Tuesday Open Thread | Janet Jackson Week

More of Ms. Jackson.


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37 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread | Janet Jackson Week

  1. rikyrah says:

    Kevin Lockett @kevinlockett
    Even if the arts isn’t your thing, watching the Kennedy Center Honors is enough to expand your arts knowledge each year. #KcHonors

  2. rikyrah says:

    uh huh

    uh huh


    Rich, White and Refusing Vaccinations


    DECEMBER 24, 2015 4:32 PM

    The people most likely to refuse to have their children vaccinated tend to be white, well-educated and affluent, researchers report.

    A study published in the January issue of the American Journal of Public Health used California state government data on “personal belief exemptions,” or opting out of vaccinations for nonmedical reasons. From 2007 to 2013, the rate of vaccine refusal for personal belief doubled, to 3.06 percent.

    The researchers reviewed data among all kindergarten children in the state during that time. More than 17,000 children, attending 6,911 schools, were exempted.

    Exemption percentages were generally higher in regions with higher income, higher levels of education, and predominantly white populations. In private schools, 5.43 percent of children were exempt, compared with 2.88 percent in public schools.

    In some suburban areas, rates of exemption were near 50 percent, and more than a quarter of California’s schools have measles immunization rates below the 92 to 94 percent required for herd immunity, the level of vaccination necessary to protect people who are not immune.

    The lead author, Y. Tony Yang, an associate professor at George Mason University, said that broader vaccination coverage is critical for public health. The findings “emphasize the importance of a targeted approach, focusing on selected communities,” he said. “And we have to think about communicating with these people effectively without attacking them or making them feel defensive.”


  3. rikyrah says:

    Wrongful death lawsuit filed in police shooting of Chicago teen
    By Holly Yan and Ralph Ellis, CNN

    CNN)The father of Quintonio LeGrier, the teenager fatally shot by Chicago police over the weekend, has taken legal action against the city of Chicago.

    On Monday, Antonio LeGrier filed a wrongful death lawsuit in Cook County Circuit Court, alleging the officer shot his son without justification, used excessive force and failed to provide medical care as he lay bleeding on the floor.


  4. rikyrah says:

    Hip-Hop Colors for Your Lips

    LONDON — As a 17-year-old working at a Benefit makeup counter here, Florence Adepoju was often disappointed when the company released a new product that didn’t suit her dark skin.

    “Everyone on the counter would get one, and I’d be like, ‘That’s not the right shade for me,’” she said. She also wanted luxe lipsticks in the sort of unusual colors she could find only in drugstores.

    So Ms. Adepoju spent four years earning an applied chemistry degree in cosmetics and set out to make the colors she coveted, in flashy packaging inspired by her love of hip-hop, both its sound and its aesthetics.

    Two years ago, she introduced MDMflow, handmade rose-scented lipsticks in shades like juicy orange, emerald green and brilliant blue, sold in gold-colored aluminum bullet casings. (She wanted packaging that wouldn’t look out of place, she said, in the Nicki Minaj/Drake video “Moment 4 Life,” in which Ms. Minaj is seated at a blinged-out dressing table.)…

    …Ms. Adepoju makes the lipsticks, 30 at a time, in a shed in her parents’ garden. (“It does have heat,” she said.) To fill big orders, she stays up all night, melting wax and mixing pigments. Recently, she introduced a mascara and will soon do a contour kit because, she said, “I’m obsessed with it, and it’s an urban look.”

    Her small-batch process has allowed for happy accidents of the kind unlikely to pass muster at a big cosmetics company. When she was trying to make Milkshake, the pink, she experimented with encapsulating a red pigment in a white pigment, and discovered that the shade becomes brighter the more you rub it (or rub your lips together) because the red is being released. She gave the results to friends and figured she’d start over, but they liked being able to tweak the hue…


  5. rikyrah says:

    Susan Taylor Says She Wouldn’t Have Outed Tracey Africa
    By Jada Yuan Follow @jadabird

    Two weeks ago, I wrote the Cut’s first cover story, on Tracey “Africa” Norman, a pioneering black trans woman whose modeling career in the 1970s and early 1980s was cut short when she was outed, she believes, at an Essence magazine photo shoot. Over the course of reporting, I reached out to Susan L. Taylor, the editor Tracey Norman remembers working with at Essence, for comment on multiple occasions. My co-writer, Aaron Wong, also tried to contact to Ms. Taylor months earlier and got no reply.

    Once the piece was published, Ms. Taylor, now the founder and CEO of the National CARES Mentoring Program, reached out to the Cut and I spoke to her about her recollection of the situation — in which Ms. Norman says Ms. Taylor shut down a photo shoot in 1980 upon learning her secret, and never published the pictures. The next day, Ms. Norman said her agency stopped having work for her, but no one ever explicitly confronted her. This isn’t meant to be an exercise in blame. The events that led to the end of Tracey Norman’s career took place some 35 years ago, and even the clearest of memories can be refracted by time. Even if we could find the photographs in question, and most of the people at the shoot weren’t deceased, and we could locate the principals of Ms. Norman’s long-disbanded agency, chances are, we’d still never quite know what happened that day. What we do know is that Tracey Norman forged a successful career in an industry that did not react kindly to discovering that she was a transgender woman. We stand by her and are proud to have printed her story.


  6. rikyrah says:

    Matt Pearce ✔ @mattdpearce
    “Affluenza” teen Ethan Couch kills four people, gets probation, flees to Mexico — and may only get 120 days in jail: http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-affluenza-teen-20151228-story.html

  7. rikyrah says:

    From TyrenM at POU:


    Good afternoon POU,
    You all have told me. Told me. And told me again. This week I’m getting like Charlie Wilson said, oops upside my mf head.

    I’ve been asked about the BLM protests on the interstate, Mall of America and the airport by various people on The Book. You might recall we had the head of NAACP/leader of Minneapolis BLM in the office last February. Some here have mentioned happenings around Minneapolis following the murder of Jamar Clark by Minneapolis PD both pro and con.

    The big takeaway seems to be Those people are wrong. Impacting innocent bystanders. So I say to the parents of Black children how they would feel if it were their child getting murdered by police for playing with toy guns and nobody answering for it? Their daughters getting beat up by police ON TAPE and nobody answering for it? Do you think that just because the current County Attorney used to work here that you or your children are immune from rogue police and their enablers in the union, city hall and the media?

    I’ve sent people several items from here – the boy playing with his toy guns knowing damn well he’d never be shot. Newtown/Colorado/S.C. murderers taken ALIVE and saying you all know had any of these been Black perpetrators, they’d all be dead.

    Total indifference. This would never happen to my child… It depends on what part of town you’re in… we just don’t talk about this sort of thing…I don’t have any answers, those people were just wrong…

    Somebody lie to me. Tell me 2016 won’t look like 1956 or 1856 for that matter. I know as the election season heats up it will only be worse. That I have not 1 fuck to give for any candidate on the D side, I’m just arrrrrrggggghhh.

  8. rikyrah says:

    Report: Obama scolded Pentagon chief on Guantanamo transfers
    By Kristina Wong – 12/28/15 12:23 PM EST

    President Obama reprimanded Defense Secretary Ash Carter in September over the Pentagon’s slow approval for Guantanamo detainee transfers, according to a new Reuters special report.

    The scolding took place during a one-on-one meeting, according to administration officials briefed on the encounter, Reuters reported.

    “Since then, the Pentagon has been more cooperative. Administration officials said they expect to begin transferring at least 17 detainees to foreign countries in January,” according to the report.


    • eliihass says:

      Like so many in and out of the administration, Ash Carter comes with – and has his own agenda. He enjoys his status as darling of the military and revels in being seen as smarter, savvier, having ‘the answer’ and charting a much better course in our various foreign entanglements than the President.

      He’s referred to as ‘President’ Ash Carter in some circles, including by some in the media who praised him for visiting the troops in Afghanistan this Christmas, while slamming the President for not.

      When John McCain, Joe Scarborough and the lot of them sing your praises, and gleefully quote your public statements and actions that directly contradict those of the President you report to and serve, something’s up.

      He is I believe, another one of Joe Scarborough’s ‘off the record’ administration sources.

  9. rikyrah says:

    These Students Found the Most Amazing Way to Call Out Racist Microagressions Black People Face Daily

    December 28, 2015 | Posted by Jason Moore
    Tagged With: microaggressions, racism


  10. Ametia says:

    President Obama talks with his daughter Malia on Sunday. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

  11. rikyrah says:

    GOP candidates deliver a subtle threat to N.H. Republicans
    12/28/15 10:40 AM—UPDATED 12/28/15 11:23 AM
    By Steve Benen
    Polls in New Hampshire have been fairly steady for quite a while. Donald Trump has held a consistent lead among Granite State Republicans for months, but his backing has struggled to reach the 30% threshold – suggesting he could be vulnerable to one of the more establishment-friendly candidates, if this faction of the GOP weren’t already being split five ways.

    The New York Times reported the other day that Jeb Bush and Chris Christie, both of whom are betting much of their candidacies on the first primary, have started pushing a new line on the campaign trail in the nation’s first primary.
    On Monday night, speaking at the Christmas-bedecked American Legion hall in Alton, Mr. Bush picked up where Mr. Christie left off.

    “New Hampshire has a special place in our democracy,” Mr. Bush said at his 27th town-hall-style meeting, alluding to its tradition of holding the first primaries, shortly after Iowa’s caucuses. “I, for one, will entrust the voters of New Hampshire to make this decision disproportionately more than any other place. I’m totally confident that you all will maintain your position as first in the nation, that you will be discerning about this.”
    Of course, few have suggested New Hampshire won’t maintain its first-in-the-nation status, making this a curious thing for Bush to say.

    The implication is subtle – Granite State Republicans wouldn’t take kindly to being threatened – but the underlying argument is that if Trump maintains his lead and actually wins the state’s primary, New Hampshire’s special status could be at risk. After all, the thesis goes, if the state’s GOP voters are going to deliver an important primary victory to Trump, maybe the state should no longer be trusted to have an advantage other states might handle more responsibly.


  12. rikyrah says:

    GOP’s Kristol: ‘Semi-serious’ talk about a third-party initiative
    12/29/15 08:00 AM—UPDATED 12/29/15 09:25 AM
    By Steve Benen
    For months, Donald Trump has kept the third-party embers burning, hinting that if he decided Republican officials were treating him “unfairly,” he’d abandon the GOP’s nominating process and explore an independent bid for the presidency. What few considered is the inverse: Republicans launching a third-party effort against Trump.

    At the most recent debate, held two weeks ago, the GOP frontrunner seemed to nearly rule out the possibility of an independent campaign. Asked, “Are you ready to assure Republicans tonight that you will run as a Republican and abide by the decision of the Republicans?” Trump replied, “I really am. I’ll be honest, I really am…. I am totally committed to the Republican Party.”

    Whether Republicans are totally committed to him is an entirely different question.

    In some cases, GOP officials and even rival presidential candidates have hedged on whether they’re ready to support Trump if he were to win the Republican nomination. Bill Kristol, “a member of the Republican firmament,” took this sentiment to Twitter last week, asking what to name the new political party insiders will have to create if Trump is the Republican nominee.


    • Ametia says:

      The media can miss me with ‘Afluenza kid’ nonsense. Ethan Couch murdered 4 people driving while drunk then jumped his probation. This doesn’t have shit to do with ‘Afluenza”

      That so-called ‘KID’ is 18 fucking years old and he killed 4 people. What police and grand jury would question whether this TURD looked older or younger than 18, hmm?

  13. rikyrah says:

    7 Lessons I’ve Learned from Traveling to 14 Countries in 2015
    Awesomely Luvvie — December 28, 2015

    This year has been unlike any for me for so many reasons but one of those is that I traveled like I never have before. I didn’t start the year imagining that I’d visit 14 countries, but that’s was one of the beautiful surprises of 2015.

    For me, travel is important for many reasons, and I’m passionate about it because of the lessons that come from it. Seeing the world is more than about collecting passport stamps. For me, it is about stepping out of my bubble and my comfort zone. It humbles me to get reminded about how little I know, and it expands my mind because I soak up so much while on my jaunts. I pay more attention, and come back home appreciating my space.

    In 2015, I set foot in: Dominican Republic, Kenya, British Virgin Islands, Morocco, Turkey, Spain, England, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Qatar, Mexico, Egypt, Barbados, Haiti.

    Here’s some of the lessons I am walking away with:


    • Ametia says:

      Great read and way to GO, Luvvie!

      If only more folks can warm to this idea of traveling outside of the US. It definitely gives one a broader view on the lives of other Souls, their cultures, insights and experiences.

      Can clearly see what happens to SOME folks who don’t care to venture out of the good ole US of A.

    • eliihass says:

      “…A couple of weeks ago, the United States issued a global terror alert and told citizens to be careful when they travel abroad. I had to laugh because as the government is doing that, Black people are being shot down by cops in the streets. We’re facing more danger walking down street than from traveling. We’re supposed to be afraid from terrorism when we leave the country. You’re telling us to be scared of enemies that are faraway, 6 hour plane rides away. What about the neighbors we have who hate us and are being propped up and given positive reinforcement that they can harm us without consequence?..”


  14. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

  15. vitaminlover says:

    Good Tuesday morning, Ladies!

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