Derrick Coleman Makes Fans Dreams Come True for Super Bowl Sunday!

nfl_a_dcolets_576x324 AP Photo/Elaine Thompson

It all started with this Duracell commercial:

Derrick Coleman Makes Fans Dreams Come True

letter23n-4-webRiley Kovalcik (r.), 9, who is hearing imparied, wrote a touching letter to Seattle Seahawks Derrick Coleman, who is legally deaf. She’s pictured here next to her identical twin sister, Erin, who also uses hearing aids.




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9 Responses to Derrick Coleman Makes Fans Dreams Come True for Super Bowl Sunday!

  1. Reblogged this on TGM.

  2. Liza says:

    A really nice, heartwarming story. Just goes to show that your kindred spirits are not necessarily those who match your age, race, size, and/or gender.

  3. rikyrah says:

    this is too cute for words.

    I…think the dust went in my eyes…excuse me as I go get some tissue

  4. Lockewasright says:

    This is wonderful. The NFL has a lot of wonderful people in it. Derrick is a fine example.

    • Ametia says:

      Hi Lockewasright. It’s wonderful to see that our football players are multifaceted human beings, who have hearts, brains, and a love for the game.

  5. Way cool! I hope they have the best time ever!

    Big up, Derrick Coleman!

    • Ametia says:

      It’s is way cool. You know one thing, though. This clip won’t get much airplay, because those two little blonde white girls hugged the big black man. Get my drift? I hope you tweet the living shit out of this thread/clip.

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