Friday Open Thread | Holiday Music

Christmas Candles10Jingle Bells is a song featured in the 1948 album, Christmas Songs by Sinatra.

Sinatra rerecorded this song in his Capitol album, A Jolly Christmas from Frank Sinatra.

A Jolly Christmas from Frank Sinatra is a Christmas album by American singer Frank Sinatra, originally released by Capitol Records in 1957.

This was Sinatra’s first full-length Christmas album. It features the Ralph Brewster Singers along with an orchestra conducted by Gordon Jenkins.

Capitol reissued the album in 1963 with different cover art and a new title, The Sinatra Christmas Album, both of which also featured on the album’s initial 1987 compact disc pressing. The original title and cover were eventually restored for subsequent CD pressings in 1990 and 1999. In 2001, the album art was altered from its 1957 version.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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82 Responses to Friday Open Thread | Holiday Music

  1. eliihass says:


    Chuck Todd is ‘shocked’ and ‘taken aback’ by Scalia’s words…

    Please Lord help me before I lose my mind from all this in you face disingenuous, faux umbrage and righteous indignation being tossed around by some of the worst purveyors and veteran instigators of the worst of the crap…

  2. rikyrah says:

    I love this site.


    Shamira Ibrahim, 12/11/15

    I am pretty big Harry Potter fan.

    Not quite on the “Pottermore comments section” level, but I own books three through seven in hardback. When book seven ultimately dropped, I went back and reread the whole series from the beginning. I’ve watched every movie. And I was even an apologist for the first two, which were unapologetically terrible.

    For those of you who didn’t follow the series – which, if you didn’t then what the hell is wrong with you? – there were three main characters. Harry, of course, is the titular character. But there were also his two sidekicks: Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.

    Hermione was an all around badass. She was smart as a whip and knew it, she had wit for days, and she had a mean twist out. Ron, on the other hand? Nice enough dude. But ultimately all around middling, in talent and ability. What he DID have over the other two, however, was access. Ron was born in the wizarding world, molded by it, and ultimately had a leg up on minor things that Harry and Hermione could never intrinsically know. And even with that reinforcement, he still occasionally gave into his worst characteristics. Namely, being deeply envious of the competencies that Harry and Hermione had, even while receiving benefits they never had.

    I say all that to say that Abigail Fisher is the worst parts of Ron Weasley, even down to their physical likenesses.

    Abby Fisher is sincerely convinced that she was denied admission to the University of Texas in favor of less qualified students due to race. Mind you, she was rejected. Not waitlisted, but rejected. She didn’t even get friend zoned by the school she is convinced she was a perfect match for. Her entire petition to the Supreme Court boils down to “I never went to jail and I don’t have any kids, so where’s the bad bitch that I was promised?”

    Boo, you aint a 10. You aint even really a solid seven. Her scores and grades were more mediocre than the current season of Empire. As the ancient African proverb goes, don’t go chasing waterfalls.

    As we’ve been shown time and time again, however, that’s how privilege works. It’s summarily assuming that if a person of color got into a school and you didn’t, they must have been less qualified than you — even if they took the same classes as you and had the same coursework as you and took the same bus as you. It’s almost as if that ideology is ingrained with every bite of green bean casserole.

  3. I’m in the Christmas spirit even if my eye looks like a raccoon. Can’t take no pictures tho. LOL!

  4. #ICantStopSmilingBecause My tree is up, house decorated, wreaths are not falling off the wall & my Merry Christmas sign is still up! Yay! :)

  5. rikyrah says:

    LaCocoaFemme @sohumstudios
    who’s responsible for making sure all the Black women #DanielHoltzclaw brutalized get therapy, health care, a path to heal from this trauma?

    • eliihass says:

      Come on..

      Black women don’t need therapy or healing…

      Black women don’t suffer trauma, or hurt, or pain…Black women are no better than wood…wood without value…

      Undesirable and undeserving of love, chivalry, care or affection…

      Black women are meant to give, and give, and give…slave, break their backs and have their backs broken…and after all their hardship, and the hardening that comes with it, they’re meant to be tossed aside for the other ones who having never known gruel and oppression – or being treated with condescension and as so much less than, are seen as ‘soft’, appealing, desirable, ‘ladylike’…deserving of chivalry –

      And no matter how dysfunctional and crappy the background and life story, no matter the social-climbing, gold-digging it takes…No matter how unaccomplished in their own right or on their own merit, they are assigned by the world – including our black men and sadly a few of our own brainwashed – the permanent gold standard of ‘beautiful’ and ‘classy’ and deserving …Entirely and always and forever deserving of love, respect, chivalry and their place of esteem, deference and honor – unearned or not – as wife, mother and ‘lady’…

    • eliihass says:

      Come on..

      Black women don’t need therapy or healing…

      Black women don’t suffer trauma, or hurt, or pain…Black women are no better than wood…wood without value…

      Undesirable and undeserving of love, chivalry, care or affection…

      Black women are meant to give, and give, and give…slave, break their backs and have their backs broken…and after all their hardship, and the hardening that comes with it, they’re meant to be tossed aside for the other ones who having never known gruel and oppression – or being treated with condescension and as so much less than, are seen as ‘soft’, appealing, desirable, ‘ladylike’…deserving of chivalry –

      The others…who no matter how dysfunctional and crappy the background and life story, no matter the social-climbing, gold-digging it takes…No matter how unaccomplished in their own right or on their own merit, they are assigned by the world – including our black men and sadly a few of our own brainwashed – the permanent gold standard of ‘beautiful’ and ‘classy’ and deserving …Entirely and always and forever deserving of love, respect, chivalry and their place of esteem, deference and honor – unearned or not – as wife, mother and ‘lady’…

  6. rikyrah says:


    I hope you are doing well.

    Thank you for always lifting my spirits with this great music.

  7. rikyrah says:

    Obama again gets the last laugh against Putin
    12/11/15 11:00 AM
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    By Steve Benen
    By late 2014, Republican affection for Russian President Vladimir Putin was on the wane. After months of gushing praise for the autocratic leader, American conservatives saw Putin struggling and isolated, prompting his GOP fan club in the United States to fall quiet.

    That is, until a few months ago, when the Russian president deployed forces to Syria, rekindling the American right’s love. Republican White House hopefuls once again praised Putin’s bold “leadership,” as did like-minded pundits. The Washington Post’s Jennifer Rubin argued, “In taking this action just days after meeting with President Obama, Putin is delivering one more finger in the eye of a president whom he continues to out-wit and out-muscle.”

    Remind me, how’s that working out for the Russian president?
    Putin had hoped his late September intervention would kick off a decisive three-month offensive producing major territorial gains for the Syrian regime, according to Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon. […]

    [I]ndependent experts see trouble signs for the Russian president, including a surprisingly stiff response from Syrian rebel fighters.
    The Politico piece quoted the Israeli defense minister saying about Putin’s military offensive, “It seems to be a failure.”

  8. rikyrah says:

    Attacks on Trump just make these voters like him more
    By David Weigel December 10 at 6:41 PM

    It was the most brutal attack ad run against Donald Trump, and it was tanking. Twenty-nine voters, all of whom supported or used to support Trump, watched retired Air Force Col. Tom Moe not so subtly compare the Republican front-runner to Adolf Hitler.

    “You might not care if Donald Trump says he’s going to round up all the Hispanic immigrants, because you’re not one,” Moe said onscreen. “You might not care if Donald Trump wants to suppress journalists, because you’re not one. But think about this: If he keeps going, and he actually becomes president, he might just get around to you.”

    Frank Luntz, the Republican media consultant who had put together this focus group, watched the dials turn down. On a scale of zero to 100, the ad’s effectiveness never got above 20. It did not help that the ad was produced for Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio), a presidential candidate no one in the group supported.

    “It was too far over the top,” one voter said.

    “They use every trick in the book to make him look like the ultimate bad guy,” said another.

    “It tried to make Trump look like the new Mussolini,” said one more disgusted voter. “I mean, that ain’t gonna happen.”

  9. Not cooking today. I ordered Fried Catfish, baked potato, green beans, hushpuppies, Dr Pepper.

  10. rikyrah says:

    uh huh

    uh huh

    Because he’s not speaking to a SLIVER of the GOP. He’s in the heart and soul of the GOP. THIS is the GOP voter.


    The Daily 202: Focus group shows why Donald Trump is not going anywhere

    By James Hohmann

    December 10

    I’ve never seen anything like this,” said Frank Luntz. “There is no sign of them leaving. He has created or found the magic formula.”

    “He” was Donald Trump. “They” were 29 voters from the D.C. metro area who either supported Trump, were considering it, or had once supported Trump and then cooled on the idea. It was not the first Luntz focus group with Trump voters, but over three hours in an Alexandria conference room Wednesday night, he found them hugging their candidate tighter than ever.

    The 29 subjects were asked to pick a number between one and 10 to gauge the likelihood that they’d support Trump. At the start of the night, just 10 people said they were at nine or 10. After one hour of mostly negative questions about Trump, 16 said they were that likely to back him. After a barrage of negative ads, the number fell to 15 — and only because an attack on his business record was seen as a potential “killer” in a general election.

    But nothing else dented the Republican front-runner. Asked what they liked about Trump, the subjects echoed what he’d said about himself. “He offers things that can’t be bought,” said a middle-aged man named Michael. “He’s not coming from these Monsantos, Kochs or Soros. He doesn’t have any skin he owes to anyone else.”

    Asked about Trump’s proposal for a ban on Muslim immigration, 17 of the 29 in the focus group backed it. Several pushed back on the question to say that Trump has only proposed this as a temporary, short-term measure. Several cited the same dubious evidence that Trump does to argue that up to a quarter of Muslims around the world are radicalized.

    One big problem for Trump’s opponents: establishment Republicans hold no sway whatsoever with his base. Asked who they’d back in a three-way election between Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton and an independent Donald Trump, 19 of the 29 said they would still back Trump. When Ted Cruz was swapped into the question, 14 stuck with Trump. Only after being asked to imagine a scenario where that vote would ensure a Clinton victory did the support fall off.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Video catches men shouting N-word while attacking a white woman on a date with a black man
    10 DEC 2015 AT 14:35 ET

    An interracial Washington state couple was recovering this week after they say that they were attacked based on their race.

    Serigne Diouf told The Bellingham Herald that he was picking up his girlfriend in Bellingham early Saturday morning when three men called him racial slurs and told him to leave.

    Cell phone video of the incident shows Diouf’s girlfriend getting punched in the face before Diouf attempts to retaliate with punches of his own. Racial slurs can be heard as one of the men tries to jump on Diouf.

    Bellingham police identified the man who punched Diouf’s girlfriend as 26-year-old Mario Zamora.

    An officer on the scene did not watch the video, and declined to file charges against anyone at the time. The officer claimed that all of the parties were drunk and that no one was seriously injured. But Diouf pointed out that he doesn’t drink and that his girlfriend had a black eye.

    The department later reviewed the video and decided to arrest Zamora on suspicion of fourth-degree assault. The other men were not expected to face charges. Police Sgt. Mike Scanlon told The Bellingham Herald that the men could not be charged with a hate crime just for using racial slurs.

  12. rikyrah says:

    Watching a Very Murray Christmas, and Chris Rock has just come. Funniest thing so far.

  13. Ametia says:

    And there you have it, folks. Straight from a FORMER RAGING RIGHT WING CONSERVATIVE

    Trump is the GOP/Evangelical Mirror
    December 9, 2015 by Frank Schaeffer

    The Trump phenomenon isn’t about him. It is about the 40-year right wing takeover of the GOP I describe in detail in my book CRAZY FOR GOD: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back. It is about the Republicans and their evangelical backers on the religious and racist right fomenting a slow motion lynching of President Obama where they tried to kill his presidency with a miasma of lies.

    The time to have stopped Trump was not when he called for banning Muslims from entering America but when he went along with the Tea Party Koch brother-financed lies about President Obama not being born in America.

    Trump is not an aberration, he’s just being honest about what the Republican Party is but has pretended not to be.

    The GOP is not a political party at all but a laundry list of grievance and ignorance that grips white racist gun-toting religiously conservative Americans.

  14. Ametia says:
  15. DanielHoltzclaw victim taken to hospital on other side of town,handcuffed to the bed, no nurses checked on her. Raped. Help my mind, Lord!

  16. rikyrah says:

    GOP panic leads to ‘contested convention’ chatter
    12/11/15 09:23 AM—UPDATED 12/11/15 09:25 AM
    By Steve Benen
    We’re still 51 days away from Iowa Republicans participating in the first presidential nominating contest of the cycle, but party insiders are already weighing the possibility of convention chaos in July. The Washington Post reported late yesterday.
    Republican officials and leading figures in the party’s establishment are preparing for the possibility of a brokered convention as businessman Donald Trump continues to sit atop the polls in the GOP presidential race.

    More than 20 of them convened Monday near the Capitol for a dinner held by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, and the prospect of Trump nearing next year’s nominating convention in Cleveland with a significant number of delegates dominated the discussion, according to five people familiar with the meeting.
    The article explained that “several longtime Republican power brokers” have begun to see a convention floor fight as “a real possibility,” and they’re urging party officials to begin “laying the groundwork” now for an effort to derail Trump in the summer.

    Upon leaving the gathering, the Post added, “several attendees said they would share memos about delegate allocation in each state as well as research about the 1976 convention, the last time the GOP gathered without a clear nominee.”

    Let’s unpack this a bit, in part because it’s important, and also because we’re likely to hear quite a bit more about this in the coming weeks and months.

    It’s worth pausing at the outset to review some of the basics. Republican candidates will compete in a series of primaries and caucuses, picking up delegates along the way. If a candidate wins a majority of the delegates, he or she becomes the party’s presidential nominee. If one candidate dominates as voters cast their ballots, he or she can wrap up the process pretty quickly. If a handful of candidates split the series of contests, the primary fight can drag on.

  17. rikyrah says:

    Lauren Chief Elk @ChiefElk
    This is especially not a time to “all rape victims matter” when so much of feminism and anti-violence was completely silent on this case.

  18. rikyrah says:

    EXCLUSIVE: Video shows customer hit worker, break glass in NYC restaurant as he rails against Muslims; man kicks woman, calls her ‘trash’ in separate crime
    December 10, 2015, 5:01 PM

    A customer at a Herald Square restaurant burst into an anti-Muslim tirade, slapping one worker than busting glass partitions with a chair while a Muslim woman in Brooklyn was kicked by a man who called her trash, police sources said.

  19. rikyrah says:

    Christie sinks in New Jersey, soars in New Hampshire
    12/11/15 08:42 AM—UPDATED 12/11/15 09:00 AM
    By Steve Benen
    If the race for the Republican presidential nomination were decided by GOP voters in New Jersey, Gov. Chris Christie (R) would be in serious trouble. The latest Rutgers poll, published yesterday, shows the scandal-plagued governor’s approval rating sinking to just 33% in his home state – an all-time low. Only 14% of New Jersey Republicans support Christie’s presidential bid.

    Three hundred miles to the north, however, the governor is in far better shape. A new WBUR poll of New Hampshire Republicans was released this morning, and take a look at who’s suddenly in second place.

    1. Donald Trump: 27% (up from 23% in a WBUR poll in November)
    2. Chris Christie: 12% (up from 6%)
    3. Marco Rubio: 11% (down from 13%)
    4. Ted Cruz: 10% (up from 8%)
    5. Jeb Bush: 8% (up from 7%)
    6. John Kasich: 7% (unchanged)
    7. Ben Carson: 6% (down from 13%)

    The remaining candidates were each at 3% or lower.

    Trump’s 27% is the strongest support any Republican candidate has had in any WBUR poll conducted this year, suggesting his support in the Granite State is actually getting stronger.

  20. rikyrah says:

    Cruz continues to lock up far-right support
    12/10/15 03:52 PM—UPDATED 12/10/15 05:23 PM
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    By Steve Benen
    Ted Cruz’s Republican presidential campaign picked up a couple of notable far-right endorsements yesterday, with the anti-gay National Organization for Marriage and GOP activist/direct-mail pioneer Richard Viguerie each throwing their support to the Texas senator. Today, however, was an even bigger deal.

    NBC News reported on Cruz picking up the backing of Bob Vander Plaats, the president and CEO of the Christian conservative group The FAMiLY Leader.
    Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz continued his rising momentum in the state of Iowa Thursday by receiving the coveted endorsement of social conservative leader Bob Vander Plaats. […]

    Vander Plaats completes a “trifecta” – as some Iowa Republicans have put it – of key endorsers for Cruz in the conservative evangelical community in Iowa, joining the company of Congressman Steve King and conservative radio host Steve Deace. This will be the first time that these three influential Christian leaders have come together to support a presidential candidate.
    The FAMiLY Leader’s vice president and board chairman also announced today that they’re endorsing Cruz, too.

    In 2008, Vander Plaats backed Mike Huckabee, who went on to win that year’s Iowa presidential caucuses, and in 2012 he backed Rick Santorum, who also ended up winning that year’s Iowa caucuses. With this track record in mind, Vander Plaats’ support was considered very important to much of the GOP’s 2016 field.

  21. Ametia says:

    media continues pumping HATE, meanwhile no coverage of black women being raped by sleazy cop and cop convicted!!!!

  22. rikyrah says:

    Vintage Honey @thesoulasylum
    They actively used the past court records of #DanielHoltzclaw victims to discredit them. It took an older Black women w/no record to get him

  23. rikyrah says:

    GOP Preparing for Contested Convention
    December 10, 2015

    Republican officials and leading figures in the party’s establishment are preparing for the possibility of a brokered convention as businessman Donald Trump continues to sit atop the polls in the GOP presidential race.

    More than 20 of them convened Monday near the Capitol for a dinner held by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, and the prospect of Trump nearing next year’s nominating convention in Cleveland with a significant number of delegates dominated the discussion, according to five people familiar with the meeting.

    Weighing in on that scenario as Priebus and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) listened, several longtime Republican power brokers argued that if the controversial billionaire storms through the primaries, the party’s establishment must lay the groundwork for a floor fight in which the GOP’s mainstream wing could coalesce around an alternative, the people said.

  24. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Willie Mae “Big Mama” Thornton was born on this day in 1926.

  25. rikyrah says:

    They have Star Wars costumes for grown-azz people in Target. NOT in the kids section -this was in the grown-folks section.


  26. Ametia says:

    America’s goal:

    1. Media Feeds terror & fear 24/7
    2. Air Trump KKK rallies
    3. Solidify angry WHITE folks
    4. GOP Voter suppression of BLACK & BROWN FOLKS

    END GAME: No blacks gain entry into White House Oval Office- WHITE PREZ back in!

    We must get everyone we know and beyond to register to VOTE & get their asses to the POLLS in November 2016.

  27. rikyrah says:

    Daniel José Older @djolder
    New England police union endorses Donald Trump – The Boston Globe

  28. rikyrah says:

    Dr. SaVonni Yestanti @SaVonniYestanti
    Some people don’t realize how much harder we have to work – academically, emotionally, financially – to be considered “Equal” ~ #StayMadAbby

  29. rikyrah says:

    TrueBlackNews @trueblacknews
    “I was shot 28 times … 21 times in the back,” said Howard Morgan. Black Former Cop shot by Chicago Police

  30. rikyrah says:

    PragmaticObotsUnite @PragObots
    Trump’s birtherism, racism and Islamophobia were never funny.

  31. rikyrah says:

    PragmaticObotsUnite @PragObots
    Notice Republicans never attack police unions? #BlackLivesMatter #BLM

  32. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

  33. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Good morning :)

    “Dashing through the snow…”

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