Freddie Gray Case | State vs Officer William Porter

marilyn mosby Freddie Gray Trial picThe start of jury selection in the first Freddie Gray trial will bring a big media presence to town Monday — and major challenges for the journalists trying to cover the proceedings.

The courthouse logistics are tough enough. There will be no cameras in the courtroom, and all electronic devices must be turned off in both the courtroom and an overflow room where reporters will watch a closed-circuit feed.

To tweet or post about the trial, members of the press will have to go to a media room where there will be no feed of court proceedings. Sheriff’s deputies have the right to “inspect all electronic devices for misuse” and confiscate them. Nor are they responsible for “damage or loss” of any devices they inspect or seize, according to an order signed by Administrative Judge W. Michel Pierson.

But restrictive as that might seem, the greater challenge for journalists involves the sociology and timing of the trial. In the wake of the release of a video showing a black teenager being shot and killed by a white police officer in Chicago, the trial arrives at a moment when the eyes of the nation are on race and community-police relations like no other time since the civil rights struggles of the 1960s.

Live coverage:

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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55 Responses to Freddie Gray Case | State vs Officer William Porter

  1. Ametia says:

    Whoever wrote that VILE piece of shit about Freddie’s mom needs to have their asses dragged back, forward, around, and through the mill on TWITTER!

  2. Voir dire

    The judge asked potential jurors a series of questions, and requested that they stand and give their juror number of they had a response or question.

    Among the questions:

    Would you give “more or less weight” to testimony from an officer simply because they are an officer? Seven jurors stood.

    Are you or an immediate family member law enforcement? 12 stood.

    Have you or your immediate family been the victim of crime, been arrested/charged/convicted, or facing pending charges? 38 stood.

    Do you have strong feelings about the charges Porter faces? 26 stood.

    Do you have “strong feelings” about Freddie Gray or Porter being African American? 1 stood.

    Do you have strong feelings about the race, sex, religion, etc., of the defendant, witnesses, etc.? 1 stood.

    Do you believe you can not serve on jury because of medical issues? 10 stood.

    Do you believe you can not serve on jury for another reason? 29 stood.

    One juror, No. 223, indicated he knew both Marilyn Mosby and Det. Syreeta Teel, the lead detective in the department’s internal investigation into Gray’s death.

    As the morning turned into afternoon, Williams was individually questioning potential jurors on their responses to the questions.

    • Ametia says:

      You are going down, DOG. You will be made the first example of cops being convicted. And don’t think for one minute that your black ass is immune.

  3. rikyrah says:

    everything i’m not @No_Cut_Card
    if they call it “the Freddie Gray trial” enough you won’t bat an eye when they put his life on trial instead of the officers’ actions.

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