Tuesday Open Thread: First Lady Michelle Obama, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders Speak at the DNC Convention

We got the trinity of First Lady Michelle Obama, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders speaking at the first night of the DNC Convention.

FLOTUS at DNC Convention 2016


The Closer

Elizabeth Warren -DEM 2016 Convention

Bernie Sanders DNC Convention 2016

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97 Responses to Tuesday Open Thread: First Lady Michelle Obama, Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders Speak at the DNC Convention


    Michelle’s star shined bright at the Convention
    She really needed to become Hillary’s ace
    The Sec of State could use a pick me up
    This may turn out to be a bitter race

    FLOTUS cast Ms Clinton as a role model for kids
    Versus a damaging one in Donald Trump
    This speech needed to lift the mood of the place
    The gathering was in desperate need of a bump

    Her dress was a beautiful, flowing blue number
    Designer was none other than Chris Siriano
    He dressed Leslie Jones when no one else would
    Came thru like a champ, to that we say bravo!

    The Chicago native never mentioned Trump by name
    Wouldn’t wallow in mud with a man who is sick
    But she leveraged her enormous popularity
    Made a rare trip into partisan politics

    The Princeton grad condemned the hateful language
    Heard from mean folks who try to make you cry
    Developed a strategy to squash their ignorance
    Whenever they decide to go low, we go high

    The Chi-Town native took a dig at Trump
    And his coded “Make America Great Again” line
    Reminded him slaves built the White House
    They made this country great long before his time

    Her speech was widely acclaimed from many circles
    Michelle’s performance was even praised by Trump
    The businessman thought her delivery was “excellent”
    Melania can give the same speech to her Rotary Club

    The end result was a stellar, prime-time presentation
    On a day when the convention had many indiscretions
    Recall that FLOTUS was reluctant about the spotlight
    When Barack kicked off his campaign back in 2007

    The mother of teen girls stepped into the moment
    When it mattered most she commanded the stage
    A disaster had been averted, she saved Hillary’ ass
    It was abundantly clear we were in a new age

    I believe it would be more than safe to admit
    That Hillary owes Michelle in the worst kind of way
    FLOTUS did what no one else had done up to that point
    She humanized Hillary, and saved the whole day

    • eliihass says:

      Missed most of today’s SG..

      Caught a bit of Bill Clinton’s speech on my way home…

      What could have been a lovely and touching love story – and a beautiful story of a life shared and built together, was jarringly marred by visions and stark, raw remembrances and memories of his infidelity, disrespect and humiliation of his wife and mother of of his daughter..

  2. vitaminlover says:

    I love First Lady’s motto. ‘When they go low we go high’ OMG! I love her. She is even more beautiful!

  3. rikyrah says:

    @EWErickson 3m3 minutes ago
    Republicans can mock the Clintons, but they stayed together and the GOP candidate is on wife number 3. Yay party of family values.

  4. rikyrah says:

    Michael Jordan: A Day Late and a Million Dollars Short
    He waited, and waited, and waited to take a political stance on anything. Now that he’s old and out of the game, Jordan wants to talk about policing? Get out of here.

    Stephen A. Crockett Jr.

    On Monday, Michael Jordan decided to break his Clarence Thomas-like silence on race relations in this country to denounce the killings of unarmed black men, women and children at the hands of police. In a piece for The Undefeated, Jordan also condemned the killings of cops and donated $1 million each to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and the International Association of Chiefs of Police’s Institute for Community-Police Relations.

    It’s with great thought and all due respect that I say, “F–k Michael Jordan.”

    The cause doesn’t need his money, or his statement or his sympathy now; we needed it then, back when his name held weight. Back when he was the largest athlete on the planet. Back in 1990, when African-American U.S. Senate candidate Harvey Gantt was trying to wrestle North Carolina away from the racist control of Sen. Jesse Helms. That’s right, the same Jesse Helms who didn’t want to make Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday a national holiday. Jordan was asked to endorse Gantt, a request to which he famously replied, “Republicans buy sneakers too.”

    Jordan has always been in the business of taking care of Jordan. A more accurate logo befitting his legacy would be the iconic Jumpman holding a fistful of cash, dunking it directly into Jordan’s suit pocket. A friend texted me Monday asking if I’d read Jordan’s statement on the brutal killings of unarmed African Americans by police. My response was: “I guess Jordan has taken the under on black death and is trying to make sure he doesn’t lose his money.”

  5. rikyrah says:

    More history lessons for the 2520’s

    6 Historic Structures in America That Were Built by Slaves
    Because some people refuse to believe certain parts of U.S. history.

    Danielle Young
    Posted: July 26, 2016

  6. rikyrah says:

    Sybrina has so much grace. That always made me humble, whenever I watched her.

  7. rikyrah says:

    This is a club no one wants to be member of. :(

  8. Ametia says:

    OMG Donna Brazille, honey you’re trying way to hard to convince folks that Hillary’s a champion for children,

  9. rikyrah says:

    Wall Street Journal ✔ @WSJ
    Breaking: Hillary Clinton officially becomes the first female presidential nominee of a major party http://on.wsj.com/29XXaJH

  10. rikyrah says:

    @SteveKornacki 11s11 seconds ago
    Sanders does as Hillary did in ’08 and moves to nominate foe by acclamation, with one twist: asks that votes as cast be officially recorded

    • Ametia says:

      And does Roof want fries with that Burger King sandwich?

      This lil fucker needs to FRY for murdering 9 Black Church-going folks!

    • Ametia says:


      Just shows you that these MOFOs don’t know their history. If you have to FACT CHECK the FIRST BLACK FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERCIA…


  11. Liza says:

    • yahtzeebutterfly says:

      You know, Liza, I am glad you posted The Sound of Silence.

      Are people listening?

      But my words like silent raindrops fell
      And echoed in the wells of silence…

      And the sign flashed out its warning
      And the words that it was forming

      And the sign said,
      “The words of the prophets
      Are written on the subway walls
      And tenement halls.”
      And whispered in the sound of silence

      We must listen to the words of those living in poverty, those innocent unarmed people living in fear of being stereotyped and harmed, those to whom equality is not extended in the areas of justice, jobs, housing…

      So much still needs to be done. We are seeing the clock being turned back and seeing the dismantling of so many advances of the civil rights movement. Even at the end of the sixties Ralph Abernathy noted that the hoped for results of the various Civil Rights Acts were not becoming a reality in practice:

      Excerpt from “The Poor People’s Campaign Speaks to: U.S. Department of Justice
      PPC Spokesman: Rev. Dr. Ralph David Abernathy – President, SCLC – April 29, 1968” :

      Despite the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, and 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, justice is not a reality for the black, Mexican-American, Indian and Puerto Rican poor. Discrimination in employment, housing and education not only persists, but in many areas is rapidly increasing. So is disrespect for law because of weak enforcement. Large responsibility for this worsening crisis must rest with the Department of Justice and lack of affirmative, rigorous enforcement of existing laws…

      … School segregation has grown rather than decreased in the last decade to further sap the hope of minority groups for equal chance and status in this country. Little, if any, attention and effort have been given by the Department of Justice to confront the deteriorating urban school crisis, North and South; and insufficient enforcement of school decrees in rural southern areas has resulted in snail-like progress in desegregation and quality education for Negroes and other minorities…

  12. I will never betray my conscience, my convictions & accept a woman who caused extreme suffering to poor black children & profited from their pain.

    • Liza says:

      People have to overlook an awful lot to support Hillary. I can’t do it either. And, living in Arizona, I don’t think it matters.

  13. It feels good to clean your timeline. Getting rid of noise brings peace of mind.

  14. Liza says:

    What I love about this tweet is that it came from DeRay McKesson.


    • Ametia says:

      FLOTUS SLAYED last night, just SLAYED.

      CLASS ACT!

      • Liza says:

        She slayed, for sure. For a moment I thought she was going to channel Dr. King, her delivery was just magnificent. And her emotion was beautiful, there was so much truth there.

        I wish she had been giving the speech for Bernie, but that’s not very sporting of me is it? In the face of all this “unity.”

    • eliihass says:

      ‘…Like her speech, her dress spoke volumes while appearing, at first glance, to be entirely subdued.

      Cobalt blue silk crepe, with cap sleeves, a flared skirt and a neat waist, it was by the designer Christian Siriano, and it pretty much matched the backdrop, playing down Mrs. Obama’s appearance and playing to the patriotic theme, especially when contrasted with the bright red jacket that Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts wore during her speech. But the simplicity and the color were just the beginning.

      Lest you think Mrs. Obama’s wardrobe choice was just happenstance, however, know that the convention appearance was only the second time she has worn Mr. Siriano; the first time was this month, at the funeral for the police officers killed in Dallas.

      Throughout her time in the White House, the first lady has made something of a secondary cause out of supporting new, independent American designers, and choosing her clothes not only because she likes them but because their back story has a certain resonance that goes beyond the aesthetic. Monday night was no different. Fashion is not known for its embrace of togetherness (more for its exclusion). But Mr. Siriano is.

      Think that’s just a coincidence?…’


  15. Liza says:

    The remainder of the Democrats’ convention can miss me. I heard FLOTUS, I heard Bernie, I’m done. Bernie’s speech, in combination with his his pledged delegates voting for him, struck me as essentially a message to Hillary that his agenda has a great deal of support and she will be held accountable. Well, good luck with that.

  16. rikyrah says:

    Rick Wilson ‏@TheRickWilson

    It’s not targeted at you, Trumpkins. It’s targeted at millions of suburban women indys and soft Rs…people you despise.

  17. rikyrah says:

    Rick Wilson ‏@TheRickWilson

    I’m saying this as a partisan who takes the other side seriously; this speech is a grand slam for Dems. Over the back wall, ball in orbit.

  18. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning 😊, Everyone 😆

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