Thursday Open Thread | Music of the 1980’s

The Top 10 Billboard Singles from the 1980’s.

Today – 1983

Position Artist Song Title
1 Police —- Every Breath You Take
2 Michael Jackson —- Billie Jean
3 Irene Cara —- Flashdance… What A Feeling
4 Men At Work —- Down Under
5 Michael Jackson —- Beat It
6 Bonnie Tyler —- Total Eclipse Of The Heart
7 Daryl Hall and John Oates —- Maneater
8 Patti Austin and James Ingram —- Baby Come To Me
9 Michael Sembello —- Maniac
10 Eurythmics —- Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This)



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111 Responses to Thursday Open Thread | Music of the 1980’s

  1. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    The Associated Press ‏@AP 3h3 hours ago
    MORE: Pope apologizes for “grave sins” Catholic Church committed against indigenous people during conquest:

    • eliihass says:

      Another one of my favorites SG! I love this young woman..I love her fearless and determined spirit that comes from an unquestionable depth of character and history…I admire her courage and her willingness to buck unjust convention so ingrained that nobody else ever bothered to contradict it…Ms Mosby is a rarity and I stand unwaveringly with, and behind her..

      Meanwhile, Rachel Maddow thinks Angelina Jolie would make an ‘excellent’ First Lady – Lol.. At least it’s an eyebrow-raising change from chatter that she’d be a ‘great’ Senator and is mulling political office…

      Sometime soon hopefully, perhaps our media ‘thought’ people whose job it is to saturate, force-feed, sway and sell the masses a certain perspective, might begin to actually borrow some real discerning spirit…

      The effusive praise and rah-rahing for this and not the other is amusing…

      I keep saying there’s something seriously warped and wrong in our society.

      A world were a well-choreographed formerly blood-swapping actress with a twisted and rather rotten reputation who as part of a calculated and focused image-makeover, suddenly embraces a good cause or two via appointment as yet another celebrity UN goodwill ambassador and is afforded lots of great press and consequently elevated and deemed spotless and above reproach…She along with the extremely unremarkable commoner turned future queen of England, who’s done pretty much nothing besides turn herself over to the royal handlers to coach her in the art of being ‘royal’ at waving, walking etc.

      These are the women put on a pedestal and hailed as ‘excellent’ and ‘the standard’ and ‘great’ role models worthy of being First Lady and unquestionably qualified to be Senator, by our wonderful media and even the vile racists alike…

  2. rikyrah says:

    According to Maddow, Fox has changed the rules about the debates.

    It’s not going to be based on polls.

    Now, the candidates have to do Financial Disclosure Forms with the FEC in order to get a spot on the debate.

    They don’t think Trump will file, thus kick him off the debate.

    • Ametia says:

      Why can’t Deesha Dyer just come from PHILLY, hmmm?

      • eliihass says:

        Aren’t you sick of this crap…

        Nobody ever knew the background of the last Social Secretary…

        I suspect the gathering of her black fairy Godmothers at Debra Lee’s home had a lot to do with all this sniggering and condescending chatter, and making sure to reinforce her confidence and making sure she knows she is shielded and secured by strong women.

  3. rikyrah says:

    What da phuq is this bullshyt.



    I REFUSE….



    Just another attack on the BLACK WOMAN!!!

    New Poll Says Black Women Are Not Seeking Long-Term Relationships

    By kaci | June 24, 2015

    In society, we are taught that women look forward to a fairytale wedding and a perfect relationship to go along with it that will last a lifetime. But, according to a new study, if you thought that modern-day Black women have these aspirations, you would be wrong.

    A new study by NPR, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Harvard School of Public Health says that only a quarter of the single Black women that they polled are looking for a long-term relationship (LTR). The other interesting finding of the study was that a higher number of Black men said that they are looking for long-term relationships—almost 43 percent.

    The poll asked nearly 1,100 single African-Americans—widowed, divorce, or never married—in the age range of 18 to 49 years old whether they were seeking a long-term partner. The majority of both genders—57 percent— said they were not looking for this kind of relationship.

    NPR asked a book club consisting of Black women in their 30s in Brooklyn what they thought of the poll results. Kristin McDonald said she was shocked by the outcome of the study.

    • eliihass says:

      They dehumanization continues..

      This is not just an attack, but a dedicated effort to psychologically keep us demeaned by perpetuating and etching these negative memes and faux-stereotypes in the minds of a society that has already been conditioned to view black women as less than, unworthy and undesirable…

      The black woman is a magnificent creation of smarts, beauty, strength, wisdom, grace, wit, and every great thing God intended His best creation to be;

      We have the brains, the bodies for ‘sin’, the courage and the good sense – and when necessary, we are the warriors too who will never cower in the face of those who wish to destroy us and ours..

      That is why they set about dehumanizing, demeaning and diminishing us in an effort to demoralize and contain us…yet all the while, trying hard to replicate what we are and have, at the same time insisting that the other standard, the one they set to reflect them, is the desirable one..

    • Ametia says:

      Of course this tudy is BULLSHIT & not valid. White folks conduct these studies to validate themselves as the more superior group. GTFOH

      • eliihass says:

        Yet their same ‘studies’ also insist black women are so desperate to be married they’ll do just about anything, and will ‘settle’ for just about any guy including those ‘beneath’ them..

        They can’t tell this manufactured story two ways..

  4. rikyrah says:

    this music has been taking me back….

    raise your hand if you cut off the top of your shirts like in Flashdance…

  5. rikyrah says:

    tee hee hee.


  6. rikyrah says:

    Been telling you….Trump is feeding the GOP base filet mignon…….why would they settle for chopped steak from the others….

  7. rikyrah says:

    now these are some ride-or-die chicks – LITERALLY.

    • rikyrah says:

      Suggestions from POU:

      What do y’all see when you look at this pic? I see a brutha in a suit TRYING to speak rationally, and I see my blue collar brutha giving him that chance while looking like “Imma let you finish, but when you do, Imma stomp this white man’s ass”


      OMG, my friends have no damn sense…this is what one said:

      brutha in banker suit:
      “See what we have here is a failure to communicate.
      What I would like for you to do is read up on the TRUE history and come back to this corner on tomorrow and tell me if you feel like that flag represents you in a way that is favorable to your family…”

      brutha in the auto care uniform:
      “ummm hmmmm dass right. yup do dat. Anything outside of that will result in some consequences and repercussions….”


      “Just say the word brutha because I got an ass kicking with this CACs name all over it”


      LOL I see the same thing you do Miranda. My man in the blue shirt looking like he’s waiting patiently to kick dudes ass lol.

    • eliihass says:

      Imma let you do you. ‘Engage’ with your fine manners and fancy english if you must…

      But all I’ve got is this: This flag is coming down. No ifs and buts about it. And I especially don’t give a rats ass what this flag-waving fool thinks about it – or has to say..

  8. rikyrah says:

    He is a true coon on the pole


  9. rikyrah says:

    CBS News ‏@CBSNews 24m24 minutes ago

    Actress Patti LuPone stops mid-performance, grabs phone from “rude” texter in audience

  10. Ametia says:

    What A Feeling , with Every Breath You Take Billie Jean from Down Under, you’re a Maneater, so Beat It. Baby Come To Me, you’re a Maniac. In my Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) a TotalEclipse Of The Heart

  11. TyrenM says:

    Good afternoon 3Chics,
    I’m looking up and down your Charts from late 70s through ’83. I’m listening to The Time’s “Get It Up” wondering where we at? No Prince and the Revolution/1999 album among others? I had thought of the Blackout on radio after disco.

    Then I just saw a video elsewhere on Michael “Off the Wall ” v. “Thriller” OTW was the funkier album all day, but Thriller put us back on the radio. Now (1983) we back to dominating music.

    Sorry for losing my train of thought, it just connected what I was thinking while checking out the music charts. Have a good day all.

    • Ametia says:

      It’s residual from the blackface minstrel days of cooning, and buffoonery. These expect us to break out in song & dance on cue. We’re just here for their entertainment, or so they think.

    • eliihass says:

      12 year olds..
      This is so impressive and sad all at the same time..

  12. rikyrah says:

    LiberalPhenom @LiberalPhenom

    @Lis_Smith Why is O’Malley going after his twice-elected, successful Dem admin instead of the GOP? This is a horrible strategy.

  13. Ametia says:


    • Ametia says:

      How about Serena Williams’ skills, talents, accomplishments are overlooked, because she dominates the once LILY WHITE sport of women’s tennis, so as usual white mediocrity wins out in the $$$$ DEPARTMENT. This is how they reward themselves, with more $$$. This is what they call WINNING.

      • eliihass says:

        How about the *real* truth: That an American born black girl despite her undisputed and astonishing record breaking excellence, will never be acknowledged or embraced and won’t ever be seen as good enough, or even a far second, to an opportunistic blonde Russian..?

        A Russian who takes up residence in the United States for the purposes of exploiting all that comes with it, and reaps every benefit and advantage – and still doesn’t think enough of the United States to pledge allegiance to it – opting instead to continue to pledge allegiance to Russia while still been seen as more worthy of support and embrace than Serena Williams – the American.

        Someday, the story of the continued dehumanization and disrespect of black women not just by white people, but even by some of our black men, will be told.

    • TyrenM says:

      Of course. That’s why she made so much more than Martina Navratilova. Marketing. Yeah. That’s it. I used to respect her because she took her whoopins in stride and was a genuine friend to Martina. She was the one announcer I could listen to. But this sh right here? Gonna have to re-aquaint myself with the mute button.

  14. Ametia says:

    2015 White House Tribal Youth Gathering

    • Ametia says:

      Sharapova makes more in endorsements, and we know why

      Serena, like most qualified, talented, smart, skilled, accomplished BLACK PEOPLE, especially women, don’t look like standard of beauty European WHITE women like Sharapova. This is what $ell$ White looks.

  15. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    The Associated Press ‏@AP
    MORE: Florida Supreme Court says redistricting by GOP-controlled legislature violated voter-approved amendment:

  16. rikyrah says:

    Lynch: Same-Sex Couples Will Now Receive Federal Marriage Benefits
    ByKatherine Krueger
    PublishedJuly 9, 2015, 9:56 AM EDT

    U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced Thursday that following the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay marriage, all marriage benefits from the federal government will now extend to married same-sex couples.

    Lynch’s full statement:

    “Following the Supreme Court’s historic decision in Obergefell that every couple has the same right to participate in the institution of marriage, whether the partners are of the same-sex or opposite sexes, I directed Justice Department staff to work with the agencies to ensure that the ruling be given full effect across the federal government. Thanks to their leadership and the quick work of the Social Security Administration and the Department of Veterans Affairs, today I am proud to announce that the critical programs for veterans and elderly and disabled Americans, which previously could not give effect to the marriages of couples living in states that did not recognize those marriages, will now provide federal recognition for all marriages nationwide. The agencies are currently working towards providing guidance to implement this change in law. Just over a year ago, Attorney General Holder announced that agencies across the federal government had implemented the Supreme Court’s Windsor decision by treating married same-sex couples the same as married opposite-sex couples to the greatest extent possible under the law as it then stood. With the Supreme Court’s new ruling that the Constitution requires marriage equality, we have now taken the further step of ensuring that all federal benefits will be available equally to married couples in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and the US Territories. The department will continue to work across the administration to fulfill our commitment to equal treatment for all Americans, including equal access to the benefits of marriage that the Obergefell decision guarantees.”

  17. rikyrah says:

    I keep on going back to ‘ Jeb is the smart one.’ I have seen nothing to convince me of this.

    We’ve Met the Doofus. And He is Jeb

    ByJosh Marshall
    PublishedJuly 8, 2015, 11:06 PM EDT

    It goes without saying that it’s probably not good politics to say your plan to move the country forward is that everyone needs to work longer hours. It approaches 47% level toxicity. Even more damning is that it makes zero sense in policy terms. Indeed, Jeb’s ‘work harder’ prescription provides harrowing look at the level of derp that can be produced when you take a guy who isn’t all that bright and push him to the head of the national leadership line without ever having put in an honest day’s work or support himself in his life.

    Let’s look at what Bush said. In order to get to 4% economic growth forever, people need to work longer hours.

    As our piece here notes, American workers already log dramatically more hours a week than they did a generation ago. They also work more hours a week than workers in any other industrialized economy. It’s sort of a judgment call whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. But unless American workers are part of a different species than people everywhere else in the world there are obviously limits to how many hours people can work every week without severe adverse effects on health, basic perceptions of quality of life and the quality of the work they do. The whole point ‘growth’ in the economic sense is that it is real and something that can be built upon in compounded terms over time, providing ever expanding levels of prosperity without limit. But there are only 16 hours between 8 hours and 24. Eventually you will simply run out. Whatever other countries are doing better than we are can’t be hours worked a week since no one else works as many hours as Americans.

    • Ametia says:

      Bush is part of the KOCH’s philosophy. They want only a few to own the turf and the rest of us SERFS.

      • racerrodig says:

        Absolutely dead on. One of the worst moves by the Presidents Bush was to invest millions in Raytheon & Honeywell stock………..then go to war.

        Yep, nothing smells as bad as making millions more AND sacrificing our soldiers looking for those WMD’s (that never existed) after your dad did the same thing 13 years before.

        Yep…….and then there’s that “hanging chad” thing.

      • eliihass says:

        And they don’t want their chosen one too smart or not completely beholden..

  18. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Washington PostVerified account
    “How the Confederacy lives on in the flags of seven Southern states”

  19. rikyrah says:

    Jenny Horne’s tearful Confederate flag speech shakes S. Carolina statehouse
    By Ben Brumfield, CNN
    Updated 9:51 AM ET, Thu July 9, 2015

    CNN)—When Jenny Horne stepped up to the podium to address South Carolina’s House of Representatives, her first words let on that she was fed up. Just not how fed up.

    Of the words stirred by passion in Wednesday’s debate that eventually led lawmakers to vote to remove the Confederate battle flag from the statehouse grounds, hers would burn themselves into memory.

    Horne started out with a calm complaint.

    “We are going to be doing this all summer long,” she said, after stepping up to the microphone, referring to a stream of amendments that the flag’s supporters were adding to the bill and effectively delaying a vote.

    But eventually Horne, a white Republican representative from a town near Charleston, looked over to her black legislative friends. Then she really, tearfully, got going.

    “I cannot believe that we do not have the heart in this body …” she said, pausing to swallow her sobs, then raising her voice to shout, “to do something meaningful, such as take a symbol of hate off these grounds on Friday.”

  20. Ametia says:


    • majiir says:

      They certainly did, and now that it’s time to take ownership of it, they’re running away from Trump like rats on a burning ship. It’s too little, too late to now claim that “he doesn’t represent the GOP” because these b*tches stood around and let tools like Trump demonize the president and everyone else who disagreed with them on any issue, and they enjoyed it. No one in GOP’s highest ranks had the courage to tell them to stop. They were so sure they could avoid being held accountable for their words/actions, but they’re now discovering that is is not as easy to do as they thought. The GOP has always played the game of saying inflammatory sh*t and then pretending that they “like/love” the groups of individuals they have disparaged. Trump is the GOP/TP’s Todd Akin, and there’s no getting around it. He speaks for them on immigration and a lot of other issues, and even as they’re claiming that he doesn’t, they know deep in their hearts that he does because their past history is all the proof anyone needs to know that this is true.

      • Ametia says:

        Speak on it. Thank Senator John McCain, ALSO TOO, for dragging that Sno Ho from Alaska into a political election she was not qualified to be in.

        She was allowed to spew her hate in 2008, and the Republican Party tried to slide in under the guise of the RACIST Tea Party. They’re one and the same.

  21. rikyrah says:


    Mitch McConnell’s Freighted Ties to a Shadowy Shipping Company
    After drugs were found aboard the Ping May, a vessel owned by his wife’s family’s company, Colombian authorities are investigating.
    By Lee Fang
    OCTOBER 30, 2014

    Before the Ping May, a rusty cargo vessel, could disembark from the port of Santa Marta en route to the Netherlands in late August, Colombian inspectors boarded the boat and made a discovery. Hidden in the ship’s chain locker, amidst its load of coal bound for Europe, were approximately 40 kilograms, or about ninety pounds, of cocaine. A Colombian Coast Guard official told The Nation that there is an ongoing investigation.

    The seizure of the narcotics shipment in the Caribbean port occurred far away from Kentucky, the state in which Senator Mitch McConnell is now facing a career-defining election. But the Republican Senate minority leader has the closest of ties to the owner of the Ping May, the vessel containing the illicit materials: the Foremost Maritime Corporation, a firm founded and owned by McConnell’s in-laws, the Chao family.

    • eliihass says:

      And yet Trump is only a phony and an opportunist who’s simply exploiting the strategy for his own purposes..

      The true believers are still out there – the same ones the media tries to say are ‘concerned’ about Trump; The same people our media’s calling on to ‘denounce’ Trump…Lol..

  22. rikyrah says:

    Donald Trump Falls Apart When Reporter Calls Him Out On His Birtherism

    By: Jason Easley more from Jason Easley

    Wednesday, July, 8th, 2015, 5:28 pm

    In an interview with NBC News, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump went from bluster to insanely racist babble after getting called out on his birtherism.

    NBC News’s Katy Tur asked Trump, “Why should people believe your numbers when you come out here and say they are committing our crimes, and they’re in our jails, and they’re murdering us and taking our jobs? A few years ago, you led the birther movement. You sent investigators out to Hawaii to find out whether or not Obama, as you said, was not born here, and it turned out not to be true.”

    Trump answered, “Well, I don’t know, according to you, it’s not true. Well, I don’t know.”

  23. rikyrah says:

    Matt Murphy @MattMurph24

    So George W. Bush charges a non profit veterans organization $100K to speak & brother Jeb wants Americans to work longer hours.

  24. rikyrah says:

    For some workers, even weekends are in jeopardy
    07/08/15 04:55 PM
    By Steve Benen
    In the pilot episode of “Downton Abbey,” a character made a passing reference to the free time he’ll have away from the office on weekends. Maggie Smith’s character, apparently confused, asked, “What is a weekend?”

    The episode took place in 1912. The labor movement had not yet secured many victories and the idea of employees having time off at the end of a work week was still, for some, bizarre.

    Over a century later, some Wisconsin Republicans are willing to turn back the clock. The Capital Times in Madison reported today on the spirited debate over a controversial provision in the GOP budget.
    Sen. Chris Larson, D-Milwaukee, introduced an amendment to delete a budget provision that would allow factory and mercantile workers to voluntarily work seven days in a row with no 24-hour rest period. The provision is modeled after legislation proposed by Rep. Mark Born, R-Beaver Dam, and Sen. Van Wanggaard, R-Racine, in March.

    “Really, you’re going to go after the weekend? Really? You’re going to side with Lumbergh?” Larson asked, referencing the boss from “Office Space” who repeatedly asked his employees to work on weekends.

    Sens. Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, and Julie Lassa, D-Stevens Point, voiced concerns that employers would pressure their employees to “volunteer” for weekend shifts under the new provision.
    A few months ago, The Nation ran a report on Wisconsin Republicans targeting weekends, and at the time, I more or less assumed the idea was too ridiculous to advance.

    But it’s apparently still under serious consideration.

    Under existing state law, Wisconsin workers employed in a “factory or mercantile establishment” must receive “at least 24 consecutive hours of rest in every 7 consecutive days.”

  25. rikyrah says:

    can’t stand Milbank, but a broke clock is right twice a day.


    Donald Trump is the monster the GOP created
    By Dana Milbank Opinion writer July 8 at 4:52 PM 

    It has been amusing to watch the brands — the PGA, NBC, Macy’s, NASCAR, Univision, Serta — flee Donald Trump after his xenophobic remarks. Who even knew The Donald had a line of mattresses featuring Cool Action Dual Effects Gel Memory Foam?

    But there is one entity that can’t dump Trump, no matter how hard it tries: the GOP. The Republican Party can’t dump Trump because Trump is the Republican Party.

    One big Republican donor this week floated to the Associated Press the idea of having candidates boycott debates if the tycoon is onstage. Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham and other candidates have lined up to say, as Rick Perry put it, that “Donald Trump does not represent the Republican Party.”

    But Trump has merely held up a mirror to the GOP. The man, long experience has shown, believes in nothing other than himself. He has, conveniently, selected the precise basket of issues that Republicans want to hear about — or at least a significant proportion of Republican primary voters. He may be saying things more colorfully than others when he talks about Mexico sending rapists across the border, but his views show that, far from being an outlier, he is hitting all the erogenous zones of the GOP electorate.

    Anti-immigrant? Against Common Core education standards? For repealing Obamacare? Against same-sex marriage? Antiabortion? Anti-tax? Anti-China? Virulent in questioning President Obama’s legitimacy? Check, check, check, check, check, check, check and check.

    • eliihass says:

      Agree with you Rikyrah…

      Dana Milbank is always working an angle…I wonder who he’s looking out for this time…I know he’s been active on the Clinton cocktail circuit; Can’t forget his hit job on Susan Rice…

      But who’s he doing the targeted take-down of Trump on behalf…?

  26. rikyrah says:

    Scott Walker Tries To Use A Back Door To Get Rid Of Wisconsin’s Living Wage Law

    by Alice Ollstein Posted on July 6, 2015 at 1:05 pm

    Only one hurdle stands between Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his upcoming bid for the White House: passing a budget to keep his state chugging for the next two years.

    After months of uproar over provisions to slash hundreds of millions of dollars from state universities and strip the values of “truth” and “service” from their mission, lawmakers in Madison missed their July 1 deadline to pass the budget.

    In the ensuing scramble, Governor Walker and his allies in the statehouse used the 4th of July holiday weekend to insert several more controversial provisions into the massive document, which local press called “a grab bag of pet projects.” Walker and Republican lawmakers have already been forced to retreat on one of them: a gutting of the state’s open records law that would have barred reporters and the public from accessing the documents that reveal how laws are written, including drafts and e-mails between state lawmakers.

    But the other additions remain, including provisions that censor information about police shootings, scrap factory workers’ right to one day off per week, and completely eliminate the state’s 100-year-old definition of a “living wage,” which now says workers deserve pay that provides “minimum comfort, decency, physical and moral well-being.” This major change, which has received far less attention than the open records law rewrite, would strip the state’s Department of Workforce Development of the power to to investigate complaints that an employee is not being paid a living wage, and would replace “living wage” with “minimum wage” throughout Wisconsin’s laws.

    The change to the wage law comes just as low-income workers in the state are suing Governor Walker for refusing to consider their complaint that the current state minimum wage of $7.25 an hour is not a living wage.

  27. rikyrah says:

    Michelle Obama touches up State Dining Room
    David Jackson, USA TODAY 4:43 p.m. EDT July 8, 2015

    The State Dining Room at the White House has a new look.

    Under the direction of first lady Michelle Obama, the room that hosts many state dinners now has new arm chairs, side chairs, and draperies — its first major upgrade since 1998.

    The Committee for the Preservation of the White House approved the project, and the White House Endowment Trust picked up the $590,000 price.

    The Associated Press describes some of the changes in detail:

    “Silk draperies with vertical stripes of peacock blue and ecru replace curtains made of ivory silk brocade and designed with flowers, baskets and ribbons. The blue in the draperies echoes the ‘Kailua’ blue that trims the modern-inspired china service the first lady unveiled in April and recalls the waters that surround President Barack Obama’s home state of Hawaii.

    “The new chairs are done in a brown, grid-patterned ‘horsehair’ fabric and trimmed with brass nail heads. They were modeled after arm chairs that President James Monroe acquired for the East Room in 1818 from a cabinetmaker in Washington’s Georgetown neighborhood, according to White House curator William Allman.”

    • eliihass says:

      Take your rightful place and keep touching-up and re-doing darling greatest FLOTUS! Keep their heads exploding as you keep making your mark..

  28. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

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