Monday Open Thread | 3Chics Dance Series

Major Lance-The Monkey is a novelty dance, most popular in 1963. The dance was popularized by two R&B records: Major Lance‘s “The Monkey Time“, and The Miracles‘ “Mickey’s Monkey” both Top 10 Pop hits released during the summer of 1963.

The monkey is often referenced on the animated series Johnny Bravo (in every theme song in addition to many times in the actual show), although it may be a completely different dance. The tv series The Simpsons also referenced the dance at least twice (in seasons 4 and 8).[1] The thrash metal band Exodus reference the dance in their song “The Toxic Waltz” (from Fabulous Disaster) with the lyric “Used to do the monkey, but now it’s not cool”.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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55 Responses to Monday Open Thread | 3Chics Dance Series

  1. rikyrah says:

    Delusions of Failure

    FEB. 2, 2014

    The Republican response to the State of the Union was delivered by Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Republican representative from Washington — and it was remarkable for its lack of content. A bit of uplifting personal biography, a check list of good things her party wants to happen with no hint of how it plans to make them happen.

    The closest she came to substance was when she described a constituent, “Bette in Spokane,” who supposedly faced a $700-a-month premium hike after her policy was canceled. “This law is not working,” intoned Ms. McMorris Rodgers. And right there we see a perfect illustration of just how Republicans are trying to deceive voters — and are, in the process, deceiving themselves.

    I’ll get back to “Bette in Spokane” in a minute, but first, is Obamacare “not working”?

    Everyone knows about the disastrous rollout, but that was months ago. Since then, health reform has been steadily making up lost ground. At this point enrollments in the health exchanges are only about a million below Congressional Budget Office projections, and rising faster than projected. So a best guess is that by the time 2014 enrollment closes on March 31, there will be more than six million Americans signed up through the exchanges, versus seven million projected. Sign-ups might even meet the projection.

    But isn’t Obamacare in a “death spiral,” in which only the old and sick are signing up, so that premiums will soon soar? Not according to the people who should know — the insurance companies. True, one company, Humana, says that the risk pool is worse than it expected. But others, including WellPoint and Aetna, are optimistic (which isn’t a contradiction: different companies could be having different experiences). And the Kaiser Family Foundation, which has run the numbers, finds that even a bad risk pool would have only a minor effect on premiums.

    Now, some, perhaps many, of those signing up on the exchanges aren’t newly insured; they’re replacing their existing policies, either voluntarily or because those policies didn’t meet the law’s standards. But those standards are there for a reason — the same reason health insurance is now mandatory. Health reform won’t work if people go uninsured, then sign up when they get sick. It also can’t work if currently healthy people only buy fig-leaf insurance, which offers hardly any coverage.

    And what this means, in turn, is that while we don’t know yet how many people will be newly insured under reform, we do know that even those who already had insurance are, on average, getting much better insurance. Since the goal of health reform was to make Americans more secure — to reduce their risk of being unable to afford needed health care, or of facing financial ruin if they get sick — the law is doing its job.

    Which brings me back to Bette in Spokane.

    Bette’s tale had policy wonks scratching their heads; it was hard to see, given what we know about premiums and how the health law works, how anyone could face that large a rate increase. Sure enough, when a local newspaper, The Spokesman-Review, contacted Bette Grenier, it discovered that the real story was very different from the image Ms. McMorris Rodgers conveyed. First of all, she was comparing her previous policy with one of the pricier alternatives her insurance company was offering — and she refused to look for cheaper alternatives on the Washington insurance exchange, declaring, “I wouldn’t go on that Obama website.”

    Even more important, all Ms. Grenier and her husband had before was a minimalist insurance plan, with a $10,000 deductible, offering very little financial protection. So yes, the new law requires that they spend more, but they would get far better coverage in return.

    So was this the best story Ms. McMorris Rodgers could come up with? The answer, probably, is yes, since just about every tale of health reform horror the G.O.P. has tried to peddle has similarly fallen apart once the details were revealed. The truth is that the campaign against Obamacare relies on misleading stories at best, and often on outright deceit.

    Who pays the price for this deceit? In many cases, American families. Although health care enrollment is actually going pretty well at this point, thousands and maybe millions of Americans have failed to sign up for coverage because they believe the false horror stories they keep hearing.

    But conservative politicians aren’t just deceiving their constituents; they’re also deceiving themselves. Right now, Republican political strategy seems to be to stall on every issue, and reap the rewards from Obamacare’s inevitable collapse. Well, Obamacare isn’t collapsing — it’s recovering pretty well from a terrible start. And by the time that reality sinks in on the right, health reform will be irreversible.

  2. Ametia says:

    Governor Christie’s former deputy chief of staff, Bridget Kelly, will not turn over documents in response to a legislative subpoena, her lawyer said Monday, making her the second person to invoke constitutional protections against self-incrimination.

    The information demanded by a legislative committee about the George Washington Bridge lane closures “directly overlaps with a parallel federal grand jury investigation,” a letter from attorney Michael Critchley, Sr. to the committee’s special counsel states. The letter, obtained by The Record, also cites her right to privacy.

    “Moreover, providing the Committee with unfettered access to, among other things, Ms. Kelly’s personal diaries, calendars and all of her electronic devices amounts to an inappropriate and unlimited invasion of Ms. Kelly’s personal privacy and would also potentially reveal highly personal confidential communications completely unrelated to the reassignment of access lanes to the George Washignton Bridge,” Critchley wrote.

    Already released records show that Kelly sent an e-mail to a Port Authority executive weeks before the lane closures: “Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee,” it said. Christie fired Kelly last month after the e-mail surfaced. He also cut ties with his former campaign manager, Bill Stepien, whose attorney last week also declined to produce the documents requested by a subpoena.

    Read more:

  3. rikyrah says:

    Outsiders, Not Auto Plant, Battle U.A.W. in Tennessee
    JAN. 28, 2014

    HATTANOOGA, Tenn. — At the Volkswagen plant nestled in Tennessee’s rolling hills, a unionization drive has drawn national attention as business groups worry about organized labor’s efforts to gain its first foothold at a foreign-owned automobile plant in the South. In a region known as anti-union, many view VW’s response as unusual, if not topsy-turvy.

    Unlike most companies that confront unionization efforts, Volkswagen — facing a drive by the United Automobile Workers — has not mounted a vigorous campaign to beat back the union; instead VW officials have hinted they might even prefer having a union. And while unions that seek to organize factories often complain that the playing field is tilted because they do not have access to workers in the plant, here the union opponents are the ones protesting what they say is an uneven field.

    The anti-U.A.W. forces are making themselves heard, warning that if the U.A.W. succeeds here, that will lend momentum to unionize two other prestigious German-owned plants: the Mercedes-Benz plant in Alabama and the BMW plant in South Carolina.

  4. rikyrah says:

    A comment from from veteran NJ-Port-Authority-watcher Scott Raab at Esquire:

    … From the moment Chris Christie
    spent his 2-hour press conference feeling sad and betrayed by the same people he empowered and relied on, one overarching truth was made plain:
    For Christie to survive his second term as Governor, many people — all with careers, families, and dreams of their own — would have to fall on their own swords. Such people may, in theory, exist. None of ‘em worked for Chris Christie.

  5. rikyrah says:

    22-year-old Tulane student wins seat in Mississippi Legislature

    [….] Anderson, a Democrat, turned 22 when he was sworn in on Dec. 6, making him the youngest member of the state Legislature and an immediate stand-out in a profession known for valuing seniority and having wait-your-turn rules of operation. But Anderson, a native of Moss Point, Miss., didn’t wait for permission to seek elected office and bested a field of five candidates in the race, including the current mayor of Moss Point who garnered backing from local Democratic leaders.[….]

    “In the beginning, I considered running for a local position when I
    first started to look at getting into politics,” Anderson said. “But
    then, after having a conversation with my uncle, I started to look at
    something a little higher in terms of state politics where so many
    decisions are made that affect local issues.” Anderson said his interest in public service began in high school and stems from various community service endeavors that caused him to explore the impact of city and state laws.

    “I started two nonprofit foundations that I am very proud of,”
    Anderson said. “The Purple Knights of America is a mentoring program for young men ages 11 to 18 and the Real South United Soccer Club provides exercise, athletic opportunities and camaraderie for folks in our area.”[….] Anderson is filling the unexpired term of a representative who vacated his seat in the state Legislature and is up for reelection in 2015.[….]

  6. rikyrah says:

    DALAYYYY @TheToast2013

    Hillary’s “Black Americans Program” sounds like she’s going to trot out the same ol’ race hustlers (Tavis Smiley) & we’ll fall in line.

  7. rikyrah says:

    This is one crazy ass ad:

    During the first local commercial break of last night’s Super Bowl broadcast, residents of Savannah, Ga., were treated to something truly incredible. Personal injury lawyer Jamie Casino bought the entire two-minute block of local advertising and aired the masterpiece you see above.

  8. rikyrah says:

    Zeal Harris painted an interesting portrait of the Obamas titled simply “First Family” It’s oil (mostly) on panel and is 30 inches in diameter.

  9. Yahtc says:

    Right now I am focusing on this White Privilege:

    I can be pretty much assured that when reading about a White criminal in a newspaper that his/her race will not be identified.

    Can you imagine the effect on the reader of newspapers, if articles ALWAYS said something like

    “A White has committed a crime

    What would people be thinking today, if for the last hundred years, newspapers had simply posted the names of Black criminals WITHOUT reference to their skin color….but then had ALWAYS posted the names of White criminals and HAD identified that they were WHITE??

  10. rikyrah says:

    People Who Hate Obamacare Would Hate the Republican Alternative Even More


    By now, you may have heard about a new Republican health care plan—and how great it is. The proposal, which its authors call the “Patient CARE Act,” would hollow out the Obamacare infrastructure and replace it with a system more to conservative liking. There would be less government spending, lower taxes, fewer regulations—and yet, the sponsors promise, it would achieve roughly equal results when it comes to expanding insurance coverage.

    Conservatives are thrilled—not just because the proposal is a serious attempt to address the problem of unaffordable health care, but also because, in theory, it demonstrates the superiority of conservative approaches to health care. “One of the great liberal conceits of the age is that to extend insurance coverage to the uninsured and make sure the sick do not fall through the cracks requires the centralized political management of the health sector,” says a triumphalist editorial in National Review. “The great service that Senators Coburn, Hatch, and Burr have performed is to explode that myth.”

    Sound too good to be true? That’s because it is.

    Give those three Republican senators credit for proposing to replace Obamacare, rather than simply calling for repeal. And give them credit for putting together a real set of initiatives, rather than a flimsy set of slogans. The proposal includes a series of concrete, sometimes interesting changes to the status quo—among other things, wiping away Obamacare’s regulations on what insurance must provide; reducing the tax break for employer-sponsored insurance; undoing the expansion of Medicaid; and providing tax credits to help lower- and some middle-income people buy private insurance. (For more details, I highly recommend the write-ups by blogger/Duke Professor Don Taylor and Wonkblog’s Sarah Kliff.)

  11. rikyrah says:

    Morning Plum: GOP may kill immigration reform because #OBUMMER
    By Greg Sargent
    February 3 at 9:18 am

    After House GOP leaders rolled out their immigration principles last week, many Republicans struck back, arguing embracing reform now is folly because, well, #OBUMMER and #OBUMMER. They said acting now could trample on gains Republicans will enjoy from Obamacare’s certain collapse and that the President can’t be trusted to honor any immigration deal.

    Paul Ryan’s interview on ABC yesterday offers a clue on how GOP leaders will try to navigate around these objections. And in the process it neatly illustrates the central unknowns about House Republican thinking on the issue, the resolution of which will decide whether reform happens or dies. Here’s the key quote:

    “Here’s the issue that all Republicans agree on — we don’t trust the president to enforce the law. So if you actually look at the standards that the Republican leadership put out, which is security first, first we have to secure the border, have interior enforcement, which is a worker verification system, a visa tracking program. Those things have to be in law, in practice and independently verified before the rest of the law can occur. So it’s a security force first, non-amnesty approach.

    Asked if Republicans could embrace reform Obama could sign, Ryan said: “That is clearly in doubt. It depends on whether they’re willing to actually secure the border.”

  12. rikyrah says:

    Setting the stage for a net-neutrality fight

    02/03/14 01:04 PM
    By Steve Benen

    During a Google+ “hangout” last week, a voter in Arizona asked President Obama if he supports net neutrality. Obama said the policy is “something that I’ve cared deeply about ever since I ran for office” and he continues to be “a strong supporter of net neutrality.”

    As for the recent federal appeals court ruling against the policy, the president added that FCC Chairman Ted Wheeler, who also supports net neutrality, and his team are “looking at all the options at their disposal – potential appeals, potential rule making, a variety of tools that they may have in order to continue to vindicate the notion of a free and open Internet.”

    The president probably shouldn’t expect congressional support in this area. Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), a long-time opponent of net neutrality and the co-chair of the Congressional Internet Caucus, spoke at the annual State of the Net policy conference and called for fewer consumer safeguards.

    “I wish more government officials shared my optimism about how successful the Internet is about facilitating individual economic empowerment,” he told the conference, which was hosted by the nonprofit Internet Education Foundation.

    “There are exceptions of course, but far too often, when you hear someone say, ‘We need regulations to protect the Internet,’ what they’re actually saying is they don’t really trust the entrepreneurs and Internet technologists to create the economic growth and to increase public welfare.” […]

    The remarks from GOP lawmakers seemed to be a direct challenge to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler, who spoke at the event earlier in the morning. Wheeler made the case for government action to ensure equal treatment of content online as well as oversight of the ways that networks connect to each other on the Internet, known as peering

    It would seem from his comments that Thune may not fully understand what net neutrality is.

    There are, to be sure, experts who can speak to the details with more authority than I can, but the general thrust of the policy is about making online content equally accessible to users, regardless of service providers.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Ready For Hillary Launches ‘Black Americans Program’

    Ready For Hillary, the super PAC dedicated to supporting a potential presidential bid by Hillary Clinton, announced on Monday the launch of a “Black Americans program.”

    A statement released by the group said the program will “build upon many of the successful strategies implemented during the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns including organizing with barbershops and beauty salons, small businesses, DJs, nightclub promoters, and civic organizations.”

  14. Seizing Justice: The Greensboro 4

    Witness the story of four young men who stood up to racism and social injustice by taking a seat. This is the story of the Greensboro Four

  15. rikyrah says:

    Greg Sargent ✔ @ThePlumLineGS
    So @hillaryclinton waited until it was 100% safe before taking stand against Iran sanctions bill:,0,6976471.story#axzz2sHCIP4ES

    9:21 AM – 3 Feb 2014

  16. rikyrah says:

    White Cop Fired After Hacking Off Woman’s Weave

    The incident was caught on tape at a suburban Detroit police department on Nov. 13.
    Posted: Feb. 2 2014 1:12 PM

    A white police officer from suburban Detroit is out of a job after she was caught on tape violently hacking off a young hairdresser’s weave during an arrest in November,the Daily News reports.

    Bernadette Najor was fired from the Warren Police Department in Warren, Mich., after the incident, the News says. Najor reportedly had a history of disciplinary problems, including a 2010 suspension for lying to her superiors, WXYZ-TV reports.

  17. rikyrah says:

    Which Black Man Told Jefferson He Was Racist?

    100 Amazing Facts About the Negro: Many schools bear his name, but his legacy is poorly understood.

    By: Henry Louis Gates Jr.
    Posted: Jan. 13 2014 1:00 AM

    Last year, we saw place and history meet in Washington, D.C., at the second inaugural of President Obama and, seven months later, during the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. In these opening days of 2014, we return to the nation’s capital by journeying further back in time—so far back that when Benjamin Banneker arrived there with surveyor’s tools in 1791, it wasn’t a city at all, let alone the seat of a government where future generations would give voice to their dreams. Back then, those low lands along the tidewater must have appeared unspoiled through Banneker’s lens. But through what lens did white Americans see Banneker? Frankly, for any apologist for slavery, the idea that a black man, even a prodigy, could do the work Banneker was tasked to do was a virtual impossibility. Surely he must be a hoax.

    “Benjamin Banneker, a Negro astronomer, made the first clock made in America in 1754,” Joel Rogers reported in his book, One Hundred Amazing Facts About the Negro (1934). Perhaps you’ve heard this one, too. Given the old adage about broken clocks, however (you know, even they are right twice a day), I thought it was worth investigating, especially because Banneker’s white contemporaries, including the great sage of Monticello, Thomas Jefferson, had stakes in either denying or confirming his talents. While Banneker didn’t exactly “clock” Jefferson the way, say, the Sidney Poitier character of In the Heat of the Night might have—with an open-handed slap—he did write a letter admonishing the author of the Declaration of Independence for the racist gap that existed between his democratic ideals and the pseudoscientific claims he had made about the supposed “natural” inferiority of black people. With it, Banneker enclosed a copy of the scientific book he had written, containing quite accurate predictions about the future: the first black almanac.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Oh….she’s so ‘speshul’.


    I’m Young, African American, Female and … Republican!
    Your Take: I didn’t become a black Republican—I’ve always been one.
    By: Chelsi P. Henry
    Posted: Feb. 3 2014 4:08 AM

    I’m often asked, “When did you become a Republican?” And my answer is the same every time: “I’ve always been one!”

    My mother gave birth to me when she was 16 years old, and we received government assistance during the first few years of my life. When I was growing up, she taught me the importance of making a budget and living by it. In our home I learned the importance of having a plan and delaying gratification for the things I wanted or thought I deserved. It meant generic brands instead of name brands and buying what I needed, rather than what I may have wanted. It meant living more conservatively.

    Although she had me at a young age and knew there would be struggles ahead, my mother chose life. For that I am forever grateful to her.

    Given my background, I may be what some would view as an unlikely Republican. But I firmly believe in the ability of conservative principles and values to empower people to live better lives.

    • Ametia says:

      No one is begruding her claim as a Republican. What I take issue with is the party’s embrace of the EXTREMIST, RACISTS, WANNA GET IN MY VAGINA SHENANIGANS.

  19. Ametia says:

    WSJ: Christie ally prepped official before bridge testimony

    TRENTON, N.J., Feb. 3 (UPI) — A lawyer tied to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie prepped an official who lied George Washington Bridge lane closures were for a traffic study, an official said.
    Philip Kwon, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey’s deputy general counsel, spent parts of four to five days helping Bill Baroni prepare for testimony before a New Jersey legislative committee Nov. 25, the official told the Wall Street Journal

    Read more:

  20. rikyrah says:

    O’Reilly vs. Obama
    02/03/14 08:52 AM
    By Steve Benen

    President Obama doesn’t sit down for many cable-news interviews, so Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly was the beneficiary of a rare opportunity: a one-on-one White House interview with the president to be aired shortly before the Super Bowl. If mainstream viewers tuned in, hoping to see Obama’s answers on the major issues of the day, they were probably disappointed.

    Literally a few seconds into the interview, O’Reilly told the president, “I want to get some things on the record.” And so he did – over the course of 10 minutes, O’Reilly, in this order, pushed for Kathleen Sebelius’ ouster, talked up the 2012 attack in Benghazi, spent on the non-existent IRS controversy, and read a question from a viewer: “Mr. President, why do you feel it’s necessary to fundamentally transform the nation that has afforded you so much opportunity and success?”

    And then the host asked for a Super Bowl prediction.

    This, however, was the part that stood out most, at least for me.

    O’REILLY: I’ve got to get to the IRS –

    OBAMA: Yes.

    O’REILLY: – because I don’t know what happened there and I’m hoping maybe you can tell us. Douglas Shulman, former IRS chief, he was cleared into the White House 157 times, more than any of your cabinet members, more than any other IRS guy in the history, by far. OK, why was Douglas Shulman here 157 times? Why?

    This is what happens when someone gets stuck in an impenetrable bubble.

    The IRS story came and went quite a while ago, so let’s take a quick stroll down memory lane for those who may not remember why the question was so misguided.

    On May 30, 2013, O’Reilly told his viewers that there may be a “smoking gun” in the IRS controversy: former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman, the host said, visited the White House 157 times between 2009 and 2012. This proved … something nefarious. O’Reilly didn’t say what, exactly, the problem was, but the statistic was supposed to damning of evidence of something.

    A day later, The Atlantic’s Garance Franke-Ruta discovered that the “smoking gun” was shooting blanks: Shulman had been cleared for a series of routine White House gatherings, but only attended 11 events over the course of four years. The “157 times” story wasn’t all that interesting on its own, and upon closer inspection, it wasn’t true, either.

    And at the time, it seemed like a mild embarrassment for O’Reilly, but these things happen. He reported a claim on May 30, which was debunked on May 31, which meant the Fox News host would have to simply move on to something else.

    Except, he didn’t. Even after the “157 times” story had been discredited, O’Reilly kept repeating it, over and over again, apparently unaware of the fact that it’s wrong.

  21. rikyrah says:

    Paul Ryan perceives ‘lawless presidency’
    02/03/14 09:39 AM
    By Steve Benen

    When congressional Republicans began pushing back last week against President Obama’s use of executive orders, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) helped lead the charge. The Wisconsin Republican, who’s memory has often been suspect, apparently forgot what an executive order even is, complaining that Obama is trying to “write laws.”

    Ryan took this even further yesterday on one of the Sunday shows.

    “It’s not the number of executive orders, it’s the scope of the executive orders. It’s the fact that he’s actually contradicting law, like in the health care case [when Obama delayed provisions of the Affordable Care Act], or proposing new laws without going through Congress, George, that’s the issue,” Ryan told George Stephanopoulos on “This Week.”

    “We have an increasingly lawless presidency where he is actually doing the job of Congress, writing new policies and new laws without going through Congress. Presidents don’t write laws, Congress does,” the 2012 GOP vice presidential nominee said

    Ryan added that Obama’s approach to governing is “dangerous.”

    To be sure, we’ve all grown quite accustomed to members of Congress using aggressive, sometimes caustic, rhetoric when presenting an argument, but this is something rather specific. In this case, Paul Ryan – an influential House member, the chairman of a powerful committee, a former candidate for national office, and a possible presidential aspirant – told a national television audience that the Obama presidency is “increasingly lawless.”

  22. rikyrah says:

    theGrio’s 100: Lupita Nyong’o; meet Hollywood’s new ‘it’ girl

    by theGrio | February 3, 2014 at 9:19 AM

    ho is Lupita Nyong’o?

    Lupita Nyong’o, 31, is a Mexican-born actress of Kenyan descent, who made her big-screen debut last year in Steve McQueen’s Oscar-nominated drama 12 Years a Slave.

    Nyong’o is a graduate of Hampshire College with a degree in film and theater studies. She worked behind the scenes of several films including The Constant Gardener and The Namesake. Nyong’o returned to Kenya in 2008 and starred in the Kenyan hit television series Shuga.

    She later enrolled in the Yale School of Drama and appeared in stage productions of Shakespeare’s The Taming of the Schrew and The Winter’s Tale.

    Nyong’s was cast in 12 Years a Slave immediately after graduating from Yale in 2012.

  23. rikyrah says:

    Donald Trump rants: Obama ‘sloppy’ for not wearing a tie on Super Bowl Sunday
    By David Edwards
    Monday, February 3, 2014 9:25 EST

    Reality TV star Donald Trump on Monday lashed out at President Barack Obama as “sloppy” and “not appropriate” because he had chosen to not wear a tie in a Super Bowl pre-game interview.

    While speaking to Fox News host Bill O’Reilly in an interview which aired during the Super Bowl XLVIII pregame show, the president opted for dress casual, wearing a jacket and a white dress shirt without a tie, just as he had in 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.

    “I definitely think he should have worn a tie,” Trump complained to the hosts of Fox & Friends on Monday. “You know, he’s the president of the United States, let him put on a tie. Bill was wearing a tie, not that he has to follow Bill. But Bill was wearing a tie. He’s the president. It’s a formal position, I think he should wear a tie.”

  24. rikyrah says:

    Seattle Seahawk’s Richard Sherman tells fans to stop ripping Peyton Manning on Twitter
    Monday, February 3, 2014 3:24 EST

    EAST RUTHERFORD — Hours after Richard Sherman’s Seahawks beat the Broncos to win theSuper Bowl, the outspoken cornerback was asking Seattle fans to stop tearing into Peyton Manning.

    “There is no reason to bash him on here please Seattle let’s just enjoy this one!!!! He is still a Future HOF player,” Sherman tweeted.

    Moments before, Sherman had nothing but kind words for Manning.

    “Peyton is the Classiest person/player I have ever met! I could learn so much from him! Thank you for being a great Competitor and person,” he said in another tweet.

  25. rikyrah says:

    Bob Dylan selling Chrysler?

  26. rikyrah says:

    Nelson Mandela ‘left $4m estate’

    South Africa’s former President Nelson Mandela left an estate valued at more than 46m rand ($4.13m; £2.53m), the executors of his will have revealed.

    The Mandela family trust will receive $130,000, plus royalties. Others to benefit include the governing ANC, personal staff and several schools.

    Mr Mandela’s third wife, Graca Machel, may waive her claims to the estate, the executors said, although she is entitled to half of it.

    Mr Mandela died in December, aged 95.

    The former president left behind an estate that includes an upmarket house in Johannesburg, a modest dwelling in his rural Eastern Cape home province and royalties from book sales, including his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom.

  27. rikyrah says:

    And because there can never be anything bad about a shirtless David Beckham:

  28. rikyrah says:

    Before these disappear from Youtube, some Superbowl ads:

  29. Good morning!

    I haven’t been to sleep. My husband got sick at 2am and I had to call an ambulance. It was scary there for a minute. We’re back home and he’s resting. I’ll be here after I get a few hours of sleep.

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