Sunday Praise & Worship | Sounds of Blackness

Sounds of Blackness is a Grammy Award-winning vocal and instrumental ensemble from Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota who perform music from several genres music including gospel, R&B, soul, and jazz. The group scored several hits on the Billboard R&B chart and Billboard Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart in the 1990s. One of the group’s current members is Cynthia Johnson, who rose to fame with Lipps, Inc.

The group was founded in 1969 by Russell Knighton at Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota, and the group was called the Macalester College Black Voices. It was in 1971 when current director Gary Hines took leadership over the ensemble, and the group name was officially changed to Sounds of Blackness (SOB).

The group had acquired local celebrity status throughout the years though never signed with a record company because of various reasons including the fact that many companies were not comfortable with the group’s name. Some companies even suggested to Hines that the group’s name be changed to “The Sounds of Music.”

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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48 Responses to Sunday Praise & Worship | Sounds of Blackness

  1. rikyrah says:

    Robert DeNiro tonight at the Tony Awards

  2. eliihass says:

    Incredibly odd and funny (not ha-ha, but peculiar), how there’s cheering and talking-up a racist, egomaniacal, soulless, sociopathic, self-promoting, preening, treasonous buffoon with tunnel-visioned delusions of Nobel prize wins and (Texas schoolbooks revisionist-style) fraudulent ‘history-book’ placement among bona fide greatness and achievements …and his entirely self-promoting footsie-playing with a much savvier and better-prepared No. Korean doppelgänger in a wasteful luxury junket and photo-op – courtesy of the American taxpayer…

    By the very same folks who loudly cursed, publicly scolded, tsk-tsked, hand-wringed, and undermined and sabotaged at every turn, when the historic US President in collaboration with our allies and other leading nations, worked smartly, deliberately, thoughtfully, and strategically over a healthy period of time, on long term denuclearization, and containing Iran as a nuclear threat..

    The same folks who shrugged as the treasonous buffoon – upon installation by a hostile foreign entity – unilaterally withdrew the US from, and essentially undermined and threatens to unravel years of that collaborative hard work on Iran – just because…

    These very same folks are now not only cheering on and talking-up a proven ignoramus and bumbling, arrogant, illiterate, treasonous buffoon who’s never read a book or foreign policy briefing report, and lacks the necessary intellectual heft and important sense of history ..

    These same folks who watched as this self-serving, greedy, Kompromat-compromised treasonous buffoon unilaterally, and with endless insults and threats and a stroke of pen, undid the Iranian deal … want you now to believe that this expensive, preening, ego-massaging, luxury destination photo-op shindig footed by US taxpayers will ‘bring peace’ and if not, will somehow ‘lay the foundation’ for a ‘framework’, for future US presidents abide by..

    Same folks who stood by, said and did nothing ..and just shrugged, as the treasonous buffoon unilaterally unraveled the thoughtful denuclearization work of the 2-term (legitimately elected in a landslide) historic President and our allies..?! These same folk are now with a straight face prattling on about their ‘expectations’ that any future legitimately elected and intellectually prepared president will be inclined, or have an obligation to abide by this self-serving, ego-massage of a treasonous buffoon and his random, shambolic, uninformed, tunnel-visioned, entirely self-interested and self-promoting, pseudo-foreign policy shenanigans..

    LOL.. couldn’t make this crap up if one tried..

    If it weren’t all so irreparably damaging and painfully ridiculous and diminishing of the self-styled preeminent and once greatest democracy and country – thanks to the competing bunglings of the variously intellectually and morally inferior white supremacy, and those looking to brazenly assert, resuscitate and shore it up (including their various greedily-subservient indentured coons), .. it’d all be quite hilarious..

  3. eliihass says:

    America’s shame… That’s what this period will forever be known as in history books..

    We are truly living that comedy-infused dystopian nightmare …complete with all manner of preening, hollow, semi-literate narcissists as bit players ignorant, sociopathic, treasonous buffoon suffering from extreme delusions of grandeur playing at ‘president’, with 2-bit shameless self-promoters Kim Kardashian and Dennis Rodman, prancing about with pseudo-savior complexes, being taken seriously – and with straight faces, being treated and lauded as ‘relevant’..

    • eliihass says:

      “…In the days before Donald Trump’s inauguration, a wealthy Russian pharmaceutical executive named Alexey Repik arrived in Washington, expressing excitement about the new administration.

      He posted a photo on Facebook of a clutch of inauguration credentials arranged next to a white “Make America Great Again” hat, writing in Russian: “I believe that President Donald Trump will open a new page in American history.”

      Throughout his trip, Repik had prime access. He wrote on Facebook that he got close enough to the president-elect at a pre-inaugural event to “check the handshake strength of Donald Trump.” He and his wife, Polina Repik, witnessed Trump’s swearing-in from ticketed seats in front of the U.S. Capitol. And he posed for a photo shoulder-to-shoulder with Mike Pompeo, the president’s nominee to head the CIA, although Repik later said he was not aware of Pompeo’s intended role at the time.

      As questions about Russia’s interference in the 2016 election were beginning to percolate publicly, prominent business leaders and activists from the country attended inaugural festivities, mingling at balls and receptions — at times in proximity to key U.S. political officials.

      Their presence caught the attention of counterintelligence officials at the FBI, according to former U.S. officials, although it is not clear which attendees drew U.S. government interest. FBI officials were concerned at the time because some of the figures had surfaced in the agency’s investigation of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, the officials said.

      The Washington Post identified at least half a dozen politically connected Russians who were in Washington on Inauguration Day — including some whose presence has not been previously reported. Among them was Viktor Vekselberg, a tycoon who is closely aligned with Putin’s government.

      Another was Natalia Veselnitskaya , the Russian lawyer whose June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower with Donald Trump Jr. has become a focus of the Russia investigation. She attended a black-tie inaugural party hosted by the campaign committee of Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.), according to an associate who accompanied her.

      Other Russian inaugural guests included Boris Titov, a politician and business advocate who is running for president of Russia with the Kremlin’s blessing.

      Like other VIPs in town that weekend, many flocked to the lobby of the Trump International Hotel, where some encountered fellow Russian associates with surprise.

      Trump’s inauguration was celebrated jubilantly in Moscow, where Putin supporter Konstantin Rykov hosted an all-night party. Champagne flowed as an interpreter narrated the new U.S. president’s speech.

      Vekselberg heads of one of Russia’s most powerful conglomerates, the Renova Group, which has investments in energy, telecom and mining. He attended Trump’s inauguration as a guest of “one of his closest American business partners,” said spokesman Andrey Shtorkh, who declined to name Vekselberg’s host.

      Vekselberg regularly participates in gatherings of Russian business leaders with Putin and sometimes meets one on one with the Russian president, according to news accounts and people familiar with his role. In March, the two sat down to discuss infrastructure projects, according to Russian state news reports. Vekselberg funds several critically important Russian prestige projects, including Skolkovo, the business incubator touted as Russia’s answer to Silicon Valley.

      Two of Vekselberg’s U.S. business associates donated significant sums to the inaugural committee, federal filings show.

      Andrew Intrater, a New York businessman who is president of the U.S. affiliate of Vekselberg’s company, gave $250,000. Intrater did not respond to requests for comment.

      Access Industries, a company founded by Leonard Blavatnik — a Soviet-born American British billionaire who is a longtime friend and business associate of Vekselberg — contributed $1 million to the committee. Blavatnik, through a spokesman, declined to comment…”

      • eliihass says:

        “…If Brexit ever happens, and British officials start chasing trade deals, the dissembling will get worse. We’ll then mostly be courting autocrats: Gulf states, China, Russia. Trade isn’t their priority, but they like other British assets: the “light-touch regulation” City of London (meaning a laundry for dirty money); the British-gentleman fantasy (starting with a place at boarding school); Britain’s ruling party (the wife of one of Putin’s former ministers paid the Tories £160,000 to play a tennis match with Johnson and David Cameron); elections (as well as Cambridge Analytica, many foreign outfits want to meddle); and media (the UK’s loud global voice is worth buying).

        For universities losing European research grants, autocrat donors stand ready. Oxford already has the Blavatnik School of Government, funded by the Ukraine-born tycoon who is Britain’s richest man (and a Trump donor). Gulf money finances Islamic studies at several universities. Foreigners have learnt the UK is for sale..”

        “…Prof Woods naturally comes to the defence of her school’s major benefactor (Sir Leonard Blavatnik) and any suggestion that Oxford university is up for sale by trying to draw a clearer distinction than may be warranted between benevolent no-strings-attached support and philanthropic procurement.

        When a company or individual contributes to a political campaign prior to an election this may resemble a degree of benevolent and principled support. For example, Sir Leonard’s Access Industries indicated that it had donated to the Republican National Committee and it has a history of donating to both Democrat and Republican candidates. But it may also resemble laying proverbial eggs in different baskets to incubate. A contribution made to the bipartisan Presidential Inaugural Committee after the election result was known distinctly resembles procuring the prospect of patronage…”

  4. Food is ready, sweet tea made and Carson is on the way. The tea is for them. I prefer Dr Pepper!

  5. Ametia says:


  6. Ametia says:

    Word of the Day : June 10, 2018

    adjective ROH-zee-ut

    1 : resembling a rose especially in color
    2 : overly optimistic : viewed favorably

    • eliihass says:

      Used in a sentence:

      The hollow, opportunistic, embarrassingly mediocre, self-serving, cowardly, shamelessly groveling, 3rd rate slate of preening favor-seekers cum gossip stenographers …with all their breathless, over the top roseate coverage and active normalization of the glaringly abnormal …are complicit in their enabling, fluffing-up and boosting of a dumb, barely literate, incurious, self-serving, treasonous megalomaniac buffoon …buoyed, flattered and cheered on by all manner of dubious cohort of fake-slobbering, self-interested vultures …throwing all convention, decency and patriotism to the wind, as they actively participate in the decimation of our democracy – designed and engineered by a hostile foreign entity..

  7. I’m cooking red beans with sausage, ground beef and ham hocks, fried chicken and gotta have a pan of cornbread. Carson is coming over today. I’m hoping he likes my beans.

  8. Liza says:

    So I’m reading the news this AM and see this.

    • Liza says:

      For Trump it’s all just a reality show. And I wouldn’t get my hopes up about anything good coming of it. If anything, this is about Trump thinking he can charm the players into thinking he’s wonderful and that getting reported.

      But if they want to talk to Trump, why not? I don’t think they are going to be manipulated by his “charm”.

      • majiir says:

        If I was walking down the street on the sidewalk and Trump was headed toward me, I’d cross the busiest street in America to get to the other side. No way should any NFL player meet with Trump to discuss any d*mn thing. He’s a rattle snake in human form, and if you know this, why would you permit him to bite you repeatedly? No sane person would.

    • Ametia says:



  9. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning,Everyone 😄😄😄

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