Saturday Open Thread | #JeffSessions discussed Trump campaign matters with Russian ambassador

Attorney General Jeff Sessions discussed issues related to the Trump campaign with Russia’s ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak, during the 2016 election, current and former US officials told The Washington Post on Friday.

The officials’ assessment was based on communications between Kislyak and Moscow that were intercepted by US spy agencies.

Since it emerged in March that Sessions, a prominent Trump campaign surrogate, had failed to disclose his contacts with the Russian ambassador, he consistently said he did not discuss anything related to the Trump campaign with Kislyak, and that all their conversations took place within the scope of his duties as a US senator.

One US official told The Post Sessions’ statements were “misleading” and “contradicted by other evidence.”

Another official said the intercepted communications between Kislyak and the Kremlin, in which he spoke of two conversations he had with Sessions, indicate that Sessions and Kislyak had “substantive” conversations about the Trump campaign’s platform on matters related to Russia, and how the Trump administration would approach the crumbling US-Russia relationship.

The Post’s report contradicts previous statements Sessions has made, at times while under oath.

When he was asked whether he communicated with the Russian government at his January confirmation hearing, Sessions said he was “not aware of any of those activities.”

He added: “I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn’t have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.”

After it emerged in March that Sessions had, in fact, had at least two conversations with Kislyak during the campaign, he was forced to recuse himself from any current or future Department of Justice investigations into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

“I never had meetings with Russian operatives or Russian intermediaries about the Trump campaign,” Sessions said when he announced his recusal in March.

And when he was asked by the Senate Intelligence Committee in June about his conversations with the Russians, Sessions narrowed his answer and said he had “never met with or had any conversation with any Russians or foreign officials concerning any type of interference with any campaign or election in the United States.”

About SouthernGirl2

A Native Texan who adores baby kittens, loves horses, rodeos, pomegranates, & collect Eagles. Enjoys politics, games shows, & dancing to all types of music. Loves discussing and learning about different cultures. A Phi Theta Kappa lifetime member with a passion for Social & Civil Justice.
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35 Responses to Saturday Open Thread | #JeffSessions discussed Trump campaign matters with Russian ambassador

  1. Look at the little cowgirl, y’all. My cousin and his little sister showing heifers.

  2. rikyrah says:

    I see that the KKKEEBLER Elf still isn’t resigning.

    Uh huh
    Uh huh 😒

    • eliihass says:

      They’re all playing each other..

      In the end Beauregard will be damned if he’s going to let anyone get in the way of all his ultimate Jim Crow power fantasies and wet dream come true…AG of this here United States..

      The buffoon – and both his and Beauregard’s Russian benefactors – are going to have to do so much more and come up with much more than a few more ‘hints’ for Beauregard…or just straight push him out in front of the fast-moving train…

      They might even have to build a fake/alternative train and build their own fake/alternative tracks if they have to..

      But it’s clear by now that Andrew McCabe and Rod Rosenstein too have a much, much clearer and better sense of things right about now…and a good idea of what Comey tasted…They know what time it is…and I have no doubt that come what may, whether in or out, they will be armed and prepared…with juicy facts

      In the end, all these alliances formed and begotten of greed, opportunism and cold, callous ambition, will all implode…and none will be left standing…and none will escape undamaged – and permanently …for conniving and choosing eyes wide open, to play footsie with the devil..

      • Liza says:

        Yeah, I believe this is going to blow up. There are just too many of them involved for it to be sustainable.

    • Liza says:

      This is interesting. Looks like those folks are ready to tar and feather her.

      Here’s what I’ve been thinking about Minneapolis. The politicians and police department officials who are so vested in the current system, who think they can tinker with it and survive, talking about body cams and so forth have missed something very important.
      The murder of Philando Castile and the subsequent denial of justice was their moment of truth, Minneapolis will never be the same. There is before Philando and after Philando.

      It is a wise leader who sees that.

      Now, of course, there is the police shooting of the blonde, long haired white woman. But the cop who shot her looks like the victims in all the other shootings. And the whole world is watching.

      So, now, the only question is what price will be paid for the acquittal of Philando’s killer?

      It is a hell of a bad situation.

    • eliihass says:

      My people, my people…

      Every day, the differences in perceived worth and value of what each race of human beings that in the end bleed the same blood and are as mourned and missed by their loved ones, is made even more manifest…And there’ll still be folks going along with and ready to provide cover for the okey-doke…

      Hopefully they stick together, stay focused, and keep working proactively to quickly identify competent, effective professionals and leaders and rally behind them…leaders who won’t disappoint in the end..

    • Ametia says:

      Hodges is putting in an acting chief of Po Po who is just as ENTRENCHED!

    • majiir says:

      If nothing else shows that Black Lives Matter is correct in highlighting these state-sanctioned murders, the murder of Justine Damond proves it. What pisses me off is that nothing was done until she was gunned down where she stood by a police officer. That this case is attracting so much attention and action confirms the fact that in America, the lives of some are considered to be more valuable than the lives of others. I hope the Australian government keeps the pressure on Minneapolis, and that other nations join in in condemning the U.S. for allowing these killings to continue.

  3. Ametia says:
  4. Ametia says:
  5. Ametia says:
    • Ametia says:

      PBO owned this clown. And he’ the new press Secretary for $45?

      • majiir says:

        He’s the new WH Communications Director. It’s been reported that that’s the reason Spicer resigned. Spicer had been loyal to Trump, but Trump didn’t repay the favor when he hired Scaramucci and made him Spicer’s boss.

      • eliihass says:

        Not so fast sis…this is much more messier than you think…

        There’s good reason folks are thoroughly jaded about our politics…and extremely distrustful of those who run it… and those who run around in it, hitching wagons and commingling funds and doing all sorts of ‘deals’ with all sorts of people they otherwise tell us are dubious and very bad…

        And so much for all that hopeful talk of a new breed of ‘community minded leaders’, a new kind of politics and …new and more conscious type of young leaders and politicians…in the end, nothing changed…everyone hitched their wagon simply to cash in.
        Exactly as I predicted..

        “…Donald J. Trump has made no secret that he is willing to pick fights with China. Yet a financier with close ties to the president-elect said on Tuesday that he was selling his investment firm to a group led by a fast-growing Chinese conglomerate.

        The investor, Anthony Scaramucci, announced that he was selling his firm, SkyBridge Capital, to a consortium led by RON Transatlantic and HNA Capital of China. The deal paves the way for Mr. Scaramucci to join the Trump administration as a public liaison and adviser.

        A joint news release by the parties said that Mr. Scaramucci would cut all ties to SkyBridge and to the SkyBridge Alternatives Conference, known as SALT, an extravagant hedge fund conference that the firm sponsors in Las Vegas every year.

        He is selling control of SkyBridge to two relatively low-profile investors. RON Transatlantic, which already owns a stake in the asset manager, is a conglomerate with varied investments that include finance firms and brewers. (Among its partners is Reginald Love, best known as President Obama’s “body man” and close aide.)

        Mr. Painter, the former White House ethics lawyer, said the lack of details in the sale announcement raised questions about whether it was a straight cash sale, or whether some of the proceeds were contingent on the firm’s future performance. Such ties could create the potential for a conflict of interest, Mr. Painter said…”

    • Ametia says:

      “There’s good reason folks are thoroughly jaded about our politics…and extremely distrustful of those who run it… and those who run around in it, hitching wagons and commingling funds and doing all sorts of ‘deals’ with all sorts of people they otherwise tell us are dubious and very bad…

      And so much for all that hopeful talk of a new breed of ‘community minded leaders’, a new kind of politics and …new and more conscious type of young leaders and politicians…in the end, nothing changed…everyone hitched their wagon simply to cash in.
      Exactly as I predicted..

      He is selling control of SkyBridge to two relatively low-profile investors. RON Transatlantic, which already owns a stake in the asset manager, is a conglomerate with varied investments that include finance firms and brewers. (Among its partners is Reginald Love, best known as President Obama’s “body man” and close aide.)

  6. rikyrah says:

    Good Morning,Everyone 😄😄😄

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