Sunday Open Thread

Bishop Paul Sylvester Morton (born July 30, 1950) is an American Charismatic pastor. He is currently senior pastor of Changing A Generation Full Gospel Baptist Church and Co-Pastor of Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church. He is also a recording artist, author and the founding and presiding bishop of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship.

Paul Sylvester Morton is the son of the late Bishop C.L. Morton Sr. and the late Evangelist Matilda E. Morton. His father pastored two congregations, one in Windsor, Ontario named Mount Zion C.O.G.I.C in Canada and one in Detroit, Michigan named Mount Zion Tabernacle C.O.G.I.C, both were a part of the Church of God in Christ, Inc. Growing up, he exemplified a special talent in music. He sang with his brothers Bishop C.L. Morton Jr, Bishop James H. Morton, the lesser known, George Morton and became known all over the country. He was also the founder of a young singing group called the Junior Progressives and served as Director of the Youth Choir in his fathers’ church.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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57 Responses to Sunday Open Thread

  1. “Dishonest” – Obama for America TV Ad

  2. Mitt Romney Isn’t Telling the Truth

  3. Mitt Romney Didn’t Tell the Truth About Medicare

  4. Mitt Romney Claims He Wants More Teachers: Not True

  5. thorsaurus says:

    I haven’t commented in a while but just wanted to let you ladies know, I really appreciate the hard work you do giving us all those links. Very informative. As a matter of fact, Ryan should probably drop by and read up on all of Mitt’s lies before the debate. Now there’s some heavy duty debate prep. :)

  6. Feds charge 91 people in $430 million Medicare fraud scheme

    Here’s a big win for Eric Holder, Kathleen Sebelius and President Obama. It’s also evidence of how this administration really is protecting Medicare.

    WASHINGTON — A federal strike force has charged 91 people, including a hospital president, doctors and nurses, with Medicare fraud schemes in seven cities involving $429 million in false billings. […]

    Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said that that in addition to the newly announced criminal charges, her agency used new authority under the Obama administration’s health care law to stop future payments to many of the health care providers suspected of fraud.

    Those charged include the president of a hospital in Houston along with six others who racked up $158 million in fraudulent billings, two doctors and two nurses in Dallas who for $103 million in fraudulent billings, and a doctor and four chiropractors in Brooklyn, who participated in a scheme netting $23 million. The other cases are in Baton Rouge, Chicago, Los Angeles and Miami. The charges include “billing the government for unnecessary ambulance rides in California, writing prescriptions for patients in Dallas who did not qualify for them and paying kickbacks like food and cigarettes to patients in Houston if they attended programs for which a hospital could bill.”
    When politicians talk about waste, fraud and abuse, this is what they’re talking about. And the Obama administration is actually doing something about it, cracking down on the fraud, but using Obamacare to prevent providers caught in fraud from ever gaming the system again.

  7. _________________

  8. Did Romney give advice to terrorists in secret tape

    MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, the Washington Post’s Jonathan Capehart and the Guardian’s Anna Marie Cox take a look at Romney’s foreign policy plans and discuss whether Romney gives advise to terrorists in the recently disclosed secret tape.

    Mitt Romney:

    “I mean if I were Iran, If I were Iran — I mean — and — and — a crazed fanatic, I’d say, “Lets get a little fissile — material to Hezbollah and have them carry it to Chicago or some other place.

    And then if anything goes wrong or America starts acting up, we’ll just say, ‘And guess what? Unless you stand down, why, we’re gonna let off a dirty bomb.”

  9. Tea Party Voter Suppression Group Under Investigation For Possible ‘Criminal Conspiracy’

    The Tea Party organization launching a multi-pronged voter suppression effort this election is under investigation by Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) for a possible “criminal conspiracy to deny legitimate voters their constitutional rights.”

    Cummings sent a letter to True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht warning her that the Ohio branch of the group, in suing to throw thousands of students, trailer park residents, homeless people and African Americans off the voting rolls, may be violating the law:

    At some point, an effort to challenge voter registrations by the thousands without any legitimate basis may be evidence of illegal voter suppression. If these efforts are intentional, politically motivated and widespread across multiple states, they could amount to a criminal conspiracy to deny legitimate voters their constitutional rights.

  10. Ametia says:

    Mitt Romney plans a $5 trillion tax cut favoring the wealthiest Americans. He’s started to flat out deny that his tax cut for the wealthiest even exists, brazenly insisting the tax cut will cost nothing. There’s only one problem: The math doesn’t add up. We have a new infograpic taking Mitt back to school:

    Mitt Romney is scheduled to give a foreign policy speech on Monday:

  11. Ametia says:

    AXELROD: Romney Was Dishonest On Issue After Issue: On “Face the Nation” this morning, Obama for America Senior Strategist David Axelrod said that, on issue after issue, Mitt Romney was dishonest during Wednesday’s debate. Romney said his plan didn’t include $5 trillion in tax cuts skewed toward the wealthiest, but he’s been promising just that for months. He said he’d repeal Obamacare but still protect Americans with pre-existing conditions, and immediately had to have an aide walk it back with the press because it isn’t true. And he said he wants more teachers, but has criticized the President for saying the very same thing, making clear he wants less teachers, not more.

  12. Ametia says:

    Sunday Wrap Up

    Mitt Romney took a lot of heat today for not telling the truth during the debate. When it came to Romney’s false claim that his tax plan doesn’t include $5 trillion in tax cuts skewed toward the wealthiest, even Newt Gingrich got in on the action:

    GINGRICH: Romney Didn’t Tell The Truth About His Tax Plan: On “Meet the Press” this morning, Romney surrogate Newt Gingrich admitted that Mitt Romney wasn’t telling the truth about his tax plan. In Wednesday’s debate, Romney tried to falsely claim he never promised $5 trillion of tax cuts skewed toward millionaires and billionaires. But when asked if Romney was being dishonestwhen he said that, Gingrich said it was “clear” Romney ran away from the tax plan he has long promised on Wednesday night.

    • Ametia says:

      Governor O’Malley: Big Bird Meets the Big Lie: On “Fox News Sunday” today, Governor Martin O’Malley highlighted how the math of Mitt Romney’s tax plan simply doesn’t add up. Despite his claims to the contrary, to pay for his $5 trillion tax plan, Romney would have to slash popular tax deductions like the mortgage interest deduction and raise taxes on the middle class.


    Artur Davis: One Black Man That Thinks Voter ID Laws Aren’t Racist @bmockaveli

  14. rikyrah says:

    Mitt Romney is worth $250 million. Why so little?

    By William D. Cohan, Published: October 5

    Mitt Romney is indisputably a very rich man. And if he is elected president on Nov. 6, he will become one of the wealthiest people ever to hold the office.

    But exactly how wealthy is Romney? The figure that gets tossed around is $250 million in net worth — meaning the total value of his assets, financial and others, minus any debts

    It’s a big number, but frankly, it seems low. Given the industry in which he made his fortune (private equity), the era when he made it (the 1980s and 1990s) and the wealth of his peers in that business (mostly billionaires), Romney should be worth a good bit more than that.

    Why isn’t he?

    No surprise, Romney has not made it easy to figure out the precise size of his fortune, and any inferences drawn from the available data are necessarily speculative — yet they still, I think, say something about the man who would be president.

    We know that Romney’s fortune derives in large part from his founding in 1984 of Bain Capital, one of the premier private-equity firms in the world, which he ran for the next 15 years or so, during a boom time for the industry. Among Bain’s most successful investments are those in well-known companies such as Staples, Domino’s Pizza, Dunkin’ Donuts and the Weather Channel. Others include lesser-known enterprises such as Experian, an information-services company that Bain bought (with Thomas H. Lee Company, another Boston-based buyout firm) for $1 billion in 1996 and sold months laterfor a profit of $700 million; and Seat Pagine Gialle, an Italian yellow-pages business whose investors, including Bain, made $1 billion in profits after two years.

  15. rikyrah says:

    Paul Ryan: 60 Percent Of Americans Are ‘Takers,’ Not ‘Makers’

    Posted: 10/05/2012 3:42 pm EDT Updated: 10/05/2012 4:32 pm EDT

    Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan said in 2010 that 60 percent of Americans receive more financial benefits from the government than they pay in taxes, making them “takers,” rather than “makers,” according to a 2010 video of Ryan speaking with Rep. Walter Jones (R-N.C.).

    “Right now about 60 percent of the American people get more benefits in dollar value from the federal government than they pay back in taxes,” Ryan said. “So we’re going to a majority of takers versus makers in America and that will be tough to come back from that. They’ll be dependent on the government for their livelihoods [rather] than themselves.”

    Ryan has been making similar statements for years. His 60 percent comment to Jones was not a one-time gaffe, but an iteration of a point Ryan has repeatedly made while arguing for his plan to replace Medicare with a voucher system.

    “Do you want the American idea of an opportunity society with a safety net where you can take a risk, start a business, make a difference, succeed and be honored for being successful?,” Ryan said at a June 15, 2012 fundraiser. “Or do we go down the path the president is proposing — a social welfare state, a cradle-to-the-grave society where we have more takers than makers.”

  16. Ametia says:

    Here’s a CLASSIC:

  17. Edward Lazarus says:

    If being perceived as the winner of the first debate meant victory on Nov. 6th., Romney would have a chance! But it does not, and he will not!
    We wondered how he expected to get around his earlier LIES–(and they ARE lies!)–and still not offend his base. Now we know! Like a true politician, he just kept on lying! And one way or another, those lies will do him in!

  18. Mitt Romney, His Family And Cheating

    Yesterday, I posted about Romney’s cheating during the presidential debate. I had taken a number of screen shots from this video. Sometimes when you think you have a good post, real life gets in the way, and you end up rushing something and not doing it justice. I feel that way about yesterday’s post. So, here I am, having woken at 5.30am. I am determined to do justice to the Romney family’s reaction to Mitt and his retrieval of his notes. I may repeat some screen shots, but bear with me, because in my opinion, their reaction shows just how worried they were about Mitt trying to stuff those papers into his pockets.


  19. rikyrah says:

    any word on what Willard raised last month?

    hee hee hee

    • Edward Lazarus says:

      He raised my blood pressure with his lies! But I have put a very special hex on him.

      HO! HO! HO!

  20. rikyrah says:

    Intangible Dividend of Antipoverty Effort: Happiness

    When thousands of poor families were given federal housing subsidies in the early 1990s to move out of impoverished neighborhoods, social scientists expected the experience of living in more prosperous communities would pay off in better jobs, higher incomes and more education.

    That did not happen. But more than 10 years later, the families’ lives had improved in another way: They reported being much happier than a comparison group of poor families who were not offered subsidies to move, a finding that was published on Thursday in the journal Science….

    But there was little evidence that the new neighborhoods made much of a difference in either income or education, a disappointment for social scientists, who had hoped that the experiment would lead to new ways of combating poverty.

    What researchers did find were substantial improvements in the physical and mental health of the people who moved. Researchers reported last year in The New England Journal of Medicine that the participants who moved to new neighborhoods had lower rates of obesity and diabetes than those not offered the chance to move. Beyond the increase in happiness, the new study found lower levels of depression among those who moved….

  21. rikyrah says:

    How British companies pour cash into the American elections

    As the presidential election enters its final phase, FTSE 100 companies are making use of relaxed campaign financing rules to bring their influence to bear

    More than one in five of Britain’s largest corporations are channelling political donations to favoured candidates ahead of next month’s elections in the US – though these sums may be only the tip of a new campaign-financing iceberg, according to leading politicians, judges and pro-transparency watchdogs.

    As election year reaches its climax, America is forecast to experience the most extensively corporate-influenced race for the White House, and for control of Capitol Hill, in living memory.

    Among the industries already well versed in bankrolling US politics are finance, pharmaceuticals, energy and defence. British multinationals such as HSBC, Barclays, Experian, Prudential, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, BP, Shell and BAE all have political action committees (PACs) that channel donations from employees to US politicians.

    Some 14 of the top 50 most active foreign-controlled PACs have parent groups listed in London, according to Washington group the Centre for Responsive Politics. This makes the UK the biggest hub for non-US multinationals seeking to exert influence at the US ballot box on 6 November. Despite this, some FTSE 100 groups continue to tell shareholders in annual reports and elsewhere that they do not make political donations.

    Companies are able to make such claims because PACs receive their funds from US employees – often led by the most senior American executives – and only dip into company coffers to cover administrative costs. Typically, the PACs are staffed by company lobbyists and distribute campaign contributions in line with the company’s lobbying agenda.

  22. rikyrah says:

    Some in G.O.P. Choose to Return to Akin’s Corner
    Published: October 6, 2012

    KANSAS CITY, Mo. — For establishment Republicans, it is decision time in the Missouri Senate race…

    …Now, with Mr. Akin’s name legally bound to the ballot, the election approaching and new polling data presenting a clearer idea of his chances, Republicans are deliberating whether to renege on their reneging.

    It is one of the trickiest dilemmas facing Republicans this election cycle: whether to give up on a race that could help decide which party controls the United States Senate or stand by Mr. Akin and risk hurting Republican candidates in other states…

  23. rikyrah says:

    October 06, 2012

    The ‘unemployment truthers’: Obama’s secret weapon

    If nothing else, the paranoid right’s burlesque BLS scandal demonstrated perhaps the goofiest and later the most lethal kind of enemy-fraternization imaginable. As Greg Sargent put it early yesterday afternoon:

    [U]nemployment trutherism…. It’s very likely … to break through to the nightly news, drawing still more attention to the dropping unemployment rate.

    And that’s precisely what happened. Yesterday morning the right took out a gun and shot itself in the foot, and then, as the day proceeded, repeatedly shot itself in the head.

    After the BLS’ job-numbers release, Obama-friendly analysts such as Ezra Klein and Jared Bernstein scarcely saluted either the new unemployment rate of 7.8% or the new hires of 114,000. Well, these numbers are OK, in fact they’re sorta good, said the analytically unintoxicated–but they’re not exceptionally good, they’re nothing, really, to write home about. In short, the Obama-friendly guys, in an effort to protect their credibility and professional reputations of at least some objectivity, interpreted the numbers with a sober, and sobering, reserve.

  24. rikyrah says:

    October 06, 2012

    I’m down with voter suppression

    I have a confession. I’m sympathetic to malevolent efforts at voter suppression. Sympathetic to the efforts, sympathetic to the malevolence, sympathetic to the fanatical urge to suppress certain voters–by all means, let’s do suppress. I am not sympathetic to the prevailing prejudices behind today’s voter-suppression efforts. My targeted prejudice lies elsewhere. And the vote I would freely, enthusiastically suppress is that of the still-undecided voter.

    There’s simply no excuse for these people. They’re an abomination, a hideous scab of unforgivable bewilderment on the healing body politic, a swarm of hyperfastidious but profoundly uninformed clowns. For four years we’ve been steadily climbing out of the most wretched economic hellhole created since the 1930s–one brazenly opened beneath us by shifty plutocrats and right-winging demagogues and supply-siding “wonks” who couldn’t add two and freaking two if their mammothly shameful lives depended on it. And yet what do the “undecided” have to say when the challenger, Mitt Romney–that manifestly brazen trifecta of shiftiness, demagoguery and supply-sided swindling–slithers forward and backward and sidles every which way? Well, gee, we’re not sure about this choice between Romney and the guy who’s been digging us out of the hellhole. Let us think about this a bit longer.

  25. rikyrah says:

    Congressman Elijah Cummings discusses the voter suppression person group True the Vote:

  26. rikyrah says:

    Melissa Harris-Perry delivered a bitchslap against George Will…telling him to put down his White Man’s Burden.

  27. Bit of Good News for Obama

    The first quality poll out of Colorado was released this morning. Selzer’s new poll (conducted Thursday and Friday) shows Obama with a 4 point margin over Mitt Romney.

  28. Cameras
    “America needs a President with character not a politician who just plays one.”

  29. Axelrod: Republicans rooting for a bad economy

    Senior Obama campaign adviser David Axelrod said Mitt Romney’s strong debate performance on Wednesday could be chalked up to showmanship and dishonesty, and suggested that Republicans are rooting for a bad economy.

    “I understand that for some who support Gov. Romney, it was disappointing that the economy is improving and that that number ticked down,” Axelrod said of Friday’s jobs numbers, which showed a decrease in the unemployment rate. “But for the country, it was very good news.”

    Echoing other Obama strategists and surrogates, Axelrod characterized Wednesday’s debate – widely seen as a sound win for Romney – as a battle of style versus substance. In addition to accusing Romney of being “dishonest,” Axelrod said that he was reminded of a famous line from comedian George Burns.

    “It reminded me of Burns—‘All you need in show business is sincerity and if you can fake that, you’ve got it made,’” Axelrod said, speaking on CBS’s Face the Nation on Sunday. “That’s what Gov. Romney has been about this week.”

  30. GOP Caught Training Poll Challengers in Illegal Voter Suppression Tactics

    A recording of the September 26th official “Poll Challenger Training” conducted by the Republican Party shows a GOP & Tea Party leader giving false and/or misleading information about voting rights and regulations to the training’s attendees. The training was replete with misinformation about ID requirements, the use of provisional ballots, assistance for Spanish-speaking citizens, change of address requirements, and the rights of the disabled at the polls.

  31. Mary Matalin Calls Paul Krugman A ‘Liar’ For Telling The Truth

    During a roundtable discussion on George Stephanoupolos’ This Week Sunday morning, GOP political consultant Mary Matalin got into a heated exchange with Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, calling him a “liar” for previously referring to Paul Ryan’s Medicare reform plan as a “voucher” program:

    MATALIN: You have mischaracterized and you have lied about every position and every particular of the Ryan plan on Medicare, from the efficiency of Medicare administration, to calling it a voucher plan, so you’re hardly credible on calling somebody else a liar.


    WASHINGTON — Former White House spokesman Robert Gibbs on Sunday lit into Mitt Romney’s recent debate performance, calling the Republican presidential nominee’s claims “fundamentally dishonest” and “absolutely crazy.”

    “The underpinnings and foundations of that performance were fundamentally dishonest,” Gibbs said on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos.” “He walked away from the central tenet of his economic theory by saying he had no idea what the president was talking about. Ten minutes after the debate, even his own staff is walking back his answers on health care and preexisting conditions.”

  33. Dannie Owens‏@DAOWENS44

    GOP aims to bolster majorities in Ohio Legislature |

  34. Paul Krugman Blasts Media For Debate Reaction: ‘Press Just Doesn’t Know How To Handle Flat-Out Untruths’ (VIDEO)

  35. NBC News‏@NBCNews

    Obama2012 campaign nears $1 billion in fund-raising

    $947 million

  36. UPDATED: Top 11 Excuses Conservatives Are Already Making For Losing The Election

    All the current polling has President Obama beating Mitt Romney and Republicans failing to take over the Senate. There is an obvious reason for this: the public likes how progressive Democratic policies have worked in the past four years more than how conservative Republican policies worked in the past eight.

    Accepting the obvious is proving difficult for conservative leaders. Instead of taking responsibility for past policy mistakes and proposing changes, conservatives are frantically coming up with various excuses why they are about to take a ballot box beating.

    The list is impressive. Let it not be said conservatives are not creative.

    “Chicago” Rigged The Jobs Numbers
    The Fed Rigged It
    Skewed Polls Depressed Republican Turnout
    The Government Suppressed The Military Vote
    The Government Allowed People To Vote Early
    ACORN. Again.
    Obama Was Never Vetted
    The Libya Cover-Up
    Romney Wasn’t Conservative Enough
    The American People Are “Morons” Hooked On Welfare
    He’s Black

    Wah Wah Wah

  37. Arkansas Republicans’ comments on slavery, Muslims stir controversy

    (Reuters) – Republicans in Arkansas are struggling to get past the controversy generated by a state lawmaker who wrote that slavery might have benefited blacks and a candidate who has advocated expelling Muslims from the United States

  38. More Good News: CBO Reports Deficit is down another $200 Billion

    Matching the good news on the Jobs numbers along with the report that the Obama Administration just took in a record $181 Million in donations in September, the CBO – at the close of FY2012 – is reporting that the Federal Deficit has dropped another $200 Billion to a level of $1.1 Trillion – which is the lowest level it has been since 2008 when the Financial Crisis began.

    The federal government’s fiscal year 2012 has come to a close, and CBO estimates that the federal budget deficit for the year was about $1.1 trillion, approximately $200 billion lower than the shortfall recorded in 2011. The 2012 deficit was equal to 7.0 percent of gross domestic product, CBO estimates, down from 8.7 percent in 2011, 9.0 percent in 2010, and 10.1 percent in 2009, but greater than in any other year since 1947. CBO’s deficit estimate is based on data from the Daily Treasury Statements; the Treasury Department will report the actual deficit for fiscal year 2012 later this month.

  39. Good Morning, 3 Chics!

    Holy Holy Holy is the LORD Almighty…The Whole Earth is Full of His Glory!

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