Friday Open Thread | Christmas Jams 2018

Holiday candle 4Jingle Bells is one of the best-known and commonly sung winter songs in the world. It was written by James Lord Pierpont (1822–1893) and published under the title “One Horse Open Sleigh” in the autumn of 1857. Even though it is commonly thought of as a Christmas song, it was actually written and sung for Thanksgiving.[1] It was mistakenly branded as a Christmas song because being extremely popular at Thanksgiving, it was sung again around Christmas.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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135 Responses to Friday Open Thread | Christmas Jams 2018

  1. rikyrah says:

    I didn’t know that it was a Sista😊😊

  2. .@TheDemocrats @GOP A known criminal can’t be allowed to stay in the Office of the Presidency and nothing be done about it. The law is the law. Trump MUST go. Start impeachment proceedings immediately. #CohenSentencingMemo

  3. My brother made M&M cookies….

  4. No way Congress can allow this criminal to reside in our sacred Oval Office posing as a president. IMPEACH TRUMP NOW! #CohenSentencingMemo

  5. Mueller has Trump’s ASS

  6. rikyrah says:

    This is new. Federal prosecutors have said for the first time in a court filing that Cohen committed campaign finance crimes “in coordination with and at the direction of” President Trump.

    — Brad Heath (@bradheath) December 7, 2018

    This is significant. The Justice Department is alleging in court that the president directed his onetime lawyer to commit two felonies.

    — Brad Heath (@bradheath) December 7, 2018

  7. rikyrah says:

    Zach Dorfman
    Bill Barr, Trump’s new AG pick, literally oversaw–as AG!–George H.W. Bush’s slew of pardons for the Iran-Contra scandal, including a pardon of former Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger *before his trial even began*.

    The light is flashing red, folks.

    6:20 AM – Dec 7, 2018

    • Ametia says:

      William Barr ain’t shit

      >>>>>>>(See Rikyrah’s response to John Kelly) <<<<<

      Don't let the fact that GHWB's funeral was this week and that Barr served under him.

      WE WOKE

  8. rikyrah says:

    evil demons

    A “brain-performance” business backed by Education Secretary Betsy DeVos has agreed to stop advertising success rates for children and adults suffering from maladies such as attention deficit disorder, depression and autism after a review found the company could not support the outcomes it was promoting.


    BOOM! Don’t come for @tedlieu unless he calls for you

  10. eliihass says:

    It’s all so incredulous watching Andrea Mitchell, Haile Jackson and the rest of the crew at MSNBC and other networks, talking up a 3rd rate FOX news anchor as deserving of the US ambassadorship to the UN..

    Same position held by Adlai Stevevenson, George HW Bush, Andrew young, Madeline Albright, etc.

    Same media folks who sniffed at and just tolerated Susan Rice (PhD) and Yale educated Samantha Power..

  11. Ametia says:

    The shitshow THICKENS!

  12. rikyrah says:

    Ain’t Shyt Kelly has been interviewed by Bobby Three Sticks….

    things that make you go


      • eliihass says:

        The treasonous buffoon can’t possibly afford to pay off some of these folks limping away from the crash with bus tire marks on their back and feeling very resentful.. other people’s money only goes so far, and Individual 1 is not known to be generous unless it’s with OPM..

        At some point, all these used and cast off Alt Right brethren like Kelly, Priebus, McMaster, Beauregard, Tillerson, etc. will certainly unite for their pound each of treasonous buffoon..

        Like the unscrupulous treasonous buffoon they hitched their wagons to, these were never men of honor or integrity to begin with, and you better believe they are as petty and as vindictive as Individual 1, and will see to it that he pays dearly and is not only thourougly humiliated, but completely destroyed..


  13. rikyrah says:

    A month after election, new GOP senator already faces investigation
    12/07/18 08:00 AM—UPDATED 12/07/18 08:04 AM
    By Steve Benen

    In one of this year’s most closely watched U.S. Senate races, Missouri’s Josh Hawley (R) stood out for a candidacy chased by dark clouds. The Republican promised voters, for example, not to use his office as a springboard to a higher office, but then broke that commitment within months of becoming state attorney general. Hawley also lied repeatedly about the anti-health care lawsuit he helped file.

    Both the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the New York Times took separate looks at Hawley’s tenure as state attorney general, and both painted deeply unflattering portraits, including criticisms from state judges over his office’s work.

    But he’s a Republican in a red state, so voters last month elected Hawley to the U.S. Senate anyway. A month after the election, however, Hawley’s most serious controversy is already coming back to haunt him. Usually, senators have to wait a while before they find themselves under investigation, but as the Kansas City Star reported, the Missouri Republican is already facing a probe – and he won’t even be sworn in for several weeks.

    Missouri Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft has launched an investigation into a complaint that Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley used public resources in his successful bid for the U.S. Senate.

    The American Democracy Legal Fund on Nov. 2 filed a complaint with Ashcroft, claiming that Hawley used out-of-state political consultants to direct the activities of public employees in the attorney general’s office to raise Hawley’s political profile as he prepared to mount a campaign for U.S. Senate.

    “Josh Hawley’s flagrant abuse of his taxpayer funded office for his own political gain deserves immediate investigation,” said Brad Woodhouse, ADLF president, in a statement. “We’re heartened to see Secretary of State Ashcroft give this racket further scrutiny.”

  14. rikyrah says:

    Benczkowski, former Alfa Bank lawyer, recuses from Mueller cases

    Rachel Maddow reports on Brian Benczkowski recusing himself from all matters related to the Mueller investigation. Benczkowski, who was a lawyer for Russia’s Alfa Bank before being named by Donald Trump to head the DOJ’s criminal division, was less clear about recusal in testimony to the Senate.

  15. Hey Chicas. Carson was whining and wanted his mama to pick him up. Daughter says she pretended she didn’t know what to do and just stood there, so Carson took her hands and put them on his waist. LOL!

  16. rikyrah says:

    Apparent NC election rigging scheme has been going on for years

    Rachel Maddow revisits a past episode of the This American Life radio show in which the central figure in the current North Carolina election scandal is heard admitting to the same scheme in 2016.

  17. rikyrah says:

    Multiple facets of Trump-Russia scandal reach benchmark moments

    Rachel Maddow reviews the slew of events expected on Friday in court cases related to the Trump-Russia scandal, with other major developments apparently in the offing.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Dow down 407 so far.

    MAGA, bytches!

    • eliihass says:

      The only thing that bothers me is that these MAGA fools and their 2-bit con man pied piper, will end up taking this country and all of us down with them..

  19. What the ever living fk?! I can’t with this ISH.

    • eliihass says:

      Didn’t you see him and his vapid Birther moll take their time strolling down the National Cathedral aisle after everyone was seated, doing their stiff, geriatric I’ve-got-a massive-chip-on-my-shoulder modified tin soldier puffed-up, look at me, strut … And instead of taking off his coat before coming into the church, making a silly dramatic show of taking it off in aisle and flinging it at the military aide..

      It was supposed to be about them as far as they were concerned – they intended to milk this fleeting moment of legitimization for all it was worth…to heck with the deceased’s family and the dead guy whose funeral it was..

  20. rikyrah says:

    ponies and unicorns

    Bernie Sanders says Dems now in House majority will pass Medicare for All & other issues, and will make it so Senate has to vote. Stephen Colbert presses him – why would the Senate have to vote? Sanders says he believes “enormous pressure” from public will make Republicans move.— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) December 7, 2018

    It’s going to be totally wild when Bernie Sanders meets Mitch McConnell for the first time.— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) December 7, 2018

  21. rikyrah says:

    Reminder: the more fevered the rant from Trump, the more he knows an unavoidable shame is bearing down on him.

    For the rest of us, these head-spinning Beetlejuice freak-outs are like a dinner bell.

    Something tasty is about to get served up.

    — The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) December 7, 2018

  22. eliihass says:

    When even a-hole Joe Walsh sometimes shares lucid moments and a teeny bit of awareness..

  23. Liberals can’t see their own white supremacy bullshit…..

    No he doesn’t need to become an advocate. He has apologized. Accept it. He doesn’t need to prove a damn thing. Black people apologies are never enough for them. They must jump through hoops forever to appease white people.

    • eliihass says:

      You know Sis, I’ve only got time and energy for one dedicated fight.. And I choose to save it all for my historic FLOTUS …because for 10 years, nobody was fighting for her ..with some black folks even piling on..

      So forgive me if I have no tears to shed for Kevin Hart who’s been very much part of the emboldening of white folk in their demeaning and insulting of black women …thanks to his unapologetic use of endlessly negative stereotypes and demeaning and dehumanizing insults hiding behind ‘comedy’ to attack black women..

      The guy is so self-serving he wanted nothing to do with black lives matter – and even proudly boasted that he would not take on the treasonous buffoon in his stand-up routine because he ‘doesn’t do politics’..

  24. Ametia says:

    Devin Nunes May Be The Next To Go Down Thanks To Mike Flynn
    This would be delicious.

    Posted on Thu, Dec 6th, 2018 by Jason Easley
    Devin Nunes May Be The Next To Go Down Thanks To Mike Flynn

    Mike Flynn told special counsel Robert Mueller everything, which includes the role of Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) in the Russia scandal

  25. Ametia says:

    Rikyrah, where are you?

    UH HUH
    UH HUH

  26. eliihass says:

    When you arrogantly unmask your unscrupulous, racist b*tt after years of passing off as some faux-honorable military general, and begin to believe you’re invincible because you’ve greedily and unashamedly tied your power-relevance-greedy-white supremacist fortunes to a petty, vapid, narcissistic, corrupt, self-involved, self-serving, incurious, dum-dum, deluded, unscrupulous, hollow, callous, morally and financially bankrupt, 2-bit con man turned treasonous buffoon and Russian asset.. And he and his barely literate 2-bit, gold-digging Eastern European moll use you up to gain some faux-legitimacy by association, and then quickly tire and kick you to the curb once they begin to feel a bit more settled in the People’s House that Vlad installed them in..

  27. Ametia says:



    • Ametia says:

      That goalpost is below sea level with 45 & white men in general.

      See Paul Ryan’s policy wonk, ALSO TOO!

    • eliihass says:


      They don’t want him ‘normal’… they aim to elevate and sell him as ‘genius’ and somehow ‘exceptional’..

      Every single day they’re jigging back and forth and endlessly gaslighting with their various narratives..

      This morning Stephanie Ruhle was back at it touting the less than stellar (even after they’d cooked the numbers to appease Individual 1) ..

      Announcing the employment numbers by loudly prefacing it with, ‘the best unemployment % in 50 years..

      Stephanie Ruhle thinks she’s slick with her gaslighting and slick favors to her Wall Street buddies.. and daily odes to and talking up of the ‘genius’ treasonous buffoon and his ‘classy’ illiterate moll turned 3rd wife..

      • Ametia says:

        Call that bitch out, eliihaas.

        • eliihass says:

          LOL, Ametia..she really thinks she’s slick and fooling folks..

          Because she plays every side.. One minute she’s talking up Individual 1 and his ‘genius’ and next she’s slinking about on Twitter with some smart-alecky ‘dig’ at him… hoping to throw folks off.. And she’s getting all theses likes from people who ought to know better.. Next, she’s back on with Ali Velshi and she’s doing the sly blinking her eyes as she has on some right-wing Wall Street pal, talks up Gary Cohn or one of her inside sources, and ends with her dramatic fake cry at some faux-heart-tugging random tale …to distract from the fact that she’s just validated the horsesh*t economic ‘policy’ of her pals..

  28. Ametia says:


  29. So awesome! I had an older brother who went blind at 6 yrs old. My parents sent him to the deaf and blind school in Austin & then to Kerrville School for the Blind. He then opened his own business. He has now passed away. He was the best brother a sis could ever have.

  30. Ametia says:
    • Ametia says:

      Let’s be clear. This turd offered to pay folks to steal blank ballots and other nefarious acts of vote suppression, and then didn’t PAY UP.

      You can’t make this shit up, folks!

  31. Ametia says:

    Word of the Day : December 7, 2018

    Sandbag: verb SAND-bag

    1 : to bank, stop up, or weight with sandbags
    2 a : to hit or stun with or as if with a sandbag
    b : to treat unfairly or harshly
    c : to coerce by crude means
    d : to conceal or misrepresent one’s true position, potential, or intent especially in order to take advantage over : to hide the truth about oneself so as to gain an advantage over another

  32. Ametia says:

    TGIF, Rikyrah & 3 Chics Family!

    • Ametia says:

      Chalk this one up to taking responsibility for what you tweet, Kevin. Folks are going to scan every inch of social media to discredit you for any and everything.

      Especially LGBT community

    • Ametia says:

      NYT click bait. Just shameful.



    • Ametia says:

      WASP=White Anglo-Saxon Protestant

      From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs) are a social group of wealthy and well-connected white Americans, of Protestant and predominantly British ancestry, who trace their ancestry to the American colonial period.

      Until at least the 1960s, this group has dominated American society and culture and dominated in the leadership of the Whig and Republican parties. They usually are very well placed in major financial, business, legal and academic institutions and had close to a monopoly of elite society due to intermarriage and nepotism.[1]

      During the latter half of the twentieth century, outsider ethnic and racial groups grew in influence and WASP dominance weakened. Americans are increasingly criticizing the WASP hegemony and disparaging WASPs as the epitome of “the Establishment”. The Random House Unabridged Dictionary (1998) says the term is “Sometimes Disparaging and Offensive”.[2][3] The term WASP is often used as a pejorative to classify their historical dominance over the financial, cultural, academic, and legal institutions of the United States.[4]

      Sociologists sometimes use the term very broadly to include all Protestant Americans of Northern European or Northwestern European ancestry regardless of their class or power.[5] The term is also used in Australia, New Zealand and Canada for similar elites.[6][7][8]

    • Brazen thievery in North Carolina. They STOLE Black people votes in broad daylight while looking them in the eye. Y’all better send these mofos to prison for this ISH.

  33. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone 😀😀😀

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