The GOP’s Continued WAR ON WOMEN

Say it again with me, people.


From Balloon Juice:

Arizona Senate Passes Bill Permitting Doctors to Withhold Prenatal Information From Women
by ABL 2.0

The Arizona Senate passed a bill this week that allows doctors to withhold from pregnant women information regarding prenatal problems because disclosing that information might lead to an abortion.


From Addicting Info:

It’s called a “wrongful birth” bill and it’s all about preventing women from having an abortion, even if it kills them. The Arizona Senate passed a bill this week that gives doctors a free pass to not inform pregnant women of prenatal problems because such information could lead to an abortion.

In other words, doctors can intentionally keep critical health information from pregnant women and can’t be sued for it. According to the Arizona Capitol Times, “the bill’s sponsor is Republican Nancy Barto of Phoenix. She says allowing the medical malpractice lawsuits endorses the idea that if a child is born with a disability, someone is to blame.” So Republicans are banning lawsuits against doctors who keep information from pregnant women so as to prevent them from choosing to have an abortion.


is this where we are as a country? We’re withholding medical information from women because that information might lead to abortions while simultaneously passing bills in state after state with such pithy names as “Right to Know” or “Right to Know and See” or “Informed Consent” the claimed purpose of which is to make sure women are fully informed? And not only are we withholding information, but we’re immunizing doctors from liability?

What the hell?



From Balloon Juice:

The So-Called Pro-Life Party
by John Cole

They stop caring about you the moment you are born:

But, we already knew that, didn’t we?

Leticia Parra, a mother of five scraping by on income from her husband’s sporadic construction jobs, relied on the Planned Parenthood clinic in San Carlos, an impoverished town in South Texas, for breast cancer screenings, free birth control pills and pap smears for cervical cancer.

But the clinic closed in October, along with more than a dozen others in the state, after financing for women’s health was slashed by two-thirds by the Republican-controlled Legislature.

The cuts, which left many low-income women with inconvenient or costly options, grew out of the effort to eliminate state support for Planned Parenthood. Although the cuts also forced clinics that were not affiliated with the agency to close — and none of them, even the ones run by Planned Parenthood, performed abortions — supporters of the cutbacks said they were motivated by the fight against abortion.

Now, the same sentiment is likely to lead to a shutdown next week of another significant source of reproductive health care: the Medicaid Women’s Health Program, which serves 130,000 women with grants to many clinics, including those run by Planned Parenthood. Gov. Rick Perry and Republican lawmakers have said they would forgo the $35 million in federal money that finances the women’s health program in order to keep Planned Parenthood from getting any of it.

And they aren’t stopping with Planned Parenthood:

Nationally, the newest target is Title X, the main federal family planning program. All four Republican presidential candidates support eliminating Title X, which was created in 1970 with Republican support from President Nixon and the elder George Bush, then a congressman.

Like other federal financing, Title X does not pay for abortions. Only some of it covers birth control. Title X also provides money for cervical and breast cancer screening, testing for H.I.V. and other sexually transmitted diseases, adolescent abstinence counseling, infertility counseling and other services.

Planned Parenthood receives about a quarter of Title X’s $300 million budget and sees about a third of Title X patients. The remaining money goes to clinics, community health centers, hospitals and state agencies.

Mitt Romney’s fiscal plan proposes eliminating Title X because it “subsidizes family planning programs that benefit abortion groups like Planned Parenthood.”

Rick Santorum, in a recent debate, acknowledged, to boos, that in Congress he voted for appropriations bills that included Title X money. He pledged to rectify that if elected, saying, “I’ve always opposed Title X funding.”

President Obama supports Title X, which serves five million low-income people.

If thousands of women die of breast and cervical cancer in the war Planned Parenthood, well, so be it. You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet, doncha know.

Say it over and over and over.


The one person who has been on this story from the beginning has been Rachel Maddow, who did a good segment on it last night.

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14 Responses to The GOP’s Continued WAR ON WOMEN

  1. Women,we are smarter than any republican,men or women,again they piss us off and we miss the bigger picture.Let’s start with all of these republicans are so angry we have a black man in the white house,they can’t breath,(Take a look at Boners face,or Cantner they look as if someone is squeezing there crotch.)Belive me this is a smoke screen,and I’m just as mad as the rest of you.Today O’Riely said Ms Fluke was put up to her actions by the white house,to make the republicans look bad,and throw everyone off as to womens health,these statements are moronic.What these men are doing is working hard,to gain control of women,why?,think about it (why) we carry the most power when it comes to votes,if we were married or had one of them as a boyfriend they would never get sex from us again,we would punish them till death do us part,and what I find even worse is there trying to ruin our health,the stress,the pressure to take care not to get pregnant,and now they pass a bill that prohibits drs from telling us if we are or aren’t pregnant,what the hell do we need a dr for than.That way the republicans can stand and tell everyone there pro-life.REALLY,REALLY,than why do you send our kids off to be killed in a usless war that wasn’t nessary,and lied and said the oil would pay for war,DID IT!,then wheres the money,why were we left with a such a deficiet,Bush &Darthvader filled there pockets.We finley vote in someone who is atleast trying and what do the republicans come up with,womens contaseptives,If their so pro-life why are they trying to put in a pipeline that we all know will poison our water,our ground,and causes cancers,and illnesses in children,and the Koch brothers are part of that to,and one of the oweners theartened PREZ OBAMA.And no one said boo!Call me crazy but I’m ready to stand and fight but it’s going to take all of us.So what should our stratagy be calls,e-mail,marches,we don’t have big money backing but if we stick together we’ll be harder to take down,women don’t run.Who has some good ideas let’s kick their ass! D.G.

    • we don’t have big money backing but if we stick together we’ll be harder to take down,women don’t run.

      WOMEN need to unite & VOTE every republican out of office.

  2. We are rolling backwards fast. sick.

    • This is pure evil. Where is the voice of republican women? Aren’t they a woman? This is going to affect every woman. This is our lives and this is why every woman in America need to unite as one and vote these evil thugs out of office. No way are we going backwards. We have the power of our vote….lets send the GOP a strong & powerful message.

  3. dannie22 says:

    I think Kansas is doing the same thing. Ill try and find a link. Conservative women need to wake up and smell the coffee. Cause this more than conservative vs. liberal. These are womens’ lives at stake. Women pay taxes too and deserve their healthcare to be treated with rspect.

  4. Ametia says:


  5. is this where we are as a country? We’re withholding medical information from women because that information might lead to abortions while simultaneously passing bills in state after state with such pithy names as “Right to Know” or “Right to Know and See” or “Informed Consent” the claimed purpose of which is to make sure women are fully informed? And not only are we withholding information, but we’re immunizing doctors from liability?

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