Sunday Open Thread

Have a BLESSED day, Everyone.

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29 Responses to Sunday Open Thread

  1. Liza says:

    Something Much Greater At Stake
    An announcement from Michelle Alexander on social media (September 16, 2016):

    …This week I officially joined Union Theological Seminary in NYC as a Visiting Professor. I have known for some time that I need to stretch myself, move beyond what I know and out of my comfort zones. As a lawyer, it comes naturally for me to speak only when I’ve done all my research, know all the facts, and can make my case. Law, policy and advocacy have been my world for more than 20 years, and my singular passion for 10 of those years has been finding ways to awaken people to the racial dimensions of mass incarceration and help them see it for the human rights nightmare that it is.

    And yet I now feel compelled to change course. I am walking away from the law. I’ve resigned my position as a law professor at Ohio State University, and I’ve decided to teach and study at a seminary. Why?

    There is no easy answer to this question, and there are times I worry that I have completely lost my mind. Who am I to teach or study at a seminary? I was not raised in a church. And I have generally found more questions than answers in my own religious or spiritual pursuits. But I also know there is something much greater at stake in justice work than we often acknowledge. Solving the crises we face isn’t simply a matter of having the right facts, graphs, policy analyses, or funding. And I no longer believe we can “win” justice simply by filing lawsuits, flexing our political muscles or boosting voter turnout. Yes, we absolutely must do that work, but none of it — not even working for some form of political revolution — will ever be enough on its own. Without a moral or spiritual awakening, we will remain forever trapped in political games fueled by fear, greed and the hunger for power. American history teaches how these games predictably play out within our borders: Time and again, race gets used as the Trump Card, a reliable means of dividing, controlling and misleading the players so a few can win the game.

    This is not simply a legal problem, or a political problem, or a policy problem. At its core, America’s journey from slavery to Jim Crow to mass incarceration raises profound moral and spiritual questions about who we are, individually and collectively, who we aim to become, and what we are willing to do now.

    I have found that these questions are generally not asked or answered in law schools or policy roundtables. So I am going to a place that takes very seriously the moral, ethical and spiritual dimensions of justice work: Union Theological Seminary. Union has a proud history of deep commitment to social justice, and I am happy to call it home for awhile.

  2. Ametia says:

    Westminster Town Hall Forum: Eddie Glaude, Jr. on ‘Racism and the Soul of America’

    Eddie Glaude, Jr. speaks about his new book “Democracy in Black: How Race Still Enslaves the American Soul.”

    Glaude believes the Obama presidency has not brought us a post-racial society, and he says racism has distorted and disfigured our national character.

    Glaude is chair of the Department of African American Studies at Princeton University. He spoke at the Westminster Town Hall Forum in Minneapolis on Sept. 13, 2016.

  3. A neighbor called me and asked…do you want some pomegranates?

    Running around

  4. House of Prayer

  5. Ametia says:
  6. Liza says:

    Man Who Shot at George Zimmerman Convicted of Attempted Murder
    A jury found 27-year-old Matthew Apperson guilty on all charges; he now faces at least 20 years in prison.

    Posted: September 17, 2016

    A Florida man was found guilty Friday of attempted second-degree murder for shooting at George Zimmerman in a 2015 road rage incident, reports CNN.

    Matthew Apperson, 27, also was found guilty of shooting into a vehicle and aggravated assault with a firearm, and faces a minimum of 20 years in prison because the crime involved a firearm, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

    Apperson and Zimmerman’s altercation took place in Lake Mary, Fla., in May 2015. Apperson said that Zimmerman, 31, had threatened to kill him and flashed a gun first. He maintains that it was a case of self-defense.

    Zimmerman testified that Apperson followed him, flashing his lights and honking his horn. The prosecution alleged that Apperson was the aggressor and pulled up beside Zimmerman and shot at him, the bullet from his .357 Magnum shattering his window and lodging into Zimmerman’s car seat.

    The District Attorney said Apperson’s behavior failed to meet the standard of self defense because he did not act in a reasonable, prudent or cautious manner prior to firing.

    “George Zimmerman is no boy scout—I get that, and you get that,” prosecutor Stewart Stone said. “But no matter how you feel about George Zimmerman, he he can still be a victim of a crime, and he was in this case.”

    The Sentinel reports that the two men had a prior altercation. In September 2014, they had an argument about the Trayvon Martin case. Apperson allegedly told Zimmerman he was wrong to kill Trayvon, and Zimmerman began threatening and following him.

    • Liza says:

      “…Apperson’s behavior failed to meet the standard of self defense because he did not act in a reasonable, prudent or cautious manner prior to firing.”

      Of course, if that same reasoning had been applied to George Zimmerman when he was on trial for murdering Trayvon, none of this would have happened because he’d be in a cell where he belongs.

      So far, he’s gotten away with ALL of his criminal behavior including murder, but there comes that day… And I hope it’s soon.

  7. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning 😊, Everyone 😆

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