3Chics’ SouthernGirl2’s in the Hospital | Prayer Circle Thread

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Please join us in sending SG2 prayers and get well wishes. WE LOVE YOU, SG2!!!




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51 Responses to 3Chics’ SouthernGirl2’s in the Hospital | Prayer Circle Thread

  1. Hello, everyone!

    I’m back at home! I’m at home! I got released this afternoon!

    Thank you all for your prayers. God heard them too. I didn’t need surgery! Doctors at local hospital transferred me to hospital in College Station to a surgeon up there but found out I didn’t need the surgery. Prayers were heard and answered. Thank the good Lord!

    So grateful for all of your thoughts, prayers and well wishes. God truly answers prayer. I’m so grateful for my children. They never left my side. They stayed right in the room with Mama. :)

  2. Ametia says:

    I’ve spoken with SG2 this morning, and she sends her most humblest THANKS.for all your well wishes and prayers. Right now the status is no surgery, lots of medicine via IV therapy and rest.

    Keep those prayers and well wishes coming! We’re grateful to you all.

    • Yahtc says:

      Thanks for this update on SG2’s status. Please let her know that I am still saying prayers for her and hope all of this will be over soon.

    • Liza says:

      Thanks for the update, Ametia. I hope this approach is all that is needed for SG2 to recover 100%. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

      • Ametia says:

        Thank you Liza, for your prayers and support. SG2 sends her love and appreciation. If all goes well, and she’s able to keep down a meal, she’ll be released soon.

    • rikyrah says:

      Thank you for the update, Ametia.

      • Ametia says:

        YVW, Rikyrah. The flowers and well wishes had her in tears. She was indeed overcome with joy and gratitude. Her daughter and sons are right there by her side. Now these fine young adults were raised RIGHT!

      • Rikyrah!

        I was so happy to hear your soft sweet voice on the phone calling me from Chicago. Love you and thank you for your thoughts, prayers and encouragement. I am so lucky I got to know what a wonderful person you are. Thank you so much!

    • Ametia! My friend! Love you! Loved the beautiful flowers and teddy bear. Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness. My daughter said..Mom, it’s Ms Arlene on the phone. She tracked you down. Now that’s a friend indeed! I told her yes she is indeed.

      • Ametia says:

        Welcome HOME, SG2! So happy you’re home. Rest up and take care, lady. YOU. LOL

        SG2, Your adult children are some of the MOST RESPECTFUL, THOUGHTFUL, & KINDEST children I’ve ever been in contact with.

  3. TyrenM says:

    Get well soon SG2. Spring is finally here and you have more dancing to do. Thinking of you.

  4. Xena says:

    Here’s sending prayers and good thoughts to SG2 for a speedy and full recovery.

    • Thank you, Xena! I went to lay down earlier b/c I was feeling a little light headed. I don’t want to over do it. I need to get my strength back. So glad to be home.

  5. vitaminlover says:

    Father in Jesus Name I ask You to heal Southern Girl speedily and show her Your great Love and Power. Thank You for her in our midst as she is such a special and kind person. Please restore her to like new and I thank you in advance and believe it will be done. Amen!

    • Thank you so much for your prayers. The Lord is good. I was sick but didn’t know how sick I really was. Then I had a setback last night. I started vomiting but doctors gave me medication to soothe my stomach. I thought he wasn’t going to let me be released but he did. Thank God Almighty for all of your prayers and his goodness!

  6. aquagranny911 says:

    SG2, I just got the news. I am adding my prayers for healing & your perfect health. Hugs & ♥

  7. Well we outta know she’s gonna be fine in a minute, she knows we’ve got more work to do! Xoxox

    • Shannon my girrrrrrrrrl…thinking of me! I am so lucky to have met you. Thank you so much. We do have work to do and you’re a true soldier! Always on the job. I see you!

  8. rikyrah says:

    PRAYERS and love to you, SG2. May all your procedures go well, and you get back to your wonderful self.

  9. dande says:

    I know what prayer can do, So I will being praying for your speedy recovery. Get well soon.

    • OMG Dande!

      So happy to see you. And so happy you’re thinking of me. Thank you for your prayers. God does indeed answer prayers. I am a witness to his mighty works.

  10. Charlie Spearman says:

    Get well soon, hospitals are no fun. Enjoy your comments and input.

    • Charles Spearman! Bless you for thinking of me! I haven’t seen you in a long time and it’s feels so nice to see your fonts here wishing me well. Thank you and drop by often.

  11. Liza says:

    SG2, I am praying for your recovery. Whatever has happened, it’s now being taken care of and you only need to focus on getting well. Get a good rest tonight….Liza

    • Liza, my girrrrrrrrrrl! Thank you for your loving prayers. I was sick! If I’d have waited any longer to get to the doctor it could have been a lot worse. You’re a good friend. So glad I met you. So glad to have you here to share your thoughts.

  12. GreenLadyHere says:

    Dear SouthernGirl2.♥ – – -**BIG HUG*** :>) Praying for you.♥
    – – -☺http://www.khabarexpress.com/e-card/images/get_7.gif AMEN♥

    • Green Lady, is that you? **running to give you a hug** Thank you for thinking of me. I’m so grateful for your thoughts and prayers. You’ve made me very happy.

  13. Chipsticks says:

    Endless love and the very, very best of wishes to SG2, come back to us soon, hale and hearty. Love ya, warrior.

  14. Yahtc says:

    I am saying prayers for you, SG2, and lots of positive energy!


  15. Yahtc says:

    SG2…I have been sending you positive energy and prayers for an easy recovery. May this soon be a thing of the past and may you be back in great health and condition soon.


  16. racerrodig says:

    You’re on our Prayer Chain. What happened ?? I hope nothing serious……….?

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