Monday Open Thread

Michael Rose (born 11 July 1957) is a Grammy award winning reggae singer from Jamaica. Possessing a wide-ranged voice, Rose would regularly meet in Kingston with singers, musicians, writers, and producers such as Dennis Brown, Big Youth, The Wailers, Gregory Isaacs, Sly and Robbie, and others.[1]

Rose started his recording career as a solo artist for record producers Yabby You and Niney the Observer. He joined Black Uhuru in 1977 after the departure of Don Carlos and Garth Dennis. He led them to international success in the early 1980s, having written most of their popular material. They won the first-ever Grammy Award for reggae in 1985 for the album Anthem,[2] with the hallmark voice of Rose in the forefront.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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33 Responses to Monday Open Thread

  1. Ametia says:

    March 28, 2011
    2012.Trump fails to produce birth certificate

    Donald Trump made headlines earlier today when he provided what he said was a copy of his birth certificate — but a quick check reveals it’s actually not an official document.

    The paper that Trump released says “Jamaica Hospital” on top and lists the date and time of what he says was his birth to “Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Trump.” The piece of paper has a seal at the bottom.

    But after several New York City-based readers contacted POLITICO’s Maggie Haberman, her call to city officials revealed that an actual birth certificate, which is issued by the Department of Health, would have the agency’s seal and also a signature of the city registrar – neither of which the Trump document has. Officials said the city Health Department is the “sole issuing authority” of official birth certificates in New York, and that the document would clearly say so, and “city officials said it’s not an official document.”

    It appears instead to be a hospital “certificate of birth,” meaning the piece of paper the hospital gave to his family saying he was born. Such a document typically has the signature of the hospital administrator and the attending physician.

    Trump lawyer and advisor Michael Cohen didn’t respond to Haberman’s question about the document.

    Trump’s mother, it should be noted, was born in Scotland, which is not part of the United States. His plane is registered in the Bahamas, also a foreign country. This fact pattern — along with the wave of new questions surrounding what he claims is a birth certificate — raises serious doubts about his eligibility to serve as President of the United States.

    Every 2012 presidential candidate need to produce their birth certificate. Yes, this includes ALL WHITE PEOPLE!!!

    • Ametia says:



      • Ametia says:

        Trump: ‘Why Can’t He Produce a Birth Certificate?’
        Billionaire, businessman, and… birther?
        By Katy O’Donnell

        Monday, March 28, 2011 | 9:25 a.m.
        Real estate mogul and potential 2012 presidential contender Donald Trump defended his questioning of President Obama’s birth certificate Monday morning with a defiant, “this guy either has a birth certificate or he doesn’t.”

        “I am really concerned,” Trump said in a phone interview on Fox & Friends. “You have no doctors that remember, you have no nurses — this is the president of the United States — that remember. … He could have been born outside of this country. Why can’t he produce a birth certificate?”

        Trump, who has been flirting with a run for president, first made a remark about the so-called “birther” issue last week on The View. Obama provided news organizations with a scan of his birth certificate during his 2008 campaign, which some oulets also independently vetted.

        “I brought it up just routinely, and now I’m starting to wonder myself whether he was born in this country,” Trump said Monday.

        Trump also raised the possibility that the rebels in Libya currently receiving backing from the West may have more nefarious allegiances than people realize, advising Obama to address the issue in his speech on Libya Monday night.

        “He’s got to talk about who the people are that we’re fighting for, because I’m hearing more and more that these rebels are aligned with Iran, maybe al-Qaida,” he said.

        He managed to take another swipe at Obama in the interview, which lasted less than 10 minutes, when asked about the budget cut protests in Britain. Asked if the same unrest could occur here, Trump said confidently that it could – and would – if Obama continues to be president.

        “We have people that have absolutely no idea what they’re doing running this country,” he said.


  2. Ametia says:

    LOL Lawrence O. What do Newt and Trump have in common? 3 marriages each! BWA HA HA

  3. Ametia says:

    Obama talks immigration, education with Hispanics
    WASHINGTON | Mon Mar 28, 2011 4:47pm EDT

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama sought to assure Hispanic Americans on Monday that he will not abandon his efforts to overhaul U.S. immigration policy or preserve government financial support for education.

    Congress narrowly failed last year to pass the “Dream Act,” which would have provided a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants who were brought to the United States as children.

    The vote was a bitter disappointment to many Latin Americans, the fastest growing ethnic group in the United States and an increasingly important voting bloc.

    “We have to have a pathway for citizenship for those who are just looking for a better life and contributing to our country, and I’ll continue to fight for that,” Obama said, to applause from a crowd at a Washington, D.C., school.

    Obama’s “town hall” in English and Spanish — Obama used a translator — sponsored by a Spanish-language television network, was part of a White House campaign to make the case that spending on education is essential to the future of the United States as Obama and his Democrats try to negotiate a budget deal with Congressional Republicans.

    Republicans want to cut $61 billion in spending during the year ending September 30, and Democrats argue that the rival party’s plans would cut a variety of essential programs, including education.

    Obama addressed the issue when he was asked about how much the country spends on the military, compared with what it devotes to education, especially in light of the new U.S. military action in Libya.

    “Our involvement there is going to be limited both in time and in scope,” said Obama, who was to make a speech to the nation at 7:30 p.m. EDT/2330 GMT on Monday about Libya.

    “But you’re absolutely right that we have a very large defense budget. Some of that is necessitated by the size of our country and the particular special role that we play around the globe,” he said. “But what is true is that over the last 10 years, the defense budget was going up much more quickly than our education budget.”

    Obama then repeated his contention that his budget would increase education spending, despite the continuing wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

  4. rikyrah says:

    Fresh B.S. Needed
    by mistermix

    From a NYT story on Illinois freshman Republican Bobby Schilling:

    […] He voted with his Republican colleagues to eliminate a $230 million federal grant to build an Amtrak line from Chicago to Iowa City, long coveted in the district.

    After the vote, Mr. Schilling told local reporters that he actually supported the rail line and believed that the Senate would not allow the cut anyway. Mr. Schilling now says the rail project is good, just not now. “Right now it’s all about prioritizing,” he said.

    In other words, he was for it when he voted against it. IL-17 is a D+3 district, so, yeah, he’s in trouble if he keeps up this lame-ass bullshit.

    One of the factors that wasn’t mentioned in the Times’ article is that this is a redistricting year, so a few careful moves of district boundaries can make or break a one-term teabagger. For example, in NY-25, where Ann Marie Buerkle beat Dan Maffei, a little bit of redistricting plus better turnout could push her out of office. New York’s registration is trending Democratic and we’re losing seats, so I’m expecting Republicans to keep one safe district in western New York, and Maffei has a good chance of winning back his old seat in the new NY-25.

  5. Tea Party Leader: African Americans Can’t Be Christian And Support Obama

    Ron Miller is the president of the Tea Party group Regular Folks United, and a former Republican candidate for Congress and the Maryland state senate. Miller, who is a black former staffer with the Bush Administration, adamantly defends Tea Party activists from charges of racism, blaming Obama for his “open display of condescension toward ordinary Americans.” But while Miller deplores charges of racism against members of the Tea Party, he claims that African Americans only support Obama because he is black. He told the American Family Association’s OneNewsNow that anyone who backs Obama cannot be Christian, and black Obama voters “place their blackness ahead of Christ”.

    File this under…Nigga Please News!

    • rikyrah says:

      just reading this makes my BP rise.

    • Ametia says:

      The “Uppity” Black President is way to GODLIKE for these heathens.

      It’s an attempt to turn black folks against President Obama. I won’t even get into the relgious aspect of this nonsense, because folks who spew this bullshit aren’t practicing what they claim to be the Christian teachings.

  6. rikyrah says:

    The Eraser
    by mistermix

    USA Today has an in-depth investigation (via) of the remarkably good test performance of DC schools under Michelle Rhee, which seems to correspond with a remarkably high level of erasures on those tests:

    A former Noyes parent, Marvin Tucker, says he suspected something was wrong in 2003, when the test scores his daughter, Marlana, brought home from school showed she was proficient in math.

    Tucker says he was skeptical because the third-grader was getting daily instruction from a private tutor yet struggled with addition and subtraction. “She was nowhere near where they said she was on the test,” he says. “I thought something was wrong with the test.”

    He questioned Ryan, the principal, and teachers about his daughter’s scores but no one could explain how she had scored so high, Tucker recalls. Ultimately, Ryan barred him from the school for a year, saying he had threatened staff members, Tucker says. Tucker denies that.

    Tucker also points out that if his daughter was proficient as a third-grader, that didn’t last. When Marlana moved on to middle school elsewhere in D.C., her test scores fell and she no longer was considered proficient in math, he says.

    ED has a post about parents opting out of standardized tests, and who can blame them? Even if they’re administered honestly, the amount of effort that goes into teaching test taking skills (versus the content of the tests) makes them a time-wasting diversion.


    never was a fan of Rhee.

  7. rikyrah says:

    Scott Walker ally, WI Supreme Court Justice Prosser, loses endorsement of hometown paper
    Posted on Sunday, March 27, 2011 by GottaLaff
    Remember Justice David Prosser who called the state Chief Justice a “total bitch” who he “will destroy.“ And yes, the very same one who announced he would “[protect] the conservative judicial majority and [act] as a common sense compliment to both the new administration and legislature,” and who has allegedly made “promises” (or threats, depending on your perspective) to veer far to the right both during and after the election if attacked by the “left” during the campaign? And who let corporate lobbyists write judicial ethics rules?

    What a guy.

    Apparently, a couple of newspapers are rescinding their endorsements of him, including his hometown paper:

    So, what do we do? Let bygones be bygones?

    We can’t. The Post-Crescent endorses JoAnne Kloppenburg.

  8. rikyrah says:

    Republicans Appear Poised To Take On Entitlements

    If there’s any place where tea partiers in Congress might hesitate to call for cuts in Social Security and Medicare to shrink the federal debt, Florida’s retirement havens should top the list.

    Even here, however, Republican lawmakers are racing toward a spending showdown with Democrats exhibiting little nervousness about deep cuts, including those that eventually would hit benefit programs long left alone by politicians.

    In fact, many GOP freshmen seem bolder than ever. It’s Democrats, especially in the Senate, who are trying to figure out how to handle the popular but costly retirement programs. Congress, meanwhile, is rapidly nearing critical decisions on the budget and the nation’s debt ceiling.

    In southeast Florida last week, first-term GOP Rep. Allen West, a tea party favorite, called for changes that some might consider radical: abolish the Internal Revenue Service and federal income tax; retain tax cuts for billionaires so they won’t shut down their charities; stop extending unemployment benefits that “reward bad behavior” by discouraging people from seeking new jobs.

    As for entitlements, West told a friendly town hall gathering in Coral Springs, if Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid “are left on autopilot, if we don’t institute some type of reform, they’ll subsume our entire GDP” by 2040 or 2050. GDP, or gross domestic product, measures the value of all goods and services produced in the United States.

    Social Security, the largest federal program, mainly benefits retirees. Medicare provides health coverage for older people. Medicaid helps those with low incomes. Combined, the three consume about 40 percent of the budget. Their costs are growing rapidly. Social Security and Medicare benefits now exceed the payroll taxes that fund them.

    West, who’s likely to draw serious Democratic opposition next year, showed scant interest in edging toward the center on anything. He didn’t take issue with the man who said congressional Democrats “have joined with the radical Islamists,” or with the woman who said President Barack Obama “certainly doesn’t support Israel.”

    In Greenville, S.C., a different Republican freshman with tea party ties, Rep. Trey Gowdy, also suggested during last week’s congressional break a paring back of social programs.

    According to a Greenville News account posted on his website, Gowdy “described a recent school classroom where most children indicated they think it’s the government’s job to provide health care, Social Security and education. ‘We’ve got to do something about the sense of entitlement,’ Gowdy said.”

  9. rikyrah says:

    Who Will Rescue Financial Reform?
    Published: March 27, 2011

    In what passes for self-restraint these days, House Republicans have been insisting that they do not intend to repeal last year’s Dodd-Frank financial reform law.
    Not in one fell swoop, anyway.

    A direct assault on Dodd-Frank would be so blatantly biased toward banks that it would be sure to provoke a public backlash. So the Republican plan is to delay and disrupt reform. The effort is partly ideological — an insistence that regulation is unnecessary, no matter the evidence to the contrary. It is also a campaign fund-raising ploy, because Wall Street will reward the opponents of reform. Of course, Democrats are themselves not indifferent to Wall Street campaign cash, which raises the question of how effectively they will counter the Republicans’ aims. Here are areas to watch.

    DERIVATIVES Budget cuts could cripple the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission — which share the vital task of regulating the multitrillion-dollar derivatives market. The budget impasse in Washington has already frozen the agencies’ budgets, even as their rule-writing duties have exploded. Worse, prevailing Republican rhetoric, adopted in part by Democrats, portends more budget cuts, which would leave the agencies unable to enforce current rules, let alone new ones. Settling for less than President Obama’s requested amounts for the agencies would be acquiescing in the derailment of Dodd-Frank.

    CONSUMER PROTECTION The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, arguably the most innovative of the reforms, has been under constant attack by banks — and Republicans. Most recently, a House hearing on the bureau that was billed as an oversight session was instead a hazing of Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard law professor and consumer advocate chosen by Mr. Obama to set up the agency. Republican objections boiled down to charges that the agency — and Ms. Warren — have too much power. Ms. Warren’s rebuttals were clear and persuasive. Mr. Obama could define the debate further — and demonstrate his professed support for the bureau — by going on the offensive and nominating Ms. Warren as its official director. Senate Republicans have said that they would object, but it is their own credibility that would be at risk in opposing so qualified a candidate.

    REPEAL BY ANOTHER NAME House Republicans have unveiled several bills to undo Dodd-Frank piece by piece. One would rewrite the law so that the C.F.P.B would be run by a five-member bipartisan board, rather than one director, a recipe for delay and division. Another would exempt an array of derivatives users from the new rules, perpetuating the deregulated market.

    Yet another bill would repeal a requirement for private equity firms to register with the S.E.C, in effect ignoring the systemic risks in leveraged pools of private capital. And one would repeal a requirement that publicly traded companies disclose the ratio of a chief executive’s pay to that of a typical employee, a move that would deprive analysts of data to detect bubbles that correlate to skewed pay. The list goes on.

    Dodd-Frank is no cure-all, but properly implemented and enforced, it would close dangerous regulatory gaps. That won’t happen if Republicans get their way — and they will, unless the fight is engaged in no uncertain terms. Democrats in Congress need to unite behind the law and Obama officials should denounce the antireform effort for what it is: an attempt to weaken Dodd-Frank on behalf of those who brought us the financial crisis.

  10. rikyrah says:

    The Midwest’s new class politics
    By E.J. Dionne Jr., Sunday, March 27, 6:05 PM

    The battle for the Midwest is transforming American politics. Issues of class inequality and union influence, long dormant, have come back to life. And a part of the country that was integral to the Republican surge of 2010 is shifting away from the GOP just a few months later.

    Republican governors, particularly in Wisconsin and Ohio, denied themselves political honeymoons by launching frontal assaults on public employee unions and proposing budgets that include deep cuts in popular programs.

    Democrats in the region are elated at the quick turn in their fortunes. A few months ago, they worried that a region President Obama dominated in 2008 was turning against him. Republican triumphs in Wisconsin and Ohio, as well as in Indiana, Michigan and Iowa, all pointed to trouble for the president.

    Now, for reasons having more to do with decisions by GOP governors than with anything the president has done, many voters, particularly in the white working class, are having second thoughts.

    “We certainly addressed the issue of Reagan Democrats,” said Mayor Tom Barrett of Milwaukee, referring to the blue-collar voters who began drifting Republican in 1980. Barrett lost to Gov. Scott Walker in November by 52 percent to 46 percent, but recent polls suggest he would defeat Walker if the election were rerun. In Ohio, the approval rating of Republican Gov. John Kasich, who won narrowly in 2010, has fallen to as low as 30 percent in one poll.

    In telephone interviews last week, Democratic politicians across the Midwest avoided premature victory claims. “I don’t think we’ll know until November of 2012,” Gov. Mark Dayton of Minnesota replied when asked if the Republican moves against public employee unions would turn out to be a major error.

    It’s a political irony that Republicans clearly believed unionized public employees were so unpopular that taking them on would play well with voters.

    “It was part of an intentional strategy on the part of the right-wing Republican ideological machine to split private-sector workers from public-sector workers,” said Dayton, a Democrat who beat back the 2010 Republican tide. After decades involving “a giant transfer of wealth to the very top,” Dayton said, the campaign against public unions was “a way to distract attention” by creating “a fight over who is getting a dollar an hour more or less.” The effort, he added, “has not worked as well as they thought it would.”

    Sen. Sherrod Brown, a Democrat from Ohio, said that even union sympathizers were surprised at the degree to which the Republicans’ approach “blew up in their faces” and that “the poll numbers of support for collective bargaining for public-sector workers are stronger than even most labor supporters expected.”

    Another surprise: the extent to which Democrats, long wary of being accused of “class warfare,” are now more eager than ever to cast the GOP as the party of the privileged.

    Barrett recounted a parable making the rounds among Wisconsin Democrats, telling of a room in which “a zillionaire, a Tea Party person and a union member” confront a plate of 12 cookies: “The zillionaire takes 11 of the cookies, and says to the other two, ‘That guy is trying to steal your cookie.’ ”

    Still, Democrats are aware that the flight from the Republicans is also a reaction against ideology. Dayton saw the GOP’s heavy-handed methods in Wisconsin as playing badly in a region proud of its tradition of consensus-building and good government.

    And Brown said that while joblessness was the most important issue in last year’s election, one of the most effective Republican arguments was the claim that “Obama was governing by ideology.” That charge has been turned on its head because “now, they are so overdoing governing by ideology.”

  11. rikyrah says:

    American Thought Police

    Recently William Cronon, a historian who teaches at the University of Wisconsin, decided to weigh in on his state’s political turmoil. He started a blog, “Scholar as Citizen,” devoting his first post to the role of the shadowy American Legislative Exchange Council in pushing hard-line conservative legislation at the state level. Then he published an opinion piece in The Times, suggesting that Wisconsin’s Republican governor has turned his back on the state’s long tradition of “neighborliness, decency and mutual respect.”

    So what was the G.O.P.’s response? A demand for copies of all e-mails sent to or from Mr. Cronon’s university mail account containing any of a wide range of terms, including the word “Republican” and the names of a number of Republican politicians.

    If this action strikes you as no big deal, you’re missing the point. The hard right — which these days is more or less synonymous with the Republican Party — has a modus operandi when it comes to scholars expressing views it dislikes: never mind the substance, go for the smear. And that demand for copies of e-mails is obviously motivated by no more than a hope that it will provide something, anything, that can be used to subject Mr. Cronon to the usual treatment.

    The Cronon affair, then, is one more indicator of just how reflexively vindictive, how un-American, one of our two great political parties has become.

    The demand for Mr. Cronon’s correspondence has obvious parallels with the ongoing smear campaign against climate science and climate scientists, which has lately relied heavily on supposedly damaging quotations found in e-mail records.

    Back in 2009 climate skeptics got hold of more than a thousand e-mails between researchers at the Climate Research Unit at Britain’s University of East Anglia. Nothing in the correspondence suggested any kind of scientific impropriety; at most, we learned — I know this will shock you — that scientists are human beings, who occasionally say snide things about people they dislike.

    But that didn’t stop the usual suspects from proclaiming that they had uncovered “Climategate,” a scientific scandal that somehow invalidates the vast array of evidence for man-made climate change. And this fake scandal gives an indication of what the Wisconsin G.O.P. presumably hopes to do to Mr. Cronon.

    After all, if you go through a large number of messages looking for lines that can be made to sound bad, you’re bound to find a few. In fact, it’s surprising how few such lines the critics managed to find in the “Climategate” trove: much of the smear has focused on just one e-mail, in which a researcher talks about using a “trick” to “hide the decline” in a particular series. In context, it’s clear that he’s talking about making an effective graphical presentation, not about suppressing evidence. But the right wants a scandal, and won’t take no for an answer.

    Is there any doubt that Wisconsin Republicans are hoping for a similar “success” against Mr. Cronon?

    Now, in this case they’ll probably come up dry. Mr. Cronon writes on his blog that he has been careful never to use his university e-mail for personal business, exhibiting a scrupulousness that’s neither common nor expected in the academic world. (Full disclosure: I have, at times, used my university e-mail to remind my wife to feed the cats, confirm dinner plans with friends, etc.)

    Beyond that, Mr. Cronon — the president-elect of the American Historical Association — has a secure reputation as a towering figure in his field. His magnificent “Nature’s Metropolis: Chicago and the Great West” is the best work of economic and business history I’ve ever read — and I read a lot of that kind of thing.

    So we don’t need to worry about Mr. Cronon — but we should worry a lot about the wider effect of attacks like the one he’s facing.

  12. rikyrah says:

    DJ Megatron shot to death in New York City
    Urban radio and TV personality DJ Megatron, who built a career at hip-hop and R&B radio stations from Philadelphia to Boston and told viewers of a popular music TV show “What’s Good,” was shot to death early Sunday, according to his manager and police.

    The BET cable television segment host was killed while heading to a store near his home on New York City’s borough of Staten Island around 2 a.m., his manager Justin Kirkland, known as J. Smoove, said.

    Police say the 32-year-old deejay, born Corey McGriff, was found dead with a gunshot wound to his chest. No arrests have been made.

    His manager said friends and relatives had no idea why anyone might have attacked a deejay known for his upbeat, amiable attitude.

    “He probably had one of the best personalities around, super-positive, happy all the time,” Kirkland said.

    Rising to the on-air ranks after starting as an intern, DJ Megatron began his career at New York’s WKRS-FM, better known as Kiss FM, where deejays remembered him on the air and online Sunday.

    He also worked at what was then Boston’s Hot 97.7, or WBOT-FM, and at Philadelphia’s The Beat, or WPHI-FM, according to a bio on his MySpace site.

  13. rikyrah says:

    Guinness Refuses To Recognize Oldest Woman Due To Slave Laws

    Despite the fact that the U.S. has recognized Rebecca Lanier as 119 years old, making her the world’s oldest person, Guinness is refusing to recognize her due to the fact that she had slave parents and could not obtain a birth certificate. The U.K. Daily Mail reports:

    Because Mrs Lanier is black she was born with no birth certificate in the 1890s, which was normal in the South even though slavery had ended almost thirty years earlier.

    This has caused problems as the Guinness Book of World Records needs that certificate to verify her age, which would make her the oldest living person in the world.

    Mrs Lanier does however have a letter from the Social Security Administration that states the year of her birth as 1892, her grandson, Jimmie Shambley, 61, said.

  14. Ametia says:

    PRESIDENT Obama to give televised speech on Libya, hold town hall meeting on education

    By Associated Press, Monday, March 28, 3:53 AM

    WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is giving an update on Libya in a televised speech tonight.

    It’s scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Eastern time from the National Defense University in Washington, D.C.
    The White House says Obama will talk about the actions taken with allies and partners, the transition to NATO command and control, and U.S. policy from here on.

    In the morning, the president will take part in a town hall meeting at a multicultural high school in Washington. He’s slated to talk with students and parents about the importance of education in “winning the future.” He’ll also focus on Hispanic educational attainment.

    The town hall will be broadcast later on the Univision Network at 7:00 p.m. Eastern time.

  15. Ametia says:

    Wal-Mart asks Supreme Court to deny class-action suit by female workers
    By Robert Barnes, Sunday, March 27, 6:26 PM

    Like the retail behemoth at its center, everything about the Supreme Court extravaganza known as Wal-Mart v. Dukes is super-sized.
    The number of women who could be included in the sex discrimination class-action suit is measured in millions. The amount of damages for which the nation’s largest private employer could be liable is estimated in billions.

    One is the perception, reinforced by President Obama, congressional Democrats and civil rights groups, that the court is overly protective of the corporate world. There is evidence to support the claim as well as exceptions, but there seems little doubt about how a ruling for Wal-Mart would be portrayed by liberal groups already suspicious of the court and the huge company

    If the Supreme Court agrees the case can move forward, it would be the largest employment discrimination class-action suit in U.S. history. As Wal-Mart likes to point out, the suit could include more people than the number now serving in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard combined. Oral arguments are scheduled for Tuesday.

    The prospect of such a massive lawsuit — or, alternatively, a ruling that hobbles workers from mounting class-action suits against large, national employers — has drawn an outpouring of competing briefs from corporate America and the nation’s leading civil rights groups.

    The suit, filed by six female Wal-Mart employees in 2001, will also spotlight two intriguing story lines about the Supreme Court.

  16. Ametia says:

    Happy MUN-dane, Everybody! :-)

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