himself become the villain?”

        “#DonLemonOn black women’s hair,” wrote @H2OCoolerConvo. “Would you rather get fired or just cut your dreads and keep your job?”

  28. November is Native American Heritage Month


  29. Listen up, New Jersey!

    Poverty has hit a 52-year high under Christie.


    (CNN) — New Jersey goes to the polls Tuesday and it looks like Chris Christie is going to win by a landslide. That might surprise Mitt Romney, who, according to a new book, decided not to run Christie as a vice presidential candidate in 2012 because of ethics issues, tardiness and his weight. It’s a pity they couldn’t have looked beyond his girth, because all the evidence suggests he’s a genuine Republican superstar.

    I use the word superstar in its fullest sense: His appeal is iconic rather than intellectual. And that makes him appealing to Republicans who want to win in 2016, although he’s not necessarily a great fit for conservatives looking for an ideological champion.

    A star is someone who is adored for his reputation and image rather than for the reality of who he is or what he has achieved. Chris Christie’s record in New Jersey is actually rather checkered. His state is not business-friendly and tax rates can be punishingly high; thanks to its property taxes, the state ranked last (tied with New York) among the 50 states in the Tax Foundation’s annual report. Poverty has hit a 52-year high under Christie.

  30. rikyrah says:

    NYT: For Uninsured, Clearing a Way to Enrollment

    Kelli Cauley’s fingers raced over her keyboard as she asked the anxious woman at her side a series of questions. What was her income? How many people lived in her household? Did she smoke? (“That’s the only health question it asks,” Ms. Cauley said of the application they were completing.)

    The woman, a thin 61-year-old who refused to give her name, citing privacy concerns, had come to the public library here to sign up for health insurance through Kentucky’s new online exchange. She had a painful lump on the back of her hand and other health problems that worried her deeply, she said, but had been unable to afford insurance as a home health care worker who earns $9 an hour.

    Within a minute, the system checked her information and flashed its conclusion on Ms. Cauley’s laptop: eligible for Medicaid.

    The woman began to weep with relief. Without insurance, she said as she left, “it’s cheaper to die.”


  31. rikyrah says:

    President Obama welcomes the Chicago Blackhawks to the White House to honor their 2013 Stanley Cup Championship. November 4, 2013.


  32. Liza says:

    For Mind & Body: Study Finds Mediterranean Diet Boosts Both
    by Allison Aubrey
    November 05, 2013

    For all of us nearing middle age, or slogging through it, yes, there is a benefit in eating a Mediterranean-style diet rich in fish, nuts, vegetables and fruit.

    A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine finds that women who followed this pattern of eating in their 50s were about 40 percent more likely to reach the later decades without developing chronic diseases and memory or physical problems, compared to women who didn’t eat as well.

    Researchers tracked the dietary habits and lifestyles of more than 10,000 women, beginning in late middle age. Every two years, the women filled out detailed surveys describing their diets.

    Over the next 15 years, researchers kept tabs on who among the women developed a whole host of chronic diseases including Parkinson’s, cancer, lung and pulmonary disease. The women were also given a battery of memory tests, and researchers also evaluated physical function, meaning the women’s abilities to move around and stay active.

    “This really suggests that a healthy diet can help improve multiple aspects of your health and your ability to function when you’re older,” says researcher Fran Grodstein of Harvard School of Public Health.

    Meir Stampfer, co-author of the new paper, says he was “surprised by the magnitude of the effects” in the study, given what we already know about the heart benefits of a Mediterranean style diet.

    Stampfer says this study adds to a growing body of evidence that all point to measurable benefits of eating a diet that is rich in plant-based food, low in saturated fats, meat and refined starch. He says he’s changed his own eating habits based on the weight of the evidence.

    “I’m eating more nuts, berries and fruit,” he says. As well as fewer potatoes, and less meat. “And I’m happier.”

    Yes, the evidence suggests that our diets really can help shape mood and overall well-being.

    Making The Shift

    Adopting a Mediterranean-style diet is not as difficult as you you might think. It’s not a complete diet overhaul.

    “Mediterranean cooking is simply a tweaking of basic cooking,” says Chef Michael Friedman, part-owner of the Red Hen, a hip, newish restaurant in Washington, D.C.

    Switching from butter to olive oil is the first step that any cook can make, Friedman says. After that, he says think about scaling up vegetables, even ones you normally overlook.


  33. Yahtc says:

    Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2013
    Voting cards delayed for some Marietta voters after redistricting

    MARIETTA, Ga. — Several hours before voters head to the polls, there were some major concerns in Marietta that voters will not know where to go.

    This is the first election since redistricting for municipal elections in Marietta.

    The concern is over cards telling voters whether they have a new polling location and where to vote. Channel 2 Action News learned the cards were mailed out late to Ward 5 voters because of an error by the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office.

    Ward 5 is Marietta’s only majority African American district and cuts through central and eastern Marietta.

    “The one ward that you have the mistake is the majority minority ward, that should have been a red flag to somebody,” said Deane Bonner, president of the Cobb County NAACP.

    “We are hoping that everyone has received their cards by now,” said Cobb County Elections Director Janine Eveler.

    She said her office noticed the error after the Secretary of State’s office sent the new polling location cards.

    “Ward 5 did have an error, that we asked for a re-print,” said Eveler.

    Eveler said after receiving the corrected cards, her office set them out on Oct. 25. Eveler suggested voters check the Georgia Secretary of State’s website before heading to the polls.

    “That’s the frightening part, people that don’t know and will not know until (election day),” said Bonner. “With the cutbacks with the postal service, there is no guarantee those people got their cards.”

    Several voters in Ward 5 contacted by Channel 2 Action News said they received their cards already. Others did not.

    “No, I did not,” said Benjamin Silva, who said he was a registered voter in Marietta.

    If voters don’t have their cards, and show up at the wrong polling location, they can fill a provisional ballot. Poll workers are also trained to direct voters to the correct polling location, Eveler said.


    • Yahtc says:

      Was this delay intentional?

      • Yahtc says:

        I ask this because the article says:

        </blockquoteThe concern is over cards telling voters whether they have a new polling location and where to vote. Channel 2 Action News learned the cards were mailed out late to Ward 5 voters because of an error by the Georgia Secretary of State’s Office.

        Ward 5 is Marietta’s only majority African American district and cuts through central and eastern Marietta.

        “The one ward that you have the mistake is the majority minority ward, that should have been a red flag to somebody,” said Deane Bonner, president of the Cobb County NAACP.

  34. White privilege is a hellava drug. Andy Card has the GALL to accuse PBO of not being truthful when GWB LIED about the Iraq War & thousands died.

  35. Today is where the rubber meets the road….Remember —->Chris Christie: “I’m Tired of You People”.

    I'm Tired of You People

  36. Yahtc says:

    I just found a news film archive with short clips at UG(Univ. of GA?). There are 117 film clips. Just click “more videos” as you arrive at the bottom of each page.

    Here is the link to the video page:


    Here is a sample news clip:

  37. Yahtc says:

    • Yahtc says:

      “Allensworth: California’s African American Community”


      This article provides a biography of Allen Allensworth and the story of the founding of the African American community. The complete article is VERY interesting.

      Here are just 2 excerpts:

      Although a small, dusty town where residents constantly battled heat and drought may seem an unlikely setting for a heroic effort at colony building and racial self-determination, this community of ‘race pioneers, with its commitment to limiting the parameters of prejudice, served as a beacon of hope to blacks in the Golden State and across the nation.

      The community, Allensworth, belied the notion of African-American inferiority and, in so doing, generated excitement, hope and confidence. As soon as our race gets property in the form of real estate, of intelligence, of high Christian character, it will find that it is going to receive the recognition which it has not thus far received, said Colonel Allen Allensworth, the community’s founder. This town and its founder deserve a kinder fate than relegation to a historical footnote.


      To spread these and other ideas, Allensworth embarked on a speaking tour to inspire and educate blacks. Presenting lectures entitled, the Five Manly Virtues Exemplified, the Battle of Life and How to Fight It, and Character and How to Read It, the colonel sought to encourage thrift, instill the value of education, and plot a strategy whereby the whole race might uplift itself. Allensworth’s ideas, however, were restricted to theoretical discussion on the lecture circuit, until he met William Payne, a gifted teacher and university graduate living in Pasadena, Calif.

      Although different in age and temperament, Payne and Allensworth were kindred souls in the struggle to improve their race. Payne, a graduate of Denison University and a West Virginia native, had spent his youth in Corning, Ohio. Before settling in Pasadena in 1906, he had been an assistant principal at the Rendsvile School and a professor at the West Virginia Colored Institute. Arriving in California, however, Payne soon discovered that if black teachers were rare, jobs for them were even rarer.

      Recognizing the need for unusual measures, Allensworth and Payne plotted the creation of an all-black community — a colony of orderly and industrious African Americans who could control their own destiny. The two men believed that in such a community, free of the debilitating effects and limits of racism, blacks could demonstrate that they were capable of organizing and managing their own affairs.

      The colony would prove to all Americans that black people were worthy of their rights and responsibilities as citizens, says Bry.

      The soldier and the scholar envisioned a black community that would make opportunities for African-Americans — opportunities being central to the philosophies of both men. They believed that the disappointing status of the race nearly half a century after emancipation was due to circumstance rather than color. Yet most of the country, then imbued with the wisdom of eugenics (the science of selective genetics), believed that blacks were intrinsically inferior and therefore incapable of contributing to the American nation of its road to greatness. White Californians, of course, held this same belief. Payne and Allensworth believed that given the opportunity, blacks could live up to their potential, and in the process, destroy that malicious fallacy. Their colony, they believed, would provide that very opportunity.

  38. Yahtc says:

    Oprah’s Yard Sale Raises $600,000 For Charity


  39. Yahtc says:

    In 1868 Iowa was the first state in the United States to officially integrate its public schools.

    A Father Fights For Equal Rights


    On September 12, 1867, 12-year-old Susan Clark was denied admission to Muscatine’s Second Ward Common School Number 2 because she was Black. Her father, Alexander Clark, a determined businessman of Muscatine, acted to resist racism and the segregation of Iowa’s schools. How did he do that?

    Alexander Clark was born in Pennsylvania in 1826. He was a good student and as a child learned the value of education. When he was 13 years old, Alexander went to live with an uncle in Cincinnati. There he learned to be a barber. In 1842 when he was just 16 he came to live in the town of Muscatine and set up a business as a barber. At this time Iowa was not yet a state. The area we now know as Iowa was part of a larger tract of land known as the Iowa Territory. As a businessman, Mr. Clark invested his money and became a property owner. His business grew as the young city of Muscatine developed.

    In 1848, Alexander Clark married Catherine Griffin of Iowa City. They believed schooling was important and wanted their children to receive the best education possible. But many Iowa towns had separate schools for Black students. Alexander and Catherine thought this was wrong. So in 1868, he retired from his barbering business and spent the rest of his life in public service. Much of his service involved resisting racism and segregation while fighting for equal rights.

    Alexander Clark became a leader in the equal rights movement in Iowa. Following the Civil War, he went with a group of people to Des Moines and talked with legislators about changing language in the Constitution of the State of Iowa. The group was successful, and in 1868 the word “white” was dropped from the Constitution, which meant that Black men could vote.

    Alexander and Catherine’s daughter Susan, attended the African Methodist Episcopal African School at this time. She was a good student, and when she was 12 years old Susan was ready for more advanced schooling. So Susan’s father decided she should go to the public schools to continue her education. However, Susan was denied admission to the Muscatine Public Schools because she was Black.

    Alexander Clark acted quickly. He filed suit against the school board. The case went to the Iowa Supreme Court, which ruled that the school board, “cannot deny a youth admission to any particular school, because of … color, nationality, religion or the like.” Susan along with her sister Rebecca and their brother Alexander Jr., went on to graduate from Muscatine High School.

    Alexander, Jr. continued his education and graduated from the University of Iowa Law School in 1880. His father, Alexander Clark decided to study law, as well. He graduated from the University of Iowa Law School in 1884, at the age of 58.

    For many years Alexander Clark had been active in politics fighting for equal rights. Now he spent more and more time working for the Republican Party. He became a highly respected member, and in 1890 President Benjamin Harrison appointed him Resident Minister and Consul General to Liberia. Mr. Clark traveled the long distance to Africa early in 1891. There he became ill with a fever and died.

    Alexander Clark is remembered for his work in helping to desegregate Iowa’s schools. Although not until 1874 were all of Iowa’s schools desegregated, Alexander Clark and his daughter, Susan, led the way for this very important change.

  40. Yahtc says:

    “George W. Watkins High School Class of ’63 donates African-American education history books to New Kent schools”



    NEW KENT – New Kent County students now have the county’s history of African-American education in their libraries.

    During the November 4 New Kent County School Board meeting, the George W. Watkins High School (GWHS) Class of 1963, represented by Katie Johnson, donated four copies of “Heritage of African Americans in NK, Volume 1, Early Education – Colored Schools,” written by Camilla Tramuel and Lavonne Allen, of Allen-N-Tramuel Books – one to each of the county’s schools: George W. Watkins Elementary, New Kent Elementary, New Kent Middle and New Kent High schools.

    “We donate these books to ensure that students and their families will become more aware of the county’s education of all of its citizens, and to better understand and appreciate the struggles, contributions, and accomplishments of African American citizens that have helped make this county what it is today,” Johnson said.

  41. Yahtc says:

    Good Morning…..wishing all of you a bright, sunny day!

    “He who bends to himself a joy
    Does the winged life destroy;
    But he who kisses the joy as it flies
    Lives in eternity’s SUNRISE.

    William Blake

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