Friday Open Thread | Kool & The Gang Week

TGIF Everyone!


Spirit Of The Boogie


Take My Heart

Steppin’ Out

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16 Responses to Friday Open Thread | Kool & The Gang Week

  1. rikyrah says:


    G.O.P. Fears Donald Trump as Zombie Candidate: Damaged but Unstoppable

    APRIL 1, 2016

    Donald J. Trump, who in recent days has mocked a political opponent’s wife, defended a campaign aide arrested on a charge of battery and suggested punishing women who terminate pregnancies, may have surrendered any remaining chance to rally Republicans strongly around him before the party’s July convention in Cleveland.

    At a moment when a more traditional front-runner might have sought to smooth over divisions within his party and turn his attention to the general election, Mr. Trump has only intensified his slash-and-burn, no-apologies approach to the campaign.

    “He should have started uniting the party in March,” said Henry Barbour, a Republican National Committee member from Mississippi who previously supported Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, “and he is making it harder on himself.”

    Republicans who once worried that Mr. Trump might gain overwhelming momentum in the primaries are now becoming preoccupied with a different grim prospect: that Mr. Trump might become a kind of zombie candidate — damaged beyond the point of repair, but too late for any of his rivals to stop him.

  2. Ametia says:


  3. Ametia says:

    Jesse Williams to Produce and Star in Harry Belafonte Biopic
    The activist and actor also has two documentaries in the works.

    Whether you are a fan of Jesse Williams’ acting or his activism, you have a new reason to rejoice: The “Grey’s Anatomy” star is taking on a new role that brings both camps together.

    During an appearance on the podcast “Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor of All Time Period” earlier this week, he casually said, “[I’m] developing this Harry Belafonte biopic that I’ll be starring in and producing.”

    For the uninitiated, not only is Harry Belafonte, 89, an accomplished actor and singer, but he’s also a civil rights icon. From bankrolling the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Council to acting as a goodwill ambassador for UNICEF to calling President George W. Bush “the greatest terrorist in the world,” he has never shied away from using his platform to speak up for people of color.

    Williams is following in his footsteps, never missing a chance to fight for Black liberation. In fact, Williams counts Belafonte as a mentor and the two were featured in Ebony’s 70th anniversary issue (along with budding activist Zendaya).

  4. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning, Everyone :)

    • Liza says:

      You really have to wonder about people who think that low voter turnout during primary season is a good thing because it benefits the party elite’s chosen candidate. Yet, these same people believe that when the favored candidate runs as the nominee, there will suddenly be a tsunami of voters, newly invigorated, just wildly enthusiastic, can’t wait to get to those polls to support the party’s pick. Yep, all fifty states going to be blue, you betcha.

  5. Ametia says:

    TGIF Good Morning, Everyone.

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