Friday Open Thread | American Musicals: Rodgers & Hammerstein Week

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The Sound of Music (1959) is a musical with music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and a book by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse. It is based on the memoir of Maria von Trapp, The Story of the Trapp Family Singers. Many songs from the musical have become standards, such as “Edelweiss”, “My Favorite Things”, “Climb Ev’ry Mountain”, “Do-Re-Mi”, and the title song “The Sound of Music”.

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The original Broadway production,[1] starring Mary Martin and Theodore Bikel, opened on November 16, 1959; the original London production opened at The Palace Theatre on May 18, 1961 starring Jean Bayless and Roger Dann. The show has enjoyed numerous productions and revivals since then. It was adapted as a 1965 film musical starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, which won five Academy Awards. The Sound of Music was the final musical written by Rodgers and Hammerstein; Hammerstein died of cancer nine months after the Broadway premiere.


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After viewing The Trapp Family, a 1956 West German film about the von Trapp family, and its 1958 sequel (Die Trapp-Familie in Amerika), stage director Vincent J. Donehue thought that the project would be perfect for his friend Mary Martin; Broadway producers Leland Hayward and Richard Halliday (Martin’s husband) agreed.[2] The producers originally envisioned a non-musical play that would be written by Lindsay and Crouse and that would feature songs from the repertoire of the Trapp Family Singers. Then they decided to add an original song or two, perhaps by Rodgers and Hammerstein. But it was soon agreed that the project should feature all new songs and be a musical rather than a play.[3]

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Details of the history of the von Trapp family were altered for the musical. The real Georg Ludwig von Trapp did live with his family in a villa in Aigen, a suburb of Salzburg, and Maria von Trapp (born Maria Augusta Kutschera) had been sent to be a tutor to one of the children. Lindsey and Crouse altered the story so that Maria was governess to all of them. The names and ages of the children were also altered, as was Maria’s original surname (the show used “Rainer” instead of “Kutschera”). The von Trapps spent some years in Austria after Maria and the Captain married and was offered a commission to Germany’s navy. Since Von Trapp opposed the Nazis by that time the family left Austria after the Anschluss, they went by train to Italy and then traveled to London and the United States.[4] To make the story more dramatic, Lindsey and Crouse had the family, soon after Maria’s and the Captain’s wedding, escape over the mountains to Switzerland on foot.

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42 Responses to Friday Open Thread | American Musicals: Rodgers & Hammerstein Week

  1. rikyrah says:

    Being from Chicago…

    when you go around closing 50 schools IN THE BLACK COMMUNITY..

    and then announce that a Barack Obama Selective Enrollment High School


    He deserved every ounce of contempt he received on that.

    Barack Obama got his start from the SOUTH SIDE of Chicago.

    Putting that school on the North Side was nothing but an insult.

    and, Rahm’s latest approval ratings in the Black community is SINGLE DIGITS…..

    the Latino community – in the TEENS….

    so, when I say I just want any plausible alternative..

    I am not alone.


    Mayor: New high school won’t be named after President Obama

    By John Byrne, Juan Perez Jr. and Dana Ferguson, Tribune reporters
    SchoolsHigh SchoolsElementary SchoolsElectionsBarack ObamaRahm EmanuelRobert Fioretti

    Mayor Rahm Emanuel backed off Thursday from naming a new elite high school after President Barack Obama amid ongoing criticism from African-Americans who felt the honor inappropriate for a school slated for a wealthy, predominantly white part of the Near North Side.

    Instead of naming the new school after his former boss, the mayor indicated he would consider other names for the selective enrollment high school set to be built near the site of the former Cabrini-Green public housing project just northwest of downtown.

    “Over the last few months, my team has listened to questions and concerns from the community, ranging from location of the building to the naming of the school. We take that community input seriously, which is why – as we continue to look for a thoughtful way to honor President Obama – we will look for other possible names for this future school,” Emanuel said in a statement.


    That wasn’t the only beef about the new school’s location, however. Powerful far South Side Ald. Carrie Austin, who represents part of the Roseland neighborhood where Obama worked as a community organizer before getting into politics, said she told Emanuel shortly after the announcement that the name was a problem given where it would be built.

    “If they’re going to name a school after President Obama they should put it somewhere else,” Austin said Thursday. “Either in Roseland, where he got his start, or in the Hyde Park area, where he lived and has a home. To put it (on the near North Side), that just doesn’t look right.”

  2. rikyrah says:

    Watching Maddow. Back to Kansas. The Kansas Supreme Court Had to rule on Thursday because the overseas ballots had to set by Friday. The Secretary of State said he was delaying the deadline for a week and that he had gotten a waiver from the Justice Department. Well, boys and girls, THAT was a phucking lie.

    he’s sending out the ballots WITH A DISCLAIMER.

    and get this…

    he wants to change the ENTIRE regular election to November 12…


  3. rikyrah says:

    See Shonda Rhimes’ Brilliant Response to Being Called An ‘Angry Black Woman’ By A TV Critic

    Shonda Rhimes is gearing up to make history (again) with the back-to-back premieres of three television dramas on ABC this Thursday.

    Leading up to the momentous occasion, fondly referred to by fans as the return of #ShondaThursdays, New York Times critic Alessandra Stanley penned a review of Rhimes’ latest series, starring Viola Davis, How to Get Away With Murder. Unfortunately for Stanley, Rhimes wasn’t too fond of her take on her growing empire.

    Stanley’s first sentence of the review reads: “When Shonda Rhimes writes her autobiography, it should be called ‘How to Get Away With Being an Angry Black Woman.’”

    The next sentence wasn’t much better: “On Thursday, Ms. Rhimes will introduce How to Get Away With Murder, yet another network series from her production company to showcase a powerful, intimidating Black woman..

    • Ametia says:

      Those who can’t, write attack pieces! Go Shonda!

      There’s power in that Thursday night lineup on ABC. And the HATERS gone HATE.

      Don’t mess with BLACK women, in any shade MOFO.

  4. rikyrah says:

    BREAKING: Kansas Senate Ballots Will Be Sent Out Without Dem Nom

    In an apparent reversal, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach’s office is instructing election officials in the state to send out overseas military ballots without Democratic Senate nominee Chad Taylor or any other Democratic Senate candidate listed.

    Kobach spokeswoman Samantha Poetter confirmed to TPM that the ballots would be sent out by Saturday, the deadline under state and federal law.

    Poetter said that Kobach still expects Democrats to name a new nominee. But as for what Kobach would do if that happened after these absentee ballots had been sent out, she wouldn’t say.

    “I actually cannot answer that for you,” Poetter said. The secretary’s office is exploring its options, she said.

    She also would not say if Kobach would sue to force Democrats to name a new candidate.

    The order to election officials cited “currently pending litigation concerning the United States Senate race.” A registered Democratic voter has filed a lawsuit to force Democrats to name a new candidate.

  5. rikyrah says:

    I never thought we’d see The Wire and the Queen of England in the same reference…but Black Twitter for the win


  6. Ametia says:

    We see the media has switched it’s latest meme to black athletes and domestic violence, like this issue just sprung up last night out of thin air.

    TIMING? IT STINKS Takes the focus off what’s happening in Feguson, Missouri with that white KILLER COP.

  7. yahtzeebutterfly says:



    On Wednesday, the State of Georgia suffered a major defeat in its four-year odyssey to win fraud convictions against twelve African American voting organizers in the small town of Quitman. After a grueling five-week trial (and two previous mistrials), a jury cleared the state’s key target, Lula Smart, of all counts of voter fraud. In 2010, Georgia agents arrested and briefly incarcerated Smart and the Quitman group just weeks after they had led an unprecedented surge in the black community’s voting participation, ushering in the first-ever black majority on the local school board. The state has since failed miserably to provide evidence supporting the charges.

    The defeat comes as Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, has begun aggressively pursuing another, larger-scale version of the Quitman case. The new investigation, uncovered just last week, targets a massive new voter registration project led by some of the state’s most prominent African Americans. Kemp’s move has revived worries that Republicans in Georgia are raising the specter of voter fraud to cast a pall of criminality on groups that register minorities. And the stakes are high: Democrats say the state’s unregistered 700,000 black voters could turn Georgia into a genuine battleground that’s more competitive in national elections. Kemp’s latest target, the New Georgia Project, has led this effort with eye-popping registration totals statewide. Kemp himself was recently caught candidly saying such efforts could spell doom for Republicans.

  8. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Some Twitter comments from #FergusonFridays:

    “We need to better use our voting power!”

    “A discussion that doesn’t advance Black Group Economics is a discussion to maintain the status quo.”

    “Let’s talk accountability: who besides Darren Wilson should be arrested for the murder of Mike Brown?”

    “Darren Wilson is a soldier in a larger white supremacist police army. He and his comrades need to be arrested.”

    “Arrest the white racists who threw a noose at the @lostvoices14 while protesting in #Ferguson.”

    “the january deadline is insulting”

    “They think winter will stop protests and outrage. McCullouch needs to THINK again. Stalling won’t help #Ferguson”

    “A January deadline is insulting, they’re waiting for us to forget but don’t realize we have time to organize!”

    “I think January deadline was political calculation to purposefully move decision to after Nov election”

    “They hope the murder of an unarmed black boy will hurt less after Christmas. ”

    “This means we must have an action plan for continuous action that takes us through the winter months.”

    “What messages do we tell our children about Mike Brown? Ferguson?”

    “We tell our children that this is the way society is- and that it is our job as a community to change it.”

    “We tell children that we are still living in a developing nation, a nation that is not free of hate and injustice.”


    “We must also tell our children about the long history of black denigration. Context is crucial”

    “We tell our children that Pres. Obama can’t save us. We need a revolution of thought, both political and sociological. ”

    “We shld be honest w our children. Trust their sense of justice. Remind them that anything worth having is worth fighting 4.”

    “our children must understand our excellence and be willing to fight for themselves as valued and worthy.”

    “We should tell our children it isn’t their fault and they are brilliant and beautiful.”

    “Tell our children about history, of course. And tell our children about how we fought back. And no progress narratives.”

  9. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Sarah Louise Delany was born on this day in 1889. From Wikipedia:

    Sarah Louise “Sadie” Delany (September 19, 1889 – January 25, 1999) was an African-American educator and civil rights pioneer who was the subject, along with her younger sister Elizabeth “Bessie” Delany, of the New York Times bestselling oral history, Having our Say, by journalist Amy Hill Hearth. Sadie was the first Black person permitted to teach domestic science at the high-school level in the New York public schools, and became famous, with the publication of the book, at the age of 103.

    “The Real Delany Sisters”
    Published on Dec 8, 2012 by Info4thWall
    This interview by correspondent Charlayne Hunter-Gault was broadcast on NewsHour with Jim Lehrer in 1994.

  10. Ametia says:

    NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said he never considered resigning despite criticism of his handling of the Ray Rice domestic abuse scandal and others.

    Goodell told reporters the account that the former Ravens star provided about an assault in an elevator involving his then-fiancee was different from what was depicted in a video of the incident made public.

    The commissioner said a new policy on domestic abuse and sexual assault mandates that all players and staff undergo education and training about how to prevent abuse.

  11. rikyrah says:

    Anonymous donor rescues mobile homes from auction at Missoula courthouse

    September 17, 2014 6:30 am • By Kim Briggeman

    Five mobile homes with longstanding tax debts were sold by Missoula County at auction Wednesday morning for $3,075. Read more

    Most of the mobile homes due to go on the Missoula County auction block Wednesday morning for delinquent taxes were bailed out Tuesday.

    “A gentleman showed up at my office at 8:30 this morning and wanted to take care of it,” said Annie Cathey, the county’s delinquent tax clerk who’s in charge of the annual auction.

    Cathey said the Missoula man, who requested anonymity, saw an article about the pending auction in Tuesday’s Missoulian. He paid some $9,600 of the back taxes, interest and fees owed on between 30 to 40 homes, she said.

    Homeowners had until 5 p.m. Tuesday to pay up or their mobile homes became the property of the county to auction off.

    There’ll still be an auction Wednesday starting at 9 a.m. It’ll be for a dozen mobile homes that Cathey said have been on the block repeatedly in past years and don’t sell. She assumes the homes are abandoned.

    Mobile homes are considered personal property instead of real property, and the back taxes on more than 600 of them hadn’t been paid last February.

  12. rikyrah says:

    Fri Sep 19, 2014 at 11:05 AM PDT.

    Republicans don’t vote early because they’re patriots says Republican encouraging them to vote early

    by Jed Lewison for Daily Kos

    When a reporter from the Wall Street Journal asked Jeff Kauffman, the chairman of Iowa’s Republican Party, about the challenges he faces with his party’s push to get Republicans to vote earlier—particularly the fact that twice as many Democrats have requested early ballots as Republicans in his state—he answered:

    Mr. Kaufmann said he didn’t expect Republicans to close the gap with Democrats this year. Many Republican voters, he said, see voting as a public act of patriotism and don’t wish to give up their Election Day routine.
    “There are so many more Republicans for whom the act of going to the polls on Election Day is an act of gratitude, an act of duty, an act of saying thank you to their country,” said Mr. Kaufmann, a former state lawmaker who became party chairman in June. “It really means a lot to many of them.”
    I guess that means you can call them the Procrastinating Patriots, but if Kauffman is right, it does raise the question of why he’d ask them to do such an unpatriotic thing as vote early … especially since, as every Republican knows, when it comes to voting, the most patriotic thing you can do is stop illegal Democratic voter fraud Democrats from registering new voters

  13. rikyrah says:

    Fri Sep 19, 2014 at 07:51 AM PDT.

    Jefferson County, Colorado, School Board Wants to Eliminate AP History UPDATED

    by djrez

    Last year, a slate of conservative candidates, supported by Americans for Prosperity, took over the majority of the Jefferson County School Board. Since then, they’ve followed the same playbook they used in Douglas County – alienating teachers, cutting pay and benefits, eliminating steps (annual raises based on experience), and eliminated pay increases for advanced degrees. They playbook works well – conservatives across the country have demonized teachers enough that when teachers complain about pay and benefits, they receive little sympathy.
    This week, however, the conservative board took it one step too far.

    The board established a “curriculum committee” to review what teachers are teaching in the classroom. Each of the five board members (three conservative, two reasonable) nominated three people for the committee. The (conservative) majority then voted on the final nine members – strange then that the members ended up being the conservative nominees!

    One of the first orders of business? Review the AP History curriculum.

    Julie Williams, one of the conservative board members, said that the purpose of the committee’s review was to ensure the curriculum doesn’t “encourage or condone civil disorder, social strife or disregard of the law,” and instructional materials “present positive aspects of the United States and its heritage.”

    Full text of the description of the committee’s purpose is utterly disturbing:

  14. Liza says:

    Are y’all watching “The Roosevelts”? I’m watching Episode 5 this AM, and FDR has just been elected to the presidency. Overall, and so far, it is an excellent documentary as you would expect from Ken Burns, but definitely won’t be my favorite. During the episodes about Theodore Roosevelt, I had to keep reminding myself that you can’t judge a 19th century person by 21st century standards. So much of his personality comes across now almost as buffoonery, in my opinion. But in other ways he was a great visionary. A mixed bag, for sure.

    Definitely worth watching especially for people like me who were shortchanged on an education in American history.

  15. Ametia says:

    Florida Department of Corrections/Reuters
    Florida Man Kills 6 Grandkids, Daughter

    A Florida grandfather shot and killed his adult daughter and her six children Thursday and then took his own life, according to police. The grandchildren ranged in age from 3 months to 10 years. Gainsville County police received a call about a shooting about 4 p.m., and a deputy made contact with the grandfather, 51-year-old Don Spirit, but he committed suicide. The deputy searched the house and found the other victims dead. The shooting happened in Bell, a small town of about 350 people about 30 miles west of Gainsville.

  16. rikyrah says:

    Court clears way for two-man race in Kansas
    09/19/14 08:00 AM—UPDATED 09/19/14 08:33 AM
    By Steve Benen

    In Kansas’ amazing U.S. Senate race, the stage was set for the Kansas Supreme Court to have the final say. Chad Taylor (D) terminated his campaign weeks ago and wants off the ballot; brazenly partisan Secretary of State Kris Kobach (R) hopes to boost incumbent Sen. Pat Roberts (R) by forcing Taylor to stay on the ballot.

    As expected, the state court ruled late yesterday in Taylor’s favor.
    The Kansas Supreme Court ruled Thursday that a Democratic Senate candidate’s name be removed from the ballot ahead of November’s election. […]

    Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach … ruled that Taylor couldn’t withdraw his name from the ballot, citing a state law that requires candidates to be “incapable” of serving if they wish to withdraw from a race. The court settled the matter Thursday.

    “[Kobach] shall not include Taylor’s name on any ballots for the office of United States Senate for the general election on November 4, 2014,” Judge Michael J. Malone wrote to conclude his ruling.
    The entirety of the ruling, which featured no dissent, is online here (pdf). There is no additional appeal.

    The panic within GOP circles is understandable. Polls show Roberts, an unpopular, longtime incumbent, with a vastly better chance of success if his opposition is divided between Taylor and Independent Greg Orman. With Taylor out, Orman is fairly well positioned to win the seat.

  17. rikyrah says:

    RACHEL MADDOW 09/18/14
    Republicans suffer court loss over Kansas ballot
    Dave Helling, political reporter for the Kansas City Star, talks with Rachel Maddow about the Kansas Supreme Court ruling against Republican Secretary of State Kris Kobach to allow Democrat Chad Taylor off the senate ballot.

  18. Ametia says:

    Happy Friday, Everyone! Wooo hooo, It’s the Sound of Music!!!!

    Growing up with the Sound of Music, I could so relate to Maria’s character.

    How do you solve a problem like Ametia?! LOL

  19. rikyrah says:

    Well, the Scots are still part of the United Kingdom.

    I honestly didn’t understand it all, but they got to decide for themselves.

    They had an 86% turnout…can’t say folks didn’t vote.

  20. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

  21. Ellie Hass says:

    Hey Rikyrah, it’s Ellie, so glad I found you!! Hope it’s ok to share this video here with you. It’s a recent C-Span video of a discussion with past social secretaries discussing the First Ladies they served, held at the Clinton Library in Arkansas. It’s rather interesting, but I share it because there’s also some of that stuff that’s fueled my indignation and frustration over all these years.

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