Willard Romney’s Lies of the Week

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It’s time for Willard’s Lies of the week.

Once again, I will point out the site on the blog roll: Romney The Liar: because there are Liars, Damn Liars, and then there’s Mitt Romney.

Steve Benen, now at The Maddow Blog:. Here’s last week’s entry of Chronicling Mitt’s mendacity:

Chronicling Mitt’s Mendacity, Vol. XI
By Steve Benen
Fri Mar 23, 2012 3:38 PM EDT

It was heartening that Mitt Romney’s habitual dishonesty generated far more attention than usual this week, but the scrutiny doesn’t appear to have discouraged the Republican frontrunner, who had an incredibly mendacious week.

Indeed, Jamelle Bouie noted the other day, Romney “is running against policies that haven’t happened and an Obama that doesn’t exist. Exaggeration is normal in politics, but this goes beyond garden-variety embellishment.”

To help drive the point home, take a look at the 11th installment of my weekly series, chronicling Mitt’s mendacity. Unfortunately, it’s one of the longest editions to date.

1. Romney argued this week, “There’s no question that when [President Obama] ran for office, he said he wanted to see gasoline prices go up.”

No, he didn’t.

2. Romney told Fox News, “[President Obama] said that energy prices would skyrocket under his views and he selected three people to help him implement that program: the secretary of energy, the secretary of the interior, and the EPA administrator.”

That’s not even close to being true.

3. Romney also told Fox News’ Bret Baier this week about President Obama, “This is a president [who] simply does not have experience in tough situations.”

That’s ironic coming from a coddled multi-millionaire from a powerful, wealthy family, but it’s also blatantly untrue. Obama has experience leading the nation during a time of multiple ongoing crises. Love him or hate him, the economic crisis, the war in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan, the strikes on bin Laden and al Qaeda, and the offensive in Libya count as “tough situations” — tougher than anything Romney has ever seen in his entire life.


4. In reference to Iran, Romney told Fox News, “It’s quite clear that the president wants to avoid in any way a discussion about a military option.”

It’s quite clear Romney’s not telling the truth. Obama recently told AIPAC, in a speech Romney heard and critiqued, “I have said that when it comes to preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, I will take no options off the table, and I mean what I say. That includes all elements of American power: A political effort … a diplomatic … an economic effort … and, yes, a military effort to be prepared for any contingency.”

5. In making the case against the Affordable Care Act, Romney said, “Now we find out from the Congressional Budget Office that [Obama administration officials] underestimated its costs — multiple trillions of new federal spending is simply not something people can afford.”

That’s just not what the Congressional Budget Office said.

6. In the same appearance, Romney said his first problem with the health care reform law is the “$500 billion cut in Medicare.”

Romney loves this line, but it’s simply not true.

7. In his University of Chicago speech, Romney said, Obama administration “bureaucrats” are telling “farmers what their 15-year-old sons and daughters can and can’t do on the family farm.”

That’s plainly false.

8. In the same speech, Romney said, “Under Dodd-Frank, [entrepreneurial pioneers] would have struggled to get loans from their community banks.”

Romney has to know that’s not true.

9. In the same speech, Romney promised, “Instead of raising taxes, I will cut them.”

Well, he’d cut taxes for most folks, but for those working families struggling most, the Romney plan calls for a tax increase.

10. In his victory speech in Illinois after the primary, Romney said, “The government would have banned Thomas Edison’s light bulb. Oh, that’s right. They just did.”

This isn’t just a lie; it’s a dumb lie.

11. Romney told voters in Maryland, “[O]ne of the things that just broke my heart was watching the president go around the world apologizing for America.”

You’ve got to be kidding me.

12. Romney told a Wisconsin radio show this morning that Paul Ryan’s budget plan “does not balance the budget on the backs of the poor and the elderly.”

That’s the exact opposite of reality.

13. In the same interview, Romney said the Ryan plan “preserves Medicare.”

Actually, it ends Medicare, and replaces it with vouchers.

14. Romney argued in a separate appearance this morning, “The Catholic Church is being told that they have to provide insurance that covers morning after pills, sterilizations, and contraceptives. Despite the fact that these very features violate the conscience of the Catholic Church itself.

He’s lying. That’s not what the Catholic Church — or any other house of worship — is being told at all.

Rachel argued this week that Romney lies “all the time, really easily,” adding, “He says things that are not true with unnerving frequency, arguably more than any modern candidate for major office, and there are a lot of creeps among them. Some dishonesty in national American politics is frankly routine. It’s too bad, but it’s true. Romney-style dishonesty is a sight to behold. It’s different. He’s bending the curve.”

And as this morning’s lies help demonstrate, the candidate doesn’t even seem to care about being caught. I’ve never seen anything like it.

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2 Responses to Willard Romney’s Lies of the Week

  1. I don’t know why we should expect anything more,from rummy the dummy,isn’t it odd ordinary people,seem to be very honest people,weather we are considered,christian,or atheiast,or any other faith,and we do our very best to always tell the truth,but for some reason Republicans for the most part are always mis-quoted,or statements were taking out of context,or the best one is they mispoke.WTF,is that crap.It gives me the feeling that if we want our freedom we better learn to out lie these republicans because they seem to have lieing down to an art.Like the jobs bill Canter,has been pushing,hidden in there is a very peachy deal with delta that would fill his pockets in that 4000.00dollar suit he wares,and try to tell the people of Virginia he feels there pain ,with the president not creating any jobs for our people,and not keeping his promise.In 2010 Bonier said the people spoke and that they would take over and deffinately creat jobs for the americian people,REALLY,where the hell are the jobs,Boiner,Our son hasn’t worked in 3 damn years.Between him and our other two adult children,and spouses,along with grand children we supported all 14 of them and know your trickel down that only helps the rich,has left my husband and I retired and in chapter 13,So thanks republicans for your help,you greedy bastards,I know we aren’t the only ones in this situation.I hope your christian values do the exact same thing to you. More than anything I would like McConnel to get his wish to make President Obama a one term president, and you assholes get what you deserve,and that’s to be known as the most racial biggets to serve our nation.You are a sick bunch of lower than bottom blood sucking,inhuman,women hateing bullies (.Compleatly Useless congress this country has ever had in our history Shame on you) The other part is the very expensive health care congress and senetors have is good enough for you but to expensive to give to hard working americans like us,you make me sick to my stomach,YOUR GREEDY,DO NOTHING RASIEST,BIGGETS,JUST CAN’T STAND A BLACK MAN IS IN THE WHITE HOUSE.It’s so obvious what your doing,I don’t know how you sleep at night,OH I FORGOT YOU HAVE NO CONCHANCE,OR SOUL,PARDON IF I DON’T THANK YOU, I HOPE YOU GET BACK WHAT YOU GIVE AND EVEN MORE,SLIMEY,BACK STABBING,USLESS LAME ASS JERKS OF CONGRESS.HOPE YOU HAVE A SHITTY LIFE JUST LIKE YOU’VE MADE OURS.I ALSO THINK YOUR TERMS SHOULD BE LIMITED TO NOT MORE THAN 2YRS,AND YOU SHOULD DRUG TESTED,MONTHLY,AND NO PAYOUTS FOR VIAGRA,IF YOU CAN’T DO YOUR DEED NATURALY TO F—-ING BAD DEAL WITH IT, YOR WANT TO TAKE WOMEN’S RIGHTS AWAY,YOU MEN ARE NO BETTER,ACTUALLY I THINK YOUR THE LOWER FORM OF HUMANITY,FISH POOP DESCRIBES YOU TO A TEA!THAT INCLUDES THAT GROUP TOO! TEA PARTY YOU BELONG IN THE BAY WITH THE OTHER BAG’S.WE NEED TO DUMP THERE ASS TOO! GOD WOULD NEVER SUPPORT THERE WAY OF LIFE,GOD SAID,FEED THE HUNGRY,CLOTH THE NAKED,AND TAKE CARE OF THOSE WHO HAVE NO SHELTER,THE REPUBLICANS THINK THEY ARE GOD,AND WANT EVERYTHING FOR THEMSELF’S WE ARE INVISABLE,EXCEPT WHEN THEY NEED SOMEONE TO COOK,CLEAN THERE TOILET’S AND MOW THERE LAWNS,OPPS I FORGOT,NEWT WANTED TOILET JOB’S FOR POOR KIDS INSTEAD OF AN EDUCATION,DAMN I FORGOT OUR KIDS DON’T HAVE WORK ETHICS,LIKE THOSE IN CONGRESS,THANK GOD I’D NEVER WANT MY KIDS TO BE ANYTHING LIKE CONGRESSMEN WE HAVE IN WASH,DC.

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