Sunday Open Thread

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23 Responses to Sunday Open Thread

  1. rikyrah says:

    August 05, 2012 09:40 AM
    Candy Crowley Feigns Ignorance of Republican Obstruction and Hatred of Obama
    By Heather \

    I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m really tired of watching these talking heads in the media pretend they don’t realize why President Obama has not been able to govern as he promised during the last presidential campaign — the fact that Republicans decided obstruction and making him a one term president was going to be their primary goal.

    But that’s exactly what we got from Candy Crowley during her interview with Robert Gibbs this Sunday: Gibbs: Obama Has ‘Not Gotten Consensus’ Because Republicans Don’t Want That:

    On CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday, Obama campaign senior adviser Robert Gibbs conceded that President Obama has not achieved the political unity he promised as a candidate, but blamed Republicans.

    “Well, he’s not gotten consensus, Candy, because it is hard to get consensus when the other side of the aisle has no desire at all to build consensus,” he said.

    These beltway Villagers call themselves journalists, but ask questions like this as though they don’t already know the answer, when that answer is painfully obvious to anyone paying a bit of attention to how Republicans have behaved since President Obama was elected. I don’t think anyone expected to see Republicans voting against their very own policies because a Democrat was willing to put his name on them, but that’s what we’ve had for the last few years. Crowley doesn’t have much respect for her audience when she does things like this.

  2. rikyrah says:

    ‘World News’ Political Insights: Mitt Romney Looks for August Reset

    ANALYSIS by RICK KLEIN (@rickklein)

    Aug. 5, 2012

    The nation has met Barack Obama’s Mitt Romney. If it’s going to meet Romney’s version of himself, it will happen this month, or not at all.

    It was supposed to start last month, with picked-up ad spending and a foreign trip built around a choreographed Olympic moment. But the foreign trip fell flat amid distractions at every stop, and Democrats continued to break through with their assault on Romney’s transparency and business record.

    Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus fired back today on ABC News’ “This Week,” calling Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid “a dirty liar” for his unsubstantiated suggestion that Romney didn’t pay taxes for a decade.

    “This is just a made-up issue,” Priebus said. “And the fact that we’re going to spend any time talking about it is ridiculous.”

    While Priebus is right to call out Reid for making an irresponsible claim, the fact that Republicans including Romney, himself, are forced to respond to it speaks to the need for Romney to find a fresh start in his campaign’s proactive messaging.

    • rikyrah says:

      I love this. I really do.

      Nobody made Mittens do the overseas thing. He did that all on his own. Nobody made him make a fool of himself overseas and show that he’s an amateur playing the role…he did that himself.

      I love this tax issue for so many reasons, but the top two reasons are:
      1. It’s simple as shyt to message
      2. It’s easy to walk around the MSM

      They know damn well that if Candidate Barack Obama had refused to release his tax returns, they would have raised holy hell day after day. They’re covering for Willard, and the obviousness of it is becoming glaring.

      But, the simplicity of the message:


      is something that they can’t cover up.

      The wickedness of irony here cannot be lost on anyone – and the Dems were bringing up the irony on every Sunday Show..

      Willard’s not even man enough TO MATCH HIS OWN DAMN FATHER.

      That’s just an added bonus for the Prudential Building – being able to beat over the head a man with Daddy Issues – HIS OWN FATHER AS THE CLUB. It’s just too delicious for words.

      Willard’s been running for President officially for five fucking years, and not one person who is voting for him can tell you three reasons about what Willard stands for…cause he doesn’t stand for shyt.

      He made it through the GOP Primaries because he was running against grifters and amateurs and he buried them in money.

      Well now, he’s going up against the team that disposed of the Clinton Machine and got a Black Man elected President of the United States, and I’ll say it again:

      NOBODY at the Prudential Building is playing with Willard.

      While the village was whining, the Prudential Building was going about the business of destroying THE REASON Willard said he was qualified to be President of the United States.

      They gutted that, but good…..

      and now, he has NOTHING else.

      The joke that he thinks he can bring up being Governor of Massachusetts – good luck with that Willard.

      I’m thrilled that they are
      1. Not playing with him
      2. Not paying the MSM any mind
      3. Telling the rest of the Democrats – get on board or get left the fuck behind


  3. rikyrah says:

    As the Proud Sponsor of Moms, P&G presents this series about the mom behind the Olympic athlete.

    Raising an Olympian – GABBY DOUGLAS

  4. rikyrah says:

    Sun Aug 05, 2012 at 08:00 AM PDT.

    Gabby, Dominique, Barbara and Black women’s rarely rewarded quest for the recognition we deserve

    Not focused.
    Lacks confidence.
    Can’t handle the pressure.
    Not ready.
    Not ready.
    Not ready.

    These are just a few of the many negative adjectives used in the days preceding Gabrielle Douglas’ historic gold medal win in gymnastics this week. Search any antecedent video and print stories about Gabby done by NBC, ESPN, the New York Times, and just about every other bastion of American journalism. It is easy to confirm that, repeatedly, these were the descriptors that always managed to be worked into any statement about her gymnastic efforts or to describe this lovely 16-year-old athletic powerhouse in comparison to her (losing) teammates on the U.S. Olympic team. Even when talking heads and pundits begrudgingly acknowledge that the speed of Gabby Douglas’ rise to the top of the women’s Olympic mountain was meteoric, they still cannot quite grasp how it happened or why it happened.

    “The thing I love is that it makes people worry, it just shakes them up,” Douglas said of beating Wieber. “They say: ‘Dang, I am so shocked. I need to upgrade this and that and, oh gosh, where did she come from?'”

    It seems that little credit is given to what must have been extremely hard work, to rise from a non-entity in the world of gymnastics to holding its highest female honor in just 2 years. Little credit appears to be given to the fact that Gabby Douglas won the all-around medal precisely because she posted excellent scores on all 4 gymmastic apparatus, the balance beam, vault, uneven parallel bars and floor exercise (unlike her teammates, most of who did not even compete on all 4 and did not score as well as she did on those they did compete on).
    No credit at all is given to the resilience of her poor, single, Black mother; our nation doesn’t care about, let alone reward, the indomitable will and spiritual strength it takes to actually be a single Black mother in America raising four children. Or the strength it takes to allow your 14-year-old daughter, your baby, to move far far away in terms of literal and cultural distance to chase a dream. Hell, even after the team gold was won with Gabby being the highest scoring qualifier for the all around, the Today Show did a whole “Parents of the Fab 5” segment in which it not once mentioned Gabby by name, although it was sure to let us know who Jordyn Wieber’s parents and Aly Raisman’s parents were. (It is Natalie Hawkins, btw, not Missy Parton, no matter how much the media is running around saying that Gabby had a white mother too.)

  5. rikyrah says:

    Lindsey Graham: Contractors Should Lay Off Workers Before Election

    I know I am not alone when I say that the Republican Party has been doing their damnedest to sabotage the economy and the jobs situation for political gain. If you’ve been paying attention, even in the slightest, it’s a pretty straightforward fact. Since the 2010 midterms, we’ve not seen one inch of movement on the Republican side to alleviate the jobless morass the country has fallen into. Instead, we’ve seen a reigniting of the culture wars, from opposition to marriage equality to the war on women, but jobs? Eh, not so much.

    So it should come as no surprise that Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has called on government contractors to layoff personnel just before the election, in protest of the scheduled mandatory defense budget cuts slated for the first of the year, due to the 2011 Budget Control Act. From First Read (emphasis added):

    “Politicians, you know, quite frankly respond to pressure,” Graham said about the cuts set to begin in 2013 under the so-called sequestration budget.

    “I’m urging every defense industry that could be affected by sequestration to put your employees on notice before November,” he continued. “The more it becomes real to us as to what comes the nation’s way, the more likely we are to solve the problem.”

  6. Ametia says:

    LOL RINSE-REPEAT is Nothing but a schoolboy, name-calling coward. You don’t want what Harry Reid can dish out, PUNK!

  7. Ametia says:


    Multiple people have been shot at a Sikh temple in the Milwaukee suburb of Oak Creek, Wisconsin.
    People are believed to be trapped in the temple, and at least one gunman may be inside, a city official said. “As far as I know, it is still an active situation,” Alderman Dan Jakubczyk told CNN.

    • Ametia says:

      Mass Shooting at Sikh Temple Near Milwaukee; Police Say One Officer Injured and Gunman ‘Put Down’
      Aug. 5, 2012

      A mass shooting has occurred at a Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisc., just outside Milwaukee.

      At least four people have been reported injured in the mass shooting and no suspect has been identified. Hospitals in the area were told to be ready for up to 20 shooting victims, according to police radio reports.

      “An officer arrived and engaged a suspect. That officer was shot multiple times. He is expected to survive,” said Brad Wentlandt, the police chief of Greenfield, Wisc., at a hastily-arranged briefing for news media.

      “The officer exchanged fire with the shooter. That shooter was put down.”

      Some members of the temple are still inside the temple and are hiding, believing that a gunman may still be inside the building, according to ABC News affiliate WISN.

      Wentlandt said, “We believe we have the situation contained here” at the temple. But he also said, “we do not know if there are other shooters at the scene.”

      According to local reports, a gunman walked into the church and opened fire around 10:34 a.m., shortly before a prayer service was scheduled to begin.

      Among those shot was the president of the temple, accoding to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

      • Ametia says:

        Six people and a gunman were killed Sunday at a Sikh temple in suburban Milwaukee, according to Bradley Wentlandt, the police chief in nearby Greenfield.

  8. rikyrah says:

    Political Animal Blog

    August 05, 2012 10:48 AM
    Today in Mitt-Romney-Lies-Like-a-Rug

    By Kathleen Geier

    Via Think Progress, Mitt Romney, on his Facebook page, is claiming that President Obama is running to the courts to prevent members of the military from voting in Ohio. Saith the Mittster:

    President Obama’s lawsuit claiming it is unconstitutional for Ohio to allow servicemen and women extended early voting privileges during the state’s early voting period is an outrage. The brave men and women of our military make tremendous sacrifices to protect and defend our freedoms, and we should do everything we can to protect their fundamental right to vote. I stand with the fifteen military groups that are defending the rights of military voters, and if I’m entrusted to be the commander-in-chief, I’ll work to protect the voting rights of our military, not undermine them

    But as Think Progress’s Judd Legum points out, this is a big fat lie. Earlier this year, the Republican Ohio state legislature, in keeping with nation-wide Republican efforts to restrict ballot access, eliminated early voting in the state, except for members of the military. (Gee, I can’t imagine why they might have made an exception for the military, of all groups! Can you?) The Obama administration filed a lawsuit to restore early voting for all voters; its suit does not in any way attempt to restrict military early voting. Even Fox News, of all sources, acknowledges this.

    I’m certain that Romney, or whatever staffer wrote the Facebook post for him, knows very well what the truth is here. But I think the point, strategically, is to muddy the waters, so far as ballot access and voter fraud issues are concerned. It is, after all, Republicans who are ideologically and operationally committed to massive voter suppression efforts. Especially when elections are close, as I believe the 2012 presidential election is likely to be, those efforts can make all the difference.

  9. rikyrah says:

    Across state lines

    By Kay
    August 5th, 2012

    Wanted to talk about college students voting because I’ve now gotten two emailed questions on it.

    There are lots of unsubstantiated allegations made by media and conservatives about certain groups of voters, and, oddly enough, ALL of these unsubstantiated allegations are directed towards groups of voters who (mostly) vote for Democrats.

    I live in Northwest Ohio. It’s cold. We have a large group of retired people who own homes in Ohio but actually spend very little time here, because they also live in Florida. However, every time we try to fund local public schools adequately (thankfully, our public schools are still truly public, and not taxpayer-supported “reformed” for-profits) we encounter huge pushback from part-time Ohio residents who object to paying property taxes. This is baffling because Ohio has a “homestead exemption” on property taxes that was enacted to protect seniors from large increases in property taxes. But I’m a lawyer, I know the residency rules and I think these anti-tax Tea Party seniors fit within the residency requirements for Ohio. I wouldn’t dream of accusing them of playing fast and loose with the rules by voting in Ohio, because that would be unfair and probably WRONG on the facts. Yet, nearly every day I read a fraud accusation leveled at some other group of voters, always young people, poor people, or racial or ethnic minorities. Weird how that works, isn’t it?

  10. rikyrah says:

    found this at POU, with the reference point being the ignorant stuff DL Hughley’s been saying with regards to the President:


    It’s so sad when I see black critics talk about “oh, if that was me, i woulda jumped down off that podium and whooped his white ass!!!”

    This is from it_girl and yesterday’s comments re: DL vs. Obama

    Most black people hollering “I woudda done ___” against a white perpetrator wouldn’t do shit. They will whoop and holla around black people but never anyone white. Trust.

    Look at the Congressional Black Caucus. They scream and holla that if a white person did what Obama “did” they’d be screaming and holllering. Fool, white people have been doing WORSE than what Obama “did” and they ain’t open up their mouths:

    They ain’t UNLEASH when that man got up in the SOTU screaming YOU LIE!

    They ain’t UNLEASH when Mitch McConnell said the only thing the GOP was going to do was ensure Obama was a one term president.

    They ain’t UNLEASH when GOP governors across the country slashed gov’t jobs, which affected black people A LOT.

    They ain’t UNLEASH when Chump Trump was running around demanding birth certificates & college records.

    They ain’t UNLEASH on Michele Bachmann for claiming black children were better off in slavery than under Obama today.

    They ain’t UNLEASH on Rick Santorum saying he’s tired of “hardworking taxpayers” giving their money to blah people.

    They ain’t UNLEASH on Newt Gingrich saying black kids had no work ethic because they have no role models in the black community, so in order to teach black kids how to work he proposes making THEM (and not the white kids) be janitors in the schools.

    They ain’t UNLEASH on Mitt Romney campaign for claiming that Obama isn’t American and doesn’t understand Anglo Saxon values like Romney does.

    Naw, they ain’t say jack to none of this but quick to run to the WHITE MAN’S MIC to scream on Obama.

    Where were they when Bush was ignoring the black people in Katrina? Ain’t had nothing to say until Kanye opened his mouth.

    Where were they when Clinton was throwing black people in jail? They ain’t had nothing to say then and they won’t have anythign to say now.

    Never listen to a black person who claims they woudda done XYZ if a white person did ABC b/c they are the FIRST person to lick the azzcrack of the white man and asking him how it feels and can they do more to please him.

    DL Huguely has the same mentality as the black women shading Gabby Douglas for having nappy hair. Bitch, black people have nappy hair. Pull down your underpants and look at the hair down there…it’s NAPPY. You ain’t got no yakki down there! But Gabby’s “nappy hair” isn’t the reason they are shading here, they are shading her because she’s a black girl who is not where she is supposed to be! If she was getting pregnant out of wedlock or hanging in the streets they would have NO PROBLEM with her nappy hair.

    The nappy hair argument and the You a Secret White Boy argument have the same purpose…to let Gabrielle & Barack know they are stills niggas like us and need to start acting like it instead of going places where they’re not supposed to be. SMH

    *drops mic, slams the door*


  11. rikyrah says:

    He Grows on You Like a Fungus

    by BooMan
    Sun Aug 5th, 2012 at 10:21:41 AM EST

    Here are two excerpts from a new e-book that is coming out from the the Politico crowd. They are part of a larger narrative about Obama’s drive to win anything he attempts. You can find out who his card-playing partners are on Air Force One. I chose the following bits because they relate to Romney and the election.

    ‘[Obama is] the single most competitive man I’ve ever met,’ Robert Gibbs, his first press secretary, told me, adding: ‘What’s the one thing Barack Obama hates more than losing? Losing twice.’

    “One factor made the 2012 grind bearable and at times even fun for Obama: he began campaign preparations feeling neutral about Romney, but like the former governor’s GOP opponents in 2008 and 2012, he quickly developed a genuine disdain for the main. That scorn stoked Obama’s competitive fire, got his head in the game, which came as a relief to some Obama aides who had seen his interest flag when he didn’t feel motivated to crush the opposition. Obama, a person close to him told me, didn’t even feel this strongly about conservative, combative House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the Hill Republican he disliked the most. At least Cantor stood for something, he’d say.

    “When he talked about Romney, aides picked up a level of anger he never had for Clinton or McCain, even after Sarah Palin was picked as his running mate. ‘There was a baseline of respect for John McCain. The president always thought he was an honorable man and a war hero,’ said a longtime Obama adviser. ‘That doesn’t hold true for Romney. He was no goddamned war hero.’”

  12. Ametia says:

    Good Morning, Everyone! :-)

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