Tuesday Open Thread| Slow Jams | Jamie Foxx

Jamie Foxx..Born Eric Morlon Bishop on December 13, 1967 in Terrell, Texas, people know him as the American actor, Jamie Foxx. To divorce with her husband, his mother Loise, let Foxx be adopted by her parents, Mark and Esther Talley, when he was still seven months old. Wanted to be able to play piano, Foxx got his first piano lessons at the age three at his grandmother’s insistence.

As he grew up, Foxx went to high school during which he played quarterback for his high school team and was good enough that he got press in Dallas newspapers. Went on to college he kept continuing to study music and attended Julliard to study classical piano, where got a music scholarship. After his graduation, Foxx spent his two years time from 1986 to 1988 studying at the United States International University which currently known as Alliant International University.

His love to music at last resulted in his first solo album “Peep This” released in 1994 before he in 1999 sang the theme song for his movie, “Any Given Sunday.” Music aside, Foxx who was so talented in telling jokes that his teacher at the second grade used him as a reward, had built his career up only by becoming a stand up comedian.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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52 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread| Slow Jams | Jamie Foxx

  1. rikyrah says:

    Roger Simon ✔ @politicoroger

    Christie’s “see no evil; hear no evil; my staff is evil, not me” defense. My column: http://politi.co/1hSziUQ
    1:01 PM – 14 Jan 2014

  2. rikyrah says:

    Issae Rae, Janelle Monae and more black women top Forbes’ ’30 Under 30 list’
    by Lilly Workneh | January 14, 2014 at 1:40 PM

    Forbes magazine recently released their annual ‘30 Under 30‘ list and among those recognized this year are several distinguished women of color.

    The list acknowledges around 30 individuals across 15 different categories who have done outstanding work in their respective fields, ranging in everything from business to technology, entertainment, education and sports.

    This year, African-American women have appeared in almost every category and have been recognized by the magazine as leaders in their fields.

    From successful celebrity entertainers to on-the-ground activists, black women dominated this year’s list of Forbes‘ ’30 Under 30.


  3. rikyrah says:

    Morning Plum: Obamacare derangement fades among Republicans (a bit)
    By Greg Sargent
    January 14 at 9:07 am

    The news that the demographic mix of Obamacare enrollees is not yet where the law’s proponents had hoped appears to have only reinforced the certainty in some quarters that the law’s epic collapse is underway. This, even though there are still two and a half months to go in the open enrollment period, and there are good reasons not to reach any broad conclusions just yet about the law’s long-term prospects.

    However, in one sense it’s a positive for there to be as much certainty as possible among Republicans about the law’s inevitable doom.

    Politico reports this morning that leading Republicans are leaning heavily against using the next debt limit fight to try to undermine the health law, having taken a beating in the last debt ceiling showdown. One of the reasons they are offering is that the law is imploding on its own:

    Louisiana Rep. John Fleming, one of the most conservative House Republicans and a champion of the fall defund movement, said “Obamacare is cratering itself” and acknowledged that there’s no way to change the health care law without cooperation with the White House.

    “I think our [debt ceiling] debate is going to be over more cutting” the budget, Fleming said. […]

    “I think I would be satisfied if we could deal some with the debt,” Texas Sen. John Cornyn, the second-ranking Senate Republican, said when asked whether the GOP should link Obamacare to the debt-limit debate. “I think the health care law is going to implode on its own.”

    There’s little reason to take seriously the threat to extract spending cuts for a debt ceiling hike, given that the last battle revealed GOP hostage demands to be untenable. But this still counts as progress of a sort. Conservatives like Ted Cruz continue to insist Republicans should use “every leverage point available” to destroy the law. But Republicans looking to avoid a rerun of last fall will push back by arguing that the law is spectacularly collapsing on its own, so why should they get in the way?

    Also, the certainty that Obamacare’s ongoing implosion will shower Republicans with political riches in the midterms could also theoretically make them less likely (despite the bluster about demanding cuts for a debt limit hike) to muck things up politically with a messy crisis situation, even one in which the hostage demand has nothing to do with Obamacare. (Republicans and Dems have already reached agreement on a spending bill that fleshes out the recent sequester replacement deal, underscoring the GOP desire to avoid another government shutdown.)


  4. Bill O’Reilly ranted about marijuana and texting. Hmmm… Was the shooter a Fox News O’Reilly watcher.


    I remember Bill O’Reilly calling Dr Tiller a baby killer repeatedly and soon afterwards a crazed sob kills Dr Tiller while he was at church.

  5. **********************
    Lord Have Mercy! The country has gone mad.

    Gun control now!

    • rikyrah says:

      why the fuck do you have a gun IN A MOVIE THEATER?

    • Ametia says:

      Lemme guess, that MOFO was exercising his 2nd amendment rights in the theater. no one can convince me that these men have a program chip in their brain to KILL.

    • Liza says:

      Welcome to Florida. If you don’t like what someone is doing or how they look or what they wear, then pick a fight and execute that person with your gun that you keep loaded and ready to fire. It’s called “stand your ground” and it’s the law.

      So the shooter here is a 71 year old retired cop. Maybe O’Mara and West will get another case after all.

  6. TyrenM says:

    Good Morning 3Chics,
    Foxx huh? Where’s the “Unpredictable” or “Love Changes?” etc. I’m cool, don’t need it at work anyway lol. Have a good day all.

    • Yahtc says:

      Those learning of the verdict are in shock. People are stunned, speechless, overwhelmed, and appalled over the verdict.

      WARNING: Very graphic video

      This horrific video is graphic and horrific to watch. I was shaken and I trembled when I watched it.

      Everyone needs to see this no matter how hard it is too watch IF we are going to advocate for people who have been brutalized.

      This video shows Kelly Thomas being beaten and tortured to death. You can hear him crying for his daddy.

    • Yahtc says:

      • I could hardly look at the photo. He looked like animals had attacked him. Jurors allowing murderers to walk free with no consequences. This injustice cannot stand.

      • Liza says:

        This is clearly a travesty that must be addressed by the Department of Justice. What is it going to take for this country to acknowledge its cop problem and demand reforms? It’s not just a few bad cops, it is a systemic problem based on the myths that almost all cops are basically good, they are just doing their jobs, sometimes things get rough because being a cop is a dirty job, and so forth. In fact, these myths just simply allow cops to kill and maim with impunity. These myths are so ingrained that juries are apparently immune to videos and irrefutable facts.

      • Ametia says:

        OH DEAR GOD

    • Yahtc says:

      How many more will die before I act and successfully stand up for those who have faced injustice and inequality?

      How long will our nation turn its head, as it has, in NOT acknowledging and repairing the damage of its heinous acts of the past…..the genocide of the Native Americans……the four hundred years of the killings and brutalization of African Americans…and more?

      When will we see such true brotherhood and community that we, as a nation, begin to lift up, carry, and rescue the brutalized, the marginalize, the mistreated, the impoverished,the victims of racial hatred…(there are so many)?

  7. rikyrah says:

    Roger Simon ✔ @politicoroger
    Letterman: “Bill DiBlasio eats pizza with a knife & fork. Who cares? Tubby over there in Newark shut down a damn bridge!”

    10:56 PM – 13 Jan 2014

  8. rikyrah says:

    Kennett Area Dems @KennettDems
    One Down 49 to Go: New Mexico Progressives Kick The Koch Brothers Out of Their State http://bit.ly/1m3At15

    3:05 AM – 14 Jan 2014

  9. rikyrah says:

    How Warren Is Saving the Left

    by BooMan
    Tue Jan 14th, 2014 at 09:06:04 AM EST

    It’s hard to build trust in government when Mitch McConnell is doing everything he can think of to make it so the federal government cannot function effectively. But, ultimately, the frozen gears in the Capitol are the Republicans’ fault, and the Democrats can’t do much about it. Surely, they can fight to make sure the blame is assigned correctly by the voters, but that alone will do nothing to restore faith in government. In fact, it will only hurt people’s opinion of government by making them more aware of the fact that it isn’t working.
    Enter Elizabeth Warren and Bill de Blasio. Noam Scheiber looks at both of them, makes some distinctions between them, and argues that Warren’s version of left-wing populism is a better fit for a period of widespread skepticism about government.

    The reason is that it plays directly to the source of today’s anti-government skepticism. While trust in government has been steadily falling since hitting a decades-long peak after 9/11, voters’ particular beef against government changed in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. Around that time, a variety of indicators suggested that voters’ suspicions were tied to the relationship between the government and powerful interests, whom voters believed were lavishing benefits on themselves at taxpayer expense. Pew found a sharp bipartisan drop in the number of voters who felt “government is really run for the benefit of all the people” beginning in 2009. Gallup found a spike in the number of people dissatisfied with “size and influence of major corporations.” It turns out that many of the voters who’d lost faith in government weren’t anti-government per se. They’d simply concluded it was working for the powerful and not for them.


  10. rikyrah says:

    Court scuttles Arizona abortion restrictions
    01/13/14 02:30 PM
    By Steve Benen

    Last April, Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer (R) signed a measure into law banning most abortions in the state after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Soon after, the 20-week standard became the new expectation for opponent of abortion rights in Republican-led states everywhere – and court fights soon followed.

    The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously that the state law is unconstitutional, and the Brewer administration took the case to the U.S. Supreme Court. As Irin Carmon explained, the justices declined to hear the case.

    That’s good news for pro-choice advocates, who had successfully argued at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that the law violated the standard set by Roe v. Wade by banning abortion well before viability. Attorneys for abortion providers had told the court the appeals court decision “faithfully follows this Court’s precedents, is in conflict with the decision of no other court, and thus merits no further review.” They added, “Two generations of American women and families have come of age, depending on constitutional protection for their reproductive decisions.”

    The Court’s choice to let that decision stand means that Arizona’s ban, which drew the line two weeks earlier than other states with such bans did, won’t be enforced, nor will a similar one in Idaho, which also falls in the Ninth Circuit.

    It’s worth noting, of course, that the Supreme Court not hearing a case is not the same thing as ruling on the merits. But in a situation like this, there are practical implications – 20-week bans in Arizona and Idaho are no more.


  11. rikyrah says:

    The Rachel Maddow Show / Health
    ACA enrollment reaches 2.2 million
    01/13/14 04:59 PM
    By Steve Benen

    We had a pretty good sense of ACA enrollment numbers shortly before New Year’s, but the Obama administration fleshed out the details in a new report (pdf) this afternoon. The topline looks pretty good for the law’s proponents, though the data is not without caveats.

    Nearly 2.2 million people have selected plans from the state and federal marketplaces by Dec. 28, 2013 (the end of third reporting period for open enrollment), Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced today.

    A new HHS report provides the first demographic information about enrollees. December alone accounted for nearly 1.8 million enrollees in state and federal marketplaces. Enrollment in the federal Marketplace in December was seven-fold greater than the combined total for October and November – and eight-fold greater for young adults ages 18 to 34.

    Remember, this only refers to consumers who signed up for coverage through exchange marketplaces, and doesn’t include another 3.8 million Americans who took advantage of Medicaid expansion or became insured through other “Obamacare” provisions.

    Also note, the White House assumed all along that enrollment would escalate quickly as Jan. 1 approached – and once healthcare.gov functionality was on track – which is precisely what happened.


  12. rikyrah says:

    About the Relationship Between African and African Americans
    January 10, 2014 | Luvvie

    Last night, @MisstoyaJ sent me a couple of tweets asking me to address the meaning of the word “akata” by Nigerians and other Africans because they had seen it on Twitter. It felt cheap to just talk about the word without talking about the larger dynamic behind it. This led to an hour-long rant from me about the pain between both groups. Below is the Storify.

    If you can’t view the tweets below, check them out on Storify.


    This wasn’t a fully-formed rant that touched on all the nuances, but yeah. And I did use “Africans” in a sweeping way, because I wasn’t just talking about Nigerians or Ghanaians.

    But it’s a conversation we need to have more often.



  13. rikyrah says:

    Pot calls the kettle ‘partisan’
    01/14/14 08:00 AM
    By Steve Benen

    In politics, when officials are caught doing something wrong, it’s only natural to wonder whether they’ve engaged in similar misconduct before. Were the misdeeds the exception or the rule? Is there a pattern of transgressions or a lone incident?

    When it comes to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) bridge scandal, it’s clear the governor wants the public to believe that the misconduct was a rare lapse, completely at odds with the above-board way in which the governor’s team generally operates.

    The problem, of course, is that Fort Lee wasn’t the only community targeted for political retribution. Yesterday, Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop (D) produced emails documenting what happened after he failed to endorse Christie’s re-election campaign. As Rachel explained on the show last night, the governor’s team, led by none other than Bridget Kelly, arranged a series of meetings for Fulop to meet with department heads and state agencies to discuss his community’s needs: “The state commissioner of transportation, the state treasurer, the guy who’s heading up post-Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts for the whole state, the commissioner who handles all local government issues, the head of the economic development authority for the whole state. They’re all going to come to Jersey City to meet with the new mayor.”

    That is, right up until the Democratic mayor says he’s not going to endorse the Republican governor’s campaign. Within an hour, agency heads cancel their meetings with Fulop without explanation. Within a few days, literally all of the meetings between Jersey City’s mayor and the state officials – discussions that had been months in the making, dealing with departments in state government that had nothing to do with the campaign – were off.

    Christie aides would later boast that they were maintaining “radio silence,” ignoring the mayor’s request for information, treating him the way they treated Fort Lee’s mayor after the governor’s office imposed crippling traffic that paralyzed the community.

    It’s simply implausible to think the non-endorsement and the silent treatment are unrelated. Yesterday, however, a Christie spokesperson responded to the story.


  14. rikyrah says:

    Bipartisan spending bill comes together
    01/14/14 08:46 AM—Updated 01/14/14 08:47 AM
    By Steve Benen

    About a month ago, in a minor miracle, budget negotiators from the Republican-led House and Democratic-led Senate reached a budget agreement, which actually passed Congress. But the budget is only a blueprint – the next task for congressional lawmakers dealt with specific appropriations bills, which are more complicated.

    Indeed, in recent weeks, a complex task was made even more challenging by policy “riders” sought by far-right lawmakers, covering everything from abortion to the environment to campaign finance. If a deal failed to come together, Congress ran the risk of – you guessed it – shutting down the government again.

    But last night, negotiators reached another compromise.

    Appropriators achieved Monday what seemed like an impossible task, crafting an omnibus spending bill that includes even the most contentious of the 12 subcommittee measures…. The top-line total of $1.012 trillion was set by the earlier budgetary agreement between House Budget Chairman Paul D. Ryan, R-Wis., and Senate counterpart Patty Murray, D-Wash.

    “The Omnibus will fulfill the basic duty of Congress; it provides funding for every aspect of the federal government, from our national defense, to our transportation systems, to the education of our kids,” [House Appropriations Committee Chairman Harold Rogers] said in his own statement. […]

    The agreement is being carried on a legislative vehicle that will allow for expedited consideration on both sides of the Rotunda. Most notably, only one debate-limiting cloture vote could be required to overcome procedural delays in the Senate. Since the measure’s expected to reach the House floor Wednesday, the timing is right to get the measure to President Barack Obama’s desk by week’s end


  15. rikyrah says:


    A Tale of Two Peens: The Man Who Has Twice the Fun

    [ 54 ] January 2, 2014 | Luvvie

    In case you don’t know, the real Den of Iniquity online is Reddit. And for once, I am thankful because it is through that site that we now know that it’s possible for a man to have two penises. MMHMM. In real life.

    A guy with the screename of “DoubleDickDude” did a Reddit AMA (Ask me anything) session where he answered all types of questions about his duo sticks. I read the entire thread it’s so important for me to know the logistics of this. Because science. And nosiness. And intrigue.

    This condition he has is called Diphallia and it affects 1 in 5.5 million men in the U.S. It’s not genetic. It just happens. “Maybe he’s born with it. MAYBE IT’S DOUBLE PEEN!”

    It’s like God asked himself the question of “Should I have given them two penises? Eh. Lemme test it out and see what it’d be like” and he copied and pasted it on this dude.


  16. rikyrah says:

    Dr. Elmira Mangum Selected to Become FAMU’s 11th President

    The Florida A&M University (FAMU) Board of Trustees has selected Dr. Elmira Mangum, 60, to serve as the institution’s 11th president. Upon confirmation by the Board of Governors, Mangum will make history as the first woman in FAMU’ s 126-year legacy to be installed as a permanent president.

    “Dr. Mangum brings to FAMU the experience, expertise and energy needed to lead the university into the next phase of its great legacy,” said Trustee Karl White, chair of the presidential search committee. “She emerged from a noteworthy pool of applicants as the candidate who the Board believes is the best fit for this pivotal season in the university’s history.”

    Since 2010, Mangum served as vice president for planning and budget at Cornell University, an Ivy League research institution. While at Cornell, Mangum was the senior administrator charged with managing the university’s resources and annual budgeting process. She has been credited with helping the university overcome a structural deficit that impacted the university after the economic downturn.

    “I would like to thank the members of the Board of Trustees, the faculty, the students, the staff, the alumni association and the community for the faith expressed in me through this recommendation. It is an honor to be recommended from among such an accomplished field of candidates,” Mangum said.

    For more than 28 years, she has served as an executive at nationally recognized institutions of higher learning, including a stint as senior associate provost at the University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill, vice provost at the University of Buffalo and operations specialist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Mangum also has held faculty appointments at Cornell’s Johnson School of Management, the UNC Chapel Hill School of Government and the UB Graduate School of Education.

    Mangum was a member of the inaugural class of the Millennium Leadership Institute, attended the Harvard Graduate School of Education Management Development Program and Cornell’s Administrative Management Institute.

    She is also a member of the HERS Board of Directors, the NCCU Creating the Vision Board of Directors, the Board of Directors of the Network for Change and Continuous Improvement (NCCI) and was a university chair of the American Association of University Women. She is a life member of the National Council of Negro Women and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

    “The Board of Trustees would like to express its appreciation to everyone who invested their time and effort into selecting our 11th president,” said Board Chairman Solomon Badger. “I’d like to express special gratitude to our trustees, presidential search committee and the entire FAMU community for their hard work and support during this process.”


  17. rikyrah says:

    Texting leads to Tampa theater shooting; retired cop charged

    man and his wife were shot at a Wesley Chapel movie theater after an apparent argument over texting Monday afternoon.

    Chad Oulson, one of the victims, lost his life as a result of the incident, and his wife, Nicole is at a local hospital after being shot in the hand, Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco updated Monday evening.

    Sheriff Nocco also identified the shooting suspect as 71-year-old Curtis Reeves, a retired Tampa Police Officer.

    It happened at Cobb Theater’s Grove 16 & CineBistro on Monday afternoon. The Pasco County Sheriff’s Office says two couples were sitting in front of each other, getting ready to watch the movie Lone Survivor.

    According to Nocco, Reeves and his wife were sitting behind Chad and Nicole Oulson, when Reeves became agitated with Chad for being on his phone and texting before the movie began.

    An argument broke out between the couples, and reports say Reeves then took out a gun and shot Oulson and his wife.


  18. rikyrah says:

    California police officers found NOT GUILTY of murdering a homeless man by piling on top of him while he screamed for air

    Manuel Ramos was acquitted of second degree murder and involuntary manslaughter

    Jay Cicinelli was acquitted of involuntary manslaughter and excessive use of force
    Ramos became the first Orange County officer ever charged with murder while on duty
    37-year-old homeless schizophrenic Kelly Thomas died five days after the brutal 2011 confrontation

    By Associated Press

    PUBLISHED: 19:58 EST, 13 January 2014 | UPDATED: 04:25 EST, 14 January 2014

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2538966/California-police-officers-NOT-GUILTY-murdering-homeless-man-piling-screamed-air.html#ixzz2qNg2qRfe
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

  19. rikyrah says:

    James Earl Jones To Cameo on ‘The Big Bang Theory’

    James Earl Jones is set to make a guest appearance on TV’s No. 1 comedy.

    The actor and his “Star Wars” co-star Carrie Fisher will both cameo as themselves in an upcoming episode of “The Big Bang Theory,” reports TVLIne.com.

    The pair — who played Darth Vader and played Princess Leia in “Star Wars,” respectively — will cross paths with Sheldon (Jim Parsons).


  20. rikyrah says:

    She better get hip, and quick that her azz better get a good lawyer. She is being hung out to dry. The kind of dry that makes you unemployable, or sends your azz to JAIL. IF she is delusional and thinks that Gov. Krispy Kreme is looking out for her……….
    Bytch, WAKE UP

    She’s got FOUR CHILDREN and her azz is doing anything BUT what will keep her WITH THEM.

    Bytch, WAKE UP


    Aide Fired by Christie Is Called Loyal Team Player, Not Rogue Operative
    January 13, 2014

    Bridget Anne Kelly is devastated that Gov. Chris Christie denounced her as stupid and a liar — but she also is distraught over how much her actions have damaged him politically.

    Unheard of a week ago, now a caricature of a political attack dog, Ms. Kelly, the deputy chief of staff to Mr. Christie who was fired for her role in the retaliatory lane closings at the George Washington Bridge, has described her ouster and vilification as surreal, like an “out-of-body experience,” according to her close friends.

    The experience has been so traumatic, they said, that Ms. Kelly fled her Bergen County, N.J., home, leaving behind her four children, as reporters continued staking out the residence and that of her parents. And with more subpoenas expected this week, the next time Ms. Kelly appears in public could well be under oath.


  21. vitaminlover says:

    Good morning, rikyrah and everyone. Off to work I go!

  22. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

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