Friday Open Thread | Sidney Poitier Week

Happy Friday, Everyone!  More Sidney Poitier



Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER, Katharine Houghton, Isabel Sanford, 1967

GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER, Roy Glenn, Beah Richards, Sidney Poitier, 1967.

GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER, Sidney Poitier, Spencer Tracy, 1967.



We saw through the years how Sidney’s roles took on more depth in his portrayal as a Black man, his characters became more multi-layered, when told through the lens of Black writers like Lorraine Hansberry.

And from 3 Chics commenter:
Joyce says:

April 23, 2015 at 10:13 am (Edit)

Sidney Poitier fought for the right to be protrayed in “respectful” roles for Blacks. As a result of Mr. Poitier’s journey many black actors and actresses followed this path. Before Mr. Poitier, I remember watching shows of Shirley Temple and black people in theatre as only butlers or maids. The butlers and maids spoke in a thick dialect accentuating this blackish drowl which was very elongated and emeshed with bafoonery words and it was extremely embarrasing. Sidney Poiter didn’t speak this way. He was as elegant as one could be. I loved watching Sidney.

Sidney fought with civil rights leaders. I often wonder how many of today’s black celebrities seperate themselves from current civil rights. They refer to themselves as the “New Black”. They believe racism doesn’t exist anymore. I find this overwhelmingly sad because as our brothers and sisters protest against police brutality, the New Black, like the GOP, state “Post Racial”.

If you state post racial you state no change is needed. We, blacks, not only need change of the police force, we need change of our commmunity and we need change in our financial position in the black community.

Over the past several months with the unrest of the nation over police brutality, manifested through protests, I find there are other categories of blacks other than the new black within the black communites:
1. Blacks supportive of the protests (All incomes)
2. Blacks quiet about the protests (Middle class income or just stable jobs. Ones not wanting to rock the boat.)
3. New Blacks (Wealthy celebrities . Ones who are rich and feel no need to discuss racism as it doesn’t exist.)

Blacks supportive of the protests speak for itself as they feel a need for change in all areas of the black community. The quiet blacks feel they are living stable and content and I feel they work from a level of fear. Fear of losing their job or their current financial status. However, they do feel there could be improvements. I think it would be easy for them to be for the advancement of the black communities. The New Blacks are the most dangerous to the black community because they feel blacks who haven’t made it could pull themselves up by the bootstraps as they did. Additionally, they feel there is no racism and side with post racial whites, i.e., Charles Barkley, Ben Carson. This causes the Whites who feel there is no racism to remain rooted in their beliefs and causes the efforts of the protestors to be long and drawn out.

All races I know, excepts for our black race, are in agreement on important issues. The black race should have meetings collectively to discuss race and how it affects the black community. We allow MSM, White America, to dictate our “State of Affairs”. We should have summits and review hard data and statistics to determine what our “State of Affair” is within black communities. Then we need to discuss how to improve these communities and deliver aid and support.

I will leave these thoughts today as my brother is in surgery for 8 more hours and they are calling us in the waiting rooms for updates.

I hope this post give room for thought. I really want our people to prosper.
Thanks 3ChicksPolitico for the blog.

A Raisin in the Sun


A Raisin in the Sun is a 1961 drama film, starring Sidney Poitier, Ruby Dee, Claudia McNeil, Diana Sands, Roy Glenn, and Louis Gossett, and adapted from the play of the same name by Lorraine Hansberry. It follows a black family that wants a better life away from the city.

In 2005, A Raisin in the Sun was selected for preservation in the United States of America National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”

Walter and Ruth Younger, their son Travis, along with Walter’s mother Lena (Mama) and sister Beneatha, live in poverty in a dilapidated two-bedroom apartment on Chicago’s south side. Walter is barely making a living as a limousine driver. Though Ruth is content with their lot, Walter is not and desperately wishes to become wealthy, to which end he plans to invest in a liquor store in partnership with Willy and Bobo, street-smart acquaintances of Walter’s.

At the beginning of the play, their father has recently died, and Mama is waiting for a life insurance check for $10,000. Walter has a sense of entitlement to the money, but Mama has religious objections to alcohol and Beneatha has to remind him it is Mama’s call how to spend it. Eventually Mama puts some of the money down on a new house, choosing an all-white neighborhood over a black one for the practical reason that it happens to be much cheaper. Later she relents and gives the rest of the money to Walter to invest with the provision that he reserve $3,000 for Beneatha’s education. Walter passes the money on to Willy’s naive sidekick Bobo, who gives it to Willy, who absconds with it, depriving Walter and Beneatha of their dreams, though not the Youngers of their new home. Meanwhile, Karl Lindner, a white representative of the neighborhood they plan to move to, makes a generous offer to buy them out. He wishes to avoid neighborhood tensions over interracial population, which to the three women’s horror Walter prepares to accept as a solution to their financial setback. Lena says that while money was something they try to work for, they should never take it if it was a person’s way of telling them they weren’t fit to walk the same earth as them.

While all this is going on, Beneatha’s character and direction in life are being defined for us by two different men: Beneatha’s wealthy and educated boyfriend George Murchison, and Joseph Asagai. Neither man is actively involved in the Youngers’ financial ups and downs. George represents the “fully assimilated black man” who denies his African heritage with a “smarter than thou” attitude, which Beneatha finds disgusting, while dismissively mocking Walter’s lack of money and education. Asagai patiently teaches Beneatha about her African heritage; he gives her thoughtfully useful gifts from Africa, while pointing out she is unwittingly assimilating herself into white ways. She straightens her hair, for example, which he characterizes as “mutilation.”

When Beneatha becomes distraught at the loss of the money, she is upbraided by Joseph for her materialism. She eventually accepts his point of view that things will get better with a lot of effort, along with his proposal of marriage and his invitation to move with him to Nigeria to practice medicine.

Walter is oblivious to the stark contrast between George and Joseph: his pursuit of wealth can only be attained by liberating himself from Joseph’s culture, to which he attributes his poverty, and rising to George’s level, wherein he sees his salvation. To Walter, this is the American dream, which he pursues as fruitlessly as Willy Loman in Arthur Miller’s play Death of a Salesman, with the added handicap of being black in white America. But whereas Loman dies at the end of his story, Walter redeems himself and black pride at the end by changing his mind and not accepting the buyout offer, stating that they are proud of who they are and will try to be good neighbors. The play closes with the family leaving for their new home but uncertain future.

The character Mrs. Johnson and a few scenes are often cut in reproductions. Mrs. Johnson is the Younger Family’s Neighbor. She is nosy, loud and cannot understand how the family can consider moving to a white neighborhood. Her lines are employed as comic relief, but Hansberry also uses this scene to mock those who are too scared to stand up for their rights.



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68 Responses to Friday Open Thread | Sidney Poitier Week

  1. rikyrah says:

    Just finished episode 8 of Daredevil.

    Wow…..Fisk flipped the script.

    Vincent D’Onfrio is playing the hell out of this role.

  2. rikyrah says:

    FRIDAY, APR 24, 2015 10:58 AM CDT
    GOP’s massive Obamacare con: Here’s how you know their “fix” is a farce
    A push to keep some subsidies in place through 2016 won’t be much help – but the right will likely block it anyway

    Greg Sargent has been reliably tracking the GOP’s farcical attempts at an Obamacare “fix” if the Supreme Court strikes down federal exchange subsidies when it decides King v. Burwell, with a ruling expected in June. Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson, perhaps trying to burnish his “sane” credentials in preparation for a rumored rematch with former Sen. Russ Feingold next year, has proposed extending the federal subsidies for those who already have them through December, 2016.

    That presumes a new Congress, and hopefully (to Republicans) a new president, will come up with the Obamacare “replacement” the party has been promising and failing to deliver since the Affordable Care Act passed in March of 2010, which is unlikely. Johnson himself has said that the issue can be litigated via the 2016 election, which is a good idea, except we did that in 2012, and his party wouldn’t abide by the results.

    Johnson’s whole proposal is kind of a joke – more on that below – but now comes word it’s a joke that probably doesn’t have much hope of winning a GOP majority.

    The Hill reports that Johnson’s inadequate plan is competing with much worse “substitute” plans offered by senators to his right. And of course, the quivering tower of Jello that is the Senate GOP leadership has signed on to multiple plans

  3. Josh at rockets game in Houston

    ‎#pulloutthebroom‬.. 3-0 #Rocketsbasketball

  4. rikyrah says:

    Mr. NFTG @Kennymack1971
    Even funnier. “Progressives” calling PBO every name under the sun & accusing him of this & that but he responds & it’s “STOP ATTACKING US!”

  5. rikyrah says:

    Flex Luthor @ArrogantDemon
    @Kennymack1971 So, they can be critical and call him every name but a child of god, but if he responds, they clutch their emo pearls

  6. rikyrah says:

    Mr. NFTG Kennymack1971

    Ain’t heard shit from Adam Green’s grifting ass abt voting rights, immigration or Black Lives Matter but here he is with the TPP outrage.

  7. rikyrah says:

    GOP leaders scramble on healthcare, fearful of Supreme Court win
    04/24/15 12:56 PM—UPDATED 04/24/15 01:13 PM
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    By Steve Benen
    Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) is one of the more vulnerable Republican incumbents in the Senate next year, and some recent polling shows him trailing former Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wis.), whom he beat in 2010. One of the questions Johnson would prefer not to hear from hundreds of thousands of his constituents for the next year and a half is, “Why did you take my family’s health security away?”

    The Supreme Court probably won’t rule on King v. Burwell until June, and Republican opponents of the Affordable Care Act, at least on the surface, desperately hope they prevail in order to gut much of the nation’s health care system. But the hopes come with fear – if GOP policymakers successfully take coverage from millions, some of those folks might be a little annoyed come Election Day 2016.

    It’s not complicated: a big win for Republicans at the high court is a big loss for millions of consumers who would quickly lose ACA subsidies they need to afford insurance. This week, however, Ron Johnson and a whole bunch of his friends unveiled an interesting bill.
    The legislation, offered by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), one of the most politically vulnerable Senate incumbents in 2016, would maintain the federal tax credits at stake in King v. Burwell through the end of August 2017.

    The bill was unveiled this week with 29 other cosponsors, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his four top deputies, Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), John Thune (R-SD), John Barrasso (R-WY) and Roy Blunt (R-MO). Another cosponsor is Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), the chairman of the conference’s electoral arm.
    Though the details are a little more complicated than they might appear at first blush, the idea is to effectively lock in the status quo for a couple of years. If Republicans on the Supreme Court agree to take away subsidies for millions, Republicans in Congress now have a message for the affected consumers: everything will stay as-is until August 2017.

    As Kaili Joy Gray joked, Senate Republicans have effectively introduced a bill to “protect Obamacare from Senate Republicans.”

    But whether this is a credible resolution to a self-imposed crisis is something else entirely.

    The political motivation is easy to understand, since so many GOP lawmakers don’t want to face a voter backlash on such an important issue. Publicly, Republicans thump their chests about Obamacare’s unpopular “brand,” but privately, those same Republicans know that millions of families who would lose their health security because of a ridiculous GOP lawsuit pose a genuine electoral threat.

    The fact that entire Senate Republican leadership endorsed this proposal tells us something important about the party’s actual beliefs about the politics of health care.

  8. Ametia says:


  9. rikyrah says:

    I thought I had seen all the pics of FLOTUS out there

    Never seen this

  10. rikyrah says:

    JamesVGrimaldi ✔ @JamesVGrimaldi

    SCOOP: AG Eric Holder had authorized DOJ lawsuit against Comcast-Time Warner deal

  11. Liza says:

    So the cop who paralyzed the Indian man has been charged by the Department of Justice. I didn’t know that happened until now. Well, this is good.

    Ex-cop who paralyzed Indian grandfather pleads not guilty
    Published time: April 22, 2015 18:43

    Former police officer Eric Sloan Parker pleaded not guilty to a federal charge of violating the civil rights of an Indian grandfather, left partially paralyzed after officers slammed him to the ground during a February arrest.

    Appearing before the federal magistrate in Huntsville, Alabama, Parker entered a plea of “not guilty” to the charge of felony civil rights abuse, brought against him by the FBI last month. If convicted, he could face 10 years in prison. The 26-year-old former police officer from Madison, Alabama also faces a misdemeanor assault charge in Limestone County, which could put him in jail for up to a year.

    Parker is currently free on a $5000 bond, and will face trial on June 1. A civil case against him by the family of the injured man has been put on hold until the criminal proceedings are resolved.

    Madison police released recordings of a call reporting a “skinny black guy” with a knit cap walking around an affluent neighborhood and peering into garages, on February 6 in the morning. Parker and two other officers approached the man, later identified as Sureshbhai Patel, 57.

    An Indian national who came to Alabama to help his son and daughter-in-law with their firstborn, Patel only spoke Gujarati, and tried to tell the officers he was minding his own business.

    “No English. Indian. Walking,” he said, according to his son Chirag’s statement to the local media at the time. Dashboard camera footage released by the police shows Parker slamming Patel on the ground.

    Suffering a neck injury from the impact, Patel was unable to move on his own and was taken to the hospital. Doctors said that without the emergency surgery he would have been permanently paralyzed, Chirag Patel later told

    Sureshbhai Patel had no health insurance, but a campaign established to pay for his medical expenses has raised nearly $210,000. His recovery has been slow and painful, the family says.

  12. Liza says:

    Well, it’s not a national security issue when Petraeus does it. But he is getting his hand slapped. Everyone thinks he’s been punished enough.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Cornel West’s Response to Michael Eric Dyson is Pathetic

    Ben Cohen on April 24, 2015

    Part of Michael Eric Dyson’s searing critique of former friend Cornel West was that his old mentor no longer had the intellectual chops to be taken seriously. Dyson wrote:

    It is not only that West’s preoccupations with Obama’s perceived failures distracted him, though that is true; more accurate would be to say that the last several years revealed West’s paucity of serious and fresh intellectual work, a trend far longer in the making. West is still a Man of Ideas, but those ideas today are a vain and unimaginative repackaging of his earlier hits. He hasn’t published without aid of a co-writer a single scholarly book since Keeping Faith, which appeared in 1993, the same year as Race Matters. West has repeatedly tried to recapture the glory of that slim classic by imitating the 1960s-era rhythm and blues singers he loves so much: Make another song that sounds just like the one that topped the charts. In 2004, West published Democracy Matters, an obvious recycling of both the title and themes of his work a decade earlier. It was his biggest seller since Race Matters.

    As if trying to make Dyson’s point for him, West took to facebook yesterday to pen a half hearted response that did virtually nothing to address Dyson’s points.

  14. rikyrah says:

    Alabama rep looks to end marriage licenses … for everyone
    04/24/15 10:00 AM
    By Steve Benen
    Several weeks ago, some Republicans in the Oklahoma state legislature embraced a new resolution to the debate over marriage equality. Instead of denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples, a proposed bill would deny marriage licenses to all couples.

    “The point of my legislation is to take the state out of the process and leave marriage in the hands of the clergy,” state Rep. Todd Russ (R) said last month.

    That bill actually passed the Oklahoma state House, 67 to 24, and the underlying idea now appears to be spreading. Consider this local report out of Alabama.
    An Alabama state senator believes he has the solution to the state’s debate about who probate judges can and cannot issue marriage licenses to: Do away with the state-sanctioned license.

    Senate Bill 377 from Sen. Greg Albritton, R-Range, would end the requirement that couples obtain marriage licenses from probate judges. Instead, marriages would be a legal contract, witnessed by a clergy member, attorney or notary public, and filed with the state through the probate office.

    • Liza says:

      Well, gone are the days when even an a$$hole like Tom Brady would have respect for the POTUS. Most people understand the football is, at the most basic level, a game. Tom Brady seems to think he is much more than he is, someone who has made millions of dollars playing a game. Good for him, now he should sit down and STFU because no one cares what he thinks about PBO.

      • Ametia says:

        The White House is much better off for not having Tom Brady grace the place.

      • Liza says:

        So true. I think it’s funny that PBO made a deflate-gate joke. Maybe that’s what little Tommy was scared of. Everyone knows that he did it (had it done.)

    • Ametia says:

      Ed Schultz and the whole damn bunch of them need to have a stadium full-o-seats.

      It’s a coordinated efforts, along with the media to discredit PBO, as he heads down the home stretch of his presidency.

      The more PBO has done, the more it put the Democratic Party on high alert to keep up and not only maintain, but continue to elevate the democratic principals this party stands for.

      These folks scream and talk , but in reality, they WANT THE STATUS QUO. BACK TO THE GOOD OLE DAYS WHEN WHITE FOLKS RAN THE SHOW.

      That’s all this is about.

      • majiir says:

        Ed tore his ass with me when he began attacking PBO in 2009 and in 2010 and encouraged democrats not to show up and vote in the 2010 midterms. After that, I was so through with him, and I haven’t watched his program since then—and I don’t miss it. I’ve seen this play before. I remember when Pres. Carter ran for re-election in 1980 against Reagan, and dome dems got the great idea to primary. Reagan won, and the country has been on a downward trajectory every since.

      • majiir says:


      • Ametia says:

        majiir, Joy Reid and Rev. Al are fawning all over these folks and Hillary. UGH!!!!

        We’re going to be in a world of hurt come 2017, after PBO leaves office.

  15. Ametia says:

    White People And The Zero-Sum Game Of Racial Politics
    ByAdrien Schless-MeierPublished
    April 23, 2015, 6:00 AM EDT

    Last month, Nellie Andreeva wrote a piece for Deadline on race in contemporary television that set the Internet ablaze. In the article, Andreeva ponders whether the current array of multiracial castings in popular shows (How to Get Away with Murder, Scandal, Jane the Virgin, The Mindy Project) or, in some cases, shows that deal specifically with the experiences of people from a particular community of color (Black-ish, Fresh Off the Boat, Empire) have gone “too far.” Andreeva asks her audience to consider, though she does not quite state it outright, the cost to white people of seeing people of color on television.

    Andreeva does not explore what people of color think about the current TV landscape or the significance of seeing themselves reflected in mainstream media. She does not examine existing or potential pathways for more people of color to enter the writers’ room or sit on the director’s chair. Instead, she reinforces the idea that whatever loss white people might experience trumps all.

  16. Joyce rocks! Thank you for dropping knowledge on 3chicspolitico.

  17. Ametia says:

    Worth checking out?

    ‘Blackbird’ movie review

    Randy is a Southern choirboy who turns to a portrait of Jesus on his bedroom wall when times get tough. His friends make the distinction between a real sin and a “Randy sin,” because the teen — a virgin who doesn’t curse, drink or stir up trouble — sets such a high bar for appropriate behavior.

    There’s just one thing. Randy has been having erotic dreams about one of his male classmates. And, despite his prayers, Jesus isn’t making them go away. That’s the tricky dilemma at the center of “Blackbird,” an adaptation of Larry Duplechan’s novel: Randy’s religion is at odds with his nature.

    But that essential and important struggle is hardly the movie’s only conundrum — and that’s the melodrama’s biggest flaw. Anything that can go wrong, will — often in spectacular fashion. For starters, Randy (newcomer Julian Walker) is dealing with the separation of his parents, a split that arose from yet another dramatic episode. Six years earlier, Randy’s younger sister disappeared, and his mother hasn’t been the same since. She spends her afternoons handing out fliers and taping “missing” signs to the milk cartons at the grocery store.

  18. Ametia says:

    YouTube is 10 years old. Here’s how it has changed politics forever.

    On this day 10 years ago, the first-ever video was uploaded to YouTube. It involved a zoo. And elephants.

  19. rikyrah says:



    New Kinloch mayor blocked by police from entering city hall
    POSTED 9:43 PM, APRIL 23, 2015

    KINLOCH, MO (KTVI) – Our Fox 2 cameras were the only ones there as the newly-elected Kinloch mayor was greeted by police for her first day on the job.

    Betty McCray was not only prevented from entering city hall, she was also told she’d been impeached before she got a chance to start.

    McCray ran for mayor in the April 7 election and won.

    After the election results were certified earlier this week by the St. Louis County Board of Elections, Kinloch’s outgoing administration refused to allow the city clerk to give McCray the oath of office, claiming voter fraud.

    “Today is the first day that that the city hall door has been unlocked. They keep it locked,” McCray said. “You got to beat and you got to bang (to get in). They have an officer police sitting right at the door.”

    On Thursday, McCray was ready to start on the job, but was met with strong resistance. Fox 2 was there with McCray when she showed up at city hall, where she was greeted by more than 20 Kinloch police officers.

  20. rikyrah says:

    Cruz leads the race to the bottom on marriage equality
    04/24/15 09:23 AM—UPDATED 04/24/15 09:28 AM
    By Steve Benen
    Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) attended an event in Manhattan this week, though the venue was a little surprising: the reception for the Texas Republican was held at the apartment of “two prominent gay hoteliers.”

    At the gathering, Cruz reportedly said he would love his children regardless of their sexual orientation, and according to the event’s moderator, the far-right senator “told the group that marriage should be left up to the states.” As best as I can tell, there was no recording of the event, at least not one that’s available to the public, so it’s hard to know exactly what he said.

    But before there’s speculation about whether Cruz’s conservative backers will revolt over the senator’s tone, consider the Texas lawmaker’s latest legislative push. Bloomberg Politics reported late yesterday:
    Days before the U.S. Supreme Court hears arguments on same-sex marriage, Senator Ted Cruz has filed two bills to protect states that bar gay couples from marrying.

    Cruz’s legislation would establish a constitutional amendment shielding states that define marriage as between one woman and one man from legal action, according to bill language obtained by Bloomberg News. A second bill would bar federal courts from further weighing in on the marriage issue until such an amendment is adopted.
    To be sure, this doesn’t come as too big a surprise. Cruz has been threatening to pursue an anti-gay constitutional amendment for quite a while, and he started telegraphing his “court-stripping” effort soon after launching his presidential campaign.

    For that matter, it’s also not too surprising that Cruz would use his Senate office to push doomed proposals intended to boost his national candidacy.

    But beware of the race to the bottom.

  21. rikyrah says:

    Republicans debate keeping ObamaCare subsidies until 2017
    April 24, 2015

    Congressional Republicans are locked in a debate about whether to temporarily keep in place the ObamaCare subsidies that are at risk of being struck down at the Supreme Court.

    More than a half-dozen competing plans have already been put forward in response to the King v. Burwell case, and Republicans are anxious to unify behind one before the ruling comes down in June.

    The stakes are high, as a ruling against the healthcare law could strip federal aid from an estimated 7.5 million people ahead of the 2016 elections, with red states hit particularly hard.

    But the push to find a “backup plan” for ObamaCare is meeting resistance on the right, with conservative groups viewing it as a capitulation to a law that they want to repeal root and branch.

  22. rikyrah says:

    The President speaking to OFA yesterday

  23. rikyrah says:

    the dudebros and others who actually believed Rand, concerning drones are IDIOTS


    Paul, Cruz, Graham Response to Drone Killings

    Apr 23, 2015 1:53 PM CDT

    The hawks are louder than the skeptics on a dark day.

    David Weigelt daveweigel

    Two years ago, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul captivated the Senate and the press by waging a filibuster against the nomination of John Brennan, President Obama’s new CIA director. For 13 hours, he demanded that the Obama administration offer, publicly, its legal rationale for drone strikes against American citizens, in the United States, that it deems to be enemies. The “Stand With Rand” iconography that has become part of Paul’s presidential campaign dates to that literal late-night stand.

    On Thursday, after the White House revealed that two hostages had been killed in a drone strike against al-Qaeda, Paul was far more circumspect. Paul avoided the more public entrances to the Senate floor, the places where reporters are typically able to grab senators for quotes. Initially, his Senate office said via e-mail that he would not have an immediate response to the killings. At 1:54 p.m., his campaign sent over a statement.

    “It is a tragedy that these Americans lost their lives,” said Paul. “My prayers and thoughts are with their families.”

  24. rikyrah says:

    Jindal thumbs his nose at ‘job creators’ over discrimination
    04/23/15 04:35 PM
    By Steve Benen
    The legal fight over marriage equality is ongoing, but as the Supreme Court gets ready to hear arguments in the case that may resolve the issue, the court of public opinion has effectively already issued its decision.

    A new Washington Post/ABC News poll found a 61% majority support equal-marriage rights, while only about a third of the country still disagrees. It’s the most lopsided results ever in this poll, and it’s a complete reversal from public attitudes from a decade ago.

    It’s against this backdrop that Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R), gearing up for a presidential campaign, has a New York Times op-ed today proudly declaring he’s “holding firm” against the push for equal treatment under the law.

    Much of the argument is familiar, boilerplate rhetoric, including an unpersuasive defense of a pending state discrimination measure, but of particular interest was the governor’s disdain for the private sector’s guidance on the issue.
    In Indiana and Arkansas, large corporations recently joined left-wing activists to bully elected officials into backing away from strong protections for religious liberty…. That political leaders in both states quickly cowered amid the shrieks of big business and the radical left should alarm us all.

    As the fight for religious liberty moves to Louisiana, I have a clear message for any corporation that contemplates bullying our state: Save your breath.
    The Republican governor added that business leaders have “already contacted” him about moving away from a discriminatory agenda, “but they will not deter me.”

  25. rikyrah says:

    these lists amuse me


    The Best and Worst Entry-Level Jobs for the Class of 2015

    High starting salaries for tax attorneys, drilling engineers

    Business Insider

    Apr 22nd 2015 10:51AM

  26. rikyrah says:

    Simon Pegg Says He’s Writing a “Kick-Ass” Role for Idris Elba in the Next ‘Star Trek’ Movie

    By Tambay A. Obenson | Shadow and Act

    April 23, 2015 at 1:33PM

    Officially titled “Star Trek Beyond,” co-writer (and co-star) Simon Pegg essentially confirms past rumors that Idris Elba will appear in the next movie, which is currently being written, with an eye towards a summer shoot, for a 2016 release.

    When asked whether Elba would indeed be in “Beyond,” Pegg, speaking to MTV in a taped interview at the ongoing CinemaCon event (embedded below), said he’s writing what will be an original character, not from the existing “Star Trek” universe that we’re all already familiar with, and that he believes Elba will indeed be in the film: “Idris is an extraordinary actor and we’re trying to write him a kick-ass role,” Pegg added.

    Pegg did also suggest that the ultimate decision on whether Elba’s character will be included in the film by the time filming starts, isn’t his to make; but he’s definitely writing a part for the actor.

  27. rikyrah says:

    Vulnerable Republicans vote for Lynch
    April 23, 2015, 02:45 pm

    Senate Republicans in danger of losing their seats in 2016 mostly split with their party to back Loretta Lynch as the next attorney general.

    Four of the chamber’s most vulnerable GOP incumbents — Sens. Kelly Ayotte (N.H.), Ron Johnson (Wis.), Mark Kirk (Ill.) and Rob Portman (Ohio) — voted to confirm Lynch, who faced a long delay in being confirmed as the first African-American female to head the Justice Department. Ten Republicans in total joined Democrats in supporting her nomination.

    Two other at-risk Republicans, Sens. Pat Toomey (Pa.) and Richard Burr (N.C.), opposed Lynch, whose nomination was held up more than 160 days because of an unrelated dispute over abortion restrictions in a bill to curb human trafficking.

    Republicans are largely on defense this cycle, defending 24 seats to Democrats’ 10, coming off a year in which they won control of the Senate. But that majority is already in danger next year, with many of those members up for election in swing states which trend Democratic in presidential years.

  28. sunshine616 says:
    Let’s get this brave man’s story out there. A good cop is hard to come by nowadays. See how police unions treat good cops and protect evil ones. It’s pretty fucking disgusting.

  29. Ametia says:

    Shonda took out Derrick Shephard on Greys Anatomy last night…. GRIEVING

  30. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Photo of public defender at protest:

  31. rikyrah says:

    Been loving this week with Mr. Poitier! He opened so many doors for others, and especially the images we saw of ourselves. Don’t think people understand what he truly meant in terms of Black Male Imagery on screen.

  32. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

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