Sunday Open Thread : Happy Easter

I hope that you are enjoying this weekend with family and friends.Happy Easter.

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27 Responses to Sunday Open Thread : Happy Easter

  1. rikyrah says:

    35 Types of Post-Racial Racism

    Why keep the list to 13 when there’s so much more racism in the world?

    Posted: March 17 2016 2:24 PM

  2. rikyrah says:



    23 Black Political Pundits You Should Know

    They give us the scoop from inside and outside the Beltway.

    In this political season where the ghost of the Southern strategy has risen again via Donald Trump, political analysis from African Americans is more vital than ever. We need their thoughts, insight, wit and wisdom. Here are The Root’s top black political analysts, reporters, strategists and public intellectuals who we tune into when we want to better understand life inside and outside the Beltway.

  3. rikyrah says:

    The 10 Blackest Things Michelle Obama Has Ever Done

    As a wife, mother and first lady, she didn’t just break the mold. She is the mold.

    Posted: Feb. 9 2016 6:31 PM


    Even now, eight years after he was elected, it still feels surreal. Kafkaesque, even, because this surreality has come with a latent sense of doom. A fear that something might happen to him. To wit, my most resonant memory of his presidency came the night he was first elected. The unbridled joy I felt while watching him give his acceptance speech was matched—and, possibly, surpassed—by the dread that someone was going to do something to him. And I will miss the feeling of this mirth congealed with unease. Because even though this unease isn’t a positive feeling, it’s a feeling that stems from a positive feeling. An unfortunate by-product of fathomless and genuine care. And I will miss having a president whose very existence conjures and cultivates that.

    Also, I will miss his wife.

    Referring to something as “everything” has recently emerged as a way to encapsulate an entity’s degree of awesome. The Beyoncé concert wasn’t just “amazing.” It was “everything.” General Tso’s shrimp wasn’t just “delicious.” It was “everything.” The piece from your favorite writer about that funny thing that happened wasn’t just “entertaining.” It was “everything.”

    Usually, this everything status is inherently hyperbolic, a consciously exaggerated way of expressing a sincere affinity. Yet, in Michelle Obama’s case, she has literally been everything. Amazing wife and mother. Role model. Fashion icon. Fitness benchmark. Gracious global ambassador. Slayer in chief. So much of everything that the best people to compare her to—namely, Clair Huxtable and Elastigirl from The Incredibles, etc.—don’t even exist. She hasn’t just broken the mold. She is the mold. The prototype. The archetype that all others, from henceforth, will be compared to.

    Also, the significance of Barack Obama being married to her cannot be minimized. She was, and remains, the president’s most vital co-sign. Despite his blackness bona fides, his unique background and relative anonymity did create some skepticism among certain pockets of black people. Not a pervasive cynicism as much as a curiousness; a delayed, “wait and see” entrustment. But once we (collectively) learned that he was married to a bad-ass sista from Chicago, we (collectively) were reassured. If someone like her loved this dude enough to accept his hand in marriage and bear his children—and, just as importantly, if he had the wherewithal (and the game) to convince someone like her to marry him—we were in good hands.

    I will miss having this beautiful and unapologetically black woman in the White House. In honor of her last year as first lady, here are 10 of her best and blackest moments.

  4. rikyrah says:

    I would love a movie about this woman.


    She Challenged George Washington and Won Her Freedom

    Hidden History: Bold, brave and determined, the woman then known as Ona Judge was the only slave to ever escape from the President’s House in Philadelphia.


    Posted: March 7 2016 3:00 AM

    On May 24, 1796, a runaway-slave advertisement was posted in the Pennsylvania Gazette by the steward at George Washington’s house in Philadelphia. It read:

    Absconded from the household of the President of the United States, ONEY JUDGE, a light mulatto girl, much freckled, with very black eyes and bushy hair. She is of middle stature, slender, and delicately formed, about 20 years of age. She has many changes of good clothes, of all sorts, but they are not sufficiently recollected to be described—As there was no suspicion of her going off, nor no provocation to do so, it is not easy to conjecture whither she has gone, or fully, what her design is; but as she may attempt to escape by water, all masters of vessels are cautioned against admitting her into them, although it is probable she will attempt to pass for a free woman, and has, it is said, wherewithal to pay her passage. Ten dollars will be paid to any person who will bring her home, if taken in the city, or on board any vessel in the harbour;—and a reasonable additional sum if apprehended at, and brought from a greater distance, and in proportion to the distance.


    Oney, as she was known to George and Martha Washington, was one of nine enslaved African Americans who served in the President’s House in Philadelphia from 1790 to 1796. Judge was the only slave who escaped from the Philadelphia Executive Mansion, although Hercules, the president’s famed chef, made an even more daring escape on Feb. 22, 1797, the president’s 65th birthday, from the Washington plantation at Mount Vernon, Va. There is no record of Hercules after his escape, but a fairly strong paper trail enables us to piece together the fate of Ona Judge, in part because of the Washingtons’ strenuous, but ultimately unsuccessful, efforts to reclaim her.

  5. rikyrah says:

    I admit…I’m at the same despair level thinking about a White House – WITHOUT HER.
    Obama Legacy: A First Lady Like No Other

    Purposeful, polished, pragmatic. In our eyes, Michelle Obama can do no wrong. Her legacy? Wait for it.

    Posted: March 24 2016 3:00 AM

    Code name: Renaissance.

    How apropos that first lady Michelle Obama’s Secret Service code sums up her life and persona perfectly. She is indeed a Renaissance woman in that she is accomplished, refined, has far-ranging talents and seemingly does it all: (working) mother, loving wife, dutiful daughter. Twice-Ivy League-educated lawyer and slayer of fashion all day, every day; genuine, down to earth, accessible, determined, compassionate; opener of the White House and a solitary black woman essentially holding the country down because she is holding our commander in chief down.

    In the time that President Barack Obama has been in office, Michelle Obama has maintained an overall likability rating of over 70 percent (even when her husband’s has slipped under 40)—their favorability in the stratosphere, of course, for black folk. Like her husband, who rode into office in 2009 as our sepia-toned working-class version of Camelot, Michelle Obama can do no wrong.

    In the fourth installment of His Lasting Legacy, a look back over this final year of the Obama administration, we turn away for a bit from the president and take a closer look at his wife. We spoke to two authors who penned books on Michelle Obama and who have covered the first lady and her husband’s historic rise to the highest office in the land. Both writers have seen Michelle Obama up close and personal and witnessed her evolution from a working mother of two young girls in the Midwest to the lady of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

  6. rikyrah says:

    This story is all too common. We know it by heart.

    We received this story, courtesy of Mr. Robert Monroe. This is a sad tale of a wealthy man in Mississippi, Reverend Isaac Simmons, who refused to give up his land to white men who wanted it. As a result, the story had a tragic ending that will leave you frustrated.


    “In the 1940s, Reverend Isaac Simmons controlled more than 270 acres of debt-free land in Amite County, Mississippi, that his family had owned since 1887, unusual among black families in the South, where racism and poverty had posed obstacles to economic advancement for generations. A farmer and minister, Reverend Simmons worked the land with his children and grandchildren, producing crops and selling the property’s lumber.

    In 1941, a rumor spread that there was oil in southwest Mississippi. A group of six white men decided they wanted the Simmons’s land and warned Reverend Simmons to stop cutting lumber. Reverend Simmons consulted a lawyer to work out the dispute and ensure his children would be the sole heirs to the property.

    On Sunday, March 26, 1944, the men arrived at the home of Reverend Simmons’s oldest son, Eldridge. The men told Eldridge to show them where the property line ran and he agreed to do so. While Eldridge and the men were riding out to the property line in one of the men’s cars, the men began to beat Eldridge and shouted that the Simmons family thought they were “smart niggers” for consulting a lawyer. The men dragged Reverend Simmons from his home about a mile away and began beating him, too. They drove both Simmons men further onto the property and ordered Reverend Simmons out of the car. The men shot him three times, cut out his tongue, and told his son he had ten days to abandon the family property.

    Three days after the murder, Eldridge and the rest of the Simmons family buried Reverend Simmons and then fled their land. The killers took possession of the land and an all-white jury later acquitted the only one of the six men to face trial for the murder.”

  7. vitaminlover says:

    Happy and Blessed Easter, ladies!

  8. First Family Attending Easter Services in Alexandria Virginia

  9. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone. Happy Easter!

  10. rikyrah says:

    This week I lost a mentor at work. She was more than a mentor. She had taken the mantle of Eccentric Aunt for me. She loved life, nature and animals. With my many animal phobias, I amused her. She got me into birdwatching, and I loved to see her near daily morning texts to me when she would find something beautiful in nature in our urban jungle. She was like – Natural beauty is all around – just slow down and appreciate it.

    The videos from today were to honor her.

    • Liza says:

      Yesterday was a great day for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

      • Good morning, Liza! Happy Easter!

        Folks are trying to downplay Bernie’s sweep. And now they’re mocking and calling Hawaii a “white” state. I can’t with these people acting like 5th graders with the mocking bs.

      • rikyrah says:

        yes, it was a good day

      • Liza says:

        Happy Easter to you SG2 and everyone!

        I’ve noticed that msm really doesn’t want to say to much about Bernie’s victories. If Bernie were to win they wouldn’t get that Trump / Clinton slugfest they are hoping for. And they don’t want ANY candidates who have human characteristics and truly want to represent the people.

  11. yahtzeebutterfly says:

    Excerpt from Martin Luther King’s April 21, 1957 sermon titled “Questions that Easter Answers” :

    One day justice will rise up. One day all of the children of God will be able to stand up on the third day and then cry, ‘Hallelujah, Hallelujah’ (Yeah) because it’s the Resurrection day.” (That’s the truth)

    And when I hear that I don’t despair. I can cry out and sing with new meaning. This is the meaning of Easter, it answers the profound question that we confront in Montgomery. And if we can just stand with it, if we can just live with Good Friday, things will be all right. For I know that Easter is coming and I can see it coming now. As I look over the world, as I look at America, I can see Easter coming in race relations. I can see it coming on every hand. I see it coming in Montgomery. I see it coming in Alabama. I see it coming in Mississippi. Sometimes it looks like it’s coming slow, but it’s still coming. (Yeah)And when it comes, it will be a great day, for all of the children of God will be able to stand up and cry, “This is God’s day. All hail the power of Jesus’s name.” This is the meaning of it.

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