First Lady Michelle Obama’s full speech at Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit

speaks onstage during Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit - Day 2 at The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard on October 13, 2015 in Washington, DC.

speaks onstage during Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit – Day 2 at
The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard on October 13, 2015 in Washington, DC.

speaks onstage during Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit - Day 2 at The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard on October 13, 2015 in Washington, DC.

speaks onstage during Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit – Day 2 at
The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard on October 13, 2015 in Washington, DC.

speaks onstage during Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit - Day 2 at The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard on October 13, 2015 in Washington, DC.

speaks onstage during Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit – Day 2 at
The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard on October 13, 2015 in Washington, DC.

speaks onstage during Fortune's Most Powerful Women Summit - Day 2 at The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard on October 13, 2015 in Washington, DC.

speaks onstage during Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit – Day 2 at
The Robert and Arlene Kogod Courtyard on October 13, 2015 in Washington, DC.

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9 Responses to First Lady Michelle Obama’s full speech at Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit

  1. The First Lady Michelle Obama is one of the most inspiring woman of our time.

  2. eliihass says:

    “…As a sophomore at Princeton, Obama served as a “big sister” to another African-American girl, Terri Sewell, who worried about fitting in. Seeing Obama get into Harvard Law inspired Sewell to apply when the time came, and the women stayed in touch after graduation as they both pursued careers in corporate law. Sewell, her former mentor proudly notes, “was just elected to Congress” as a Democrat representing Alabama.

    When Sewell’s district was hit by deadly tornadoes last April, both Obamas flew to Alabama to offer support. At one point during the visit, Sewell hung back to chat with her old college friend while the president and the governor surveyed the scene. But the first lady cut the reunion short:

    “You and I can talk anytime,” Sewell remembers her scolding. “You need to go up there and make sure you’re getting proper coverage as a congresswoman. You should be discussing disaster relief with the governor and president!”

    “And she was right,” Sewell adds. “She’s mentoring me even now.”

  3. eliihass says:

    “…A woman’s place is truly wherever she wants it to be..” First Lady Michelle Obama October 13th 2015.

    Sorry feminists…LOL..

    “Hey Patty!” LOL..

    I RESPECT and LOVE this woman so hard! No airs. No phoniness. No hidden agenda. She’s precisely who she presents herself to be. She’s brilliant and wise, chockfull of that not so common sense, has eyes in the back of her head, and even when she doesn’t let on, sees *everything*…*everything* – including those who tend to or have the inclination to dismiss or underestimate her – think they’re slick, and are sure they’ve outwitted her. She’s not looking to join some high society clique, or any clique for that matter, or looking for power or to be the rich woman with nose permanently in the air, who lunches, hoit-toits to impress, or hosts contrived galas for a random cause mostly out of boredom – or to check-off some list for influence. She’s herself, and is not looking to be accepted or validated or approved of; or angling for some title or position – or to be defined by said title or position – or on anyone else’s terms except hers..

    She’s so normal and accessible and relatable – but not in that contrived celebrity choreographed sort of way. She’s unaffected and grounded – and without trying, she exudes such power, has such presence, and remains such an enigma in the very best way. I’m so intrigued by her! Eyes so expressive one minute, and completely unreadable the next. And there are so many times I’d give my right arm to get in her head to see just what she’s thinking. She’s a deliberate contradiction – at once modern, strong, confident and independent, and even a tad irreverent (what I love most about her!) in the wittiest and funnest ways – but she’s also a very traditional woman who deeply and passionately loves her husband, her kids, values and honors her marriage, her family above all else, and loves being a wife who’s adored, doted on and respected by her husband, and a hands-on mom who unapologetically lives for her daughters. She’ll of course declare girl power with that look in her eyes that says ‘if this is what it takes’, and to the extent it means that the purveyors of feminism will finally rally for a good and meaningful cause outside of themselves, and support poor, powerless girls the world over in the worst situations, and help give them a fighting chance at life, a decent education and the opportunities it brings with it, then Girl Power it is! Girl power for her is not an anthem or a state to be or aspire to, it’s in the doing and the tangible. But she’s never called herself a feminist even though she embodies and is effortlessly the best living version of what the most vocal feminists aspire to be – even when they don’t know it…

    To the chagrin of the king and queen makers everywhere, she’s not sought them out or gone out of her way to cultivate superficial friendships with these phony, fickle society types who are accustomed to being sought out, and made friends with. She’s used her position as the first black First Lady to focus instead on the previously invisible and forgotten – especially minority children in disadvantaged communities – starting with the ones living right around and a bus ride away from the White House – She’ll hug them, pat their heads, lovingly cup their little faces in her hands, and look them in the eye as she engages them in fun, casual conversations over a leisurely lunch of fresh healthy salads made with ingredients she just harvested together with them- She always finds the young people in the audience…That’s who matters most to her…that’s who she’s always looking out for – and who she’s looking to reach even in a room full of the most powerful and self-important people…It’s the young people she’s speaking to and for…They’re who get and hold her attention – One often gets the impression that as loyal a friend as she’s known to be, she’s been long done making or acquiring new ones…Smart woman!

    She’s the ultimate role model. A nurturer and born mentor who’ll push you hard to be and do your best. She is so wise and sensible, and with a sharp and penetrating mind. One day, even if she never tells her story or toots her own horn, someone worthy of the honor of telling the story of this grand and magnificent first black First Lady – and only with the utmost respect, reverence and care it calls for, hopefully will…

    And as far as I’m concerned, she is deserving of a hagiography – nothing less…

  4. Ametia says:

    Steve, “brought-to -America-Sno’ Ho -Palin” Schmitt thought Hillary did great! SMGDH

  5. Ametia says:

    Now here’s real authentic, TRUE-blue, care, concern, compassion, and love for humanity, right here. In our FLOTUS.

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