Thursday Open Thread | The Black Voter: Politics as Therapy

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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136 Responses to Thursday Open Thread | The Black Voter: Politics as Therapy

  1. Liza says:

    Remember 2008? Hillary explains why she’s going to keep going, mentions the RFK assassination.

  2. Liza says:

    Cutest picture I’ve seen all week…

    @MichaelSkolnik #ObamaAndKids— Penny C. Nicholas (@PennyCees) March 18, 2016


  3. eliihass says:

    “Frances Robles ‏@FrancesRobles 3h3 hours ago
    Sasha and Malia will join President Obama on his trip to #Cuba. Michelle will meet with high school age girls.”

    Bringing this from the bottom of the thread because it has to be addressed…

    Does nobody else think that this historic First Lady deserves to be treated with so much more respect than this…

    Mrs Obama is not the maid…nor is she another one of the President’s daughters…or as some smart person pointed out, an inconvenient appendage of sorts…

    She is the double Ivy League educated lawyer, historic first black First Lady and life partner and wife of 23+ years to the historic black President…

    She deserves so much better than these now routine afterthought references that usually place her way lower on the totem pole than even her own daughters…that is when she’s even mentioned..

    Shouldn’t this read: “Malia and Sasha to join their parents – POTUS and FLOTUS…FLOTUS to meet high school girls…”

    I still don’t understand this thing with treating a grown married woman and mother, and equal to her husband…and the HISTORIC FIRST LADY, as if she were the maid, or some random nobody…or just another one of the kids…

    Not even the V.P’s wife is given this demeaning treatment…The media, following the lead of the White House, always fully acknowledges Mrs Biden as an equal and partner, when she travels with her husband…and even when she’s not traveling with him…

    In every statement from the White House, and news bits from the media, its always, “the V.P and Dr. Biden”…there’s never anytime – not even informally…and not even by the President’s supporters, do we ever get…”Jill to travel with the Vice President”…Or “the V.P and family..” …His wife is always respectfully and properly and fully acknowledged – and never excluded – or yoked as ‘family’..

    Even some of the President’s ‘supporters’ are some of the worst perpetrators of this demeaning and belittling of our historic First Lady…some do it very consciously and on the sly – others I’d like to believe, don’t know better…But the White House staff do know better I’d like to believe…but have done little to correct this – even perpetrating and perpetuating this awful treatment of Mrs Obama…

    This is a first in America’s long history of reporting and handling of First Ladies …and more than a few other people have noticed this very insulting and disrespectful treatment of this historic first black First Lady…

    This has to stop…

  4. What the ever living fuck kind of reporting is this? People make up ISH in their mind and report it as news? GTFOH @maggieNYT

    • eliihass says:

      Like I said, they’re trying to herd folks now towards the coronation as originally planned – after practically corrupting the democratic process…

      We must reject this brazen effort to insult our intelligence…and the move to be treated like sheep…useful idiots to help advance Hillary’s undeserved and self-serving obsession to be the first woman in the oval office…and only through lying, cheating, and employing every despicable and low-down tactic ever…

      Don’t fall for the okey doke…

      Isn’t it rather amusing to see folks who were all ‘offended’ when Hillary and her cohorts were brazenly undermining the President and his administration, shift gears so quickly and are now waxing poetic about her, while insisting that Bernie Sanders is the devil…

      It’s all about the President’s legacy they insist…

      Well, I do recall the President himself reiterate in an interview just a little while ago, that his legacy and accomplishments were safe and could not be reversed…

      They also tell you that the President has ‘forgiven’ Hillary and has gotten behind her candidacy …that they are ‘friends’ and ‘close’..

      But somehow, the same President who forgave Hillary’s infinitely more devastating assaults on him, his wife and his presidency…somehow this same forgiving President hates Bernie Sanders – and holds on to his indiscernible grudge against Bernie…because sometime in 2011, Bernie mused that the President and our and his progressive agenda could benefit from a push from the left –

      Unlike of course Hillary, who not only set in motion the narrative of him as muslim and other – actively courted the racist white vote and styled herself Annie Oakley; and who even after he gave her the undeserved, resume enhancing plum job of SoS in his admin, a position that she now furiously dangles and dishonestly wields on the campaign trail as evidence of her ‘abilities’, ‘accomplishments’, and ‘closeness’ to the President – never mind that it was part of a brokered deal to nip the Clinton vindictiveness in the bud…

      Even after he gave her the SoS spot, she still spent the entire time at State, undermining and dissing him…that is before she then prematurely resigned – n the hopes that he was sufficiently weakened and re-election shaky, thanks to her and her husband’s and their allies efforts – and that she could then plot a run against him…and when that failed, she and her pals made overtures to oust Joe Biden, to take his place on the ticket as running mate and V.P — and only for her self-serving purposes – in readiness for her launching this 2016 bid for the presidency…

      But Bernie Sanders is the bad, bad, person…


    • Ametia says:

      SG2, I hope you tweeeted that LYING HEIFER, and called her out.

      Seriously, that shit read like MAGGIE H. was sitting around a table, rubbing a crystal ball in some cheap, misty-filled dark room


  5. Liza says:

    Chart compares 2008, 2012, and 2016 voter turnout. Damn, look at Ohio Democrats. And look at Florida Republicans (that was a closed primary too).

    Republicans Are Far Outstripping Democrats In Primary Turnout
    March 16, 20162:11 PM ET
    Danielle Kurtzleben

  6. rikyrah says:

    ‘grace, grit and intellect’
    By lovelyplains

    “CHICAGO — In his 30s and 40s, the Rev. C.T. Vivian rode with the Freedom Riders, organized sit-ins in Nashville and worked closely with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Many years later, before the 2008 election, he traveled the country along with other civil rights leaders exclaiming to voters that a Barack Obama presidency was exactly the kind of prize that they had been fighting for all their lives. All of that came back to him during a meeting at the White House three weeks ago between President Obama and several of those leaders. Mr. Vivian told the president how proud he was of him, and how sad he was to see him go. And then he began to cry. “If there was a way I could keep him there I would keep him there for another term,” Mr. Vivian, 91, said later from his home in Atlanta. “It is difficult for people who are not African-American to understand what it has been to have someone in the White House that you know understands you.”….But a large segment of the country has also been busy gazing upon the presidency that is ending. In interviews, African-Americans around the country said they were counting down the last 10 months of Mr. Obama’s term with pride, with sadness and also with a looming despair.

  7. Didn’t we call it, got dammit? The White House pushed back on the NYTPolitics article about President Obama saying to unite behind Hillary in the middle of a campaign. These no good mofos think we don’t see them.

    • Liza says:

      It was such a badly written article, pure nonsense, zero credibility. The NYT will try anything for their favorite candidate apparently.

    • eliihass says:

      I caught the live stream yesterday of the reception celebrating Women’s History month at the White House…

      The usual suspects were in attendance…Nancy Pelosi, Cecile Richards whose daughter works for Hillary, etc..

      Of note was the glaring fact that the historic first black First Lady was not in attendance at this event at her home…the last one of this presidency…The President explained that she was at SWSX …but then you’d have to wonder why the reception celebrating Women was scheduled for a time when the most important woman of the presidency…the Chief Hostess of the White House, was away…

      At some point the President was talking about women breaking the glass ceiling referenced some women pioneers…some voices in the audience shouted back something about a first woman president, and the President with a poker face quickly said something to the effect that the celebration was not a political event…

      I don’t know what has been said or not said…or what has been promised, agreed to…

      What I do know is that my vote is all mine…mine to do with what I want…

      And I will NEVER vote for Hillary…Never…

      • Same here! Not voting for Hillary.

      • Ametia says:

        THIS: Of note was the glaring fact that the historic first black First Lady was not in attendance at this event at her home…the last one of this presidency…The President explained that she was at SWSX …but then you’d have to wonder why the reception celebrating Women was scheduled for a time when the most important woman of the presidency…the Chief Hostess of the White House, was away…

        Sounds like the room was FULL OF PUMAS.

        Meanwhile FLOTUS said this at the SWSX: ” You have to love people to serve the PUBLIC.




      • Liza says:

        I won’t vote for Hillary.

        And I’m going to register as an independent or unaffiliated voter. I don’t believe I can forgive the Democrats any time soon for what they have done.

    • Ametia says:

      If you can find a link to the statement or video of the WH pushing back on the NYT, would you please post it, SG2. THANKS!

  8. rikyrah says:

    Governor Blocks $2.85 Minimum Wage Increase After Giving Staffers $73,405 Raises
    MAR 17, 2016 4:38 PM

    When the city Birmingham, Alabama voted last month to give its lowest-paid workers a $2.85 raise, Republican Gov. Robert Bentley signed a bill banning Alabama cities from raising their minimum wages at all. Now, news has emerged that Bentley recently gave four of his cabinet members $73,405 raises — an 80 percent increase from the $91,000 salaries they were making previously.
    One of the beneficiaries of the raises, Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Administrator Mac Gipson, argues his previous $91,000 salary wasn’t sufficient to attract the best talent from the private sector. But an author of the bill that gave Bentley the authority to raise cabinet members’ salaries in the first place says the 80 percent boosts are “outrageous.”
    “I’m troubled by the amount of raises that I’ve read about,” Sen. Arthur Orr (R) told
    The raises reportedly went into effect late last year, though news of them just broke this week. While the $73,405 salary increases were the largest, more than a dozen members of Bentley’s cabinet and a number of his staff members reportedly received raises as well.

  9. Ametia says:

    This is for media fuckery and their attempts at painting President Obama as a dummy to their ventriloguistic fuckery

    Ventriloquism, or ventriloquy, is an act of stagecraft in which a person (a ventriloquist) changes his or her voice so that it appears that the voice is coming from elsewhere, usually a puppeteered “dummy”.

    SIPS Dr_ P

  10. Ametia says:

    What an endorsement, eh? LOL

  11. rikyrah says:

    This looks good. I’m going to give it a chance.

    OWN Drops First Trailer for Its Mega-Church Drama, ‘Greenleaf’
    By Tambay A. Obenson | Shadow and Act

    March 15, 2016 at 11:02PM

    OWN’s new original series “Greenleaf,” featuring Oprah Winfrey’s first recurring scripted television role in two decades, will launch on June 21 at 10 p.m. ET/PT.

    The megachurch drama from Emmy nominated writer/producer Craig Wright (“Lost,” “Six Feet Under”) and Lionsgate Television, will regularly air on Wednesdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT for the remainder of its 13-episode first season.

  12. Ametia says:


    Obama Privately Tells Donors That Time Is Coming to Unite Behind Hillary Clinton

    In unusually candid remarks, President Obama privately told a group of Democratic donors last Friday that Senator Bernie Sanders is nearing the point where his campaign against Hillary Clinton will come to an end, and that the party must soon come together to back her.
    Mr. Obama acknowledged that Mrs. Clinton is perceived to have weaknesses as a candidate, and that some Democrats did not view her as authentic.

    But he played down the importance of authenticity, noting that President George W. Bush — whose record he ran aggressively against in 2008 — was once praised for his authenticity.
    Mr. Obama made the remarks after reporters had left a fund-raising event in Austin, Tex., for the Democratic National Committee. The comments were described by three people in the room for the event, all of whom were granted anonymity to describe a candid moment with the president. The comments were later confirmed by a White House official.

    Mr. Obama chose his words carefully, and did not explicitly call on Mr. Sanders to depart the race, according to those in the room. Still, those in attendance said in interviews that they took his comments as a signal to Mr. Sanders that perpetuating his campaign, which is now an uphill climb, could only help the Republicans recapture the White House.
    Mr. Obama’s message came at a critical juncture for Mr. Sanders, who had just upset Mrs. Clinton in the Michigan primary and has been trying to convince Democrats that his campaign is not over, despite Mrs. Clinton’s formidable lead in the delegate tally.

    Mr. Obama has been careful in public to avoid disparaging Mr. Sanders, given his deeper history and relationship with Mrs. Clinton. Mr. Obama also does not want to alienate the liberal voters who have flocked to Mr. Sanders.

    Mr. Obama acknowledged what have emerged as the central complaints about Mrs. Clinton among Democratic activists: that she is not generating enough excitement in her campaign, and lacks the “authenticity” of Mr. Sanders.

    • Liza says:

      “Mr. Obama”?

    • Ametia says:

      The NYT ain’t worth a good shit, either. Mr. Obama? really, Maggie & Michael?
      You can do better than this, can’t you?

      How about “PRESIDENT OBAMA.”

      These sons of bitches can’t use President Obama’s duly earned title, because that would mean he actually said this DRIVEL.

      And we know this isn’t PBO’s MODUS OPERANDI., leaking shit, and spreading gossip.

      If ‘MR. OBAMA,’ as you and Michael call him is wanting folks to get behind HILLARY, HE’LL COME OUT AND SAY IT IN PUBLIC as PRESIDENT OBAMA.

    • Liza says:

      “Mr. Obama chose his words carefully, and did not explicitly call on Mr. Sanders to depart the race, according to those in the room. Still, those in attendance said in interviews that they took his comments as a signal to Mr. Sanders that perpetuating his campaign, which is now an uphill climb, could only help the Republicans recapture the White House.”

      “…The comments were described by three people in the room for the event, all of whom were granted anonymity to describe a candid moment with the president. The comments were later confirmed by a White House official.”

      This article reads like nonsense and at best is poor “journalism”, what one would expect from The National Enquirer:
      “…did not explicity call on Mr. Sanders…”
      “..those in attendance said..”
      “..took his comments as a signal…”
      “..could only help Republicans recapture the WH…”
      “..three people…all of whom were granted anonymity…”
      “..confirmed by a WH official..”

      All bullsh!t, every last word. The room was apparently full of mysterious MIND READERS.

      “Mr. Sanders…has been trying to convince Democrats that his campaign is not over, despite Mrs. Clinton’s formidable lead in the delegate tally.”

      The formidable lead is because of super delegates. Shame on you, NYT, for your sorry a$$, thinly veiled, twisted and propagandized POLITICAL advertisement for the Queen of the Democrats.

      This is intended as a message from the NYT for all PBO supporters that he wants you to vote for Hillary, not Bernie. Bernie’s done, stick a fork in him, it’s Hillary’s turn, you must learn to love her despite her lack of everything she needs to be the president.

      The blue states on the west coast have not yet voted, would PBO really try to intercept a democratic process (or what should be a democratic process) and turn the tables in favor of Hillary Clinton before the most populated state in the union gets to vote?

      LET THE WEST COAST VOTE without propaganda being rammed down their throats from the not-so-venerable NYT. This is the same rag that hawked the 2003 US invasion of Iraq. Remember Judith Miller?

    • Liza says:

      Check and balance? Mitch McConnell needs to check his own racist a$$ on why he is trying to deny President Obama his rights and obligations as the head of the executive branch of government. If Mitch McConnell loved this country, he would look in the mirror and see the ugly racist looking back at him, he would go to his knees and beg the Lord’s forgiveness for the evil he has perpetrated, and he would resign from the Senate as partial atonement for his sins.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Kim Foxx’s Victory Speech:

  14. Execute them all. Purge them from the face of the earth so Nigerians can live in peace.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Published on Mar 14, 2016
    President Obama and the First Lady hosted the Broadway cast of the musical “Hamilton” at the White House Monday for a workshop and Q&A session with area students. President Obama delivered remarks on the history behind “Hamilton,” and the cast performed “Alexander Hamilton,” the opening song of the play, live for the attendees.

  16. Ametia says:


    March 17, 2016, 08:39 am
    Laura Bush: ‘Don’t ask’ if I’m voting for Trump

    Laura Bush shot down an interviewer asking whether she would vote for GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump
    “I’m not going to answer,” the former first lady told Susan Page on USA Today’s “Capital Download” in an interview published Thursday. “Don’t ask that.”

    Laura Bush said she is uncommitted after former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, her brother-in-law, suspended his presidential campaign last month.
    “We got off the sidelines for Jeb,” she said of herself and former President George W. Bush, her husband. “He was our candidate.”

    Laura Bush also cautioned Americans against abandoning their tolerance of other cultures and religions.

    “One of the reasons we’re a country is because we believe in freedom of religion,” she said. “We believe that people could be religious.

  17. Ametia says:

    Flint hearing thread is up! Gov Snyder is getting a righteous BEATDOWN.

  18. Ametia says:

    … Rep, Jason Chaffetz SHOWBOATING. How about calling for Governor RICK SNYDER TO RESIGN

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:


    • eliihass says:

      “…Enough is enough…”

      Selfless Mama Bear…I hope her daughters appreciate just how much she’s given up for them…to protect them and ensure their well-being…and just how much she loves them and always puts them above everything else…and backs it up in deed…

      Our fantastic FLOTUS…She said a whole lot in this little clip…For those who have ears…

      One does not need to be President to do great things…

      As many wise folks have noted, how is it that it is the noble few who would bring great character and integrity to the Presidency, that least crave it…

      But then she also goes on to encourage those who want to be president…persons of strong values and strong morals preferably…

      Even if it’s all about wanting to make money…be sure to help somebody…

      Do you see why I love her so hard and think the world of this magnificent and all around amazing and genuine greatness…


  19. Ametia says:

    Liza, where are you? LOL

    Obama Plans to Take Nuclear Launch Codes With Him When He Leaves Office
    By Andy Borowitz

    WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—President Obama is planning to take the nation’s nuclear launch codes with him when he leaves office, in January of 2017, the President announced in a nationally televised address on Thursday.

    The President was quick to acknowledge that his decision to hold on to the launch codes was unorthodox, but said that he was doing it “to reassure the American people.”

    “In recent weeks, there has been a rising level of alarm about who might have access to these codes going forward,” Obama said. “As a result, it occurred to me that the safest thing would be if I just held on to them for the foreseeable future.”

    The President stressed, however, that he would follow through on his plan to keep custody of the launch codes “only if it is necessary.”

    “We’re just going to have to see how everything plays out,” he said.

    At the conclusion of his address, Obama held up the nuclear “football,” the briefcase containing the nation’s nuclear codes, to display it for the national television audience.

    “You can all sleep well at night,” he said. “I got this.”

    • Liza says:

      LMAO, this is great. Imagining Trump with the nation’s nuclear launch codes really ought to be enough to scare the living sh!t out of the entire planet except, of course, his low life followers.

  20. rikyrah says:

    The Republican ‘autopsy’ plan died long before Trump’s rise
    03/17/16 10:48 AM
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    By Steve Benen
    The day after Super Tuesday, when Donald Trump’s position as the Republican frontrunner became more obvious, The Atlantic published a piece with an interesting quote from GOP admaker Rick Wilson.

    “A generation of work with African Americans – slow, patient work – I can’t tell you how great it is that we’ve pissed that away because of Donald Trump in one day,” Wilson complained.

    The frustration was understandable, but the analysis was hardly compelling. To think that the Republican Party has been making steady progress towards winning over African-American voters – following a “generation of work,” no less – is at odds with much of what we know about race and party politics in contemporary America.

    As his party’s presidential nominee, Trump would obviously exacerbate the GOP’s problems with minority communities, but the notion that Republicans were otherwise on the verge of some kind of breakthrough is incorrect.

    A few days later, Politico published a related piece making the case that Trump has effectively killed the Republican National Committee’s post-2012 “autopsy” report: “Republican elders drew up a blueprint for a kinder, more inclusive Republican party. Trump is tearing it apart.”
    Reeling from a second straight loss to Barack Obama, a flailing Republican Party in 2013 found its culprit: Mitt Romney’s callous tone toward minorities. Instead of being doomed to irrelevance in a changing America, the party would rebrand as a kinder, more inclusive GOP. They called their findings an “autopsy,” and party leaders from Paul Ryan to Newt Gingrich welcomed it with fanfare.

    But even then, Donald Trump was lurking…. The billionaire has not only ignored the report’s conclusions, he has run a campaign that moved the party in the exact opposite direction.
    The Washington Post published a similar article yesterday, following the collapse of Marco Rubio’s failed presidential campaign. The demise of the senator’s candidacy, the Post noted, marked the point at which “years of carefully laid plans to repackage the Republican Party’s traditional ideas for a fast-changing country came crashing down.”

  21. rikyrah says:

    Rubio sees Cruz as ‘the only conservative left in the race’
    03/17/16 10:04 AM
    By Steve Benen
    Forever more, Minnesota will probably have a special place in Marco Rubio’s heart: it’s the only state that held a nominating convention he actually won. And with that in mind, the Pioneer Press in St. Paul reports today that the failed presidential candidate spoke with “a group of Minnesota supporters” yesterday, and he pointed to one remaining rival as their potential next best choice.
    [Rubio is] rooting for someone else to stop [Donald Trump] from winning the 1,237 delegates he needs to clinch the nomination – someone who can go into the convention with more delegates and a better claim than Rubio believes he would have been able to muster.

    He didn’t endorse either Texas Sen. Ted Cruz or Ohio Gov. John Kasich, the two other remaining candidates. But Rubio praised Cruz as “the only conservative left in the race.”
    That may seem like an odd assessment – it’s not as if Kasich and Trump are moderates or liberals – but from Rubio’s far-right perspective, it’s fair to say Cruz comes the closest to matching the Floridian’s ideology and governing philosophy.

  22. Ametia says:

    Governor Snake Snyder is testifying this morning

    • eliihass says:


      Wasn’t the First Lady already billed to travel with the President to Cuba…?

      And shouldn’t this read Malia and Sasha to join or travel with their parents – POTUS and FLOTUS…

      I still don’t understand this thing with treating a grown married woman of more than twenty something years – and mother, and equal to her husband…and the HISTORIC FIRST LADY, as if she were just another one of the kids…

      Not even the V.P’s wife is given this demeaning treatment…The White House always goes out of its way to fully acknowledge Mrs Biden as an equal and partner, when she travels with her husband…and even when she’s not traveling with him…

      In every statement, its always, “the V.P and Dr. Biden”…there’s never anytime – not even informally…and not even by the President’s supporters, do we ever get…”Jill to travel with the Vice President”…Or “the V.P and his family..” …His wife is always mentioned apart from, and never yoked as family..

      And some of the President’s ‘supporters’ are some of the worst perpetrators of this demeaning and belittling of the historic First Lady…some do it very consciously and on the sly – others I’d like to believe, don’t know better…But the White House staff do know better I’d like to believe…

      This is a first in America’s long history of reporting and handling of First Ladies …and more than a few other people have noticed this very insulting and disrespectful treatment of this historic first black First Lady…

  23. rikyrah says:

    UH HUH

    UH HUH


    America’s Whites-Only Weed Boom

    Black Americans were disproportionately targeted in the “war on drugs.” Now state laws and steep regulatory costs have left them far more likely to be shut out of America’s profitable marijuana boom
    Mar. 16, 2016, at 10:01 p.m.

    When Colorado’s first medical marijuana dispensaries opened in 2009, Unique Henderson was psyched. He’d been smoking weed since he was 15, and he’d even learned how to grow, from his ex-girlfriend’s father. He spent $750 on classes about how to run a cannabis business, and then he and a friend both applied to work at a Denver pot shop.

    Then only his friend was hired. Henderson was more than qualified, so why didn’t he get the gig? His friend asked the managers and came back with infuriating news: Henderson was not allowed to work in the legal cannabis industry because he had been caught twice with a joint’s worth of pot as a teenager back in Oklahoma, and as a result he has two drug possession felonies on his record.

    For most jobs, experience will help you get ahead. In the marijuana industry, it’s not that simple. Yes, investors and state governments are eager to hire and license people with expertise in how to cultivate, cure, trim, and process cannabis. But it can’t be someone who got caught. Which for the most part means it can’t be someone who is black.

  24. rikyrah says:

    This is why Donald Trump can lie and lie and still seem honest to conservatives

    by LOLGOP


    Talking about race without mentioning race isn’t just the most effective dark art of American politics — it’s the recipe for destroying the middle class.

    In the 1960s, conservatives and the Osmond family realized they had one thing going for them: white people—lots and lots and lots of white people. The only problem was that a generation of Americans that had grown up watching liberal governance save the economy, win World War II and engineer the creation of the most vibrant middle class in history.

    But Republicans soon learned the secret of turning Americans against government — and they learned it by watching a Southern Democrat George Wallace.

    The racism of “Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever!” was pretty easy to detect, even when cloaked in the gauze of “states rights.” But as it became cries for “law and order” and against “forced busing,” the notions became more abstract.

    Now it’s not hard to figure out who the right is talking about when it references “makers and takers” or people wanting “free stuff.” But because the right has done an incredible job suggesting that any mention of race and any attempt to resolve the historic injustices of discrimination is racism — against white people.

    We can’t let this fraud of “colorblindness” wreck our economy any longer.

  25. rikyrah says:


    lips pursed.

  26. rikyrah says:

    Now, if they wanna whine about something..this is a true issue for the GOP Clown Car. No, he doesn’t pay for media, BECAUSE HE GETS IT ALL FOR FREE

  27. rikyrah says:

    Have the Federal Marshals at their door this morning

    House OversightDems ‏@OversightDems 2h2 hours ago

    BREAKING: 15 Current & Former #MI Officials Refuse to Cooperate w/Congress in #FlintWaterCrisis Investigation http://democrats.oversight.hou… …

  28. rikyrah says:

    Really? Seriously?

    GOP official: The party chooses the nominee, not the voters
    March 16, 2016

    A member of the Republican National Committee’s Rules Committee said Wednesday that the party will decide who the GOP nominee will be, not the voters.

    “The media has created the perception that the voters will decide the nomination,” Curly Haugland said in an interview with CNBC. “That’s the conflict here.”

    “The political parties choose their nominees, not the general public, contrary to popular belief,” he added.

    Haugland was then asked what the point of holding primaries is if the party can disregard the will of the voters.

    “That’s a very good question,” he responded.

  29. rikyrah says:

    I don’t even understand how we’re supposed to take this seriously. I mean, the entire idea is ridiculous to me. Am I the only one?

    The voters are choosing one person. Sure, he might fall a little short, but in state, after state, that clown is winning. The GOP voters are choosing him.

    And, they are like, discussing this as a possibility?


    Kasich camp names advisers with contested convention experience

    John Kasich’s campaign announced a quartet of high-profile additions to its national strategy council on Tuesday night, fresh off the Ohio governor’s victory in his home-state primary, as he tries to force a contested convention in Cleveland this July.

    “Governor Kasich showed tonight how you defeat Donald Trump and bring our party together,” chief strategist John Weaver said in a statement. “This is going to be a long road to the nomination in Cleveland, and we’re thrilled to grow our team of advisers with some of the best minds in the Republican Party.”

    Those joining the effort include Stu Spencer, who served as Ronald Reagan’s chief strategist for his two gubernatorial campaigns in California in 1966 and 1970 and his two presidential campaigns in 1980 and 1984; Charlie Black, who advised Reagan and both Bushes in the White House, as well as Sen. John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign; former Rep. Vin Weber (R-Minn.), who advised Newt Gingrich leading up to the 1994 midterm elections as well as serving as a top adviser to presidential candidates Bob Dole, George W. Bush and Mitt Romney in past campaigns; and longtime Tennessee operative Tom Ingram, who served in a similar capacity for erstwhile candidate Jeb Bush.

    Kasich’s campaign, in its announcement, made sure to note that Spencer “played a central role” in helping President Gerald Ford secure the GOP nomination at the 1976 convention, the last such time there was a contested convention, which is the governor’s sole path to the Republican nomination at this juncture. Black also worked on Reagan’s 1976 presidential campaign, which lost out to Ford at the convention in Kansas City, Missouri.

  30. rikyrah says:

    Trump, Cruz vow to barricade Kasich from convention

    Advisers to Donald Trump and Ted Cruz say there’s no way they’ll allow John Kasich to even compete at a contested national convention — let alone prevail.

    Trump and Cruz are betting that their dual dominance in the delegate hunt will permanently box out the Ohio governor, who has no mathematical path to the nomination and is openly pursuing a floor fight at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. And their aides say Kasich won’t even make it to the floor.

    “There is virtually zero chance he can even be nominated,” Saul Anuzis, a former Michigan Republican national committeeman who’s advising Cruz on his convention strategy, told POLITICO. “It’s a two-man race.”

    • Ametia says:

      This announcement from FLOTUS probably gave Hillary a HUGE SIGH of RELEIF.

      If that scalawag Hillary gets in office, she’ll be a ONE TERMER.

  31. rikyrah says:

    Posted without comment:

    Carson on Trump comparing him to a child molester: “It did work”
    March 16, 2016

    On March 16, 2016, Dr. Ben Carson spoke to Yahoo News and Finance Anchor Bianna Golodryga on “Yahoo News Live” about his endorsement of GOP frontrunner Donald Trump and Trump’s big wins in the March 15 primaries.

    Golodryga pressed Carson on his support for Donald Trump even though Trump had compared him to a child molester. Carson said he accepted Trump’s explanation for the remark, and that it was, in fact, effective. “He said that it was political. He was concerned about the fact that he couldn’t shake me. I understand politics and, in particular, the politics of personal destruction, and you have to admit, to some degree, that it did work.” He continued, “A lot of people believed him.”

  32. rikyrah says:

    Frances Robles ‏@FrancesRobles 3h3 hours ago

    Sasha and Malia will join President Obama on his trip to #Cuba. Michelle will meet with high school age girls.

  33. rikyrah says:

    just dust in my eyes..lots of dust




    Friday, March 11, 2016 09:39AM

    JOLIET, Ill. — The heartwarming story of a young Illinois woman giving the man who raised her the gift of a lifetime is going viral with more than 36 million views online.

    The woman, who goes by the name Misty Nicole Knight on Facebook, surprised her father-figure with a letter officially asking him to adopt her and recorded his reaction in a video she later shared on the social media site.

    Take a look at the moment that has left the Internet in tears:

  34. rikyrah says:

    The Hill ‏@thehill 4h4 hours ago

    The Economist ranks Trump presidency as one of its top 10 global threats:

  35. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

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