House Intel Committee hearings on Donald Trump and Russia

(CNN) — The bizarre saga of President Donald Trump‘s claims that he was wiretapped by President Barack Obama last year reaches a dramatic climax Monday with FBI Director James Comey’s testimony to the House Intelligence Committee.

It’s a moment of political theater that could end in humiliation for Trump, with Comey expected to say that there was no wiretapping, debunking allegations that Trump has repeatedly refused to withdraw.

The hearing could also shed light on the state of FBI investigations into the extent of Russian meddling in the election campaign. Republicans hope Comey will state that there is no evidence of collusion between Trump aides and officials from Moscow, a move that could begin to break up a cloud of Russian intrigue that has stifled the early weeks of the administration.

Trump was trying to shift attention away from the wiretapping claims in a series of Monday morning tweets.

“James Clapper and others stated that there is no evidence Potus colluded with Russia. This story is FAKE NEWS and everyone knows it!” Trump wrote shortly after 6:30 a.m. ET, followed by: “The Democrats made up and pushed the Russian story as an excuse for running a terrible campaign. Big advantage in Electoral College & lost!”

Watch Live: House hearing on Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election

The controversy over the wiretapping claims was unleashed by stunning early morning tweets from the President at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida two weeks ago. He drew parallels to Watergate and McCarthyism and said Obama was a “Bad (or sick) guy!” for ordering surveillance of his New York residence — allegations the former president quickly denied through a spokesman.

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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60 Responses to House Intel Committee hearings on Donald Trump and Russia

  1. Ametia says:


    James Comey testified to Congress today about the FBI’s investigations of Donald Trump. Apparently, Trump’s treasonous cabal has been the subject of an active investigation since at least July of last year. Yet, Comey–a Republican–chose to publicly discuss the non-scandal involving Hillary Clinton’s emails and thus influence the election in favor of Donald Trump.


    Trump will survive. His cadre will continue their effort to destroy the United States government from within unabated. He is a post modern president. Truth no longer applies. The BBC had a great short video on this new reality and how a framework developed to speak back to and undermine Power has now been repurposed in service of it.

    Thoughts or predictions about Comey, Trump, and what comes next?

  2. rikyrah says:

    From BJ:

    Over the weekend, Benjamin Wittes at Lawfare, provided a primer on how to interpret FBI Director Comey’s testimony today. This is based on Wittes’s past observation of Director Comey’s behavior in similar matters.

    But free as I am from the shackles of any actual knowledge, let me offer readers the following user’s guide to Comey’s testimony, which can be summed up in one simple sentence: Comey’s communicativeness with the committee—and through it with the public—will almost certainly be inversely proportional to the seriousness of the Russia investigation.

    That is, if Comey says a lot, makes a lot of news on Russia matters, and cheers a lot of anti-Trump hearts by maximally embarassing the President for his outrageous comments on Obama’s alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower, that will very likely be a sign that Comey has relatively little to protect in terms of investigative equities in the Russia matter and is thus free to vent. Conversely, a quiet, reserved Comey—one whose contrast with the relatively loquatious FBI director who talked at length about the Clinton email matters will infuriate a lot of liberals and frustrate those who want to know what’s going on with Russia—may well spell trouble for the President.

    A sure sign that the Russia Connection is not that big a deal is if Comey talks about it.

    In the third scenario, Russia is a very big deal. Comey, in other words, has significant investigative equities to protect and he believes that he needs to be there in order to protect them—in other words, that he has a responsibility to not get himself fired because of his anger about the Trump tweets (or anything else) because he has to make sure the investigation can proceed unimpeded. In this situation, I would expect him to be minimally verbal. He may have to answer yes or no questions in certain instances, including about the truth of the wiretapping allegations, but he will refuse to answer a lot of questions. He will make as little news as humanly possible. He will be exceptionally spare with his opinions. He will make a point of not antagonizing the President. Lots of people will leave disappointed.

    If I were advising Trump, this is the scenario that would scare me most. We know, both from the hospital room testimony and from the Clinton email testimony, how Comey behaves when he feels at liberty to speak. We also know he’s angry right now and would presumably love a chance to defend the integrity of his agency and his agents. If he passes up that opportunity, I will read that as a sign that he is biting his lip very hard because there’s something more important at stake.

  3. Gowdy is a piece of work here. He doesn’t want the truth to come out. He is fiercely fighting against it. #ComeyHearing

  4. rikyrah says:

    Comey: Trump lied about Obama wiretap and we are investigating potential Russian treason

    GOP reps: Who leaked our treason?

    #ComeyHearing— Todd Temkin (@ToddTemkin) March 20, 2017

  5. Ametia says:
    • Liza says:

      Well, I guess I was wrong. I thought it would take the Birther King at least six months to commit an impeachable offense. He did it in less than two.

  6. Jeff Sessions has to go as AG. And then lock him up.

  7. #MichaelFlynn should be in jail. #ComeyHearing

  8. Ametia says:

    Now can we dispense with this charade of proving Trump’s a LIAR about PBO alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower?

    Enough of this BULLSHIT, COMEY & Company. Investigate Trump & his RUSSIAN CONNECTIONS.

    • Ametia says:

      @Stone, I’m sure you’re going to use the next 2 days to prepare your LIES to defend against the TRUTH of your “Collusion with RUSSIANS.”

  9. Roger Stone’s name keeps ringing like a bell during #ComeyHearing

  10. @TGowdySC seems to want a pound of flesh from leakers more than Russia interfering with our elections. What’s up with that? #ComeyHearing

  11. rikyrah says:



  12. rikyrah says:

    Remember, Nunes was on the Trump transition team, strongly defended Mike Flynn, and did public relations on the Trump White House’s orders.

  13. James Comey on Trump wiretapping claims: “I have no information that supports those tweets.” #ComeyHearing

  14. Watch Live: House hearing on Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election

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